ampsandsound (aka Amps & Sound)
Jul 25, 2020 at 11:22 AM Post #436 of 1,602
I was tempted to do an unboxing video, but snapped some pics instead as I peeled back the layers of the onion:


Congrats on the killer amp.

That case may take up some room to store, but that is a great way to ship an amp,,you feel like it will arrive safely. :slight_smile:
Jul 25, 2020 at 6:01 PM Post #437 of 1,602
Congrats on the killer amp.

That case may take up some room to store, but that is a great way to ship an amp,,you feel like it will arrive safely. :slight_smile:

I think it could have survived the luggage gorilla!

Jul 26, 2020 at 11:47 AM Post #438 of 1,602
Heavy dicipline, respect. Let's hope for tonight, make sure to post some goodies for us if you do. :)

Okay, here are some goodies. For my first listen I decided on Pink Floyd's Animals album. To establish a point of reference, I first listened all the way through on my GS-X Mini, then again on the Mogwai SE. The only headphones I have at the moment are the Sennheiser HD800S, so that's what I used. This is just a seat of the pants impression on a brand new amp with new tubes, and no burn-in time.

The Mogwai SE sounds terrific (no surprise there, right?). It gives up a little in treble clarity and detail to the Mini, but it has more bass energy, punch, and dynamics. There's more weight from the bass through the midrange. It just sounds warmer and fuller. The midrange is more forward. The bass is not quite as articulate as on the Mini, but sounds more extended and has more slam. So in general, compared to the Mini, which is very transparent and neutral, the Mogwai SE has a warmer and more dynamic presentation. Soundstage and imaging were about the same. Both amps provided a very enjoyable listen, but the Mogwai and its tube complement need many more hours of use before I can form any solid impressions. In fact, all my components do. The Mini, HD800S and Mogwai all are brand new. The HD800S and Mini have less than 8 hours on them so far, so everything needs some burn-in time.

I should also mention that I only used the 32-ohm tap on the Mogwai. I suspect the sound would change slightly using the 8 or 300 ohm tap, but I'll have to experiement a little.

The Mogwai was dead silent even with the volume control at full, with no music playing. And this was with my wifi router 8 feet away.
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Jul 26, 2020 at 12:29 PM Post #439 of 1,602
Okay, here are some goodies. For my first listen I decided on Pink Floyd's Animals album. To establish a point of reference, I first listened all the way through on my GS-X Mini, then again on the Mogwai SE. The only headphones I have at the moment are the Sennheiser HD800S, so that's what I used. This is just a seat of the pants impression on a brand new amp with new tubes, and no burn-in time.

The Mogwai SE sounds terrific (no surprise there, right?). It gives up a little in treble clarity and detail to the Mini, but it has more bass energy, punch, and dynamics. There's more weight from the bass through the midrange. It just sounds warmer and fuller. The midrange is more forward. The bass is not quite as articulate as on the Mini, but sounds more extended and has more slam. So in general, compared to the Mini, which is very transparent and neutral, the Mogwai SE has a warmer and more dynamic presentation. Soundstage and imaging were about the same. Both amps provided a very enjoyable listen, but the Mogwai and its tube complement need many more hours of use before I can form any solid impressions. In fact, all my components do. The Mini, HD800S and Mogwai all are brand new. The HD800S and Mini have less than 8 hours on them so far, so everything needs some burn-in time.

I should also mention that I only used the 32-ohm tap on the Mogwai. I suspect the sound would change slightly using the 8 or 300 ohm tap, but I'll have to experiement a little.

The Mogwai was dead silent even with the volume control at full, with no music playing. And this was with my wifi router 8 feet away.

So many options on it. Took me a great deal of time to get to know mine properly.

Speaking og which, i kinda wanna try the Bendix :p @me2621a did you run those ever?

I am an 8ohm man myself, but i know there are plenty who like the 32. :)
Jul 26, 2020 at 1:45 PM Post #440 of 1,602
So many options on it. Took me a great deal of time to get to know mine properly.

Speaking og which, i kinda wanna try the Bendix :p @me2621a did you run those ever?

I am an 8ohm man myself, but i know there are plenty who like the 32. :)

I have, the 6384 is probably my second favorite output tube. It has great power, nice bass, clean smooth highs, and a nice mid-range. It is everything that a really good RCA 6l6GC is, but with more detail (the RCA is romantic but not detailed), more bass, and more punch. I own 4 NOS RCA black plate 6l6gcs and my preference is to run the Bendix.

Funny thing, I am about to be Justin’s first Nautilus customer, it arrives on Wednesday. I found out after I had already sold my Bigger Ben that the 6384s are likely not compatible with it (the Nautilus runs tubes about 20% hotter which looks like it moves the goal post just beyond them). With that being said, I have 6 pairs of brand new in box marched 6384s (not oh I ran these for a few months and call them new, litterally brand new, ran for an hour each to de-gas, measure, and match and put back in boxes), and an additional 2 pairs of sounds great but used 6384s. I will likely list them soon but feel free to PM me if anyone wants them.

Justin and I both agree that one of the best tube combos we have heard in the Mogwai SE is the RCA 5691, Bendix 6384, and the Tung-sol 5u4gb (dirt cheap rectifier, but works perfectly in this combo). I sold my 5u4gb already, but I also have a stash of 5691s that I will list soon as well (moving to 9 pins as I know longer have a 6SL7 amp).

In all seriousness though, the 6384 is a great output tube. My list of favorite NOS tubes in the Mogwai SE goes: GEC KT88, Bendix 6384, TS 6550, Mullard EL34 XF2, RCA 6l6gc, GEC KT77, RFT EL34, GE 6l6gc
Jul 26, 2020 at 2:02 PM Post #441 of 1,602
Funny thing, I am about to be Justin’s first Nautilus customer, it arrives on Wednesday.

Haha, why am i not surprised. :)

That one looks sooo sleeek, looking forward to some hot posts on it.
Aug 2, 2020 at 6:53 PM Post #442 of 1,602
Hey guys,
So, earlier this week I took delivery of the Nautilus. It is quite the amp to behold, with the shipping container wieghing in at 98 pounds, my wife had to help me carry it up to our condo.

First things first, the pictures do no do the amp justice. I love the look and build quality of the classic ampsandsound amps, but the new rolled steel chassis is really quite something. The amp itself is a bit quieter in my opinion then the Bigger Ben and my previous Mogwai SE. Even with a 12AX7 and KT88s it was silent with a pair of ZMF Verite closed on the 8 ohm tap, and nearly silent on the 32 ohm tap (this is with the volume wide open).

So how does the amp sound? In a word, perfect. It brings the power of the Mogwai SE and the Bigger Ben with the tone and texture of the Kenzie Ovation, which is why both my Bigger Ben and Kenzie Ovation have found new homes. For those who do not know, I have always loved the sound of the Kenzie/Suolo amps. There is something they do in the midrange that is just right. While the Bigger Ben and the Mogwai SE get close, they cannot reproduce that tone and texture. Now of course the Kenzie/Suolo designs cannot get anywhere near the power of the Bigger Ben and the Mogwai SE, which for my Susvara is a problem. What the Nautilus does, is it is able to reproduce the magic of the Kenzie/Suolo at the power output and linearity of the Bigger Ben/Mogwai SE, this in and of itself justified the amps price.

To be clear this amp sounds bigger then the Bigger Ben/Mogwai SE, and it is as it runs the tubes harder. It is a similar to the step up from a Mogwai SE to a Bigger Ben. You end up with more detail, smooth top end, and a bit more bass.

A much more detailed review will come as me and this amp spend more time together but I continue to enjoy this amp more and more with every passing hour. It is also fun to re-explore my NOS tube collection and see what matches well with this bad boy.

Are there cons so far? It is huge, and it draws more power, and because it runs the tubes hotter, it is sadly not compatible with my collection of 6384s (still have a NIB pair and two used tests well pair if anyone wants them), and I find myself spending more time listening which at time frustrates my wife :).

I think Justin has really outdone himself on this amp. Its price is high, but its performance matches based on what I have heard. I think I may have finally found my end game amplifier, and that is as big of a compliment as I can give. More to come soon.
Aug 25, 2020 at 12:48 PM Post #443 of 1,602
I'm in the process of getting a Pendant to go with my Rad-0 and Verite Closed. I wasn't able to find a tube rolling thread for the Pendant specifically, so I was curious to hear what tubes people have been using and liking with the amp so far? On hand I have:

GE Ken Rad silver-black long plate 12AX7
White shield 1960 Mullard 12AX7
Raytheon black plate 12AX7
Set of Mullard O Getter EL84s
Set of GE 1979 grey plate EL84s
Amperex Bugle Boy EZ81
Telefunken (Mullard Blackburn made) EZ81

Anything call out to anyone specifically for the Pendant?
Aug 26, 2020 at 12:47 AM Post #444 of 1,602
Hey guys,
So, earlier this week I took delivery of the Nautilus. It is quite the amp to behold, with the shipping container wieghing in at 98 pounds, my wife had to help me carry it up to our condo.

First things first, the pictures do no do the amp justice. I love the look and build quality of the classic ampsandsound amps, but the new rolled steel chassis is really quite something. The amp itself is a bit quieter in my opinion then the Bigger Ben and my previous Mogwai SE. Even with a 12AX7 and KT88s it was silent with a pair of ZMF Verite closed on the 8 ohm tap, and nearly silent on the 32 ohm tap (this is with the volume wide open).

So how does the amp sound? In a word, perfect. It brings the power of the Mogwai SE and the Bigger Ben with the tone and texture of the Kenzie Ovation, which is why both my Bigger Ben and Kenzie Ovation have found new homes. For those who do not know, I have always loved the sound of the Kenzie/Suolo amps. There is something they do in the midrange that is just right. While the Bigger Ben and the Mogwai SE get close, they cannot reproduce that tone and texture. Now of course the Kenzie/Suolo designs cannot get anywhere near the power of the Bigger Ben and the Mogwai SE, which for my Susvara is a problem. What the Nautilus does, is it is able to reproduce the magic of the Kenzie/Suolo at the power output and linearity of the Bigger Ben/Mogwai SE, this in and of itself justified the amps price.

To be clear this amp sounds bigger then the Bigger Ben/Mogwai SE, and it is as it runs the tubes harder. It is a similar to the step up from a Mogwai SE to a Bigger Ben. You end up with more detail, smooth top end, and a bit more bass.

A much more detailed review will come as me and this amp spend more time together but I continue to enjoy this amp more and more with every passing hour. It is also fun to re-explore my NOS tube collection and see what matches well with this bad boy.

Are there cons so far? It is huge, and it draws more power, and because it runs the tubes hotter, it is sadly not compatible with my collection of 6384s (still have a NIB pair and two used tests well pair if anyone wants them), and I find myself spending more time listening which at time frustrates my wife :).

I think Justin has really outdone himself on this amp. Its price is high, but its performance matches based on what I have heard. I think I may have finally found my end game amplifier, and that is as big of a compliment as I can give. More to come soon.

Still waiting on those pics! Bet she's a beauty.
Aug 27, 2020 at 1:41 AM Post #445 of 1,602
I have had my Pendant for a few weeks and have several of the tubes you have listed @parmiep .

Amperex EZ81
Tesla EZ81
Tele EZ81 (both the Mullard Blackburn and German made)

1970's Siemens branded Tungsram
Current production Tung Sol 7189
1980's Reflector 6P14P-ER
Telefunken (in route)

I have many 12AU7 (+ 7316, 7728) and 12AT7 (+ 6201, 7730, B309) and no 12AX7.

There are so many really nice sounding combinations that I am finding that I need to slow down and take more notes! There are also some that are a bit quieter than others. With some, I have a very low level of hum. I sometime only notice it when I remove the hp from the amp and it is then dead quiet. VERY low level and not a concern at all in a tube amp.

I am finding I am using the Telefunken EZ-81 rectifiers (German or UK production) more than the RFT, Tesla, Amperex or JJ. Not a huge difference, just seem to keep go back to either of the Tele's.

I currently have the Tele EZ81 (German) with a Valvo 6201 (Hamburg) and Reflector 6P14P-ER and I 'think' the 6P14P may have a bit more bass than some of the other EL84's. I was using the Tungsram EL84 for a few days before switching and these were nice as well with the Valvo and Tele.
Aug 28, 2020 at 12:20 PM Post #446 of 1,602
I have had my Pendant for a few weeks and have several of the tubes you have listed @parmiep .

Amperex EZ81
Tesla EZ81
Tele EZ81 (both the Mullard Blackburn and German made)

1970's Siemens branded Tungsram
Current production Tung Sol 7189
1980's Reflector 6P14P-ER
Telefunken (in route)

I have many 12AU7 (+ 7316, 7728) and 12AT7 (+ 6201, 7730, B309) and no 12AX7.

There are so many really nice sounding combinations that I am finding that I need to slow down and take more notes! There are also some that are a bit quieter than others. With some, I have a very low level of hum. I sometime only notice it when I remove the hp from the amp and it is then dead quiet. VERY low level and not a concern at all in a tube amp.

I am finding I am using the Telefunken EZ-81 rectifiers (German or UK production) more than the RFT, Tesla, Amperex or JJ. Not a huge difference, just seem to keep go back to either of the Tele's.

I currently have the Tele EZ81 (German) with a Valvo 6201 (Hamburg) and Reflector 6P14P-ER and I 'think' the 6P14P may have a bit more bass than some of the other EL84's. I was using the Tungsram EL84 for a few days before switching and these were nice as well with the Valvo and Tele.

I appreciate the thorough write up! Definitely excited to play with the various EL84 and EZ80s coming to compare with your findings. I'm curious to try a pair of those 6P14, as it seems like those come up a fair bit as a good value and strong performing tube.

What has been your favorite 12AU7/12AT7 so far?

For anyone else, does someone have experience with Mazda 12AX7 or 5751 tubes with the Pendant?
Aug 29, 2020 at 1:53 PM Post #447 of 1,602
I've decided to try a 6L6GC in my Mogwai SE. Anyone know of a good one?
Aug 30, 2020 at 4:26 PM Post #450 of 1,602
Thanks. I knew Justin liked the T-S STR's, so I ordered a "reissue" pair.

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