Am I the only one who thinks that Justin Timberlake absolutely **SUCKS?**
May 6, 2007 at 2:36 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 88


Headphoneus Supremus
Jan 30, 2007
I am at a complete loss. I have listened to Timberlake's squeaking shred of a voice since he was in one or another of those dreadfull boy blands, and I have listened to his solo material.

I am completely mystified by his success. Not his commercial success, mind you, because in the current climate a pork sausage could become a pop star. What astonishes me is the parade of musicians who have lined up to effuse over the garbage that he markets as "music."

Let's start with Timberland. Arguably the best pop producer alive, and one of the leading electronic musicians of the last decade. Why would he allow his work to be defaced by the likes of Timberlake or Nelly Furtado?

There is a long list of other artists, some of whom I respect, who simply fawn over him. The latest installment in this tongue bath can be found in today's NY Times:

In this case, Keren Anne, currently the darling of the sort of critics who adore Kate Bush, gushes over Timberlake as if he is the new Michael Jackson.

Like I said, I am mystified. I also am very conscious of my own personal quirks, so maybe I'm missing something here. I just can't figure out what it is.
May 6, 2007 at 2:40 AM Post #2 of 88
You are not alone. I cannot stand the guy. What a wimpy voice
I cannot believe some (many) women like the guy...
May 6, 2007 at 4:06 AM Post #5 of 88
I very much doubt (especially around here) that you will be the only Timberlake hater. However you are wrong in your opinion of him - I keep hearing some of the sharpest written, produced and performed pop out there, and this is no small feat to do this with any credibility. Part of the success has to be due to Timbaland as producer, who can be relied on to serve up sharp and mildly innovative sounding music of course, but Timberlake's performance shows superior musicality as well. I may prefer the likes of Deerhoof to listen to rather than radio friendly pop like this, but I am certainly not going to put down Justin Timberlake, who quite obviously has talent to spare.
May 6, 2007 at 5:17 AM Post #7 of 88
be grateful. my wife asked me to go get some more Kelly Clarkson tracks today...
May 6, 2007 at 5:22 AM Post #8 of 88
I find it really disgusting that by now he's proven that he is just a person with a big ego and can't really do real work for beans, and yet there are so many airheads that still fall for him and support his "music."

This world is falling to pieces.
May 6, 2007 at 6:17 AM Post #10 of 88

Originally Posted by zumaro /img/forum/go_quote.gif
...but I am certainly not going to put down Justin Timberlake, who quite obviously has talent to spare.

In what way is Justin Timberlake talented? He capers attractively in videos, certainly. He wears fashionable clothing expertly, no doubt. But musical talent...?

There is very substantial difference between being able to carry a tune (which Timberlake can do, just barely) and being able to sing. It's astounding to me that he sounds as bad as he does after the application of every available studio trick in the hope of making him sound like a singer.

I figure he has about five more years to get his movie career off the ground, because as soon as he stops appealing to the fifteen-year-old demographic, his career as a "musician" is over. Donny Osmond, anyone?

I know of so many incredibly talented, dedicated musicians who have never been able to make a decent living in music. I simply can't make excuses for mass-produced chop-meat like Justin Timberlake.
May 6, 2007 at 6:39 AM Post #11 of 88
As they say: "One person's grabage..."

No, you're not the only one who thinks Timberlake sucks. And those who don't think he sucks aren't the only ones either. For the record, I like him and think he has talent. IMO, he can sing, dance, and his music evokes a lot of classic R&B. And it certainly helps that he's back by some of the best pop producers today. I respect everyone's opinion here, so I'm simply stating mine.
May 6, 2007 at 7:28 AM Post #12 of 88

Originally Posted by scratchyvinyl /img/forum/go_quote.gif
As they say: "One person's grabage..."

No, you're not the only one who thinks Timberlake sucks. And those who don't think he sucks aren't the only ones either. For the record, I like him and think he has talent. IMO, he can sing, dance, and his music evokes a lot of classic R&B. And it certainly helps that he's back by some of the best pop producers today. I respect everyone's opinion here, so I'm simply stating mine.

A reasonable answer. Timberlake has a good if not great voice that carries a tune well, without admittedly any real sense of danger or great passion. He has ambition and a fair amount of adventurousness in the choice of his material, and he is currently the main vehicle (since the seeming demise of the Missy Elliott partnership) for the best producer in the game, which in itself tells you something. The singles have been far above the usual chart fodder, being quite superior examples of white boy r'n'b - with a smart commercial sense that has given them deserved success. I have no problems listening to Mr Timberlake singing My Love, whereas other radio friendly product such as Fifty Cent lasts about 2 seconds before I turn the dial.

Anyway this discussion will go in circles - and as I am hardly a fan of this kind of pop (although it certainly doesn't drive me to any kind of hyperbolic rage) I will shut up, before people get a very strange idea of my musical tastes!

Edit - I think Timberlake may pick up on the older married women demographic as well as the 15 year olds, which may give him a much longer shelf life, so be very afraid....
May 6, 2007 at 7:35 AM Post #13 of 88

Originally Posted by zumaro /img/forum/go_quote.gif
A reasonable answer. Timberlake has a good if not great voice that carries a tune well, without admittedly any real sense of danger or great passion. He has ambition and a fair amount of adventurousness in the choice of his material, and he is currently the main vehicle (since the seeming demise of the Missy Elliott partnership) for the best producer in the game, which in itself tells you something. The singles have been far above the usual chart fodder, being quite superior examples of white boy r'n'b - with a smart commercial sense that has given them deserved success. I have no problems listening to Mr Timberlake singing My Love, whereas other radio friendly product such as Fifty Cent lasts about 2 seconds before I turn the dial.

I think you're just used to low expectations.

Oooh, snap!
May 6, 2007 at 7:59 AM Post #15 of 88
As I said he isn't my choice of listening material either, but I think he is by no means bad. Others I also can easily listen to include Jay-Z, Usher, Missy Elliott, and Beyonce, all of which produce superior radio orientated rap/r'n'b. I might never buy or listen to them by my own choice, but I recognize when commerciality is allied to some kind of artistic worth as well, and I give them credit for lifting the chart standards. Timberlake may not be Prince or Otis Redding, but he is OK on his own very much more limited terms.

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