Alambic Ears - Impressions thread - Mentawai, Mavericks, Mundaka, Noosa
Dec 8, 2023 at 4:04 PM Post #301 of 335
I have my Noosa, custom fit, for months now, and they have completely changed my view (or my ears:D) about what it means for me to listen to music via headphones.
I know it's not a proof of anything, but I'm selling my TH900mk2 that I have had for years, and the Senn HD820 really because of the Noosa.
I mean, the TH900 shines on some area, the HD820 shines on others... But the Noosa are for me shining everywhere. The bass are there, and tight and impactfull. The trebles are sharp, but not bright. The voices are what they should be.
But yes, they require a good dac/amp to perform as I know them. It's not high end, but I've listening to them a lot through the iDSD diablo, and a bit less via the iDSD pro signature.
What is stunning, for me, is the simple fact that they are at ease with whatever music you throw at them. The exact contrast vs how I feel about the HD820 (wonderfull with vocals, accoustic... crap with metal music), a bit more like the TH900, but without the V signature, and the bass emphasis that is sometimes "too much".
On a song like "The Banquet" from C2C, it's obvious. Moving from the TH900 to the Noosa, on the same amps, the bass are tighter, sharper, but impactfull. It's almost the same with the TH900, but the emphasis is there too. The Noosa just feels right.
I do wonder how the Mentawai sounds, but I know one day I'll get the chance to listen to them:)
Dec 8, 2023 at 4:39 PM Post #302 of 335
Nobody ever graphed any of the Alambic Ears or the Mentawai specifically? I can't find any on Squiglink. :xf_eek:

Excuse the blue line. The red one is the normal one. The blue had resin in the vent hole that was fixed by Fred.
Dec 9, 2023 at 8:39 AM Post #305 of 335
what's the lead time on Mentawai? And do prices include EU vat?

Best reach out to Fred @Aldo40 or via the website to get these questions answered. He's very responsive.
Dec 9, 2023 at 7:02 PM Post #307 of 335
I'm sad, alas the Mentawai isn't really available as a CIEM, it was designed as a Universal. Aldo told me that to make it into a CIEM, you'd need a big ear canal to fit the EST right.
I'm not surprised though. Having Fearless Roland as CIEM, and they are dark and the EST are clearly the closest to the tip of the IEM (shortest tube).
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Feb 3, 2024 at 2:55 PM Post #308 of 335
Synergy really is the key. It took me a while to find the right synergy with the Mentawai but when you get it dialed in to the right source, right cable and with the right tips, there's nothing else like it.

I consider the Mentawai tuning the quintessential W-shaped, balanced IEM. It can handle everything I throw at it. Baroque, R&B, jazz, hip hop, ambient / electronic. It's a real achievement for this to have come from a one-man effort. Fred is a very talented chap.
I am buying the Mentawai 🙌

Any less expensive cables you can recommend for it? (Under $200). Or at least... what type of metal works best?

Feb 3, 2024 at 3:52 PM Post #309 of 335
It sounded good with the Eletech Raphael. But then again, it sounded exactly the same with all the other cables I tried on it too. :0)

I’d buy a well made cable by a well thought of company and rock out.
Feb 3, 2024 at 4:29 PM Post #310 of 335
I asked Aldo to use MMCX connectors for my shells, and settled on a FiiO LC-RE Pro 2022 8w.

A hybrid like the Eros 8W from EA would be a recommandation from a friend of mine.

EDIT: gained even more synergy with FiiO's FH9 pure silver 8w câble.
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Apr 10, 2024 at 2:36 PM Post #313 of 335
Apr 22, 2024 at 7:26 PM Post #314 of 335
If anyone in the U.S. would be willing to swap their Mentawais with a different TOTL in my inventory for a week or so, please PM me. I think this is the only way I’m going to hear the Mentawai. Could also send a cash deposit which might be preferable. Either way would only do it if owner has positive feedback on here. Thanks!

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