AKG K701 Initial Impressions-- Raw and Uncensored!
Oct 27, 2006 at 12:07 AM Post #406 of 498

Originally Posted by Asr
Just thought I'd bump this thread for the newcomers who might not have read about the K701's burn-in.

That and I'm presently burning in mine again - gunning for the 1500 hours that Matt_Carter mentioned!

This headphone is absolute 100% proof that burn-in exists...on the K701 anyway. I still remember how it sounded when I first got it. It's now a supreme audio machine of tonal neutrality.

And holy crap the bass extends lower than I initially thought. I finally tried them out on my CEC CD3300 the other day: BASSGASM! It actually got part of the low drop-kick on Crystal Method's "Keep Hope Alive"!

[size=medium]Inquiring minds would like to know: when your K701's are burned in, would you be willing to conduct a comparison between them and your AD2000's with respect to sheer resolution, transparency/neutrality, soundstage/headstage? I wouldn't mind if you added comparison/contrast about the K501 and K601 vs the AD2000 either. I am sure there are others who would truly appreciate this.
Oct 27, 2006 at 12:34 AM Post #407 of 498

Originally Posted by Asr
Just thought I'd bump this thread for the newcomers who might not have read about the K701's burn-in.

That and I'm presently burning in mine again - gunning for the 1500 hours that Matt_Carter mentioned!

This headphone is absolute 100% proof that burn-in exists...on the K701 anyway. I still remember how it sounded when I first got it. It's now a supreme audio machine of tonal neutrality.

And holy crap the bass extends lower than I initially thought. I finally tried them out on my CEC CD3300 the other day: BASSGASM! It actually got part of the low drop-kick on Crystal Method's "Keep Hope Alive"!

would that be my former cd3300?
that's a nice source, isn't it?

and thanks for recalling this thread...i'll be ordering a k701 first thing tomorrow!
Oct 27, 2006 at 12:47 AM Post #408 of 498
I just got my hd600 today and which is BNIB...and i must say my XXXX hours K701 pwn the 600 almost in every regard. My friend's 3 year old hd600, however, sounds much closer to my 701. (yeah yeah...i need to burn in the 600....just wanted to say something
Oct 27, 2006 at 10:40 AM Post #409 of 498
Boy, this is an old thread:

I think the 701s are excellent, all around headphones. In fact, I'll probably sell my HD650s as I truly think the 701s are superior in most reguards.

As to the orignal poster, the main things I DON'T agree with is any lack of air. The 701s are the most airy headphones I've EVER heard period (and I've heard them all almost). The air between instruments and performers is huge. This DOES NOT mean imaging is pinpoint. I agree that imaging can be a bit smudged and distant compared the pinpoint accuracy of the R10s, but imaging isn't bad.

And the soundstage is immense left to right. I actually think it's a little short top-to bottom and lacks alot of depth. One of the R10s greatest strength, revelaed so beautifully through a Balanced Beast of an amp is its gigantic, natural soundstage - left to right, top to bottom, front to back, It's got width, heighth, and depth to the soundstage like no headphone I've ever heard. And it sounds completely natural, as to where some headphones like 701s and Qualias come off as almost artificial and unnatural in their presentation.

I agree it's a completely smooth headphone. It's incredibly natural and neutral from top to bottom with nice round, impactful bass once burned in. I do think it lacks some body compared with the R10s (the R10s presents images in a huge full bodied, 3-dimensional manner), but the 701s give you a further view of the music which isn't bad, just different. But the mids and highs are just lovely. I also noticed its beauty on acoustic guitars as well.

They aren't as revealing as many headphones I've heard. The detail certainly can't match that of the R10s or SA5ks, but it's not slouch in this area either. Definitely a headphone to put in the "musical" rather than "detailed" camp.

I'll also add that the 701s LOVES tubes! Through my old SDS, feeding it Tung Sol Round Plates through the inputs and Sylvania VT-231s through the outputs the speed, detail, musicality, air, and soundstage was increased tremendously. The Tung Sols add the speed, detal, and musicality while the Sylvania VT-231s are air and soundstage kings while being incredibly balanced top to bottom. This is a wonderful combination with the K701s and definitely the best I've found.

Soon I will be recabling the 701s for balanced use with my SDS-XLR. I can't wait to hear how they sound on that monster.
Oct 27, 2006 at 1:22 PM Post #410 of 498
Let's introduce the "K701 burn-in vintage".....
"I have a pair of "300 burn-in" K701 waiting to be heard. I think I will let them burn-in till 450 and listen to them on a special occasion".
"I heard of a guy having a "1500 burn-in" K701. Just imagine what that would sound like!"
"At what point would they start to get bad you think?"
Oct 27, 2006 at 1:45 PM Post #411 of 498
It's hilarious looking at this now.

It's important to put it in its "historical" context.
At the time the K701 was new and basically untouchable. It was definitely FOTM and no one had as yet said much that was negative about them.

Some of the reactions to my early impressions from some members who were early K701 owners are pretty hysterical (both funny hysterical and hysterical hysterical) when viewed in today's context, aren't they? You'd think I'd insulted their mothers.
Now we know, they're just one of many good quality headphones, not THE Unassailable Holy Grail of All Time, and *should be* subject to the same level of scrutiny as any can.

I doubt anyone today would bat an eye about any of those comments made about the K701, let alone rake the comment-maker over the coals like this. You are still not your gear.
Oct 27, 2006 at 2:05 PM Post #412 of 498
Who said "The AKG K701s are THE Unassailable Holy Grail of All Time" or anything even close to that? I'm definitely not digging through 20+ pages to find out.
Oct 27, 2006 at 2:26 PM Post #413 of 498
I've been burning in my K701 since a few weeks before the beginning of time, and am still hearing huge changes from break-in on almost a monthly basis. They've developed into a veritable uber-phone, and even its leaked sound enchants unintended listeners. I experience ear-gasms whenever I put them on, and i don't even need to have the music on.

Oct 27, 2006 at 2:45 PM Post #414 of 498
No need to even bother with any gears or music at all


Originally Posted by spinali
I've been burning in my K701 since a few weeks before the beginning of time, and am still hearing huge changes from break-in on almost a monthly basis. They've developed into a veritable uber-phone, and even its leaked sound enchants unintended listeners. I experience ear-gasms whenever I put them on, and i don't even need to have the music on.


Oct 27, 2006 at 2:46 PM Post #415 of 498

Originally Posted by markl
It's hilarious looking at this now.

It's important to put it in its "historical" context.
At the time the K701 was new and basically untouchable. It was definitely FOTM and no one had as yet said much that was negative about them.

Some of the reactions to my early impressions from some members who were early K701 owners are pretty hysterical (both funny hysterical and hysterical hysterical) when viewed in today's context, aren't they? You'd think I'd insulted their mothers.
Now we know, they're just one of many good quality headphones, not THE Unassailable Holy Grail of All Time, and *should be* subject to the same level of scrutiny as any can.

I doubt anyone today would bat an eye about any of those comments made about the K701, let alone rake the comment-maker over the coals like this. You are still not your gear.

Just kidding. Didn't mean to "rake anyone over the coals".

I actually totally love it when people get really excited about their gear. I wouldn't want to spoil their fun, but hey, I couldn't resist this one

BTW, K701 are great and burn-in is real. I have a pair that is probably not fully burned in yet (I am not the first owner), Black Dragon recabled, from my X-can v3 with Mullard tubes they sound absolutely great.
I actually prefer them over the ATH AD2000, which are pretty spectacular (but a bit too much so to my taste).

Let's see what some more burn-in has in store....
Oct 27, 2006 at 3:06 PM Post #416 of 498
Wish they were as good as some seem to think for me (it's good it works for them like that), but all the headphones in my signature have been getting rotated and the K701's just don't compete with my top 3 headphones. If they did I could save a lot of money and would happily offload the pricier ones that I have. I have no loyalty other than what the phones do for me (well except the RS-1
. I think it has overstayed it's place with my phones just becuase I have feelings for it lol. But the others I'd drop in a heartbeat if they didn't do what they do soundwise.

As for the K701's For me:
The timbre is very lacking. The highs seem annoyingly bright on some recordings. The sound is sterile. The speed doesn't come close to Grado's or the K-1000 (but do better than the Senns). They are very analytical sounding. These are all the negatives. They have plenty of positives, but those have all been mentioned in this thread.

Sorry this it just how they've worked out for me. They are better than the Senn HD650's to me, and technically better than the HD600/Cardas. But the more musical presentation of the 600s makes them more enjoyeable to listen to by a very small margin. I would say preference aside - the AKG K701 is the best in it's price range for what it does.

I'll repeat - I'm glad they are some people's "best of all time" phone - I guess for some they may just be the holy grail, but they don't even come close to that for me.
Oct 27, 2006 at 5:12 PM Post #417 of 498
they're backordered 2-3 weeks at northern sound and light...so i guess i'll call back in 2 weeks to get them...sigh...but my k501 arrives on monday!!
Oct 27, 2006 at 8:10 PM Post #418 of 498
I still prefer them to every other dynamic phone under $1000 that I've heard. So while not the ultimate giant slayer, they do manage to slay a few giants for me. A marvellous feat for something that costs $300-ish.
Oct 29, 2006 at 7:13 PM Post #419 of 498

Originally Posted by warpdriver
I still prefer them to every other dynamic phone under $1000 that I've heard. So while not the ultimate giant slayer, they do manage to slay a few giants for me. A marvellous feat for something that costs $300-ish.

Agreed 100 percent.

I think they've easily proven themselves to be something well past just some quick FOTM, in any event.
Oct 30, 2006 at 4:29 PM Post #420 of 498

Originally Posted by A.Thorsen
I think they've easily proven themselves to be something well past just some quick FOTM, in any event.

Good point! I think it's definately been settled. They are for real.

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