Aful Performer Impressions Thread

Apr 20, 2023 at 3:55 AM Post #16 of 1,240
I have received the impedance adapters. With the 20Ω adapter the Performer5 become too dark for my liking, but it's fun to try it with more bass. The 70Ω is unusable, too much bass and no highs. This shows the importance of the source output impedance. That's why I measure every source that I use myself, to make sure that the impedance is around 1. Most of the manufacturer doesn't write in the spec sheets what the impedance is or give us wrong specs. For example, Audioengine D1 is according manufacturer website with 2Ω impedance, but I have measured 10Ω.

How do you measure source output impedance?
Apr 20, 2023 at 8:45 AM Post #17 of 1,240
The principle is simple, you measure the open circuit voltage on the headphone jack with a multimeter and then the loaded voltage and calculate the impedance. The lower the voltage drop between loaded and unloaded, the lower the otput impedance.

First you‘ll need a 3.5 headphone jack on which you can do the measurements. I’ve purchased this adapter

You can find it at AliExpress, for example : (copy the link)
But you can use anything. You can cut any 3.5mm cable, or use any 3.5mm adapter. Important is that the cable/adapter impedance is low to not affect the measurements.

1.) You have to play a 100Hz Sine Wave with tone generator (according to nwavguy: “The output impedance is measured at 100Hz as that’s typically where headphone damping is most critical.”).
Link to tone generator that I’ve used:
2.) Put the source volume approximately at the middle to avoid clipping.
3.) Then with multimeter you can measure the open AC voltage of the left channel against the ground (this is your Open-circuit voltage).

For the next step you’ll need a 16 Ω resistor. You can buy them everywhere for cheap (example - You measure it to confirm his value. I’ve chosed 16 Ohm because this is what nwavguy used in his measurments and represent typical IEM resistance.

4.) Attach the 16Ω resistor load to the left channel and the ground and measure again the AC Voltage. This is the loaded value.
5.) Now when you have all the values, you can put them in the calculator, and it will show you the output impedance.

Here is my measuring rig for example

The stuff that I’ve measured so far:

And some more info on the subject:
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May 17, 2023 at 8:11 AM Post #18 of 1,240
I have the Raptgo Hook X for more than a week now and here are some quick/random notes on my comparison with the Performer5, it may be interesting for someone. I couldn’t get a good seal with the stock Hook tips, but funnily enough, the Performer5 tips fit perfectly and I get a good seal with them. So I have tested both of them with the same tips.

Aful P5

  • More bass (or feels more), more impactful, more textured, more rumble. Sometimes a hair bit too much and a tad bit more boomy (without sounding darker as a whole)
  • BA better and more pleasant rendering of distorted guitars
  • Guitars and male vocals fuller sounding
  • More visceral sensation, more realistic drum rendering, better dynamics
  • Better, more controlled highs, more sparkly
  • More enjoyable and fun with my music – Rock/Metal. Toe-tapping and head-nodding
  • Smaller, with longer nozzles and better tips providing better fit for my ears
  • Cheaper. More efficient. Amazing cable
  • I’m reaching to the Performer5 a lot more often. Very enjoyable and engaging sound
  • Sometimes a tiny bit more fatiguing
  • More intimate sound, sometimes a bit more congested
Raptgo HookX

  • The stage is a bit wider and sound more open. More spacious sounding
  • Better positioning and 3D, better instrument separation
  • Very good tuning and tonality. Can listen to it a bit louder than the P5
  • A tiny bit less fatiguing
  • Tighter, Faster, more controlled bass, a hair bit more detailed
  • Modular plugs. Better Packaging. Build quality feels more premium. Very nice Razer look
  • Thinner sounding and a tiny bit more sibilant. Treble a bit splashy and less defined
  • Sometimes the drums sound flat ?
  • Planar timber
  • Bad fit for me, short nozzle, other than that very comfortable
  • More power hungry. More expensive
All in all I like the Performer5 better with my music, it’s better suited for my taste and preferences, but they are very close and if I didn’t have the P5 I would be happy with the Hook X. I guess I like more the combination of DD bass and BA mids/highs than the planar, will see when my Timeless arrive.
May 17, 2023 at 9:16 AM Post #19 of 1,240
P8 is coming soon!
May 28, 2023 at 2:46 AM Post #20 of 1,240
First impressions of the Performer8 from Gizaudio.

O man, I can't wait to try this one, looks very promising. I love the Performer5 so much, that the 8 is a must buy for me.
May 28, 2023 at 9:50 AM Post #21 of 1,240
First impressions of the Performer8 from Gizaudio.

O man, I can't wait to try this one, looks very promising. I love the Performer5 so much, that the 8 is a must buy for me.

Mine just came into the US and was handed over to DHL, I'll prob get it by Wed. :) :) :) :) :)
May 28, 2023 at 9:58 AM Post #22 of 1,240
One thing I learned, the P5 started sounding next level after a whole lot of burn in...maybe something to do with the circuit board components... but after geee, it must be 200+ hours of burn in the P5 soundstage is holographic... cannot imagine how much better the P8 will sound!
May 30, 2023 at 9:04 AM Post #23 of 1,240
@szore Maybe we can change the thread name now, to something like "Aful Impressions Thread" (Yea, I know how it sounds :laughing:) or "Aful Performer Impressions Thread", so we can discuss both Performers here.
BTW here is the first Performer 8 Head-FI review.
Jun 1, 2023 at 9:34 AM Post #24 of 1,240
The first YouTube full review of the Performer8 -

It seems that the P8 will have less impact than the P5, I don't know how I feel about that, cause the P5 bass rumble is so addictive.
The clock is ticking on the P8 HiFiGO page, they will be available tomorrow.
The price at is 369€, will see if thats the final price.
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Jun 1, 2023 at 9:56 AM Post #25 of 1,240
So he says price in video, $379...My P8 should be here tomorrow... :)
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Jun 2, 2023 at 11:05 AM Post #27 of 1,240

Very nice , waiting for your early impressions ,
Yeah, not yet...tracking says DHL got package but that may have been west coast...
Jun 3, 2023 at 11:17 PM Post #28 of 1,240
I ordered a P8, and it is supposed to arrive on Tuesday the 6th.
Jun 4, 2023 at 8:15 AM Post #30 of 1,240
I got p8 coming as well , bass looks less the p5 which I wanted more then p5 but will wait to hear first
Yea, it definitely looks like it has less bass from the measurements and the first reviews I’ve seen, but to me that’s fine. I don’t want a ton of bass. What I’m most worried about it how there is less pinna gain than is usual, sort of like how the Dunu SA6 measures. But I’m still expecting to like them, but we’ll see on Tuesday.

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