After three years the journey has ended: I almost have had them all
Jan 19, 2006 at 6:49 PM Post #16 of 103
Great little story! Glad your like your HF-1

I was thinking of selling my HF-1 a couple of weeks ago to finance the buying of the RS-1. I liked them a lot but had just reveived the RS Hornet which I intended to use with the HF-1 as work system. Started taking my PS-1 to work to test the Hornet and got a bit sucked in, so the poor old HF-1 wasn't getting a look in.

Anyway, all this week I made myself take the HF-1 instead and boy am I glad I did! The really are fantastic headphones & much easier too cart around than the PS-1 & knowhere near as expensive!

So I won't be selling them to get the RS-1 after all.

Mind you that won't be stopping me buying a Grado RS-1! It's my birthday next month and I'm going to need a present. Don't you think so?


Jan 19, 2006 at 7:30 PM Post #17 of 103
I AGREE! I had the same reaction to the HF-1's as you! I first heard them at a San Diego meet, and when powered by the Singlepower PPX3 slam, my reaction was "this is exactly what I have been searching for". I was dumbstruck. Just sat there listening for hours.

I must stress that for me, the HF-1's are not very impressive out of just any old amp. Out of the battery powered portables, for instance, they sound good, but I would have put them down and never thought of them again. Out of the ridiculously good (tubed) PPX3,!

I would like to suggest one final upgrade, even though you think you're done. Get your HF-1's modified by headphile. I listened side by side at the recent so cal meet (again through a PPX3 slam), and it makes the sound more present and clear, like a veil is lifted that I didn't even realize was there with the stock HF-1. I could hear little details in the music I hadn't noticed before (cymbals especially were way more clear and present). Most importantly, the mod (for my ears) doesn't affect the core sound at all, just improves it. My understanding is most of the improvements are because of the cable upgrade that is part of the mod. I compared the HF-1, Headphile HF-1, and RS-1, and for my ears, the Headphile HF-1 was my favorite. Also, I recommend definitely keep the stock bowls, I didn't care for (read: hated) the sound of any of the cup modifications that can be done.

My advice to anyone is that if you really like the sound of the HF-1, you owe it to yourself to have them modified at some point. If you're not crazy about the HF-1 sound, I doubt the mod will help you much, I'd look elsewhere.
Jan 19, 2006 at 7:51 PM Post #18 of 103
and btw, an HF-1 stock is actually capable of subterranean bass, as evidenced when paired with Ray's modded The Stealth. I dunno what track that was at the NYC meet, but the HF-1s went DEEP, way deeper than my HP2s!
Jan 19, 2006 at 8:11 PM Post #19 of 103
Congratulations and very cool story. I think you will come back looking for HP-2's and HE90's.
Jan 19, 2006 at 8:26 PM Post #20 of 103
Neat post, thanks for sharing.

I have a very similar story to tell as well. I am very close to ending my journey/search. I will start another thread for when that time comes, but a quick preview reveals:

I too am a 'Grado Man'

The phones I have settled on after MUCH searching are (in no particular order):

For home use:
1) Grado HP-2s (My reference phones).
2) Headphile Moded HF-1s (full boat Zebrawood).
3) Grado RS-1s.
4) AKG K1000s.
5) Sony CD3000s.

For portable use:
1) BeyerDynamic DT250-80 (for use at work).
2) Shure E4C (used while doing yardwork, excercising).
Jan 19, 2006 at 9:21 PM Post #21 of 103
I am impressed and aI admit, a little jealous at the amund of headphones you have been able to audition. Congratulation on finally reaching the end you the hi-fi journey. You english is admirable. I wish I was bilingual. The only thing, at the bottom, you switched languages: habe :wink: Great story. Thanks.
Jan 19, 2006 at 10:31 PM Post #22 of 103

Originally Posted by NotJeffBuckley
Your English is fine, better than many native speakers on most messageboards (for realz d00d lol What, anyone?). Glad to hear your search is over, and glad to hear it ended up not being incredibly expensive - how much do you think you've lost in your dealings with headphones, cashwise?

Depending on how much he got the "O" for and how me he sold it for (taking into account the equipment he is keeping) he honestly might have come out on top

Wouldnt that be awesome to get all those sweet cans and get to try all the others that he did, and end up making money in the end...
Jan 19, 2006 at 11:22 PM Post #26 of 103

Originally Posted by superman's ears
Well, for the first year I've made an excel scheme but I gave it up.

Profitable has been the both Orpheus system deals. With this profit I don't think there is a remarkable lost.

Then you did very well. I'm truly impressed, and congratulate you!
Jan 23, 2006 at 12:28 AM Post #30 of 103
I just got a HF-1 about a week ago. It pairs up very well with tubes.
I'd almost bought a RS-2 a couple of weeks ago, glad I waited.
The bass on HF-1's sound good. Not flats needed or wanted.
A trip to Headphile for the HF-1's may be in the future.
I have a pair of woodies on order for the HD650's.
Wood rules!

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