Absolute best headphone for mids?
Jul 30, 2005 at 3:40 AM Post #16 of 57
Best mids, in my experience:

HE90, R10, and, believe it or not, the STAX SR-001 (003/005). The R10 has truly magical mids, but the magic doesn't extend to the bass and treble unfortunately. The HE90 has magical everything. The SR-001 has an extraordinary midrange, silky smooth, liquid, detailed as all hell and just flat out awesome. It is also colored, in the same way that the HD650 is - meaning extra bass on all notes - but more severely so. Not the most neutral midrange, but man, is it pretty! The bass is pretty magical too and the treble has to be there, which it barely is, however this is an $140 headphone we're talking about here, $240 with the amp, so let's not get all picky... and stuff.

I've heard legends about the original Stax Omega (not the SR-007) and it's "shimmering, watercolored midrange" - whatever that means. Anyway, the mids on those are reputed to be really something else. I'd love to hear them.
Jul 30, 2005 at 7:04 AM Post #18 of 57
Any electrostatic (all Stax, HE60 from recent memory; HE90 from distant memory)
Beyer 931/880

not necessarily in that order.
Jul 30, 2005 at 7:09 AM Post #19 of 57
$20 = KSC75
$70 = SR60
$100 = K240s-55 (I havent heard an MS1 yet)
$150 = K501
$250 = SR225
$300 = MS2

Jul 30, 2005 at 7:10 AM Post #20 of 57

Originally Posted by mulveling
Out of: hd650/hd600/k340/k1000/hp2/rs2/W2002/L3000, the best midrange is easily the L3000. Where's my L3000 smiley!???

I have to admit I love those L3000 mids...
Jul 30, 2005 at 8:36 AM Post #21 of 57
Sony MDR-CD1700 gets my vote...

I'm still tempted to go back down that route and pick up another pair... that'd be pair number four lol
Jul 30, 2005 at 8:48 AM Post #22 of 57

Originally Posted by James63
You have one of the best (650s) if not the best, just enjoy them.

Jul 30, 2005 at 8:57 AM Post #23 of 57

Originally Posted by EdipisReks
the R-10's have the best mids that i've ever heard.

Jul 30, 2005 at 9:20 PM Post #24 of 57
Nice opinions..

Yes, the HD-650 have great mids as do the W100's, but they are both similar in that they have very warm mids. I guess the K501's would be a good alternative from the warm mids im used to?

Also, there are headphones that have great natural mids (HD-650's) and headphones with a colored midrange, but still sound pleasant. Are there any colored headphones that have a great euphoric midrange as wel? I guess one of the ATH headphones would fit that, (although i do not feel that the W100's are too colored)

How do the L3000 mids sound?

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