A message for the newbies
Oct 20, 2006 at 1:17 PM Post #31 of 40
Haha! The first post is so true. Especially this...


Originally Posted by facelvega
But wait, stop-- we already know what you're going to say. You want just one headphone: a jack-of-all-trades, with great bass response (though not too much) and a really open sound; you want it to be comfortable, ideally circumaural, but still portable and under no circumstances do you want to have to buy an amp. Isolation would be nice. And of course, it has to be under 50/100/200 bucks.

Been there to
Oct 20, 2006 at 2:27 PM Post #33 of 40
Well, I see my thread has started a bit of discussion. Now, I don't have any problem with people firing away with questions we all can try to answer: not only is it useful for the newbies, but it's also a big step of becoming a regular around here when you realize you can give a little advice and help somebody out. I also think that the difference between someone who lurks for months and already knows the landscape before he speaks and someone who posts the moment they find the site is more a question of personality types than anything else.

BUT, I do think we could use an intro post somewhere in the top stickies that clues people in a little on what goes on here. I'm against the proliferation of sticky threads, but I think the four we have are not doing the job of clueing people in on how they can take advantage of this forum. For instance, we could finally put the (admittedly fantastic) John Grado interview into the archived full reviews page and replace it with a "welcome to head-fi" thread in which the first post is useful information from one of the mods. I think this would help the newbies be more confident, comfortable, and precise with their first few posts, which will in turn make it easier for us to help them out.

Oct 20, 2006 at 3:06 PM Post #34 of 40
I'm a newbie. I found this site a few months back and just read alot of what people said. Taking into consideration their feedback, I settled on a set of Sennheiser HD595's (low impedence version) because I didn't have the money at the time to let the upgraditis kick in.

Recently, I stumbled upon the Computer as source thread and started to want more since I run 100% off my computer. Does it start with soundcard? DAC? Amp? From the knowledge I gathered from this site, your source is more important than the phones you use, so I'm going to start with a new soundcard.

From there, who knows. I'm already wanting a set of Darth Beyers. They look amazing, but I'll wait until the NY meet to hear and decide on my next pair. With the new set, an amp and DAC will soon follow.

Luckily, I just found a job that can handle this hobby.
Oct 20, 2006 at 4:08 PM Post #35 of 40

Originally Posted by Uncle Erik
I don't mind the newbie posts. For one, we were all there once. But more importantly, getting a personal and friendly response from someone is what pulls people in and makes it feel safe to ask more, post more and become an experienced member. I think it is a small price for expanding the community.

I second this sentiment...in spades.

When I first joined, I had lurked for a long time and finally decided I wanted to post. I remember very well my first post, as it was answered back by several of the regulars at the time. Most were very helpful, but I distinctly remember two of them were dismissive and downright rude. This seemed pretty pointless to me at the time, and seems moreso today.

BTW - they don't post much here any more. I think that most of the membership does a pretty good job of discouraging that kind of nonsense. It's one of the things that I really like about this place.

That said, we do have a much larger membership here than we used to. That presents certain problems, as we do get a lot of the same posts, over and over again. This is where a FRIENDLY suggestion to use the search function ought to be IMHO welcomed.
Oct 20, 2006 at 4:23 PM Post #36 of 40
Just for fun, I tried to beat the search tool into submission enough to search THAT far back and through THAT many posts.

It might not be your very first post Tom, but say hello to your very first thread!


My first thread was *slightly* less successfull.


I am almost blinded by the over use of '...'. This was also during the period where I thought it was cool to never capitalize anything except for 'I' and proper names.
Oct 20, 2006 at 4:30 PM Post #37 of 40
Ah, memories.
Oct 20, 2006 at 4:37 PM Post #38 of 40

Originally Posted by Uncle Erik
I don't mind the newbie posts.

Me neither. I like the newcomer's questions....as they are some of the only ones I can (sometimes) answer


Originally Posted by philodox
It might not be your very first post Tom, but say hello to your very first thread!

LOL. A nice little "This is your life" moment.

I'll have to look mine up, I have no idea or recollection of what it could be.
Oct 20, 2006 at 4:46 PM Post #39 of 40
A couple other good one's to show just how far people have fallen, er, grown since joining head-fi.

Jahn: http://www6.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?t=77793
joelongwood: http://www6.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?t=268
Patrick82: http://www6.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?t=28465
MERTON: http://www6.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?t=16946

PS. In no way do I mean to group Jahn or joelongwood or even Patrick82 with the likes of MERTON... these are just the 4 people that came to my mind first.

Originally Posted by wolfen68
I'll have to look mine up, I have no idea or recollection of what it could be.

It was a for sale thread... your second one is this though: http://www6.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?t=36673

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