A little story and some new info on custom iem's...
Aug 23, 2004 at 10:24 PM Post #196 of 617

Originally Posted by lindrone
Hmm... are you holding up a little gang sign with your right hand while you said that too?

Go see Napoleon Dynomite. That quote will seem so much funnier.
Aug 23, 2004 at 10:26 PM Post #197 of 617
How can you folks:
1/ post on here loads of times each day AND
2/ find time to listen to loads of music on your earphones/headphones to make it all worthwhile AND
3/ find time to test/burn/try/buy new Head-Fi equipment AND
4/ find time to do anything else such as work, eat or sleep ?

Aug 23, 2004 at 10:27 PM Post #198 of 617
simple, skip step 4.
Aug 23, 2004 at 10:43 PM Post #199 of 617
Okay so Toaster has decided not to get UEs based on their quotes on their website about the "finest" IEM in the world.

I believe that you were more than happy to own Shure E5c despite the claim on Shure's website that they are "Lightweight, sound isolating, dual micro-speaker earphones offering the richest possible listening experience".

Direct link is here: http://www.shure.com/earphones/index.asp

If they offer the "richest possible listening experience" why are you buying the 2X-S, unless this claim is false?

In no way am I defending UE's marketing but your reasoning for not buying from them isn't very logical given your past purchases.

If it wasn't obvious from her sensuous nature Random person is a woman!!
Aug 23, 2004 at 11:29 PM Post #200 of 617
Ugh, what does it matter what gender RP is?? It doesn't make what is said any more or less valid, and in a discussion forum about audio, it should in no way effect how RP is treated!!! RP's gender is of no concern to anyone, and has no relevence in this discussion.

You're making a case for gender-neutral names and for all women on head-fi to go to stealth mode. Newsflash! Women are people too, just like you!
Aug 24, 2004 at 12:13 AM Post #201 of 617

Originally Posted by Big D
Okay so Toaster has decided not to get UEs based on their quotes on their website about the "finest" IEM in the world.

I believe that you were more than happy to own Shure E5c despite the claim on Shure's website that they are "Lightweight, sound isolating, dual micro-speaker earphones offering the richest possible listening experience".

Direct link is here: http://www.shure.com/earphones/index.asp

If they offer the "richest possible listening experience" why are you buying the 2X-S, unless this claim is false?

In no way am I defending UE's marketing but your reasoning for not buying from them isn't very logical given your past purchases.

If it wasn't obvious from her sensuous nature Random person is a woman!!

It is absolutely false, and they were wrong; they do not offer the richest possible listening experience, the same way the ue's don't. I award shure minus 1 points for their advertising as well. If i had a company, knowing my views on life/business, the only reason i would ever advertise with superlatives is because i was not 100% confident in my company's offerings. what i would do, is make the best product and let it sell itself. A good example of this is BandAid Bandaids. I kid you not, i bought another box of bandaids, and I was specifically looking for the circular bandaids, and i saw some random company that had them. it is AMAZING how much cheaper quality these no-name bandaids were. When's the last time you heard bandaid brand raving about the superior quality of their products...

if you had a business, maybe you would run it differently...like random person...WHO IS A WOMAN.

my apologies to random, but this is my thread.

ugh plainsong...plainsong...plainsong...i am just digging myself into a deeper hole hear with some of the ladies. i am gonna quit while i am just a little behind. no offense meant on a gender level. i am the LAST person to ever have intentions do something like that.
Aug 24, 2004 at 12:51 AM Post #202 of 617
This is just SO much fun now!

Yes, I am a woman! (oh god! Who knew!)

Yes, gender neutral names are a necessity.

Yes, lindrone, my company is big enough!

And finally, the reason I can post is (a) I'm on East Coast time ....and....
(b) I retired two years ago (while still youngish, so I still have time to play!) so I could cash out and shell out coin for these toys without thinking. Really, my life doesn't suck!!

As for Plainsong, you go girl! Solidarity!

Secretly, I love you all.
Aug 24, 2004 at 1:24 AM Post #204 of 617

I admit, in my chauvinism, I initially thought RP was a male too (although in all honesty I figured she was a professional of some sort or other by her posts, and also figured she was a bit older than the average headfier, as I am...Although for the record, I am no where near retirement
). It's nice to know someone as accomplished as she is in her career frequents these boards though. As for posting so much, once I get the UE10's, I'll back off, until then, this thread is a nice diversion. Believe it or not, I'm actually quite busy--but I do have a few minutes here and there (and no boss).

And RP, I hope you're not angry for me revealing that; it was just too tempting...
And although I disagree with Plainsong about virtually everything else it seems on these boards, she's right that gender shouldn't/doesn't matter here. And the more diversity, the better.
Aug 24, 2004 at 1:37 AM Post #205 of 617
I was bound to have been outed soon enough! I'm OK with that. After all, in person/real life, it would have been obvious enough!

That's the thing. On the Internet, nobody knows you're a Woman!
Aug 24, 2004 at 1:45 AM Post #206 of 617

Originally Posted by random person
I was bound to have been outed soon enough! I'm OK with that. After all, in person/real life, it would have been obvious enough!

That's the thing. On the Internet, nobody knows you're a Woman!

If anyone saw your pictures of the ue-5c, your name was posted right on the box, so that was a dead give away. I never made reference to it because you never stated you were female on this board, so why should I.
Aug 24, 2004 at 1:46 AM Post #207 of 617

Originally Posted by toaster22

my apologies to random, but this is my thread.

C'mon, you don't actually own this thread do you? How much did you pay for it? I hope not much, because if if cost you anything, it would be seriously overrpriced....But if it truly is your thread, thank you for allowing the rest of us to post in it. Especially since the thread has been off topic since, oh, about the third or fourth post...
Aug 24, 2004 at 1:52 AM Post #208 of 617
Yeah, my point was that she was outed against her will, although not in a malicious way, but then you guys should see what you sound like to women "huh? a girl?? where?? ARE YOU A GIRL?" And it's just like..jeez, down boy! It's pretty funny really.

I mean, we're friends here... mostly, and if you wann say what gender you are, that should be cool, and if you don't, it shouldn't matter.

But that doesn't mean that I get why she attacked Lindrone. Or why everyone gets angry when Lindrone speaks. In my mind, anyone that has both leading IEM's has rights to say what he really thinks about them. The rest of us are really only guessing. It doesn't make Lindrone's word law, it just means his opinion is based on _something_ tangible. Another person could have both and just easily feel differently.

But somehow people just get angry about IEM's feeling the need to defend their choices in bloody battle. I don't know why. Your IEM's still sound the same no matter what someone else says.
Aug 24, 2004 at 2:01 AM Post #209 of 617

Originally Posted by plainsong
Yeah, my point was that she was outed against her will, although not in a malicious way, but then you guys should see what you sound like to women "huh? a girl?? where?? ARE YOU A GIRL?" And it's just like..jeez, down boy! It's pretty funny really.

You're right, I shouldn't have pointed it out. But I honestly didn't mean it maliciously; I have a great deal of respect for RP's opinions, and it was one of several I took into consideration when I got the UE's--and although the UE5C's aren't for me, RP's posts forced me to get away from the sound signature issue and look at the overall sound quality of the phone (which is excellent); two very different issues, which in my intitial frustration I was overlooking....
Aug 24, 2004 at 2:08 AM Post #210 of 617

Originally Posted by dmt1
C'mon, you don't actually own this thread do you? How much did you pay for it? I hope not much, because if if cost you anything, it would be seriously overrpriced....But if it truly is your thread, thank you for allowing the rest of us to post in it. Especially since the thread has been off topic since, oh, about the third or fourth post...

It was on sale for 9.95, but i think i may have been ripped.

RP wanted to mislead us...mentioning her car in her sig...no way i coulda guessed her to be a girl.

at this point i would just like to give a big thanks to all those people who made this thread hit the 200 mark. 9 pages of amusing info/flame/out of the closet females/????

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