A little about the Shozy Alien
Mar 18, 2015 at 5:26 PM Post #1,606 of 3,124
Is the Noble any smaller than the Fiio range?
Any idea where I can pick up a Noble band from Oz? A quick search brought up this page http://www.music-sanctuary.com/collections/accessories/products/noble-audio-bands

probably no way to get it ..... no distro rite? (i'm not sure)

enjoy tying your gears up anyways
^ don't do it that way!
Mar 18, 2015 at 11:51 PM Post #1,608 of 3,124
Posted in ABI, but i thought i would c/p my post here and gain some opinions from our members in this thread.

Careful here... some might consider what I am about to try as Heresy!

Subject: Portable Speaker/Source Switch
I'll get to my question but perhaps this short background story will amuse you all...

As most of you know I have fallen in love with my 'boutique' DAP the Alien Shozy. A couple of days ago I received a Soundmagic A10 portable headphone amp. I purchased it for the purpose of seeing if I could gain that teeny tiny bit more volume (without distortion) for my PFE 232's as well as seeing if it could drive my Samson SR950 can's sufficiently (it can't quite).
It's been a success on the volume front, I can (for example) now listen to piano pieces etc whereby the notes resonating distortion is less but at similar volumes to before (unamped).

The curious thing about the A10 is that it doesn't alter the sound signature too much from the Shozy, I believe they both carry a very similar frequency response (which is a mild V shape). The amp is also super silent and carries virtually no background noise (another thing it has in common with the Shozy).

The interesting thing here is that the A10 comes with a Bass switch, it doesn't exaggerate the mids very much but instead boosts the lower frequencies. Upon testing on certain tracks (with the Shozy) it can come as a pleasant welcome, helping to drive some albums lacking in Bass, whereas at other times it's complete overkill.

But the A10 with the Bass switch off is still giving the Shozy a mild boost in bass, so much that distortion can occur on certain tracks that are bass heavy to begin with, in this regard it would be better to bypass the A10 entirely and stay with the Shozy alone.

So herein comes the idea of a small portable speaker switch that I might attach to my rig that allows sound to come through direct from shozy and also (by flicking the switch) through the A10 amp.

But you can see what's happening here....

Bruce is slipping back into DSP/EQ land... :S

By doing this I would essentially have given myself 2 levels of Bass. The Shozy is really 'normal' or off mode, connect the A10 is level 1 Bass, and flicking the Bass switch on the A10 puts it into level 3.

I can't lie to myself, there are some tracks that sound better without the amp, with the amp with bass switch off, and then with the amp and bass switch on lol.

But i can't stress this enough... I still believe that the Shozy on it's own is the best sound signature balance I have found that makes the majority of my music collection sing to the best of it's ability.

But the idea of a portable switch got me thinking...

Perhaps it's time for me to try and recreate the Shozy sound settings with my Cowon i9+ (or E3 when it arrives). Perhaps I can get scarily close to the same sound as a Shozy on a Cowon, and then of course reap all the benefits of a Cowon such as display, battery life, smaller device etc.

Of course I'm not expecting to beat the clean background/no hiss of the Alien, but it's an interesting experiment I feel I want to give a go. Eventually (hopefully) even doing a blind test whereby someone else throws the switch between two devices and I try and tell which is which etc.

So the portable switch would have to work both ways, for two sound outputs as well as two source inputs.

Has anyone heard of such a device/switch?

The closest thing I think I have found is this at B&H;



Mar 19, 2015 at 10:07 PM Post #1,611 of 3,124
I always got 2 sizes with fiio gear.
I found the small fiio bands were perfect with the alien and e12a combo.

The large ones were a waste of time.

2 sizes to fit diff size combination of source with fiio amps, so the larger ones good for normal/widthy sources like for eg: Ipod classic,X5 etc.....so save it, as its useful when needy
Mar 19, 2015 at 10:09 PM Post #1,612 of 3,124
2 sizes to fit diff size combination of source with fiio amps, so the larger ones good for normal/widthy sources like for eg: Ipod classic,X5 etc.....so save it, as its useful when needy

Sorry I should have been more specific.
The larger ones were a waste of time with the Alien.

They were great for my DX90/AK100ii/Ak100 - Portatube/e12a etc
Mar 19, 2015 at 10:16 PM Post #1,613 of 3,124
Sorry I should have been more specific.
The larger ones were a waste of time with the Alien.

They were great for my DX90/AK100ii/Ak100 - Portatube/e12a etc

k, got it.....as Alien's body is lesser than the normal width,ultra portable........so yeah the larger ones best for your other gears......
Mar 20, 2015 at 12:44 AM Post #1,616 of 3,124
I knew my wife would have answers to all my problems :D ... I tell her of my Fiio band (being too big) dilemma and I ask her if she has anything like that but would fit better and she produces these hair band things that come in a little tube packet (like a toothpaste tube type packet lol), hundereds of them! She tells me they come in black also (black for brunettes, clear for blonds lol).
But she warns me, that water snaps them easily, and they're only good for 3 uses after which many snap. But they are cheap and plentiful so will do for now :D

She gets them in Woolworths (a Supermarket in Australia).

PS I had a look at o-rings but then look too dense (like not flat band)...
Mar 23, 2015 at 9:54 PM Post #1,620 of 3,124
Just got mine today. Will post impressions.

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