A head-fier owes me $1000+ and couldn't (/wouldn't) pay me back..
Jun 9, 2008 at 4:19 PM Post #61 of 151
So the person in question has 30 days to prey on members of Head-Fi unmolested?

I'm not going to "Guess" who we are supposedly talking about.

To Me the OP is / could be half the problem and his less than upfront disclosure is messed up.

Out the guy or move along- This whole thread is a useless drama.

Jun 9, 2008 at 4:25 PM Post #63 of 151
Maybe I just don't have the mindset, or attitude of the OP, but it feels like something is being left out. I'm not implying that anyone is lying, but why wouldn't you give out the info about this guy, report him to the Mods and take action? Instead, you're telling us that he's waiting *another* 30 days, and you're LETTING HIM get away with it. If he pulled something like this, then I'd share everything out in the open, even if he did finally get you your equipment/money back. But you aren't. Which confuses me.

I wouldn't be afraid to "slander" his name because of something like this. A grand is a lot of money, regardless of earnings or estate.
Jun 9, 2008 at 4:31 PM Post #64 of 151

Originally Posted by kjpmkjp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Instead, you're telling us that he's waiting *another* 30 days, and you're LETTING HIM get away with it. If he pulled something like this, then I'd share everything out in the open, even if he did finally get you your equipment/money back...A grand is a lot of money, regardless of earnings or estate.

Pretty obvious the OP is hoping 30 days will get him his grand vs. the threat of outing the guy and potentially losing it all.
Jun 9, 2008 at 4:37 PM Post #65 of 151

Originally Posted by itsborken /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Pretty obvious the OP is hoping 30 days will get him his grand vs. the threat of outing the guy and potentially losing it all.

Note the statement: "...even if he did finally get you your equipment/money back."

I think it's bollocks that he has to wait the 30 days, but he should let us know who this guy is after he gets his money back.
Jun 9, 2008 at 4:38 PM Post #66 of 151
If you dont get your money in 30 days, which is rediculous, but still, set him a firm deadline. If he replies with crap, out him. If that doesnt work, call his company, home (wife, kid etc) his family, the police etc.

That will ruin his life, no job, this incident on police record, family etc. knowing.

Then if that doesnt work, get a group of CT Head-fi'ers to scare him, and if that doesnt work, hire a bruiser.

This is wrong. Spending your money without permission, then being aggrevated about the situation!

I wanna know who this is, as at 15, i dont wanna loose my hard earned cash to this jerk. Be sure to update, and let us know who he is once you have your money back!

Just my $0.02

Jun 9, 2008 at 4:41 PM Post #67 of 151

Originally Posted by itsborken /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Pretty obvious the OP is hoping 30 days will get him his grand vs. the threat of outing the guy and potentially losing it all.

Yeah, and he's holding us all hostage in doing so. Give him two days to give up the name or he's banned. That should do it....
Jun 9, 2008 at 4:55 PM Post #68 of 151
Indeed, this is like a hostage situation, and the jerk has the drop on the OP. If the OP pushes too many of his buttons, then the guy can go AWOL, and the OP is essentially gone that $1,000+ because like you guys said, it'd be too expensive to press charges from that far away.

OP, ask why it'll take 30 days, and not tomorrow. You are rolling over to all his demands, and because of that he knows he still has you on a leash, and can abuse/take advantage of you any way he sees fit.

Of course though, the guy may be an insecure wannabe control freak.

In the meantime though, again, saying his "name" now would be precarious. That could piss him off (Heaven knows why he has to right to be so after all he's put you through), and like I said, he can go AWOL. And if he does, I hope with every bone in my body that he will never forgive himself for the rest of his life.
Jun 9, 2008 at 5:04 PM Post #69 of 151
Unfortunately, many of us are now unlikely to deal with anyone from Connecticut for the next 30 days.

So this guy has not only stuck it to the OP, he has tainted all in Ct to some degree.
(at least those within the previously mentioned post-count range)


Originally Posted by jdimitri /img/forum/go_quote.gif
He's done many transactions on head-fi and has over 3000 posts

Jun 9, 2008 at 5:15 PM Post #70 of 151
If you do a search in the Members section for members hailing from CT with a post count >= 3000, you can probably figure out who this person is. Good luck to the OP...I hope he gets his money back...and soon.
Jun 9, 2008 at 5:22 PM Post #71 of 151

Originally Posted by ecclesand /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If you do a search in the Members section for members hailing from CT with a post count >= 3000, you can probably figure out who this person is. Good luck to the OP...I hope he gets his money back...and soon.

No.. you can't i just tried this

Let's just say not everyone puts down their location properly..

I'm sorry if you think you're being held hostage, but if you're really all that concerned and you are buying something from a guy in CT, feel free to PM me

Maybe it was a bad idea to give out any details at all. Just give me a few hours to sort this out, he's thinking of outing himself
Jun 9, 2008 at 5:47 PM Post #72 of 151
Agreed. Paypay 250, 500, whatever *today* and start paying $XXX a week until caught up or the 30 days are done. If the guy's making good regular payments I wouldn't mention if it took a few days past 30 to settle up.

It's so easy to hose up one's reputation and it boggles the mind why this guy would pull a stunt like this...
Jun 9, 2008 at 5:53 PM Post #73 of 151

Originally Posted by jdimitri /img/forum/go_quote.gif
No.. you can't i just tried this

Let's just say not everyone puts down their location properly..

I'm sorry if you think you're being held hostage, but if you're really all that concerned and you are buying something from a guy in CT, feel free to PM me

Maybe it was a bad idea to give out any details at all. Just give me a few hours to sort this out, he's thinking of outing himself

Haha, this always cracks me up. Anytime this situation pops up everyone just wants to know who the person is. It amazes me at the depths at which people will search to find out who you're talking about. You'd think some of these people would have better things to do.
Jun 9, 2008 at 6:08 PM Post #74 of 151
Better things to do on a forum than trying to clean it up of scumbags. The nerve of some people, wanting to avoid scams on forums.

I say if this guy doesn't have a payment plan with some tangible payments made in days rather than weeks, he needs to be outted. Otherwise the OP has just put members from an entire state in a bad light and stirred up drama for... what?

I understand the OP wants his money back, but 30 days may as well be 30 years. he's not followed these plans in the past, what would change now? The threat of playing himself? His reputation is on an internet discussion forum means more than real world consequences? Yeah, right.
Jun 9, 2008 at 6:39 PM Post #75 of 151

Originally Posted by itsborken /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It's so easy to hose up one's reputation and it boggles the mind why this guy would pull a stunt like this...

I couldnt agree more.

Why chance screwing up your reputation so you cant sell to people easily, or buy from people without being doubted.

Next time he/she needs to sell or buy something, or even ask for advice, he wont be welcome, its the same as getting banned.

Why risk being banned, or ruining your reputation on the best headphone forum on the net? There arent exactly many "substitutes" to this forum.



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