A head-fier owes me $1000+ and couldn't (/wouldn't) pay me back..
Jun 9, 2008 at 1:32 AM Post #47 of 151

Originally Posted by aaron313 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
This is all good, but if the agreement was between people in different states, how would one go about trying legal avenues?

Diversity of citizenship is handled by the Federal Courts.
Jun 9, 2008 at 2:00 AM Post #48 of 151

To those saying i should post a feedback before whinging about it, the sale was not over the forum
Plus that's pretty much outing him..

So? It's feedback that future buyers and sellers need - unless you want to help him scam more people of course.

I don't understand this way of thinking. You see it in this apartment building where people give the resident drunk chance after chance, somehow thinking that the offender is going to change. And the warnings, the pleadings, they only enable the guy.

It's the same thing here. This guy rips the OP off to the tune of a grand, and the OP is protecting him. I don't get that.
Jun 9, 2008 at 3:06 AM Post #49 of 151
well think of it this way. if he doesn't give it back, he will eventually be outed on the forum (which he could already be easily fogured out by the information given alone). vbulletin has ip checking for the administrator, and ips lead to contact information/location. just food for thought.
Jun 9, 2008 at 3:26 AM Post #50 of 151

Originally Posted by jdimitri /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'll send him an e-mail with a firm date and a link to this thread

To those saying i should post a feedback before whinging about it, the sale was not over the forum
Plus that's pretty much outing him..

He's done many transactions on head-fi and has over 3000 posts
I communicated with him fairly often as well, hence the trust

But yeah, i've definitely been too trusting.. How well can i know someone over the net?

He's in CT if that helps anyone

I'm in CT.... Do you know where?
Jun 9, 2008 at 5:27 AM Post #51 of 151
You should out him!


While 1000$ is a lot of money, I think what people mean is that it's simply not worth it to pursue.

How expensive do you think it would be to launch a lawsuit against someone in Connecticut from Melboune, AUS? I would guess > $1000, and who knows if you'd ever see a dime, even if you did get a judgement.

But for god's sake, post his name if for no other reason than to protect the rest of the board.
Jun 9, 2008 at 7:39 AM Post #52 of 151
Wow...this is pretty crazy. You've got to be pretty trusting..I'd be too paranoid to part with that much money and not know exactly where it'll be. I really hope that it all works out somehow. really truly.
Jun 9, 2008 at 8:17 AM Post #53 of 151

Originally Posted by plainsong /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So? It's feedback that future buyers and sellers need - unless you want to help him scam more people of course.

I don't understand this way of thinking. You see it in this apartment building where people give the resident drunk chance after chance, somehow thinking that the offender is going to change. And the warnings, the pleadings, they only enable the guy.

It's the same thing here. This guy rips the OP off to the tune of a grand, and the OP is protecting him. I don't get that.

Victim psychology. It's very embarassing to get screwed like that, even when you have nothing to be embarassed about.
Jun 9, 2008 at 1:45 PM Post #54 of 151
"He's in CT if that helps anyone"

What's with the stupid games?

You impune everyone from CT with a high post count?

You should Out the guy so I can put them on my ignore list with you.

Jun 9, 2008 at 1:52 PM Post #55 of 151
Please do leave feedback for the guy.
It's called 'feedback' after all, the good and bad, so if your deal didn't go smooth other users have a right to know about this if they deal with this guy.

If everyone omitted the bad feedbacks and only submitted good ones, feedback threads would be useless.
Jun 9, 2008 at 3:03 PM Post #56 of 151

Originally Posted by braillediver /img/forum/go_quote.gif
"He's in CT if that helps anyone"

What's with the stupid games?

You impune everyone from CT with a high post count?

You should Out the guy so I can put them on my ignore list with you.


I'm only providing that info because someone early on asked for it and i thought it wouldn't be too obvious

He just got in contact with me, although slightly aggravated he promises he'll repay me in 30 days


Originally Posted by Leto Atreides II /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Victim psychology. It's very embarassing to get screwed like that, even when you have nothing to be embarassed about.

What? No.. If i was embarrassed I wouldn't have posted here at all
I'd like to give him one last chance before doing something that not only will ruin his rep (whether he deserves it or not is your decision) but also may result in immature head-fiers abusing him.
The only good that'll come out that is him ending any communication

All I know for sure is that we've had successful dealings in the past, and i've kept in contact with him.
He could've easily just ran off with the money and cut me off completely if that was his intention

As far as i know, he's not selling anything (i've checked).
I'll give his details to a mod just to make sure he doesn't 'screw over' anyone else

EDIT: Actually.. where can i find a list of mods?
Jun 9, 2008 at 3:25 PM Post #57 of 151

Originally Posted by jdimitri /img/forum/go_quote.gif
He just got in contact with me, although slightly aggravated he promises he'll repay me in 30 days

The guy has no reason to be slightly aggravated after stringing you along for such a long time. Sounds like you've been more than accommodating to his issues.

If you agreed to payment within 30 days then I'd hold back getting the mods involved for those 30 days. It isn't right to 'work with the guy' while tearing his rep apart with the mods at the same time.
Jun 9, 2008 at 3:32 PM Post #58 of 151

Originally Posted by jdimitri /img/forum/go_quote.gif
He just got in contact with me, although slightly aggravated he promises he'll repay me in 30 days

While we haven't heard his side: He's kept your money for more than six months, told you he bought a Zune but never sent it, used the money for his own needs, made promises he didn't keep and now keeps you on the leash for another month. At the same time, he is the one getting aggravated...... WHAT?
Jun 9, 2008 at 3:37 PM Post #59 of 151
If (and when) this is all over, I would still STRONGLY suggest his name be made public and his actions laid out in his feedback thread. Even if it works out, and you get your money back, I see no reason why he should be allowed to continue dealing on the boards without at very least recognition of his problems in the past.
Jun 9, 2008 at 4:09 PM Post #60 of 151
This thread is unbelievable. Although have not heard the other side, there is no reason to allow even another 30 days on this after so long. Mods need made cognizant of this matter, the persons contact information made public to warn other members, and feedback ultimately left. Smell a ban on the horizon I expect. How lame, hope this works out. That is all I can say, and good luck.

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