Mar 22, 2010 at 3:34 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 7,513


Headphoneus Supremus
May 11, 2009
Audiophile Purgatory
I wonder if there are Head-Fiers who consider the 6SN7 as a great tube, if they collect them and which version and make is the best.
Please note I created this thread out of respect to adhoc's threads which are my ALL time favourites, I have learned so much reading them.
I thought this way we could keep these wonderful threads as Reference Material and discuss various issues here.
Here are adhoc's threads:
Mar 22, 2010 at 6:45 PM Post #2 of 7,513

I had RCA 6SN7 that were giving an OK result, as they were the first pair I had. For the fun of it, I bought a pair of Sylvania chrome top... Wow !! what a difference !! I did not think it the sound would have change that much. My amp has two 807 power tubes, 2 6SN7 and one 6BQ7... I thought only this one could change the sound.. I was wrong.

I've read that the Sylvania VT-231 are pretty good....but they are pricey...

I wonder about Sophia Electric 6SN7....anyone heard them ??

Mar 22, 2010 at 8:12 PM Post #4 of 7,513
bummer is down
They had some great info about 6sn7 tubes.
Mar 22, 2010 at 10:35 PM Post #6 of 7,513
Personally, I now try to stay away from equipment that uses 6SN7's.

I have collected lots of 6SN7/VT231 tubes for previous equipments and have owned/tried the venerables, including TungSol roundplates, Sylvania metal base, KenRad, RCA grey glass, National Union grey and black glass, Sylvania VT231, etc, etc.

Many sound good and some sound special, but honestly, there are other tubes that can yield just as good results, if not better, but at much less cost. 6SN7 hype over the years has resulted in tripling, quadrupling of NOS prices over the years and just not worth it IMO.
Mar 23, 2010 at 7:38 AM Post #7 of 7,513
Some new amps like Current Eddie BA and some Woo's still use the 6SN7's as drivers.
I agree though with Jon L there's a lot of hype and overcharging for 6SN7's.
Mar 23, 2010 at 1:51 PM Post #8 of 7,513
Yeah, I agree, there is a bit of an over charge and a bit of an over hype but since they last a long time on a good amp, a good pair like a standard 1950s Sylvania is normally about $25 each which isn't too bad of a price and it's a great tube for any price IMO. I also find the vintage General Electrics to be relativly cheap and excellent too. The same goes for rebranded off brand types for that era. But the really expensive ones that go for over $100 a pair is not really worth it IMO. Fortunatly, I've always found good deals and never paid outrageous prices. You should shop around if possible but sometimes paying a little extra to a reputable dealer can be good too though.

I find that the design of the amp is argubaly more important than finding the best tubes. If the amp is already well designed with a quality power supply, a modest name tube like a G.E. for example will make it sing wonderfully.
Mar 23, 2010 at 2:21 PM Post #9 of 7,513

Originally Posted by Spareribs /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I find that the design of the amp is argubaly more important than finding the best tubes. If the amp is already well designed with a quality power supply, a modest name tube like a G.E. for example will make it sing wonderfully.

However some of us tube addicts can't help but buy some of the more exotic versions even though they don't offer value for money and sonic advantage may only be minor.
Mar 23, 2010 at 2:55 PM Post #10 of 7,513
^ That's true. Shopping for the 6SN7 tubes can be fun since there are so many choices. One of the great things about this tube is that there are still so many out there so you can be stocked for the rest of your life. And good deals can be found so in a way, it's a good bargain in various aspects.
Mar 23, 2010 at 2:59 PM Post #11 of 7,513
It's not fun, it's an addiction!
Where does one stop?
Mar 23, 2010 at 3:07 PM Post #12 of 7,513
It's nice to see a spread of opinions. A friend of mine has many different types and gets amusement from swapping them in and out of his Cary preamplifier. I joke with him that it's almost more absorbing for him than the music.

The only down-side seems to be when the sellers poke up the prices, but I guess that's capiatalism for you. However I think they made plenty in the past, and I understand that one company is making new ones also.
Mar 23, 2010 at 3:15 PM Post #13 of 7,513
Electron Tube sell a new matched pair for a bit over $40, and I've read nice comments about them. Sophia Princess and others also make them.
Mar 23, 2010 at 3:37 PM Post #14 of 7,513

Originally Posted by Jon L /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Personally, I now try to stay away from equipment that uses 6SN7's.

I have collected lots of 6SN7/VT231 tubes for previous equipments and have owned/tried the venerables, including TungSol roundplates, Sylvania metal base, KenRad, RCA grey glass, National Union grey and black glass, Sylvania VT231, etc, etc.

Many sound good and some sound special, but honestly, there are other tubes that can yield just as good results, if not better, but at much less cost. 6SN7 hype over the years has resulted in tripling, quadrupling of NOS prices over the years and just not worth it IMO.

I agree with everything you said EXCEPT that I actually try to FIND amps that use the 6SN7, precisely BECAUSE I have a large stash of them already and I want to use them

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