May 18, 2011 at 4:35 PM Post #2 of 13
I do own both of them and i can tell you for sure that John's Cmoy is way better from E7.
It has more power to drive your headphones,also when you turn bass boost on it is like you switched to bass boost 4 of the E7(which of course do not have that option,it goes up to 3).
It doesn not distort the sound and you have a slight improve of soundstage...
Nice proffesional build and looks cool..
Overall it is definetely an E7 killer..
May 18, 2011 at 5:14 PM Post #3 of 13
A better question would be CmoyBB vs. Fiio E11 (the newer portable amplifier from Fiio) that is supposed to offer better amplification than the Fiio E7.  There are some opinions over the Fiio E11 vs. CmoyBB, but you can decide for yourself.  A prop for the Cmoy would be that it would offer you a little DIY experience.
May 19, 2011 at 10:38 PM Post #4 of 13
E7 is weak, like most commercial amps.  CMOY all the way.  you can swap opamps on CMOY, or add two 9v for total of 18v supply.  It is rare to find any commercial amps of such high supply voltage.
May 22, 2011 at 3:00 PM Post #6 of 13

I apologise for not answering the question you asked. But like Bop, I think you should consider the Cmoy v E11.
May 22, 2011 at 6:41 PM Post #7 of 13
Hell to the yes!  I love them caps.
  I might purchase one myself, just for the caps.
Another vote here for the Cmoy.  
I got mine from this seller on Etsy:
It sounds amazing.

May 22, 2011 at 10:05 PM Post #8 of 13
If a CMOY amplifier could truly outperform any $2000 amplifier or receiver by simply switching a pair of capacitors, I am sure that some businesses would have gone out already, not to mention that all other amplifier designs would be rendered obsolete.  I am quite skeptical
May 22, 2011 at 10:13 PM Post #9 of 13
  Who, what??  When??  Who said that?  But, with IEMs, I guarantee it won't make whole lot of difference.  For IEMs, and even big headphoens for that matter, $2000 amp is not that much better, graph is not exponential or linear.  Its root graph that gets assemptotic when you get to that price range.  People got to get their heads out of measureing performance with $$, its not very smart(you fall victim to audiophile snake oil, I suggest you head out to science forum  and DIY get your head in place).  
If a CMOY amplifier could truly outperform any $2000 amplifier or receiver by simply switching a pair of capacitors, I am sure that some businesses would have gone out already, not to mention that all other amplifier designs would be rendered obsolete.  I am quite skeptical

May 23, 2011 at 4:19 PM Post #11 of 13

It's from this link:
Selected Quotes:
"This badboy has been upgraded with some SERIOUS audio capacitors! It features Nichicon Muse (Nichicons top of the line and most expensive capacitors). These are seen in large bulky very expensive audio amplifiers. Now you can enjoy the sound in a portable tin at a VERY affordable price!
And it features a MONSTER Nichicon 2200uf Capacitor (for more booming bass)"
-Replacing caps - the only modification?
"A powerful headphone amp, inside an Altoids tin...How cool is that! This amp is based off the very popular Chu Moy Amp. It features a Burr Brown OPA2132 (which is a low-noise, low-distortion dual op amp) and an Alps RK097 volume control (with on/off switch). Built with the highest quality components..featuring Switch Craft, Alps, Burr Brown, Dale Vishay, Nichicon, Nichicon Muse, 3mm green LED, and a TLE2426 rail splitter."
-Sounds like a CMOY to me
"Home stereo
Hi-Fi amps and receivers' headphone out is only a mid-fi option. A CMoy amp, connected to the line out of your home Hi-Fi, will out-perform the headphone out in any amp or receiver up to $2000."
-Now the controversial statement
  Who, what??  When??  Who said that?  But, with IEMs, I guarantee it won't make whole lot of difference.  For IEMs, and even big headphoens for that matter, $2000 amp is not that much better, graph is not exponential or linear.  Its root graph that gets assemptotic when you get to that price range.  People got to get their heads out of measureing performance with $$, its not very smart(you fall victim to audiophile snake oil, I suggest you head out to science forum  and DIY get your head in place).  


I think that it's been clear that measurements fall short of actual perceivable performance whether it be noticed in high-end DACs that are measured to perform well, DFKT's RMAA that received much flame fire, etc.  The benefits I have seen from a CMOY are pretty minimal, the only noticeable benefit would come from using the line-out signal versus some wimpy internal amplifier.  Yes, I have visited the Sound Science forum for several topics- interesting as they may be, the ending result in almost any thread is - speculation, correction, and no definitive answer.  In terms of DIY, I am sure that most members can comment that a modified CMOY with upgraded caps cannot compare with more notable designs with a sturdier power supply, CTH/EHHA/Beta 22, etc.  There is marginal SQ  in my opinion, though I am sure that it is not within the $60 mark...an I just missed that you said for IEMs...huh in that case I guess it's a matter of synergy and the coloration of the amplifier.
Jun 15, 2011 at 12:37 PM Post #12 of 13
hi people....
Sorry for reviving this thread, as i don't want to bother anybody with opening up a new thread.....
JDSLabs cMoyBB v2.03 vs. FiiO E11
Are there any opinions floating around?
Jun 15, 2011 at 6:35 PM Post #13 of 13

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