2017 Audio Technica new flagship ATH-ADX5000
Apr 26, 2020 at 9:23 PM Post #706 of 1,519
Just to clarify something, I used the ADX5000 off a wide range of sources, not just the SPL Phonitor X. Also, I didn't mean for it to sound like I thought the ADX5K = the Clear, just that in my mind it should fall closer to the same price range as the Clear (and HD800s). They all trade blows depending on your preferences. For most of the music I like to listen to, my preference would be for the ADX5K (especially from a nice tube amp), but I can absolutely see someone preferring the Clear.

As for the other stuff, I think I'll just let the content speak for itself, I'd only ask that you guys check some of it out before coming to conclusions haha.

Fair enough.
Please note: I'm still in the throes of my initial ADX5000 buzz--but it is an unusually lengthy one.
[Just ordered the Heddphone. Will add it to the list of contenders.]
. . . BTW, I just broke into a spontaneous last stanza of "Oh, Canada!" : )
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May 8, 2020 at 5:32 PM Post #709 of 1,519
Tidal Masters: Group: Kraftwerk, Album: The Man Machine, Track: "Neon Lights"
Ease, transparency and an impeccable sense of timing characterize the ADX5000. Excellent layering. Plenty of detail. Well-ordered 3-dimensionality. These headphones draw me into the music like few or no other I have ever tried.
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May 12, 2020 at 5:26 AM Post #710 of 1,519
Weird that knowing the price ADX5000 in here in my country is certainly almost same as brand new HD800 (varied around 1500-1599)

I checked amazon.com, the price ADX5000 now is usd 2,600 i wondered what makes price different so much, i guess adx5000 is better deal in here then as i concluded
May 12, 2020 at 11:34 AM Post #711 of 1,519
Weird that knowing the price ADX5000 in here in my country is certainly almost same as brand new HD800 (varied around 1500-1599)

I checked amazon.com, the price ADX5000 now is usd 2,600 i wondered what makes price different so much, i guess adx5000 is better deal in here then as i concluded
You are right.
ADX5000 was cheapest in Indonesia followed by Singapore in Jan'19.
I got my unit from Zeppelin Singapore and it was priced almost same as hd800s.
I preferred the signature/comfort/fit of adx5k over every other dynamic paired with hpa4/tube amp.

May 12, 2020 at 3:39 PM Post #712 of 1,519
Tidal Masters: Nelson Riddle, An Orchestral Portrait of Nat King Cole: "It's Only a Paper Moon"
[Added the PS Audio PS300.]
I can hear more fully and more deeply into the woodwinds and brass with the ADX5000 [v. Utopia, HE1000SE and HEDDphone].
Lush, detailed and ultimately/intimately musical.
The Audio-Technica win this round.
May 12, 2020 at 4:31 PM Post #713 of 1,519
Weird that knowing the price ADX5000 in here in my country is certainly almost same as brand new HD800 (varied around 1500-1599)

I checked amazon.com, the price ADX5000 now is usd 2,600 i wondered what makes price different so much, i guess adx5000 is better deal in here then as i concluded

The ADX5000 are underappreciated in the West, and apparently better-appreciated nearer their country of origin. Proximity of market--and the oriental "mystique", : ) if you will--must have a fair measure to do with it, too.

Also, most head-fiers are currently fascinated with the newest technological innovations [good things in-and-of themselves] : e.g. beryllium drivers from Focal, AMT drivers from HEDD, hybrid array isodynamic drivers from Meze, so that not much thought is given to, or not much expectation accorded to, the traditional dynamic driver. Therefore, a product like the ADX5000, which, in my opinion, are a "hidden gem", get neither sufficient exposure nor due recognition.

A degree of "cliquishness" might be at play here, too. For example, I have heard what I [and others] thought were deserving headphones, like the Martin Logan Mikros 90, effectively occluded from the market due to a handful of misinformed and/or misleading reviews at the outset, which steered popular opinion in the negative direction. This sort of thing is exacerbated by others who, though not having actually auditioned the headphones, nevertheless cite a negative review and trigger opposition in others [who themselves may not, and probably will not, actually perform an audition either].
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May 13, 2020 at 12:29 AM Post #714 of 1,519
Unfortunately, it's quite hard to find though, no? I rarely see them and they get snagged up so quickly. I'd love to try this out in the future, but quite satisfied with my setup at the moment.
May 15, 2020 at 7:11 PM Post #715 of 1,519
The balanced cable is really really huge compared to the stock one :ksc75smile:
love the look though i didnt give it a good listen yet
May 15, 2020 at 7:18 PM Post #716 of 1,519
Weird that knowing the price ADX5000 in here in my country is certainly almost same as brand new HD800 (varied around 1500-1599)

I checked amazon.com, the price ADX5000 now is usd 2,600 i wondered what makes price different so much, i guess adx5000 is better deal in here then as i concluded
I got it new from Austrelia from authrized dealer for 1350$ (Limited time discount), this brand is priced differently in the east and i guess the steep price is also a factor this model didnt get populer in head-fi , truly it is a hidden gem.
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May 19, 2020 at 8:11 PM Post #717 of 1,519
Andrea True Connection: "More, More, More"
Prefer the ADX5000 on his track to HEDDphone, Utopia, HE-1000SE and Empyrean.
Best parsing of the soundfield, most transparent vocals, best sense of disco pace.
May 20, 2020 at 6:34 AM Post #719 of 1,519
Have you had the chance to listen & compare to the new AWKT Kokutan closed back? I have the new AWKT closed backs and have ordered the ADX5000 to demo as a comparison.
please share your feedback once you have it , i am very interested to know how they differ , i have the ADX5K and i love them so much specially with tube amps.
May 20, 2020 at 8:10 AM Post #720 of 1,519
Will have them this weekend so update then. Obviously with one being open and one closed it's not apples with apples, but i have read so much on the ADX5000 being TOTL level I had to do a comparison. If so, the price point is very competitive. How much sound leakage do you find with them if others around, and are you insulated from outside noise when listening?

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