2 HDTVs im considering..

Aug 7, 2009 at 6:08 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 82


Headphoneus Supremus
Jan 16, 2008
yet another tv thread ive started!

im looking at
LCD: samsungs [40"] UE40B7000
Plasma: panasonic [42"] TX-P42V10

they are totally different to each other, but almost identical in price, [to a point where it doesnt matter]

as said in other threads, i will undoubtidly have it hooked up to my laptop at times and as such screen burn may be an issue on the plasma, the lcd is also better on power and vibrancy, and although not as good on blacks this one is LED backlit

the plasma is more energy demanding, but i expect better on blacks, there souldnt be much light coming into the room and i understand plasmas look better in dark environments

one very important thing, alot of viewing is going to be SD freeview so upscaling is very important

bottom line, atm im torn, slightly leaning to the LCD

Aug 7, 2009 at 8:04 PM Post #3 of 82
Samsung are crap don't touch them, had several. The Panasonic plasma will have better picture quality for movies.


the lcd is also better on power and vibrancy

LCD look too vibrant, people aren't supposed to look bright red. Knock colour right dow and disable all those processing features.


one very important thing, alot of viewing is going to be SD freeview so upscaling is very important

Plasma wins here, SD on plasma looks better, LCD does show up pixellation more, even if you knock sharpness way down on the LCD. Although a good LCD can look good (even I thought so) just with a decent plasma next to it, the plasma will look better.

I've owned Samsung LCD's and Plasma, I'll never buy another Samsung again.
Aug 7, 2009 at 9:29 PM Post #4 of 82
i, gonna go to town tomorrow and have a look in the shops, the review of the samsung lcd is almost all positive, cant find so many for the plasma i was looking at,

i may also have to look at a vs power consumption, but i know the lcd usues the same as my laptop 130W

the little T240hd my parents have in thier kitchen looks quite good, [it is only 19in tho]

i think the only place im gonna see them side by side is in a shop, even tho shops use devious tactics to sell

im really quite taken by the samsung, but i think at this point its the aesthetics
Aug 7, 2009 at 9:38 PM Post #5 of 82
A LCD will look better in the shops, trust me when you get it home those same settings will look horrible. You can get it better looking, with Samsung a good start is putting it to movie and disabling all "enhancements" Strange how reviews never hinted at the major picture faults Samsung have ;-)
Aug 8, 2009 at 7:42 AM Post #8 of 82
I got a Sony LCD (don't remember the model) but very nice picture. I'll dig up the model number for you.
Aug 8, 2009 at 9:32 AM Post #9 of 82
thanks, model numbers are useful, but i know sony are expensive

i have found you can turn the LED dimming off, but this may just spoil the blacks being excellent :/

maybe theres no ideal tv for me yet? maybe the led backlighting is the right thing, but back not side lighting?
Aug 8, 2009 at 9:56 AM Post #11 of 82
ideally yeas, but i def cant do that, ive already upped my budget lol

i dont need the best blacks, ie kuros, but for this outlay needs to be good! but pc veiwng is also essential, my bed is too far from my comp not to hook it up to it!
Aug 8, 2009 at 1:36 PM Post #13 of 82
i been eying Smasung's LCD's for a bit also for my next monitor/tv myself. the model i was looking at was ln46b750, it seems to get some high reviews!

thats the led model! from what i read people don't seem to like it cause of how the led's are lighting it up, as i mentioned in one of your threads about this before led or even oled is very new stuff..might be better off going with something more common (cold cathode lit) for use now..or you can wait for more time to work out the issues. also the difference is the Hz rate on the two.

still those samsungs at bb look so damn good in life, personally i think the Panasonic plasma and samsung led are the two best on the bb floor now!
Aug 8, 2009 at 3:46 PM Post #14 of 82

Originally Posted by Al4x /img/forum/go_quote.gif
thanks, model numbers are useful, but i know sony are expensive

i have found you can turn the LED dimming off, but this may just spoil the blacks being excellent :/

maybe theres no ideal tv for me yet? maybe the led backlighting is the right thing, but back not side lighting?

Correct the LED Backlit Samsungs have gotten INSANE praise but they are still very $$$$$

The LED SIDELIT have gotten lots of bad praise.

The good part about LED Backlit is in dark sences some LED's can dim for where the blacks are and where the whites are those LEDs stay on. If you have side lighting then if some of the LED's turn off to make better blacks those LED's are also lighting the whites so those dim also.

Again LED Backlit FTW LED Sidelit FTL

I have the Samsung A630 and they have the B630 and B650 out they should be cheaper than the B7000 and IMO the picture looks great SD, HD, PC.
Aug 8, 2009 at 5:29 PM Post #15 of 82
from sounds of it im gonna have to go LCD cause of the pc hookup i just dont think plasma will cut it there,

i am well tempted to wait until the properly backlit lcds come down in price

we have a little samsung 19in tv in the kitchen that seems to have the auto dimming, just watching it earlier it really is annoying how as a scene goes bright to dark the whole thing dimms, quite noticable, in a bad way! turning it off seems to defeat the object of having it, but so far, ive found everyone dislikes it! why make it like that samsung!! grrr

general consensus seems to be like you said danthemiataman
backlit led = good
sidelit = bad
and lcd really the only viable option for PC-TV

damn i was hoping to get a tv soon!

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