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May 22, 2013 at 10:35 AM Post #75,886 of 177,750
what bit of gsming did they show? Prerendered bs? The ps4 at least shown something more than prerendered bs. So going by what we kniw so far the ps4 had a higher chance of being the better console fir games.

The focus on tv is dumb as bricks because most gamers dont give two fcks (or even 1) about tv shows. That also indicates that the gaming service won't be up to par with psn. Again. There's no mention whatsoever of what they're going to do for the indie scene, while sony recognize that they can get more gamers heart if they support indie.

I want to go on but I am on my phone. Your counterarguments doesn't hold that much water imo.

Thats exactly what I mean. It plays games :wink:

Etc etc.

I liked PS4s demo better. But microsoft is catering to a more expanded audience

You guys just don't understand. Microsoft are clearly going to release the gaming capabilities of the xbox one and day 1 DLC. You can always download an extra 8GB of GDDR5 RAM and unlock an extra four cores. Once you've paid for this "premium" package you can be part of Microsoft's exclusive 1337 G4m3r club, which you can proudly show off with the ability to change your gamertag font colour.
I do expect this schiit to happen as thats what Microsoft does often
May 22, 2013 at 10:39 AM Post #75,887 of 177,750
Am I the only one who actually likes the look? Sure it looks like an oversized Tivo box, but I do like the minimalistic aesthetic they went with. It, at least, doesn't look like a George Foreman grill. Doesn't mean I'll buy one though.
May 22, 2013 at 10:52 AM Post #75,888 of 177,750
Am I the only one who actually likes the look? Sure it looks like an oversized Tivo box, but I do like the minimalistic aesthetic they went with. It, at least, doesn't look like a George Foreman grill. Doesn't mean I'll buy one though.

May 22, 2013 at 11:17 AM Post #75,890 of 177,750
Eew, I think the look is absolutely horrid...
The half gloss and half matte finish is what bothers me...

Oh and @Tang: I finally finished nekoko's route in YMK, now on to Mizuki...
May 22, 2013 at 12:40 PM Post #75,892 of 177,750
So... Am I the only one that really liked PS3 FAT design? Surely, it was a bit too big, but if it just was smaller (especially in height), it would make a perfect PS3 Slim...

I liked it :D
Though I don't dislike the SLIM's design.
I think the latest PS3 version looks a bit more like a mix of the original PS3 slim and fat.
May 22, 2013 at 1:17 PM Post #75,896 of 177,750
How can anybody defend it? Why are you even defending it? Just because of retarddit? You're stupid.
Retarddit hates it. Im defending it because everyone schiits on it.

Its release was marketed at consumers and the mainstream. Its not hard to defend their descision.
May 22, 2013 at 1:18 PM Post #75,897 of 177,750
of nihil
hehehe.... yeah I think the same is going to be for ps4. Not sure about wii-u. First time I've thought of that... you're a quick guy... most people would just think of being p'd off b/c of it LOL. 

Haha. I like to try to take a neutral stance, which is quite hard. Most of the time people are bashing here and there and you can easily get caught up in it. I like to be informative and not bias. I enjoy playing on my powerful PC but also enjoy playing on consoles.
There was alot of confusion going on during the xbox conference. But they cleared it up a bit saying that you can play your game that you purchased on any console as long as you are logged into your account. But the part about multiple family accounts on a single console is still confusing on whether you have to pay a fee or not. Also to play "used" games, you must pay the fee which is the MSRP. Then the CEO of Gamestop spoke out in an article saying that Microsoft and Sony want to keep Gamestop alive so you can still trade and sell your games. But how buying used games works is still a mystery due to the fact that you have to pay a fee. So just how much will Gamestop sell these used games?
It's funny that MS only did half a reveal. The other half will be at E3. Yesterday's conference was like revealing itself to be a HTPC since they were targeting towards a family theater which pissed off the gamer audiences. I mean most of the people that were tuning in were most likely gamers.
May 22, 2013 at 1:38 PM Post #75,898 of 177,750
I don't see the point of getting pissed off at new gaming consoles.
If you don't like it, or the way they did their thing, just don't support them by not buying their product.
Or if you must, buy it anyway and keep complaining, maybe they will heed your ranting for their next product.
Both consoles are riddled with gimmicks, at this point there's not much interest in nitpicking all of that.
What matters most is what kind of titles they will eventually receive--which is not foreseeable.
The other thing that matters the most is how much enjoyment it can bring you.
Price? They will put something. Stupid price or not, up to them.
They will face reality seeing how well things sell.
Most pointless of all is the way the console will look.
Not completely pointless, alright, but what matters more to you? Form or function?
I wouldn't care if the PS4 had all its guts strapped in a transparent tupperware. If that enclosure will keep it safe enough, and will not take up too much space, then it's all good.
PS3 was pretty IMO, but curved top means nothing can be stacked on top of it. Meanwhile the PS2 slim had a flip cover, which also means nothing can go above it, and needs a big clearance space to open the tray.
The debate of form follows function, or form defines function is something that alters around in importance in the designing world. Finding a good balance between the two is ideal for both usability and appeal. But if it fails in appeal but excels in function... why not?
It's not like consoles are meant to be glass cased and shown off with other expensive wares in the household.
Also fanboyism is stupid.
Why must one that likes Playstation absolutely have to hate Xbox? Vice versa.
May 22, 2013 at 2:10 PM Post #75,900 of 177,750
Didn't people feel similar to the WIiU when it was launched?
"Ooooooooh that's a TERRIBLE name! Wii2 would have been better!"
"Wii-U, Wii-U, Wii-U, Wii-U! Oh what's that? Is that an ambulance coming for Nintendo?"
"Huehuehue, WIiU. I'll stick my WIi in you U too."
"WOOOOOOOOW that controller is gimmicky! I can see Microsoft and Sony laughing their a&&es off right now"
"Who the f*&^ wants to use a f*&^^ing tablet to game? I bet it's not even capacitive!"
"What the f^(#, why is there so much social media s*&%?? Why can't Nintendo just focus on the hard-core fans?"
..........yup. You can say the same thing about the original Wii too. Or the PS3 and its insane price tag.

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