「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Jan 5, 2015 at 3:00 AM Post #142,111 of 177,750

  So I'm on the fourth season of Zero no Tsukamia... I probably would have dropped this if I couldn't use the fast forward button.

I dropped it long ago as I caught up to it and it was stillr unning
Isn't the original creator or some key person in the making of the series dead?
  I finished binge watching Kill La Kill on Netflix.
My only regret was waiting this long. I put it off because, as a typical female, I'm sick of anime fanservice. It's generally unappealing and sexist for my demographic. However, the over-the-top nature, despite still being overwhelming unbalanced female:male fanservice, was actually kinda funny. The action and music and general zany originality was exceedingly fun and satisfying.
10/10 will wait for season 2.

I liked Kill la Kill as well. It pretty much used nudity, fanservice, and the general ecchi situations as a way to EMPOWER females which I thought was amazing. 
The best part about it was its INCLUSION of males into the topic. I don't care for identifying as a 'word'. I just care for the equality of people. And in too many real life situations nowadays. There are some feminists (not all, but its the bad ones you hear about) that just seem like they want the death of males or something.
Kill la kill included men into its dialogue phenomenally. It empowered females as the biggest tone, but males played a vital role in it as well.
All the themes, the sound tracks lyrics on 'dont lose your way' and on the evolution of the female body was great. IT really sticks it out there and tells a story of puberty and all the things that a female may go through but may not have support on.
I'm not a female. But I do realize that men do have it easier. When the words "Don't lose your way" come on as the MCs are transforming near the last episodes. I teared up a bit and just though. YOU DID IT. You finally did it. You didn't lose your way. You overcame adversity. You're strong, you're different, and you're you.
It felt good because most MCs are either male or feature female MCs that don't struggle through self identifying issues with themselves. 
Sidenote. Why the hell is everyone here in the thread in Washington? 

From Wikipedia:
 The series was left unfinished due to the author's death on April 4, 2013.

I did not know that. RIP, Noboru Yamaguchi.
Credit where it's due!
  Is Kill La Kill really that good? I've heard good things about it but I've been rather apprehensive.

If you liked Gurren Lagan, you'll like it. If you haven't seen that show (like I haven't) then maybe?
Is Kill La Kill really that good? I've heard good things about it but I've been rather apprehensive.

It's OK. The unnecessary stripper outfits is annoying though.

Noo, there's totally a reason for it!


^Click image for big version
But with the Life Fibres gone, what else is there to expand on? Senketsu was a huge part of the series.

They could recreate life fibers or fabricate (ha-ha-ha) their own power materials. Life fibers could have simply LOOKED destroyed, while not all were destroyed... etc etc. 

I think a lot of people are gonna be butthurt about such a plot twist.
  Teracopy is really useful when you are doing multiple file operations from multiple locations, or the same location. It automatically queues the transfers so it only does one transfer from location X to location Y at a time. Windows 7's built-in copy thing tries to do everything at the same time, which slows everything down, because there's only so much bandwidth to go around.
I don't keep backups of any anime. I might have a dual audio and sub copy, or a TV and BD for a few, but otherwise I only have a single copy of most of my anime on a single drive. 
This is also true for me. On-demand HD anime that doesn't rely on an internet connection!
I put my most important data on my newest drive, but aside from external portable drives, I don't have two copies of anything (YOLO). I upgrade my internal mass storage drives maybe once every 3 years. From my experience, a hard drive's lifespan can be anywhere between 0 minutes to 15 years, so theres no telling when a hard drive will fail. Ironically, I keep my photos on Google Drive. For some reason, I trust cloud storage more than my own storage when it comes to reliability and integrity. For one, it's not possible for me to lose/forget where I put Google Drive 

I'm on Windows 8.1
I believe there is a queue system now.....there is. 
Yeah same..I don't do backups of anime

Windows 7 all the way, that's why I use Teracopy. I used 8.1 once. it was awful.
  Man, Windows 8.1 is being such a pain. Guess I'll have to go with Windows 7 for now.

^This resulted in my brief absence

  So I tried to update my Vaio's Android 4.2.2 to 4.4.2, and the new installer broke both Windows 8.1 and the old Android installation. Booting into Windows says that 'Secure Boot Failed', and booting into Android just shows the white text 'A N D R O I D' on a black background. The Windows repair thing couldn't fix it, so I installed Windows 8 over the old Android installation with hopes of recovering my Windows 8.1 data.
Now for some reason, Windows 8.1 boots fine after installing Windows 8.

I hate Windows 8/8.1.

You keep saying that. I still have yet to hear many people report any problems with 8.1. XD

Count me in as a person who wants to report problems with Windows 8.1.

I read 'Corpse Party: Blood Covered' on the Duo 11 once - it was a horribly uncoordinated Windows 8.1 experience.

I actually did get Windows 8.1 and Android to dual boot and play nicely with each other via Gummiboot, but I only gave Android 16 GB and the rest to Windows. Then I got greedy and wanted to split the 128 GB SSD half and half, then I ruined the GPT partition layout because Windows 8.1 has an unmovable recovery partition at the end of the disk. Now Gummiboot only boots into Android, so I have to toggle Secure Boot in the UEFI settings to switch between the two (Secure Boot on for Windows, off for Android).
Better than nothing! If I wanted Gummiboot to dual boot properly, I'd have to wipe the whole disk and start from scratch again.

  Well, schiit. Screwed around a bit with the weird partition layout of Windows 8.1, and now I've finally managed to soft brick my Duo 11.

On the bright side, this is a great excuse to buy a new portable computer.

  Ugh. I had to re-install Windows multiple times (this is the 4th time) to (try to) get everything working again. Right now, brightness control and keyboard backlight don't work, and a message telling me to hibernate the computer because the battery is incompatible always pops up and gets in the way of everything.

I officially hate Windows 8 and 8.1 now. I wish I could get it to dual boot with Android, but nooooooo. The UEFI only loads the Windows bootloader.

I honestly wouldn't want another season.
It had its course and played its themes. 
It's like how I loved Code Geass but would not want a Season 3. 

I think Trigger is playing it safe and don't want to upset its current fanbase, because it may lead to an unexpected outcome. Too much of a good thing makes it bad, but you can never have too much Haruhi 

  In my opinion, not watching a show for its fanservice is equally as bad as watching it for the fanservice. Which isn't bad at all 

But seriously though, if you're such of anime fanservice, you're sick of a pretty big part of anime.
That's the thing; KLK is a strong independent/original anime who needs no source material. Given how it tied things off, the only direction I can see KLK going is a slice of life spin-off (fanservice guaranteed
), which I would still watch.
I think this might have been posted here by someone else before (or maybe not), but I couldn't find it:

[size=1em]Nature of Adaptions[/size][size=1em] - Most anime are adaptions of various manga, light novels, and visual novels. They are produced to boost sales of the source material. They don't normally adapt the entire manga, light novel, or visual novels stories. Details, side stories, and later stories aren't adapted often.[/size]

Not Enough Sales - If the latest season does not sell well enough to justify the cost of production for the season, another season will likely not be made. Sales here include things like merchandise and BDs.

Lack of a Sales Boost - If no boost in sale occurs for the source material, the adaption isn't doing its original job. This means it's unlikely there will be another adaption.

Guaranteed Loss Per Season - It's almost guaranteed that each consecutive season will sell less than the previous season. This means there will be fewer and fewer people that will be interested in the series as most series cannot be entered late like most Western Television.

Not Ongoing Source Material - As adaptions are meant to sell the source material, the source material needs to be ongoing for a greater affect. There are almost no new adaptions for completed series.

Not Enough Source Material - If a series is extremely popular, there isn't much possible if there isn't enough material to adapt. This is very common when it comes to Light Novels or monthly manga series where they can adapt more than half of the series in a single season.

These are the largest reasons for why there are no more seasons for Anime X. There are various other facts that you should know below as well.

Low Income from Foreign Markets - The anime industry is mostly self-reliant on everything within Japan. Foreign markets are just not willing to pay large prices for anime the same way they do in Japan. This coupled with the fact that the foreign market is a niche as well means that there isn't much worth in investing in the foreign market. There's also the fact that the anime are meant to advertise the source material where in the foreign market, anime is the end for most people which means they can't be expected to buy the source material which has a high chance of not even being licensed.

Animation Studios' Work Force - Animation Studios are not infinitely full. There are x number of animators required for a project and they can either be working on another season which is sure to sell less than the previous season or they could be working on a new fresh project with a higher chance of success. Animation studios try not to limit themselves to franchises.

Interest - Individual opinion does play a role as well. People can make decisions based on opinion rather than just potential figures. If the Producers are genuinely interested in another season of a show, they can influence another season. If an author doesn't like the adaption, they can fight another season. The main casts could all be working on other projects and are absolutely booked to be unable to come together for another season.

Anime Original Series - These are series designed for the medium. They are written specifically to be animated and tend to end at the finish of the story. Using Kill la Kill or Code Geass as examples, these are series that have ended with completed plot lines in all ways. Any further seasons would be forced and likely low in quality. They would likely have genre shifts to fit into the canon of the series or would have really bad new development which would undermine the original story. That doesn't mean spin-offs aren't possible though for a number of series and sometimes, completed series do get more seasons which were unexpected. (Psycho-Pass)

Now let me clarify that exceptions do exist for each of these points. That's all they are though, exceptions. Rare occurrences that you cannot put faith in for repetition. Those series are miracles wrapped within miracles and you're likely able to count them all with only your fingers. I hope this is helpful for understanding and answering any questions you might have.
Safari keeps autocorrecting fanservice to fan service 

Yes, I am sick of a big part of anime. That's why it's hard for me to find ones I like. 
I appreciate the themes of empowerment (or equality to that of the cool male charas) in female characters found in Psycho Pass, Durararara!! and KLK. Even Space Dandy gave quirks and personality to the recurrent female fanservice.

Honest question; what do you think of these series?

It's not wrong

Jan 5, 2015 at 3:03 AM Post #142,112 of 177,750
  From Wikipedia:
I did not know that. RIP, Noboru Yamaguchi.
Credit where it's due!
^Click image for big version
I think a lot of people are gonna be butthurt about such a plot twist.
Windows 7 all the way, that's why I use Teracopy. I used 8.1 once. it was awful.
I think Trigger is playing it safe and don't want to upset its current fanbase, because it may lead to an unexpected outcome. Too much of a good thing makes it bad, but you can never have too much Haruhi 

What do you think of this?

Just read Noboru's wiki page
dayum...that guy was a straight up ecchi maniac with a love for 'wincest' and scantidly clad women.
Trigger is just doing single series so far i think
Jan 5, 2015 at 3:04 AM Post #142,113 of 177,750
  Shigatsu wa Kimi is an excellent series
The most recent episode (pre hiatus) was excellent as ****.
I've done something I rarely do. I stood up, started fist pumping, and thought I needed napkins for the slight bit of tears from the series doing it well

I read a bit of the manga for Shigatsu wa Kimi, none of the recent ones since I was always planning on picking it up but I got sidetracked. I don't even remember what sidetracked me though.
I probably have a bit of OCD which compels me to finish all the anime I start. I mean I stuck with G no Reconguista. I have no idea how the hell I'm managing that but I am. Of course I'm still blitzing through the episode but the fact that I'm giving it that much already is surprising.
Jan 5, 2015 at 3:13 AM Post #142,115 of 177,750
What if your hard drive dies? All your everything is gone. Its kinda 101.

Don't remind me. All of my precious music is on one harddrive, and I only do backups like half a year. I guess I should get a second hard drive for my PC at home and do more frequent backups.
Something inside of me would die if I lost all my music. It would take ages to get all of it back.
Jan 5, 2015 at 3:14 AM Post #142,116 of 177,750
Honest question; what do you think of these series?

Informative, thanks!
What do I think of Psycho Pass, KLK, Durarara!! and even Space Dandy?
I enjoyed each and every one of them. For starters, they're all gorgeous and have good music. The way Durarara!! comes together felt oh-so-satisfying. Psycho Pass was full of great philosophy source material and a good dystopian story. KLK was the most fun I've had watching a series in years. They're all on my list of series I recommend to people next to my guilty pleasures/childhood nostalgia series (Samurai Champloo, Trigun, DBZ, pre-shippuuden Naruto, Yu-Yu Hakusho).  
Jan 5, 2015 at 3:15 AM Post #142,117 of 177,750
I'm still quite reluctant to watch Kill la Kill.
For one, I'd rather not watch:

For that there's prawn, or H in the 2D world.

Hmmm, well I hate fan service personally. It disgusts me, but the way it's so over the top in Kill la Kill makes me see it more as satire than actual fan service.
Jan 5, 2015 at 3:20 AM Post #142,118 of 177,750
Hmmm, well I hate fan service personally. It disgusts me, but the way it's so over the top in Kill la Kill makes me see it more as satire than actual fan service.

I tend to just skip over fanservice. Praise the internet/digital age, but ya, KLK was more then just fanservice since it wasn't just randomly placed there for male appeal was definitely satire after the first few episodes.
Jan 5, 2015 at 3:20 AM Post #142,119 of 177,750
I read a bit of the manga for Shigatsu wa Kimi, none of the recent ones since I was always planning on picking it up but I got sidetracked. I don't even remember what sidetracked me though.
I probably have a bit of OCD which compels me to finish all the anime I start. I mean I stuck with G no Reconguista. I have no idea how the hell I'm managing that but I am. Of course I'm still blitzing through the episode but the fact that I'm giving it that much already is surprising.

Shigatsu wa kimi......= best
How was Gundam?
I'm still quite reluctant to watch Kill la Kill.
For one, I'd rather not watch:
For that there's prawn, or H in the 2D world.

Let's not post those here

Dead Tube is a new manga that has been getting a lot of attention recently
Is the only thing I can say. Chapter 6...holy schiit......hell, the first chapter was holy schiit
This is some new type schiit. 
Jan 5, 2015 at 3:21 AM Post #142,120 of 177,750
Hmmm, well I hate fan service personally. It disgusts me, but the way it's so over the top in Kill la Kill makes me see it more as satire than actual fan service.

Agreed 100%. After you get over the sticker shock (so to speak) it's actually kinda hilarious (and I really dislike fanservice). Also, the action, story, aesthetic/animation, story, and everything else is soooooo worth it.
Jan 5, 2015 at 3:36 AM Post #142,121 of 177,750
Don't remind me. All of my precious music is on one harddrive, and I only do backups like half a year. I guess I should get a second hard drive for my PC at home and do more frequent backups.
Something inside of me would die if I lost all my music. It would take ages to get all of it back.

Gladly there is usb 3.0 and 3tb is just 100bucks..... go back up or else one day you will lost everything : 3
^such weird news I randomly saw
Jan 5, 2015 at 3:36 AM Post #142,122 of 177,750
  Shigatsu wa kimi......= best
How was Gundam?

Ok honestly speaking Gundam wouldn't be as bad as it is IF it wasn't messing with the UC timeline. UC and most of the mainstream Gundam series were good because they threw you right into the middle of a conflict and developed it from there. G no Reconguista on the other hand even after 13 episodes I only have a shoddy idea of what's going on and they only give hints of what happened after UC. It feels Turn A-ish which isn't exactly bad but it is NOT the direction I would like to see the UC timeline go to. It's really odd too since it seems like society's regressed since UC with the heavy influence of religion and it seems like tech has also regressed a bit. Most of the conflicts kind of seem petty in comparison to what you'd see in other Gundam series.
So TL;DR: it isn't bad even though it's stupid slow compared to other Gundam series, what really pisses me off is they're adding this to the UC timeline which really rubs me the wrong way.
Jan 5, 2015 at 3:40 AM Post #142,123 of 177,750
Ok honestly speaking Gundam wouldn't be as bad as it is IF it wasn't messing with the UC timeline. UC and most of the mainstream Gundam series were good because they threw you right into the middle of a conflict and developed it from there. G no Reconguista on the other hand even after 13 episodes I only have a shoddy idea of what's going on and they only give hints of what happened after UC. It feels Turn A-ish which isn't exactly bad but it is NOT the direction I would like to see the UC timeline go to. It's really odd too since it seems like society's regressed since UC with the heavy influence of religion and it seems like tech has also regressed a bit. Most of the conflicts kind of seem petty in comparison to what you'd see in other Gundam series.

So TL;DR: it isn't bad even though it's stupid slow compared to other Gundam series, what really pisses me off is they're adding this to the UC timeline which really rubs me the wrong way.
I'm thankful I dropped it.


To all the Railgun Misaka lovers out there

I fully agree with this statement and the one below it on Index.

She represents what a Tsubdere SHOULD be and not a 24/7 foul tempered woman.
Jan 5, 2015 at 3:44 AM Post #142,124 of 177,750
Tsundere != Bitches.
Jan 5, 2015 at 3:46 AM Post #142,125 of 177,750
Originally Posted by bowei006 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm thankful I dropped it.

I'm kinda holding some fleeting hope that they may pull a Gundam Age. I completely hated Age at the beginning but that got some real nice development after plowing through the beginning. So far it feels like an insult to the timeline they've spent SOOOO much time developing and a simple slap in the face to anyone who's followed UC so far.

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