「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Aug 11, 2014 at 2:34 AM Post #123,376 of 177,750
Silly small plane. 777, compared to A380.
Aug 11, 2014 at 2:53 AM Post #123,378 of 177,750
But take this. The machine is a unit that is not a flat wall. It's aldnoah thingy mabob 'absorbs' light around the humanoid like shape. That shape is absorbing light from all directions.

And so the light doesn't become black. But rather, the light hits something, and just doesn't continue. Our sight sees the 'light rays' as they hit something, and then stop. There is no absence of light. Light is still there, but it is being absorbed. The infinitely many amount at an infinitely consistent time and thus there can't be an absence of light. As light that is absorbed is mearley being 'replaced' by the serially consective rays behind it.

so it is rather should be said that what you would see then is a lagged object of the last few things the light 'carried' or brought visible. You wouldn't see what was behind it as the light didn't reach there. And you wouldn't see nothing as light is being replaced infintely due to the fact that its a ray and that its being replaced at a rate that our eyes can't notice the lapses. 

Wat. Something that absorbs light doesn't reflect light, therefore it appears black to us because no light reaches the eye.

Well in any case

Aug 11, 2014 at 3:20 AM Post #123,380 of 177,750
Bah, screw the Terminal. It's been anything but useful so far...

Install Winebottler for Mac and you're all set. I don't know how it works, but it's better than the Terminal. >.>

^ I see they've updated the fonts from the last time I used it since it supports Unicode characters now.

Nice, it can still edit music tags. Now I don't need to open up my Windows laptop. It's the only application I know of that can add ID3v2 tags to WAV files. XD
Aug 11, 2014 at 3:33 AM Post #123,381 of 177,750
And my reply to ^


Aug 11, 2014 at 5:42 AM Post #123,384 of 177,750
  Sigh... it's taking so long to get a usable recording. Plus it sounds terrible raw :< (I wonder if the mixer can mask some defects)
Oh well, at least I'm used to hearing my voice after 6 hrs of constant failure.

That's worth something :3
I bought some Godiva and Neuhaus chocolate, super yummy. X3 (can't really take a picture because family and friends ate 80% of it already...)

Nice! Was it hard to get in hot-as-schiit land?
I'm still alive. Also, Distant Worlds concert this Sunday.

Hi ^o^
Is Uematsu going to be there? He was at the Berlin concert that I went to. He is super kawaii.
*lots of pics*

Aug 11, 2014 at 5:51 AM Post #123,385 of 177,750
Aww, you're having the physics discussions when I'm asleep again...

@Tom Yum Goong
I'm not really a narcissist, am I?

Nah, you're not as bad as me, so you're not really a narcissist.
In order for you to become more narcissistic you have to become at least as awesome as me.

You are. Get some professional help, nerd.
For some reason I can't really stand overly ambitious and self conscious people. Don't ask me why.

I'm over ambitious. Though I don't know what you mean with self conscious in this context. I don't believe in free will, doesn't that make me not self conscious in a way? :cool:

For what it's worth, I set my profile as my home page to easily keep up with all the threads I post in.

You do know there's a subscription page on head-fi that does the same but better?

I forgot who in this thread (of many) recommended I watch AnoHana, but I am glad I did. Needed a tissue. 

Clannad takes first place in amount of tissues needed however. 

You aren't actually the minority. It's just perception bias.

Someone brought up the topic of Aldnoah being lackluster currently and those that agree thus talked about it. And since the discussion was on the negative side. It seems everyone didn't like it. 

When in reality, I know of a few in this thread that do like it, that just didn't care to contribute their blazing love for the series. Mainly because most of the discussion on Aldnoah wasn't just careless ranting, but on constructive negative aspects of the show that most people that like the show (me) do agree with. 

I didn't like Hana Iroha much tbh

.....I dropped it one episode before the last. 

Not correct. 

I spent a good few minutes thinking about this. 

Light is radiant, it happens in rays. An infinitely many amount that shine, bounce, in all different directions in a near infinite consistency and time and spreads to pretty much anything possible. 

Black, or darkness like the black hole. Is a complete absence of light. But as a human, our eyes would only perceive it as 'black' if we were to see something that happened with the absence of light. 

But take this. The machine is a unit that is not a flat wall. It's aldnoah thingy mabob 'absorbs' light around the humanoid like shape. That shape is absorbing light from all directions.

And so the light doesn't become black. But rather, the light hits something, and just doesn't continue. Our sight sees the 'light rays' as they hit something, and then stop. There is no absence of light. Light is still there, but it is being absorbed. The infinitely many amount at an infinitely consistent time and thus there can't be an absence of light. As light that is absorbed is mearley being 'replaced' by the serially consective rays behind it.

so it is rather should be said that what you would see then is a lagged object of the last few things the light 'carried' or brought visible. You wouldn't see what was behind it as the light didn't reach there. And you wouldn't see nothing as light is being replaced infintely due to the fact that its a ray and that its being replaced at a rate that our eyes can't notice the lapses. 

And thus it would be the 'image' of the exact location right in front of what you see. Imagine you looking at a room's wall. You place a flat aldonoah board(with the aldnoah properties) through half the room slicing it in half. What you would then see is most likely no 'end' to the room but rather the room ending right where the board was with an image of the particles exactly there frozen in still time against the backboard. I don't know what it would look look look like. But I can describe it as but the particles that were last there right before the absorbing, and how our eyes, are perceiving it. 

Same age :rolleyes:

Dayum, I like how everythign is walking distance in EU

Contradiction in termines right there. Black is exactly the perfect absorbation of light. So you're saying it isn't black because it's black? Huh?

Also not everything is walking distance over here. Most things are biking distance.

Yeah, the part on 'black' is what I meant or thought. I know black is the absence of it and is only a perception. 

But the thing is, is that while the mech is absorbing light. Particles and the enviroment around it are equally reflecting light themselves. This is known as we are able to see not just a focused point, but rather a landscape. Everything, every particle is reflecting light in various ways. 

So while the portion of the mech that is fully absorbing light, and thus leading to 'black' due to the absence of reflection'. The areas close to it would still be reflecting light. And thus leading to a blur or haze that neither I can explain

Is my thesis. :evil:

Well the thing is, air and empty space are very very poor absorbents of light. That's why they appear transparent.
If you put a black body (because that's what we're talking about) in air, it would simply be perceived as a perfectly black object. Nothing more.

IT would be hard to note

In that if you were looking at it straight on, you would see a hazy image. Because do note. That since the mech is 3D. It is absorbing light particles from behind. And obviously light rays don't do curves or loops . So you wouldn't be able to see what would be normally behind it (covered by it). However, as light is reflecting still off of the enviroment and at multiple points in areas. (in where one must remember to note that light rays aren't a few lines pointing here and thereBUT rather a near infinite amount packed into a near infinite amount of space at a delay of infinitely small proprtions (that our eyes and brains won't be able to tell any delay). And that is how 'sight' works. 

It's hard for me to even know what this will truly look like if Aldnoah paarticles existed and could cover up a structure. But yeah, a haze using 'front' images but not seeing what is directly covered by the structure. 

They do do curves and loops. Pffft, physics n00b.

I'm pretty sure it depends on how you define "color" :wink:

For me, if you can represent it as a point in any R^3 color space then it's a color....
Black would be (0,0,0) in the RGB color space or V=0 in HSV.

No, no, no, my friend. Color space can be accurately represented as a copy of D^2, or I^3, but not R^3. The point is that there exsists a perfect black, for example. Hence it must be a compact space if you think about it.
I personally prefer seeing it as L^2 supported on the unit interval. That is, any square integrable distribution over the visible electromagnetic spectrum.
Aug 11, 2014 at 6:28 AM Post #123,386 of 177,750

I'm over ambitious. Though I don't know what you mean with self conscious in this context. I don't believe in free will, doesn't that make me not self conscious in a way?

Well, people who are like "I WILL become the president of peanutbutters by the end of next year. Gonna happen since I'm the best around and nothing is ever going to keep me down"
Stuff like this. I don't care too much as long as the person doesn't boast about it all the time.
I always hated with persons like this though. "We HAVE to get an A for this homework. Everything else is not excusable. I don't care if you have to work 26 hours per day on this thing! What? You are fine with a B or a C? You are human trash, scrub. Go die."
You know what I mean.
I'm a huge fan of the Minimalprinzip (I can't find a good translation...). Getting to the best result with as few resources as possible.
Aug 11, 2014 at 6:39 AM Post #123,387 of 177,750
Well, people who are like "I WILL become the president of peanutbutters by the end of next year. Gonna happen since I'm the best around and nothing is ever going to keep me down"

Stuff like this. I don't care too much as long as the person doesn't boast about it all the time.

I always hated with persons like this though. "We HAVE to get an A for this homework. Everything else is not excusable. I don't care if you have to work 26 hours per day on this thing! What? You are fine with a B or a C? You are human trash, scrub. Go die."

You know what I mean.

I'm a huge fan of the Minimalprinzip (I can't find a good translation...). Getting to the best result with as few resources as possible.

Minimality principle? In Dutch a strongly related notion is called 'zesjes cultuur' or 'sixes culture', referring to how most Dutch students aim to pass a course with minimal effort and grade.

I do know what you mean though. And actually I do go for minimum as well, but my minimum is set at getting an 8 as average grade so I can graduate cum laude.
I personally understand people only aiming for high grades as well. And once you're around many people who think alike you lose touch of reality. Your standards change and you can't believe how others are unable to follow your high standards. Instead of feeling proud of your own achievements, you start to denigrate the non-over-achievers.
Aug 11, 2014 at 6:49 AM Post #123,389 of 177,750



Oh, you thought my excessive celebration would be over by now? Nopey-nope-nope!


@mechgamer123 This one's for Tracy. (She will be missed.)

Anyone who has seen these anime will totally get all the inside jokes...cheers!

You can finally take a well deserved rest 

And my reply to ^


It's more like this:


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