「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Dec 8, 2013 at 12:09 AM Post #96,871 of 177,750
Every time I read articles like this, I wonder to myself. How can I directly buy the stuff this person needs?
I don't want to donate to a charity that does this stuff, but to help that family?
This is a very selfish idea of course. A billion people are in situations like the one I'm reading about. The money I donate to the charity would thus of course help in a way similar to the article I read about.
But still, every single time, I'm left wondering how I can just buy the schiit they need for that specific family for that specific product.
I wonder if this can be an entrepreneurial idea.
But seriously, after reading that article. I want to just buy that fricking solar lamp for that family. 
Dec 8, 2013 at 12:15 AM Post #96,872 of 177,750
  After the end credits!?................. -_-
So nothing else happens until end credits that is epic?

Epic? Everything from now till the end of the game!
Have you heard the Insert song "Close Your Eyes" by Ayane yet?
That scene was great...
Dec 8, 2013 at 12:26 AM Post #96,873 of 177,750
Epic? Everything from now till the end of the game!
Have you heard the Insert song "Close Your Eyes" by Ayane yet?
That scene was great...

Nope not yet
About to finish my essay and play the rest of it

The more I look at benchmarks, the more drool falls out of my mouth at how good of a deal I got for $216.
AMD 7870 1GHz Crossfire @$108 each =$216
AMD R9 270 is the direct rebrand of the 7870 and is $180-$210 each
AMD 7870 Crossfire is about 15-25% faster than a single Reference 7970 (if crossfire works that is for the game and all of CFx issues blah blah and efficency blah)
AMD R9 280x is direct rebrand of AMD 7970 and is $320-$340. 
Nvidia GTX 770 is $400-$420 (sales at $350-$380 after MIR right now) is approx the performance of a 7870 CFx(if CFx works, and works 'perfectly' and well optomized and everything)(yes, vram mirroring, and high resz. I only have 1080p anyway)
Granted, single cards are much better than Crossfires. But considering I paid about the same price I would have if I got the R9 270/x, I'm dayum happy
Dec 8, 2013 at 12:38 AM Post #96,874 of 177,750

The more I look at benchmarks, the more drool falls out of my mouth at how good of a deal I got for $216.
AMD 7870 1GHz Crossfire @$108 each =$216
AMD R9 270 is the direct rebrand of the 7870 and is $180-$210 each
AMD 7870 Crossfire is about 15-25% faster than a single Reference 7970 (if crossfire works that is for the game and all of CFx issues blah blah and efficency blah)
AMD R9 280x is direct rebrand of AMD 7970 and is $320-$340. 
Nvidia GTX 770 is $400-$420 (sales at $350-$380 after MIR right now) is approx the performance of a 7870 CFx(if CFx works, and works 'perfectly' and well optomized and everything)(yes, vram mirroring, and high resz. I only have 1080p anyway)
Granted, single cards are much better than Crossfires. But considering I paid about the same price I would have if I got the R9 270/x, I'm dayum happy

Damnit...  you guys and your sales..... Stop tempting me

I wanna Desktop too....

BTW, have you heard the OST in G-sen which is an arrange of Carl Orf's "Carmina Burana" Yet?
That's pretty much the climax of the story. (maybe asking if hell broke loose in the city yet would be better?)
Dec 8, 2013 at 1:17 AM Post #96,875 of 177,750
  Damnit...  you guys and your sales..... Stop tempting me

I wanna Desktop too....

BTW, have you heard the OST in G-sen which is an arrange of Carl Orf's "Carmina Burana" Yet?
That's pretty much the climax of the story. (maybe asking if hell broke loose in the city yet would be better?)

Desky's are fun! So much powa!
Sorry, I have not heard of 99% of OST's you will ever refer to me haha

@ Everyone
$1 Custom printed Mouse pads?
Basically, there is a special promo code for a custom printed mouse pad of any (legal) image.
Those two links are for reference. The two codes mentioned no longer work
You have to use this new custom one I signed up for
The how to's are all simple. Keep in mind, Artcow is not exactly always guaranteed to be good. Many reviews have put it as spotty. However many in the threads have gotten their orders(from HK)
and it seems international people can do it as well
I just got one using this image

(with the creator's name cropped out of course 
Because Code Geass...that's why.
Dec 8, 2013 at 1:27 AM Post #96,876 of 177,750
Still working on my essay...


For context: http://freemuse.org/archives/1793
The rap song was dedicated to Mergen, a Mongolian herder who was brutally killed on 10 May 2011 by a Chinese coal hauling truck in Southern Mongolia, or Inner Mongolia, as it is also termed, an autonomous region of China, located in the northern region of the country which shares an international border with the independent country Mongolia.
First posted on a popular discussion website in China, Wang Pan 115.com, the Chinese-language rap song was intended to tell the Chinese authorities what the Mongols think about Mergen’s death, the economic exploitation of the grasslands and Internet censorship.
Immediately after it appeared on the Internet, many Chinese micro blogs and Internet discussion forums quickly disseminated the song. This was picked up within several hours by the Chinese Internet censorship apparatus which removed it from all sites in China.
The links appeared to be live but returned the following message ‘The file cannot be downloaded due to its controversial contents’.
Dec 8, 2013 at 2:24 AM Post #96,878 of 177,750
Is it translated to English? I didn't know Gen did anything before Saya!

Yep!! Go play~
It's only 4~5 hours long with no choices.
(It was on chase's site before HF went down....)

One step ahead of ya buddy. 

Also, we're working on reuploading all the games to mega. Getting a little bit of a head start thanks to my uni's gigabit internet! XD
Dec 8, 2013 at 2:40 AM Post #96,879 of 177,750
Still working on my essay...

For context: http://freemuse.org/archives/1793

What's your essay specifically on?

And submitted.
How effective is Chinese Communist Party control over the media in the 21st Century? Focusing on new media (internet, social media), make an evidence-based argument about the effectiveness of party control over the media and whether media poses a threat to the stability of CCP rule.

I argued that the CCP is effective at controlling the media because it poses a threat to its stability.

And why the heck did I find this when doing research? o.0
Oh wait, because pron is banned in the PRC. XD
*cues TwinQY about something being titillating.
Dec 8, 2013 at 2:49 AM Post #96,880 of 177,750
  Desky's are fun! So much powa!
Sorry, I have not heard of 99% of OST's you will ever refer to me haha

I know..... : (
But I dont have nearly enough space in my room for that....

I'm talking about the OST in G-sen.... lol

  One step ahead of ya buddy. 

Ahh... the merits of living near chase. lol
Dec 8, 2013 at 3:05 AM Post #96,881 of 177,750
And submitted.
I argued that the CCP is effective at controlling the media because it poses a threat to its stability.

And why the heck did I find this when doing research? o.0
Oh wait, because pron is banned in the PRC. XD
*cues TwinQY about something being titillating.

What class is this for?
Is that the only prompt? that is a boring prompt, its like my own essay prompt. The answer is already quite obvious. My essay was literally a short answer question in essay form 

I would have gone for a much bigger, controversial topic if I had the ability to write in free form. In the sense that these would be research grad topics in themselves
 Naturalization of current western ideals on PRC's actions
Domestic policy failure in regards to information in 1950's-1979 leading to the possible need of such censurship
Lessons PRC picked up from USA and Western enviroments
The worth of a human life in the west and East.

I'm very general with these topics obviously but they and some much more radical ones would leave many in anger in this great free country of ours 
Our school had a huge uproar after one of our professors published a paper defaming and criticizing U.S troops, actions, and how there wasn't such a thing as seperation between Troop and Country and that the glorification of the average troop is leading to blind nationalism
Our school has a Corp of Cadets program in it. So as you can see, this went statewide. The 'comments' the school newspaper sourced from our own students made my blood want to boil. But thankfully, I realize that its all done as a way to make the article memorable AND TO make people pissed. Most CoC folk here are very respectful and open minded. Granted CoC is a lot different than people who just enlist out of HS. 
The school newspaper found some that weren't as. (I would have done the same if I was in the school newspaper)
Keeping in mind, that at this point in time, I don't actually 'care' anymore and prefer a 3rd party view. Although I am often reminded I have a fleshy body. 
The blood boiling comment wasn't anything of actual opinion or content. It was a comment from a CoC member about not liking the professors article because it hurts and was that it shouldn't have been published. ummmm. University is supposed to promote free and open thinking thought with critical and hot debates. There is no university.
A quote that I have heard recently that has religious connections would be. At the gates of heaven, you are asked where your scars are. If you haven't any. Then what have you done in life worth fighting for?

Updated Winter 2014 charts

I'm still on board with
Mahou Sensou
Sakura Trick(@Joe Bloggs
To Aru Koiuta
Chuunibyou X2
Nobunagun (Oda Nobuna like?)
Inari koi iroha
Maken Ki S2
Wake up Girls
Saikin Imoutou(every season needs at least one)
Oneechan ga kita(the battle of the imoutou and Oneechan begins)
Super Sonico (Imperial Kun)
Go Go 575 (Idolmaster clone)
Buddy Comples (every season needs one robo)
Sailor Moon 2014
Pupa obviously has the most hype from me
Dec 8, 2013 at 3:30 AM Post #96,882 of 177,750
  One step ahead of ya buddy. 

Ahh... the merits of living near chase. lol

Lol, he's not even "nearby" now anymore, but he made the 5 hour drive up to Seattle to see the Madoka movie tomorrow.
All games are being zipped as we speak and will begin to be uploaded tomorrow. :3
Dec 8, 2013 at 3:43 AM Post #96,883 of 177,750
Saikin imouto: blerghghghghghghghghghghghghghghgh.
Buddy Complex: Sunrise ***. Can you just make a ******* new Gundam. lolololol. They're probably going to keep working on Valvrave... Really don't understand why Sunrise is making ANOTHER non-Gundam mecha show. And eww mecha designs. I swear the last anime with good mecha designs was Code Geass. And how long has it been since that aired...
And woop 2nd episode of Akito Dec 25th.
Dec 8, 2013 at 3:50 AM Post #96,884 of 177,750
And submitted.

I argued that the CCP is effective at controlling the media because it poses a threat to its stability.

What class is this for?

Is that the only prompt? that is a boring prompt, its like my own essay prompt. The answer is already quite obvious. My essay was literally a short answer question in essay form :cool:

I would have gone for a much bigger, controversial topic if I had the ability to write in free form. In the sense that these would be research grad topics in themselves

 Naturalization of current western ideals on PRC's actions
Domestic policy failure in regards to information in 1950's-1979 leading to the possible need of such censurship
Lessons PRC picked up from USA and Western enviroments
The worth of a human life in the west and East.

I'm very general with these topics obviously but they and some much more radical ones would leave many in anger in this great free country of ours 

Government and politics of China

I wasn't really too interested in the other topics. Besides, using a VPN to access Facebook and YouTube while in the PRC is entertaining. XD
Dec 8, 2013 at 4:16 AM Post #96,885 of 177,750
Saikin imouto: blerghghghghghghghghghghghghghghgh.

Buddy Complex: Sunrise ***. Can you just make a ******* new Gundam. lolololol. They're probably going to keep working on Valvrave... Really don't understand why Sunrise is making ANOTHER non-Gundam mecha show. And eww mecha designs. I swear the last anime with good mecha designs was Code Geass. And how long has it been since that aired...

And woop 2nd episode of Akito Dec 25th.

I actually constantly ponder how long its been since CG :/

6 "calendar" years in a few weeks since the last episode of its last calendar year or 8 since the first season :frowning2:

Government and politics of China

I wasn't really too interested in the other topics. Besides, using a VPN to access Facebook and YouTube while in the PRC is entertaining. XD

You are in china ?

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