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May 5, 2013 at 2:47 PM Post #73,801 of 177,750
Suisei no Gargantia episode 5:
As I expected, episode 5 is all about bringing smiles and fun. It sets the tone of this anime pretty well.
The more I think about this episode, the more I think that this anime is all about learning life, learning to enjoy the little things and be grateful for what you got.
Ledo is still a complete stranger in this world but with this episode, he learns to become more human. He's quite a lovable character to be honest because he's willing to do anything just to fit in the society even if it's doing ridiculous things.
Chamber also seems to be accepting the way the people live on Gargantia. I wonder if later on, he will learn how to be "human"? Seems unlikely since he's an AI but you do feel some human emotions in Chamber even if he only thinks inside his logic. Also he has quite a sense of humour as well.
For the other characters, well the girls are extremely cute and lovable. I don't think they're shallow but they are vivid and full of life. Indications of extremely good acting.
This episode, even though it's slow (well it is, the title is Calm Day after all) it's all about Ledo fitting inside this society. Quite a lovely episode that made me smile. After all, I think it's necessary for me. I only watch dark, dramatic shows. This is a great anime that makes me think that life isn't too bad and we should be frankly greatful about life in general.
Oh yeah, some fanservice is shown in this episode which I welcome.
I really think that Urobochi hasn't shown his tricks yet maybe because he wants us to feel connected to the various characters so that we feel more attached to them so that when the time his wicked tricks comes, we will be eventually hurt.
Watching this episode, Gargantia actually made me nostalgic. I don't know about what but when I watch it, the scenery, the music and everything it makes me think of another Anime or Movie I don't really know. I need to dig deep in my memories to find what made me nostalgic watching Gargantia.

That feeling when I watch something lovey-dovey or something that is good or old-school. It wouldn't be a trick for me since what's happened was expected for me :/ well, I'm expecting something along the line of Ledo/someone close dying later down the line. The calm before the storm. Feels like it's going to follow in suite of the past 2 production i.G shows. Or what Gen does in general w/ the other shows being dark.
Lol... not sure how to get confused except that both username start with 'k'
Its kind of just like female characters saying Kimoi~/Hentai!/Sukebei! ...

:p but man, not often that you see it used in anime. 
May 5, 2013 at 2:51 PM Post #73,803 of 177,750
This made me lol.

I think this nostalgic feeling may come from Xam'd of the Lost Memories. Thinking back about that anime, in some ways it is quite similar.
Oh yeah btw, episode 5 is guilt free from any spoilers since there are no twists so it should be okay to post screen caps of episode 5.
And also without a doubt, I bet Sankaku Complex will put something about episode 5.
Oh well, Oyasumi!
May 5, 2013 at 2:54 PM Post #73,805 of 177,750
This made me lol.

I think this nostalgic feeling may come from Xam'd of the Lost Memories. Thinking back about that anime, in some ways it is quite similar.
Oh yeah btw, episode 5 is guilt free from any spoilers since there are no twists so it should be okay to post screen caps of episode 5.

can't bend your legs when kicking :p
May 5, 2013 at 3:19 PM Post #73,813 of 177,750
Ah, once in a while Youtube comments can be absolutely hilarious~

I can just imagine how much tencacity it must have taken to be the first ones to make those accounts.
eva 4.0 and unicorn 7. woooooooooooooooooooooooo

nice, but when is the movie comming out

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