「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Apr 5, 2013 at 12:35 PM Post #69,647 of 177,750
My mom came to my room and said something outrageous today while talking about college.

The topic of getting a gf popped up again and as she was talking about it. She mentioned how I should have a kid young and not old. She just wants a grandchild. And that i should knock up a gf in college and that she will still take care of it.

She said it in a jokey tone.... But was serious...

I've got siblings. My parents can pin all their grandchildren hopes on them. I don't like children.
I want a titan :frowning2: I edited my setup ^ btw

You can do better for the money. That's what I realised a few days after ordering one. Ended up cancelling the order and just going for a GTX670 4GB and full cover waterblock.
Apr 5, 2013 at 12:40 PM Post #69,649 of 177,750
LOL, That's so funny...


Not really breaking them. She just wants me to be more normal
Really enjoying watching Gundam Unicorn. The thing that appeals to me most is the maturity of the narrative. It doesn't take sides and lets you make your own decisions. 
And the action is amazing. Very beautiful as well, especially if you're into giant robots. I'm going to build a few gundam toys soon!

Yeah it is a good series :wink:

The story of that pirate girl being rescued by the commander was heart breaking

Reporting in...


*haibunyan style WAAAAVE*
Yeah yeah I should be in bed. I downloaded Perfume's JPN album to see whether or not I should keep the physical CD. I think I'm going to keep it. I have their ∆ album from digital means and the mastering is pretty poor (edge (∆-mix) for example). JPN is leagues better and actually sounds more dynamic. Fantastic album!

And no comment on how awesome the songs are

bowei's book :D

Wait what

Unmm hello beautiful. Would you be interested in getting some Bamboo with me later today :wink:

There are a few good swords though so I'd like to keep a bit of both. If anything though, I would make my avatar a lance user.
They're what makes life worth living for me though, besides for a few other things.
Yup, but NVIDIA is a bit behind with the amount of MHashes they put out. Even Kepler costs more to power than the amount of bitcoins you get in return right now, and Kepler is very power efficient.
The 680 might not do as well but it's something. If anything, anybody will recommend doing pooled mining. Pools have a new, ridiculous competitor: ASIC miners, and not many people own ASICs, it's those huge companies that make ASIC miners that are using them. They were one of the reasons the bitcoin price went up a lot.


Yeah, he is.
That's gaming you're talking about, and what you're talking about is microstuttering I believe.
Mobo doesn't matter, and Titan for its cost doesn't have a very good lead on the 7970. It's uncomfortably close for the Titan against the 7970 in compute.
LOL. Good luck having more stress in college to find a girlfriend. Too bad digital waifus can't become real.
True, very true.
This is...new...

I dont want a digital waifu... After reading a few manga on them they do not seem as awesome as most make it out to be
I've got siblings. My parents can pin all their grandchildren hopes on them. I don't like children.
You can do better for the money. That's what I realised a few days after ordering one. Ended up cancelling the order and just going for a GTX670 4GB and full cover waterblock.

Yep, i hate children too. And i even tell that to them.

I am good with children on the outside but hate them.
Apr 5, 2013 at 12:47 PM Post #69,650 of 177,750
Finally finished SAO
Only took me a couple months 

Apr 5, 2013 at 12:55 PM Post #69,651 of 177,750
I've got siblings. My parents can pin all their grandchildren hopes on them. I don't like children.
You can do better for the money. That's what I realised a few days after ordering one. Ended up cancelling the order and just going for a GTX670 4GB and full cover waterblock.

4GB? I feel like that's a bit much for a 670.

*haibunyan style WAAAAVE*
I dont want a digital waifu... After reading a few manga on them they do not seem as awesome as most make it out to be
Yep, i hate children too. And i even tell that to them.

I am good with children on the outside but hate them.

Good job then? I don't know.
Damn it. Most 8th graders and people younger than that or of lower grades usually annoy the heck out of me. Even most people in my own grade annoy me. This is why I don't like people in general, but that doesn't mean I hate everybody.
Finally finished SAO
Only took me a couple months 

Apr 5, 2013 at 1:38 PM Post #69,657 of 177,750
Finally finished SAO

Only took me a couple months 

Ehh, I've done worse with finishing up a series.


4GB? I feel like that's a bit much for a 670.

Good job then? I don't know.

Damn it. Most 8th graders and people younger than that or of lower grades usually annoy the heck out of me. Even most people in my own grade annoy me. This is why I don't like people in general, but that doesn't mean I hate everybody.

yep. 16 and below. Go screw yourself.

And once I get into college.

17 and below. go screw yourself

Should I go with Fate/Zero or Psycho Pass next? 

not sure how its going to follow SAO, first anime I've really enjoyed in about 3 years

Both get an 8/10 and are fine. Nothing really amazing but it is original
Apr 5, 2013 at 1:40 PM Post #69,658 of 177,750
yep. 16 and below. Go screw yourself.

And once I get into college.

17 and below. go screw yourself

Aren't you mean, panda. Looks like I'm waiting 3 more years before I get any respect. 

Throwing in a Fire Emblem photo since I need to do a quick reverse image search. I can't find this anywhere at the source (Pixiv apparently).

Edit: Found it.
Apr 5, 2013 at 1:45 PM Post #69,659 of 177,750
Apr 5, 2013 at 1:45 PM Post #69,660 of 177,750
Should I go with Fate/Zero or Psycho Pass next? 
not sure how its going to follow SAO, first anime I've really enjoyed in about 3 years

Whats SAO?
I've got siblings. My parents can pin all their grandchildren hopes on them. I don't like children.
You can do better for the money. That's what I realised a few days after ordering one. Ended up cancelling the order and just going for a GTX670 4GB and full cover waterblock.

Yea, I know, jusy such a beast of a card, and nice looking too! I would never actually buy it.  The 690 out performs it, and that is the same price point.

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