「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Mar 9, 2013 at 5:46 PM Post #63,468 of 177,750
wich nuforce is da best?

Trick question? 

No seriously trick question? As in the best unit they have? What sort of metric are you going by? How would one quantify which is "better" than the other?
I think people have mentioned previously that Nuforce stuff haven't been held in high regards on here for a while now. Due to Voldemort backlash, competing products that simply do better, etc.
wich o2? cause i saw like seven and i need one in specific

Any would work. JDSLabs and Epiphany are among the most popular ATM.
 I typed in Death Note when I heard a song with people screaming/rage-quitting and got it (for the wrong song LOL).
Maximum the Hormone is boss wat. Great punk/nu-metal, lyrics are so random and fun.

Mar 9, 2013 at 5:49 PM Post #63,469 of 177,750
I feel like a kid again
I busted out my fog machine just now and made a vapor cannon out of an old cardboard box!
So much fun
Basically, you cut a hole in a cardboard box and when you smack it with fog inside, it creates vortexs. And thus, a vapor cannon.


Got my fog machine
I fogged up the entire house. It may look like 8:pm outside. It's not, it was still VERY bright out. The fog changed it.

Preparing my vortex machine

vapor gun!@

Even more vapor bullets!


And the end.
Mar 9, 2013 at 6:11 PM Post #63,478 of 177,750
I feel like a kid again
I busted out my fog machine just now and made a vapor cannon out of an old cardboard box!
So much fun
Basically, you cut a hole in a cardboard box and when you smack it with fog inside, it creates vortexs. And thus, a vapor cannon.


Got my fog machine
I fogged up the entire house. It may look like 8:pm outside. It's not, it was still VERY bright out. The fog changed it.

Preparing my vortex machine

vapor gun!@

Even more vapor bullets!


And the end.

Haha, that looks like fun!
A lot more than I'm having right now -_-

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