「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Mar 19, 2012 at 7:58 AM Post #2,628 of 177,750

I like Saint Petersburg more though, cheaper living and nicer people. They have frikking people that can speak English!!!1!!

I have been in Saint Petersburg once. I really like it. You're right. I knew only few Russians who can really speak English except for those with whom I was studying in international school, but that wasn't a problem for me.

It does move really quick

Im on mobile as well

Ive seen both seasons about 9times now
I get the same nostalgia when songs start playing. I pike the osts:nunnaly,check mate, all hail britannia, innocent days, cheese, continued story and some others i cant remember
Well check out the anime

Racism in russia???

Code Geass has an Epic soundtrack. I used to listen it everyday, but not anymore today because Vocaloids have become the masters of my world, lol. Madder sky is a nice sondtrack too (Requiem for Zero - an ultimate lethal punishment, lol. I usually prefer to use only Requiem for Sekai from School Days on my friend. Have you watched it?)
Sure, it is like in many other countries, but that's fine.

But so are stereotypes, but most of us can live up to the good ones (ex. asians are smart).

Yes, I agree with you.

Damn, taking a nap just after arriving to home is becoming a habit, which is really bad. =.=
Mar 19, 2012 at 9:40 AM Post #2,631 of 177,750

Finally looked through your anime list, Tsubasa. Looks typical. No offence by the way. 

It's okay. I don't pretend to be unique or whatever it is.


Ill find requiem and check out angel beats last song when i get home

Well typical or not he has seen a lot of them

By the way I just checked my list by myself. Shame on me, lol. Those ratings are not mine, but of that website. So I have nothing to do with it.

Mar 19, 2012 at 10:49 AM Post #2,635 of 177,750
That reminds me, today i finally understood the "sugoi monogatari, onii-chan" thing from a while back when my friends said "cool story, bro" to me and i actually looked it up on Urban dictionary. 
where do you guys even pick up these things? i've never heard it from anywhere other than people at school, but then again i don't have much of a life outside the world of anime...
Mar 19, 2012 at 10:56 AM Post #2,637 of 177,750
Naruto haha

Well jgray i guess everyones differnt. I have a very similar dark side demographic like yours but i also share a light and otaku mainstream one like everyone else

Im going to guess monogatari is story and thanks b1o, they like to troll me a lot as im not too fast on stuff like that

Dis you guys know we are one of the top 3 active threads daily,weekly, and monthly? Wow......
Mar 19, 2012 at 11:01 AM Post #2,638 of 177,750

I just find it boring to see another ecchi harem this and moeblobtacular that or another generic school life this or boobtastic jiggly slideshow of softcore porn that every darn year. Hell if not for Madoka Magica, I almost dropped anime. /sugoimonogatari

I see your point, and I can understand you. Well, I usually try to keep some balance between these genres so that I am not sick of all mentioned above. By the way Madoka Magica was really amazing. It's like an exclusion of all canons of its genre, which makes it really epic as School Days in its own genre. I watched it like 2-3 weeks ago. The only thing that I can complain about is the end. I expected it to be more dramatic and epic, but it is still great.

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