「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Aug 11, 2015 at 7:47 PM Post #157,936 of 177,750
I only connect to the internet with my VePeAnn on, ever.


Tinfoil hats and nuclear fallout bunkers.

  >Using an Anime Streaming site

Exactly. For currently airing shows of TV quality, I can't be stuffed downloading it.
>kissanime is blocked in my country
i am kill


Shhhh no pain, only dreams


Spoilerz >_<

But it hasn't happened yet!
Aug 11, 2015 at 7:50 PM Post #157,937 of 177,750
  I don't want to end up in jail or with a huge fine.

lol wat?
streaming is just a special case of downloading where you watch as you download.
I'm pretty sure it's only illegal if you upload content.
Then again, it depends on where you are......
Aug 11, 2015 at 10:44 PM Post #157,942 of 177,750
So this is happening this weekend in our town: http://www.gentlemenoftheroad.com/stopovers/walla-walla/
Brb trying to catch up on anime T_T
Aug 11, 2015 at 10:48 PM Post #157,943 of 177,750
Read the manga. Much better

Please, I instantly blew through all 180 odd chapters immediately after episode 5 to get my fix of Hana-san. 

Aug 12, 2015 at 1:17 AM Post #157,945 of 177,750
I always thought Haibane was like a crappy version of Hardboiled Wonderland :l I have the series on DVD but have only watched it once. It didn't really leave much of an impression on me really. I really enjoyed Lain though, which is another Abe series. 
Picked up Shenmue after seeing a speedrun of Shenmue II at SGDQ.

First of all, DreamCast emulation is weird, you have to mount an image of the actual disc of the game in order to play, and you always have to download the bios separately from the emulator.

The game is really good. Although I did have to get the undubbed version, couldn't stand the English voice acting.

LOL. I love that they got Cory back for Shenmue III. One of my regrets is never picking up Shenmue II. It was never localized in the US, but I know you could play it with some sort of gameshark-esque solution. About 10 years ago, the PAL version of Shenmue III was about $50. I just kept saying, oh, it's too much, I'll just pick it up later. Well, fast forward to today and the damn things are like over $100 :l 
Aug 12, 2015 at 4:43 AM Post #157,946 of 177,750
  lol wat?
streaming is just a special case of downloading where you watch as you download.
I'm pretty sure it's only illegal if you upload content.
Then again, it depends on where you are......

The German government HATES torrenters. Streamers not that much.
Hi, just popping in to ask if anyone here has seen Haibane Renmei? I ask mostly because I really liked its ost and I hope others do too. =p

I honestly can't remember much of the OST...but I do remember that I really liked the show itself! Damn sad and depressing but also beautiful in its own way.
Aug 12, 2015 at 5:30 AM Post #157,948 of 177,750
6 dmca's and counting for myself personally but nothing has happened at all. No capping from my isp or any tickets just a company sending me an email with lots legal jargon that says they are mad at me and "could" take me to court but in reality never do anything.
One of them sent a link that said pay us $200 or we are going to take you to court in a month and nothing has happened after. The guys filing blanket dmcas only really have your ip address and the isp and don't actually know about you personally and would never be worth it to bring someone to court. 
Friend of a coworker got like 320+ dmcas in a single year without any repercussions.
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