☯️ Cavalli Audio's Liquid Carbon... a $599 Cavalli amp???
Aug 12, 2015 at 8:45 AM Post #2,866 of 5,932
  Warning: awesome info. comin' at ya:
The DAC Cavalli Audio was pairing the LC amp at the SF Head-Fi meet last month was the Cypher Labs AlgoRhythm Solo -dB. This was the setup that had wowed many seasoned Head-Fi OCD'ers (plus the Ether headphones... which I found great but a tad too 'dark', and thick shielded power cables). I enjoyed this pairing also so much that it must be part of the reason I bought the LC amp the next day. While I imagine the Sabre DAC chip has great synergy with the LC amp, this DAC had a "24 bit AKM 4396 which delivers a slightly broader spectrum and smoother sound than the previously slightly bright original SOLO."
Tip: remove the "-" from dB if you search for it on Google so that doesn't act as a negative search character. This sells for $599. I've found a good review of it here, and the manuf. page here.
I'll share with you my other selected favorite DACs after extensive research throughout the year. And trust me, there are all solid audiophile-grade performers (prices are approximate):
$200 Beresford Caiman MKII (pushes way above it's price point too)
$300 Geek Out v2 or v2+
$300 Music Streamer HD
$300 FiiO X5 v2 (this is a DAP but you can use it as a DAC/transport)
$349 Schiit Bifrost (fully upgradeable)
$500 Gustard X12
$599 AlgoRhythm Solo -dB (see above)
$750 Schiit Gungnir
$799 Questyle Q192 (DAC/amp combo with DAC only option)
$900 (?) Audio GD NFB 11 and NFB 1
Worth looking into:
* Schiit Audio's reDACted R2R which may / may not be released
* Gustard X20
* That new ultra TOTL R2R DAC worth thousands and weighing 60kg with dozens of DAC chips (stillhart probably knows the name).

thank you for this interesting list.... How will you characterize the bushmaster  rnking in this list? i understand that is purely subjective feeling but i trust your experience hence i  am curious because i own one ?
Aug 12, 2015 at 9:20 AM Post #2,867 of 5,932
I know this is going back a couple of pages, but I should mention that the LC wasn't paired with the Q192 at the Chicago meet. I had the CMA800i next to the X Infinity + LPS4. The DAC in the CMA800i is the same as in their CAS192D full-size desktop DAC. They utilize different chips, so anyone who listened at my station heard the CMA800i's flagship WM8741 DAC rather than the WM8740 in the Q192.

Yep! And there's a pretty huge gap sound wise between the WM8740 and WM8741 too. This is a rare case where I've heard the same system with two different chips: two otherwise identical Gamma2 DACs with one of each chip. The unit with the WM8741 was more detailed, more tonally correct, and less grainy across the board. 
The DAC in the CMA800i's is pretty similar to the DAC in the CAS192D, which is a DAC only unit ( and $2000 IIRC). I heard the CAS192D paired with a DNA Stratus and stock HD800's in the early Summer Chicago meet. Still the best I've ever heard a stock 800 sound.
The CAS192D is itself pretty damn similar to the CAS192 mini though - both of which use the WM8741 chip. The Mini is a stripped down version of the original CAS192 (no DSD - 24/192 max, only one digital filter, no dual clock upsampling, no balanced output). It generally retails at around $749-799. But here's the cool part: the CAS192 mini is the exact same thing as the Mousai MSD192. I-fricken-dentical. And it's not just a China clone unit either, the Mousai was actually designed by Questyle.  Occasionally, it pops up for around $300 on Massdrop. I've had one for an extended demo before and its the best $300 value in DAC-only units right now. Directly competes with the Gungnir at less than half the price. The Mousai lacks the Gungnir's upgradability, multiple outputs, and balanced topology/output, but it does have a small form factor that would stack very cleanly with the LC. It's a very good option for bargain DAC hunters.
I think I recommended the Mousai MSD192 before over in the Liquid Carbon DAC thread, but I don't think I gave the full explanation of why I thought it was such a great deal.  This seemed like a good time to mention that.
Aug 12, 2015 at 9:33 AM Post #2,868 of 5,932
  Warning: awesome info. comin' at ya:
The DAC Cavalli Audio was pairing the LC amp at the SF Head-Fi meet last month was the Cypher Labs AlgoRhythm Solo -dB. This was the setup that had wowed many seasoned Head-Fi OCD'ers (plus the Ether headphones... which I found great but a tad too 'dark', and thick shielded power cables). I enjoyed this pairing also so much that it must be part of the reason I bought the LC amp the next day. While I imagine the Sabre DAC chip has great synergy with the LC amp, this DAC had a "24 bit AKM 4396 which delivers a slightly broader spectrum and smoother sound than the previously slightly bright original SOLO."
Tip: remove the "-" from dB if you search for it on Google so that doesn't act as a negative search character. This sells for $599. I've found a good review of it here, and the manuf. page here.
Since the main DAC thread by Purrin has been locked (probably for too much off topic banter), I'll share with you my other selected favorite DACs after extensive research throughout the year. And trust me, there are all solid audiophile-grade performers (prices are approximate):
$200 Beresford Caiman MKII (pushes way above it's price point too)
$300 Geek Out v2 or v2+
$300 Music Streamer HD
$300 FiiO X5 v2 (this is a DAP but you can use it as a DAC/transport)
$349 Schiit Bifrost (fully upgradeable)
$500 Gustard X12
$599 AlgoRhythm Solo -dB (see above)
$750 Schiit Gungnir
$799 Questyle Q192 (DAC/amp combo with DAC only option)
$900 (?) Audio GD NFB 11 and NFB 1
Worth looking into:
* Schiit Audio's reDACted R2R which may / may not be released
* Gustard X20
* That new ultra TOTL R2R DAC worth thousands and weighing 60kg with dozens of DAC chips (stillhart probably knows the name).

Thanks.  Have you heard the LC paired with the iFi Micro iDSD?
Aug 12, 2015 at 9:35 AM Post #2,869 of 5,932
Of course, lacking the balanced topography is not a small thing (I know, not needed for the LC). Should double parts (thus cost), but increase detail/decrease noise floor. The improvements are likely subtle, though...how much they're worth is a personal decision, diminishing returns and all that...
Aug 12, 2015 at 9:43 AM Post #2,870 of 5,932
Of course, lacking the balanced topography is not a small thing (I know, not needed for the LC). Should double parts (thus cost), but increase detail/decrease noise floor. The improvements are likely subtle, though...how much they're worth is a personal decision, diminishing returns and all that...

Definitely. Well, I do still have the Gungnir after all and *not* the Mousai >.>  I got a great deal on the Gungnir used though so the price delta wasn't quite so large as the MSRP difference.
Also when I mentioned above that the Mousai is similar to the other Questyles, I meant in general house sound and character. I'm absolutely certain that the Questyle 192D and CMA800i that I heard were both better than the Mousai in technicalities (detail, dynamics, imaging, etc. etc. etc.). I wouldn't be able to ascertain how much without having them on the same desk with the same upstream and downstream gear. 
At the $300 range, I haven't heard anything better than the Mousai...except possibly the Geek Out V2/V2+ (which, despite all of LH's business warts, are phenomenal sounding). 
Aug 12, 2015 at 10:40 AM Post #2,871 of 5,932
I think the original CLAS used a Wolfson DAC chip...

You are correct my good sir. You get 100 internetz for your trouble. Don't spend them all in one place
Aug 12, 2015 at 10:52 AM Post #2,872 of 5,932
thank you for this interesting list.... How will you characterize the bushmaster  rnking in this list? i understand that is purely subjective feeling but i trust your experience hence i  am curious because i own one ?

Hi again Richard and everybody
I actually haven't tried the Bushmaster, but from multiple reviews everybody seemed to say the Caiman MKII is like the evolution of the Bushmaster DAC (both from Beresford in the UK), and the more advanced specs match that as well. But if I had to guess I would say maybe the Bushmaster is a tie in quality to the Music Streamer HD and the Fiio X5, but not as good as the Caiman of Geek Out. I honestly think the Geek Out v2 pushes to at least the $500 point in terms of value.
Also please remember that with all audio products, quality is not determined by price, so the actual order of my above list of DACs would be very different it were ordered according to which one sounds the best. (I have only heard 5 of them so I can't re-order them all for you)
Aug 12, 2015 at 7:08 PM Post #2,874 of 5,932
  Hi again Richard and everybody
I actually haven't tried the Bushmaster, but from multiple reviews everybody seemed to say the Caiman MKII is like the evolution of the Bushmaster DAC (both from Beresford in the UK), and the more advanced specs match that as well. But if I had to guess I would say maybe the Bushmaster is a tie in quality to the Music Streamer HD and the Fiio X5, but not as good as the Caiman of Geek Out. I honestly think the Geek Out v2 pushes to at least the $500 point in terms of value.
Also please remember that with all audio products, quality is not determined by price, so the actual order of my above list of DACs would be very different it were ordered according to which one sounds the best. (I have only heard 5 of them so I can't re-order them all for you)

thanks very much for your dedication and reply

Aug 12, 2015 at 7:28 PM Post #2,875 of 5,932
I just hope it is ready for the Sept 26 Nashville meet.
Aug 13, 2015 at 2:26 AM Post #2,876 of 5,932
Aug 13, 2015 at 7:59 AM Post #2,878 of 5,932
The idsd micro is really impressive and needs to get more attention. The form factor is near perfect for the Carbon and would make a great portable rig. The dual Burr Brown is excellently implemented on the micro. 
Aug 13, 2015 at 11:03 PM Post #2,879 of 5,932
I'll second that. I just bought one and I'm blown away by it. Really superb unit...amazing they fit such great tech in such a small footprint. The headamp in the idsd micro completely smokes my valhalla 2....and is a great match with my alpha primes.It will be interesting indeed to see how the idsd stacks up with the cavali!
Aug 13, 2015 at 11:09 PM Post #2,880 of 5,932
listening to Geek Out Special Edition being input by Regen (out to HE-1000, Norne Zoetic cable), sounds INCREDIBLE! GO SE not available, but Pulse XFi with Femto clocks should be at least as good sounding. My recommendation.

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