☯️ Cavalli Audio's Liquid Carbon... a $599 Cavalli amp???
Jul 22, 2015 at 6:10 AM Post #2,326 of 5,932
  Ok, I understand where you're coming from now. My apologies, at first read I thought I was being attacked. Its now obvious I wasn't.
I like to keep my stuff as to the point and general as possible so as to be used as a starting point. While you like to use graphs and music as a guide I know enough people who aren't crazy about that style of review and feel as confused as you may be when they're used. Sorry bud, I guess I'm not the type of reviewer that works for you. 

All is good because I like being able to share thoughts like this the most out of all the things that are great about Head-fi.
I like to read all reviews available when I seriously try to tell what a product is like because I want to buy it. Whether it be from headphone.guru, some random person on Head-fi, innerfidelity, headfonia, dar, and so on. By the intent of your article you nailed it. It is indeed a good starting place to get familiar with different products.
But yes, I love graphs, recordings, and things like that. Still, variety does not hurt at all and I was admittedly anticipating in my head some speculations about the sound and the review beforehand by myself which turned out to be different from my imagination. I guess was rather a bit short-sighted, that's all.
Jul 22, 2015 at 8:07 AM Post #2,327 of 5,932
Thanks for the par deux Arly. I know that everyone's preference differs from person to person, I kinda like the amps performance per headphones style and comparison with other amps as well. Only disappointment is that HD800 wasn't included as I was in the fence in buying one (LC). I guess I will just save up for the Master 11 and keep my Theorem 720 as my 'portable amp' (and DAC.) 
Jul 22, 2015 at 11:45 AM Post #2,328 of 5,932
Thanks to @DigitalFreak for writing such a detailed review (with more to come).
I like the fact that he doesn't focus on his preferred sound (although he mentions his go-to headphone) but rather is comparing the LC to similar sized/priced headphone amps (there aren't many like the LC). So, instead of saying amp 1 is better than amp 2 because 1 is closer to what he likes, he broke down each with every headphone, almost as if there'd be a moment when the LC didn't come out on top with a certain phone.
Doing each headphone separately with all 3 amps gives us the best chance to draw our own conclusions (assuming we've heard at least 1 device in the chain). I was even able to gather how the LCD-X compares to the LCD-3, regardless of the amp. It must have taken a ton of time to be that thorough.
It's impossible to include every headphone but he did mention that Dr. Cavalli sent him most of the headphones and cables used in the review. I'm betting that even if the HD800 were included then people would ask about that headphone with a completely different amp compared to it with the LC. There's just no way for the reviewer to cover each person's point of reference no matter how popular.
If we can't get a decent measure of where the LC stands after reading a review like this (and assuming other reviewers don't quite cover someone's particular point of reference) then, short of waiting to try the LC for ourselves, we never will.
Eagerly awaiting part iii........
Jul 22, 2015 at 11:51 AM Post #2,329 of 5,932
With all due respect, I mentioned some of the music I evaluate gear with in all my articles. I also try to steer away from mentioning specific tracks for the simple fact most people have different tastes in music and I highly doubt if I mentioned a tune from say Budgie, Frames or say Melodie Gardot a lot of people would know what I'm talking about considering everyone has wide tastes in music. I also take umbrage to the use of the word "agenda". Considering I bought a unit like everyone else I have nothing to gain therefore where's my so called "agenda" you seem to allude to? As for the EL-8 closed back, I was even handed with that review like i am with all my reviews. I'm sorry you hated the EL-8 and the honest truth is if I had the choice I wouldn't buy the closed back for myself either but enough others have and seem to enjoy their purchases.  My apologies for disappointing you so much please feel free to run out and buy a Carbon and post your own review on the thread concerning your findings. I'm sure the thread would welcome other viewpoints

You and I are on the same page the closed back el8 was horrible. The open back one had strong authoritative bass though. To bad the rest of the frequency response was nothing to write home about still to heavy and expensive for what it is.

PS im not a fan of audeze headphones, in case anyone was wondering about my taste. If you are a fan, best to look elsewhere for audeze headphone impressions
Jul 22, 2015 at 12:02 PM Post #2,330 of 5,932
  As requested, we have sound impressions

I find it amusing that I'm eagerly reading a review for an amp I bought months ago..  I am looking forward to part III's discussion of the unicorn pairing.  I'm sure the LC will sound good with the T1's I already have, but Christmas isn't that far away and the Ether is tempting...
Jul 22, 2015 at 12:08 PM Post #2,331 of 5,932
I find it amusing that I'm eagerly reading a review for an amp I bought months ago..  I am looking forward to part III's discussion of the unicorn pairing.  I'm sure the LC will sound good with the T1's I already have, but Christmas isn't that far away and the Ether is tempting...

Interestingly, a large number of reviews on products are actually read by people that have already bought products, especially cars. People seek data to reinforce a decision they've already made as much as they do to make the actual decision in the first place...
Jul 22, 2015 at 12:23 PM Post #2,332 of 5,932
Just no one admits to it :)
Jul 22, 2015 at 12:49 PM Post #2,333 of 5,932
I find it amusing that I'm eagerly reading a review for an amp I bought months ago..  I am looking forward to part III's discussion of the unicorn pairing.  I'm sure the LC will sound good with the T1's I already have, but Christmas isn't that far away and the Ether is tempting...

Probably because are so hungry for it, waiting in dire anticipation, that we are willing to live the experience vicariously through others while we suffer (in a good way, of course
Nice reviews, DigiF…I enjoy your writing style. 
Jul 22, 2015 at 1:58 PM Post #2,335 of 5,932
This is all perfectly normal. LC is a kick starter type introduction where all we can do is buy via paper specs and we are rewarded with a very good deal for something that should sell for much higher than $599. I'm sure the far majority of folks who pre-ordered did not get a chance to audition because it's only available at local meets and shows. I'm sure all of us are very interested to know "what the hell did I just buy?" especially those who have never heard any of the Cavalli amps before (like me) Any reviews are greatly appreciated. When I went to the recent SF meet, that was the first time I had a chance to audition and it's nearly 3 months after I ordered. I really wanted to walk out with the demo unit LOL. So here are my impressions:
I listened in balanced mode with my K10s and T5P. Alex graciously let me plug in my USB drive so I can listen to my own tracks. He had a Mac running Audirvana which is exactly what I have at home. The only thing different with my home setup is that the LC was connected to a Chord Hugo as a DAC whereas my home setup is a Schiit Gungnir.
My overall impressions for both headphones are similar - the LC is a very neutral and transparent amp. No pun intended, but it will amplify the frequency response of your cans and not add any of it's own coloration. The LC adds so much dynamic and clean sound across the frequency spectrum compared to my RWAK240 and SR71-B. I know this isn't the most descriptive, but it just enhances all of the qualities of your source and your cans. I had hoped that LC would add some warmth to the low end of my T5P, but it doesn't. However, it does extend the bass further so I do hear an improvement in bass response, but it is not quantity, just better quality. On my K10s, it's just heaven since I love the sound profile of the K10s. Simply put, it makes the K10s sound like a more dynamic K10.
If you were looking for an amp that colors your cans - warmer, cooler, or what not, LC is not going to give you that. However if you have any headphone that you just love the way it's tuned, the LC will take it to a whole new level. I probably won't match this with my T5P. I ended up getting a tube amp to add much needed warmth and low end plus smoothing of the high end for my preferred tuning.
(Corrected)One more note to share - Alex recommends that you don't place the LC on a warm/hot surface. It has double sided PCB. One channel is on the bottom and is already getting heat from the top so adding heat from the base would not be good. I was going to stack this on top of my Gungnir, but I'll need to figure out a way to put some spacers underneath to get good air flow.
Jul 22, 2015 at 6:00 PM Post #2,336 of 5,932
...One more note to share - Alex recommends that you don't place the LC on a warm/hot surface. It has two PCBs stacked on top of each other. The one on the bottom is already getting heat from the top so adding heat from the base would not be good. I was going to stack this on top of my Gungnir, but I'll need to figure out a way to put some spacers underneath to get good air flow.

This is excellent information. Thanks for sharing it with us! 

Jul 22, 2015 at 7:50 PM Post #2,340 of 5,932

ditto. also pairing my LC with my Gungnir. Perhaps a plexi platform elevated with 1-2" feet to place upon the Gungnir. Hopefully that would be sufficient clearance.


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