  1. vegetaleb

    I have a Samsung P3 am I crazy to get the Cowon J3?

    Ok so I have the Samsung P3 for more than a year and here are my comments: -Great quality sound when using EQ -Tiny screen for touch ending up 3 over 4 times with unwanted selection -Great BT to cell phone connection -Screen is NOT usable outdoor at all in sunny days -Fonts could be...
  2. gamer-33

    will the Samsung P3 pair well with the d4 and Klipsch S4

  3. High_Q

    Phones with good built in mp3 player

    Any good recommendations?  Is this even a good idea?  Wouldn't the phone circuitry add noise and degrade the performance of the mp3 player?  What do you guys think?
  4. gamer-33

    rockboxed Sansa Clip+ vs Samsung P3 need your help with keeping the p3 or selling it

  5. High_Q

    Samsung P3 or Cowon S9

    Which do you guys prefer for FLAC files?
  6. gamer-33

    i am about ready to pull the trigger on Samsung P3 vs clip+

    i am thinking of  the Samsung P3  i going to run it with my iBasso d4 and i have a clip + now but i am looking for better sq and output any help or info on the p3 vs clip+ will i see a big differnce in sq and output
  7. gamer-33

    Samsung P3 Firmware best working update?

    what is the best working update?   with most reliabitity and the least headaches with player 
  8. Samsung P3  Palm Theatre Plus 8 GB MP3 Player (Black)

    Samsung P3 Palm Theatre Plus 8 GB MP3 Player (Black)

    Samsung P3 Palm Theatre Plus 8GB Black