
  1. LaninKhan

    Sub200$ IEM with best value [ RE262; HF5; GR07; GR01; X10i; TF10; Custom CE & more]

    Hi guys, i've recently lost my Aurvana IEM 2, and i need a new pair of IEM.  Budget is 200$, but i can also spend something less. XD After some months reading every thread and review here, I'm still unable to take a decision, so, I'm in your hands.   I listen mostly to post-rock...
  2. rufina

    Klipsch s4i or x7i or x10i

    Hi guys, Ive owned the s4i and really enjoyed them. Found them to be very comfortable, nice bass and great noise isolation. Sadly, they've recently broke on me and i was wondering if anyones compared them to the x7i or x10i?? I would prefer a pair with the heaviest bass. I have read that the...
  3. Shash

    Best inline remote IEMs? (Klipsch S4i(II), X7i, X10i, Sennheiser CX980i)

    Hi all,   I'm trying to decide between the earbuds in the thread title.   I prefer the cabling on the X7i, the X10i look woefully fragile. I had a pair of the original S4i and have got through 2 sets during the warranty. I'm not rough with my stuff so I don't rate the durability...
  4. shashu

    Klipsch Image X10i dying - please suggest repair options

    I have a pair of Klipsch Image X10i which I purchased from eBay in March last year.  Unfortunately these excellent little headphones developed the dreaded problem where the cable comes away from the jack connector some months ago.  I pursued Klipsch to repair the headphones but was shirked off...
  5. thevulture

    Klipsch Image X10i £99 possible £75

      Living Social currently have Klipsch Image X10i for £99 http://www.livingsocial.com/deals/307402   But if three people buy them the first person receives them for free. http://www.livingsocial.com/deals/307402?rpi=54357052&ref=personalized-link-box-54357052&rui=10719311 (link with my...
  6. lordnikon

    Where to buy Klipsch X10i with international shipping. Help!

    Hey all.   Does anyone know where I can find a pair of Klipsch X10i that ships to Asia? I've seen some websites that do (out of stock now) but way overpriced, somewhere around 350USD. The ones from Klipsch on Amazon are only about 189 USD but unfortunately they don't do international...
  7. grook

    Replacements for X10i's?

    Hi guys,   I've had the Klipsch X10i's for going on 2 years and they're starting to fall apart at the wire covers, just wondering what some suitable replacements would be. After something similar sounding and in a similar price-range, just with hopefully better build quality.   I'm...
  8. davidsdiego

    Klipsch X10/X10i vs X11i

    Has anybody compared the Klipsch X10/X10i vs X11i? I've owned the X10s for six months and I've been quite content with them, although I bought them on Amazon for a mere $90.
  9. DiscoBurger

    Best $350 or under IEM with iPhone controls and mic

    I have searched and searched the forums and no one really has an answer to this. iPhone controls are a must for me, I am always on the go and I need to answer phone calls, change songs, and turn the volume up and down w.o taking my iPhone out of my pocket. I don't want to sacrifice quality to...
  10. lolhart

    Etymotic ER-4PT or Klipsch Image X10i

    Hello, this is my first post although I have been reading these forums for a while as a guest.  I am looking for some advice on whether to get the Etymotic ER-4PT or Klipsch Image X10i earphones.  I was actually going to pay the extra and go with the Grado GR10s as I had the chance to demo them...
  11. superfuture48

    Klipsch X10i vs. Etymotic ER-4P vs. Etymotic HF3

    Hello.   I'm new to the forum and would like to get some advice.   I recently lost my Klipsch X10 and would like to find some replacements.  I loved X10s as I thought the sound was good.  The best thing about them was the fit and comfort.  I could basically wear them for hours at a time...
  12. superfuture48

    Klipsch X10i vs. Etymotic ER-4P vs. Etymotic HF3

    Hello.   I'm new to the forum and would like to get some advice.   I recently lost my Klipsch X10 and would like to find some replacements.  I loved X10s as I thought the sound was good.  The best thing about them was the fit and comfort.  I could basically wear them for hours at a time...
  13. Lou Reed X10i Signature Edition Headphones

    Lou Reed X10i Signature Edition Headphones

    Rock & Roll Hall Of Famer Lou Reed once said, "If I hadn't heard rock and roll on the radio, I would have had no idea there was life on this planet." An undeniable truth comes through in Lou's music-a gritty passion mixed with beautiful surrealism. You can hear it with your gut as much as your...