  1. ClieOS

    The Sub-$200 Portable Amps Shootout – 13 (+11) amps compared

    This is basically an extension of the sub-$100 amp shootout as the evaluation and scoring method are essentially the same. As always, this comparison is only a subjective evaluation and nothing more than my own personal opinion.   Evaluation Method Sources: Sansa Fuze via custom LOD...
  2. Double-A

    There are portable headphone amps in the head-gear section that need reviews.

    ^^^ Someone who owns these amps should put up reviews for them in the portable amp section of Head Gear. 
  3. Ibasso T5

    Ibasso T5

    The first one is the BTL grounding, also known as balanced grouding. Benefited from this technology, the voltage swing is increased from 4.2V to 8.4V max; and the output power is increased to 175mW max. Moreover, the T5 has opamp+buffer on each channel, the current output is up to 500mA per...