
  1. ChrisCaubin

    Fiio E11 vs E10 vs E7 vs E6 vs PA2V2 Headphones Amplifier vs Bravo Audio V2

    Hi, I have an extremely strict budget, and these amps are my current options. I may build a CMoy, but for now it is between the aforementioned. It is a bonus if it is portable (E11, E7, E6 and PA2V2 Headphones Amplifier). But if it isn't, and the sound quality is far superior, I would make the...
  2. coryeeeee

    FiiO E11 Vs FiiO E11 Kilimanjaro

    I own the Kilimanjaro, but I didn't realize until recently there is also a regular E11. Are there any big or subtle differences between the two?
  3. 304608377

    Fiio E11 and E12 are they have huge difference?

    I just got my E11 3 days ago and I using it with my ipod nano and Sony mdr-1r. I don't get huge improvement with e11. Will E12 make better improvement than E11?
  4. KEISx

    Get The Most From My Headphones?

    I'm going to start this off by saying I'm very new when it comes to buying audio equipment. I recently bought a pair of Beyerdynamic DT770 80ohms but I feel like they're a little flat compared to my previous headphones (Gaming headphones - corsair vengeance 1500). I haven't even started using...
  5. johnson98

    FIIO E11

    hello all, I have a pair of vmoda crossfade LPs, which I use on the go with my android phone. my phone has no problem powering the headphones, but I have read up on portable headphone amps, and, with my budget, I have been looking at the fiio e11. I was wondering, does an amp really make my cans...
  6. johnson98

    fiio e11 for vmoda crossfade lp?

    hey everybody, I'm new on headfi so plz help. I have an android phone and a pair of VMODA CROSSFADE LPs. my phone easily powers the headphones, but I have read mixed reviews on whether an amp actually improves the sound and detail. I am looking at the fiio e11 as it is portable and cheap. BTW my...
  7. FiioforMeOh

    Great headphone Amp, Fiio e11 with ath m50?

    Hey guys, I'm just looking for a new headphone (ath m50 black to replace my dirty white ones) with a good e11 amp. I listen to Silva Hound dubstep, Assertive Fluttershy Dubstep, and thelivingtombstone. So mostly electronic. (All make Brony dubstep and house music) are there any other good...
  8. abablitz

    HD 650 + Fiio E11 + Creative HD Titanium

    Hi, I'm torn between the HD 650 and the beyer DT 880 premium 250hms. I was wondering if the HD 650 would be okay with my Fiio E11 + Titanium HD. Thanks!
  9. x8is

    Crappy Klipsch m40 need help! E7 vs E11??

    Hi,    Long time lurker, I've used this site to buy plenty of high quality great IEM's which I always ended up losing...    I decided I needed to buy something bigger that I couldn't lose, thus I bought the Klipsch m40's on woot for 150. They suck, I hate them but they are all I have and...
  10. TheTempest7

    Portable Amp/Dac for Xperia Z?

    I need a portable amp/dac similar to the Fiio E11 so it can drive my Ultrasone Pro 900's. I wanna truely hear some of that powerful almost over the top bass everyone who reviews the Ultrasone Pro 900's go on about. Will the Pha-1 be enough for this? I will be using my Xperia Z. Is the Pha-1...
  11. homeriscool

    OK so i want to buy a set of Philips Fidelio X1 headphones. Will the sound quality be ok from an iphone 4s or a laptop?

    My sound card on my laptop is rubbish. will i need to buy an external sound card for it or will these headphones still perform well? same as with iphone?
  12. Daskful

    New headphones. Considering amp/DAC for it (Noob alert)

    Just got myself a Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro today. I've never owned any set of headphones except gaming ones. I'm using a Razer Megalodon right now, merely because I have nothing to drive the DT 990. I do have a Sound Blaster Zx coming on the mail, though (but this is obviously for another...
  13. milk

    Good Cheap Headphone amp?

    Hey guys I am looking for a headphone amplifier to power my 250 ohm dt 880s and was curious what would be a good amp on ebay or amazon under $100 (used is fine too) I see a lot of made cmoys from companies saying the power 600 ohm headphones or ones with a single tube keeping it relatively cheap...
  14. Hellhog

    Mixamp + E11, E07K, or E17

    I currently use a Sennheiser PC 350 headset for both Xbox and PC gaming but I've come to realize I'm not getting the full potential out of it. Also, the built in audio codec on my gaming laptop is absolutely horrible (Clevo P150EM) and I desperately need a DAC.   What I'm looking for is a...
  15. MagellanR14

    Cheap portable amp solution - PA2V2 or E11 or CMoyBB

    My Philips Uptowns are underpowered in the sense that I cannot get enough volume from them. Thus, I am looking into a relatively cheap portable amp solution. I saw the Electric Avenues PA2V2, FiiO E11, and JDS Labs CMoyBB were popular, which of these would do the best for raising the volume of...
  16. jerrynomenon

    ultrasone pro 900: how's noise canceling?

    I'm getting ultrasone pro 900 for its bass (I love bass - I usually listen to hip hop or edm) and I have a question. How's noise canceling ability? I used to own Bose qc 15 and ONLY thing I liked on that can was its ANC capability. I know that pro 900 is not ANC ones but how are they perform on...
  17. Avataradict23

    Is it true that a portable amp can boost the bass on a pair of headphones?

    I ask this question because I really want a pair of basshead headphones, yet I want the mids and highs to be warm and clearly bought out. BTW, I like to listen to jazz and contemporary music, as well as hip-hop and dubstep. I know that when buying a pair of bass-heavy headphones, the quality can...
  18. sloomingbla

    Zo2 + fiio e11?

    I have heard different things about using both, so what are you guys thinking about this? I currently have the ultrasone hfi 580 and the fiio e11, and i want to add the zo2 simply for the bass enhancements... Any upside/downsides to this?
  19. aak57

    Is it possible to hook up a Fiio E11 to a Galaxy S3 via line-out?

    I've been using an ipod touch 4g as my DAP for a while, but I've gotten tired of having to choose between quality or quantity of songs.  Decided that I'll just get a 64GB micro SD card and use my S3 since I have an extended battery.  However, I'll be running a modified pair of T50RPs so I'll...
  20. takutox

    any tips for connecting two portable amps together? (E11 and zo2.3)

    hey guys. how would i go about connecting a fiio e11 to a zo2.3?   source - 3rd gen 8gb silver nano (only thing i have lol, no phone atm)   phones/iem - ath-m50/shure se215. but would be using the m50 with these amps and porting it.   im completely new to this. any precautions i...
  21. pga2120

    Very loud popping sound between tracks with fiio e11

    Hi everybody new with portable amps so got the fiio e11. Great sound improvement from stock. Anyways between songs and when i change tracks I get this very loud popping sound from my left earphone like it's turning inside out. What could be the problem? Im using this with original beats studio...
  22. U

    Can someone quickly go over the pros/cons of Mixamp rx5.8 double amping w/Fiio E11?

    I am somewhat confused how two amps would work together with their independent volume levels. Currently my Mixamp 5.8 is paired with a 32ohm AKG K550 and they are mostly plenty loud but to achieve the loudness I desire, hissing does occur at the 70% volume mark.   1)Would adding a portable...
  23. kjgratys

    Fiio e11 Suitable for dt880 600ohm?

    Hi guys, this is my first post on head-fi so please bear with me.  About a year ago I bought my first set of quality headphones, dt770 pro 250 ohm and a fiio e11.  The headphones have been treating me very well, but I am looking to try something a little different.  I have my eyes set on the...
  24. brazm

    FiiO E12/E11 and Denon D2000's

    Hello,   I currently own a pair of Denon D2000's, and I use the FiiO E12 portable amplifier for it with my Gen 5.5 Classic iPod. After purchasing the amplifier, I noticed that the sound improved significantly, and I very much enjoyed it, but I believe it may be too powerful for my 25 ohm...
  25. Robinmull112

    FiiO E6 or E11 with a Sony MDR-1R Headphone

    Hello everyone,   I resently bought a Sony MDR-1R headphone. Before the new Sony's, I was using a pair of Sennheiser IE8 monitors. I was quite satisfied with my Sennheisers, but after wearing them for about 2-3 hours my ears start hurting, so i decided to buy a over the ear pair of...