  1. The_Blood_Raven

    Best neutral IEM for under $150

    Hello, I'm looking for the best neutral IEM I can find for a friend of mine.  I believe he does have a decent ear for audio as he has worked as a sound tech. for the past few years and has undoubtedly heard some decent equipment.  The problem is that he doesn't own any equipment that I would...
  2. schneller

    After 7 months, GF's RE0 has died...replacement?

    Right driver is head.   I personally found them to be a little bright for my tastes but I think she liked them as a step up from her iBuds.   Suggestions on a replacement costing less than $100?     Edit: Some of my initial suggestions might be...   ATH-CK7 (anything else from...
  3. yliu

    Most revealing IEM you can think of?

    can you tell me some of the most revealing IEMs, that reveals all the flaws of a recording. No price limit, any sound signature, any genre of music etc.
  4. espandon

    Full size cans for Metal?

    Hi folks,   I am listening to Metal(heavy,progressive,death,doom,gothic,folk... well everything except black and grind) mainly through SR 325is and Ety ER4S and am mostly very content. But sometimes I feel like I need a little bit punch in bass division especially in the bass and drums...
  5. oldnametooshort

    Etymotic 4p vs. Grado SR325

    There's this guy who wants to trade his 325 for my 4p, what I wanna know is, is SR325 better than 4p? I'm using the RA1 headphone amp. Thank you.