  1. kiwi ears orchestra lite

    kiwi ears orchestra lite

    vocal supremus ( ͡🔥 ͜ʖ ͡🔥) Pros: - Build quality is solid(feels like custom resin). - Pleasant,non offensive balanced tuning. - Easily driven(scales with sources). - Great resolution , imaging , stage for the price. - Isolated fit due to no pressure vent. - Natural timbre. - Warm note...
  2. Amberlamps

    Tinnitus..............Do You Speak It ?

    As the Thread name suggests. How many people here suffer from tinnitus, for those that don’t know what it is, it’s that ringing, beeping, whooshing noise that you can hear, but which is not coming from an external source. If you do suffer from this extremely annoying medical condition, what do...
  3. S

    Sub €200 IEM recommendations

    Hi guys, I know this is another thread asking the same thing, but I have searched around and having a difficult time finding the information I need. I currently own the original M6 Pro from MEE Audio, but I'm looking for something that has a bit more to it. I am not too familiar with terms...
  4. Empire Ears Empire Studio Reference (E.S.R)

    Empire Ears Empire Studio Reference (E.S.R)

    Empire Ears Empire Studio Reference (E.S.R)