1. H

    Need help choosing Tanchjim Oxygen or other similar priced IEM (DM6, IT01s, Kanas Pro)

    Hi all! Made an account to get some experienced input. I am looking to purchase a new IEM as a long term investment. Through my research I have discovered Tanchjim Oxygen will be a great buy. My source is an LG G6 (quad dac) which I will use with Audirect Beam and I am maybe purchasing a Fiio...


    BGVP DMS IEM 6BA+1DD Hybrid Earphones. To achieve a more professional driver configurations, DMS adopts SWFK-31736 Knowles driver for high and extreme high frequency, two DEK-60318 drivers for mid and low frequency, one 10mm macromolecule driver. These make the sound more flexible and...
  3. johnchpark

    Fearless Audio S5T - A First Look

    This may be the first posting on the Fearless Audio S5T (Turbo) made in English. 5BA (Knowles & Sonion) made from China. Background I was originally going to purchase the BGVP DM6 from Linsoul, but right before placing the order, a Linsoul representative suggested to buy the Fearless Audio S5...
  4. V

    BGVP DM6 - My opinions/What do you think?

    Here's a link to a bunch of pictures: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OozBGYZ5V7vjk7iB2dY4P5rpSzdlGbgW TL; DR You need a good source and a good file to enjoy these properly. They reveal the amp, DAC, as well as the quality of the recording. Given that is taken care of (which is not too...
  5. mRaaghava

    Best IEMs under 200USD?

    Hi, i am looking to upgrade from fiio f9 pro. Currently i am using my iPhone 8 Plus and FiiO Q5 as source. I have shortlisted these three IEMs: Hifiboy OS V3, Whizzer A-HE03 Kylin and BGVP DM6. Which is the better one among these three? Any other suggestions under 200$ are also welcome. I listen...
  6. Hawaiibadboy

    BGVP discussion thread DM7/ DM6/DMG and NEW BA series

    Pictures are welcome. All colors offered and a pic of each type would be cool RED courtesy of @chinmie Ok, I am making a final effort to explain to everyone how things work, regarding the "fake shippings", and everything else in general. First of all, we know about the demand, and...