
100+ Head-Fier
2 DD Magic for a Big Sound
Pros: Tonality
Authority in every frequency range
Cons: Fit
Resolution (Microdetails)
I was given this IEM by Aural Cafe for review purposes, and there was no exchange involved. My thoughts and opinions are completely genuine and unbiased, and no one has influenced or paid me to give a positive or negative review of the product.

Aural Cafe has been a fantastic community of Audiophiles Worldwide that has been there for me since the start of my reviewing journey. Check out their Facebook page here. - https://www.facebook.com/groups/auralcafe/






This IEM is my introduction to Spirit Torino. I never actually learned about their philosophy or tried any other products in the past to get an idea of what they try to achieve. So this review is written having a completely blank canvas in mind.

Source Pairing​

I used Quloos MUB1 which is fairly powerful for its price. I used it as a daily driver for almost 10 days.
I find that this IEM works extremely well with sources that provide a bit of power. Not only does the fullness of the sound get a boost but along with that the technicality also achieves a huge improvement. The soundstage especially sounds more holographic with a better source. The IEM also works best with warm sources. I didn’t like it with neutral/clinical sources for my library. So, from my end, you have to pick your source gear carefully to make this IEM sing to its true potential.


The fit of the IEM is good enough. The only gripe I had with it was, that it sticks out a bit much from the ear. The body of the IEM is good due to this reason too for micro-adjustments.


The cable feels good in overall quality. There is no microphonics and not enough memory to disturb while listening to the music. It never tangled during my usage.


The ear tips are very average, they feel like a step-down version of Divinus velvet with the bore size of Final E. The IEM sounds best with the included ear tips though. The Second ear tip that sounded best with it was Final E.


This IEM includes three tuning nozzles which are easily swappable. The main thing that these nozzles do is alternate the bass response. The Black one reduces the bass by 3db, the Grey one follows a reference grade bass response and the Red One introduces a 3db boost in the bass region primarily.
I liked the IEM most with the Red nozzle and I will review it with this setup. (Red Nozzle - Narrow Bore Silicon ear tips.) The other setups didn’t give me a feeling of satisfaction as the following one.


This houses 2 DD in an isobaric system, is it true isobaric or not? I am not qualified to evaluate yet but I am sure that, one DD cannot produce the whole spectrum as this IEM does. I used Twilight which is similarly priced as this and that IEM being one of the best, also sounds like a one DD due to the dynamics and coherence. Like that, Twin Pulse is very dynamic in nature too, but the authority of the bass and control seemed too good to be handled by just one DD. The scope of the sound is large & the projection is tall and coherent from end to end.
You can read about the other part of the technology that is being used by following this link - https://www.spirittorino.com/en-us/products/iem-twin-pulse-berillium

Let’s now dive into the tuning of this IEM in detail​


  • Good Resolution to offer & Aptly textured
  • The rumble is there in full dominance
  • The attack is very natural, not too slow and not too fast
  • The Sub bass is very physical (but not Tactile)
  • The amount of air/thump it pushes in the ear canal is very good in quantity
  • The decay feels very analogue. Falloffs are not too fast


  • The continuation of Frequency Amplitude in the midbass is linear and smooth
  • Punches are sharp and fast
  • The amplitude does take effect in the midrange making it huskier
  • This bass is not room-filling and won’t give you a simulated feeling of a sub-woofer
  • Textural information is very good in this region
  • Zero Choppyness or slurpy ness can be observed which makes it sound a bit digital
  • The dynamics are very transient
  • One of the fullest bass I ever heard regarding the amplitude
  • Extracts bass from bass-shy tracks and gives you loads of it.


  • Bass do effect the mids in a good way
  • The mids are forward and huskier than the neutral (not lush sounding)
  • Due to DD Flavouring midrange is a very coherent feeling
  • Never felt recessed rather it felt a bit more forward
  • Microdetails are not prominent though
  • Texturing also can be improved also


  • Upper mids are very pleasing in tonality
  • The extension is there at the extreme end of the spectrum making it airy
  • Although this range is not sparkly (I prefer the shiny nature in this range)
  • This range particularly felt a lot more spacious than lowemids
  • The texturing is better in the upper-mids
  • Resolution and details are also a step above the lower midrange
  • Sometimes though the recession in the upper mids created a bit of boxiness to my ears in some songs
  • This section will suit people who are sensitive to treble very well


  • Moderately detailed for the price.
  • The speed is good, transience to dynamics everything felt speedy enough
  • This section is very smooth to listen to, no offensiveness can be felt
  • The glamouring sizzle and shine are not present here
  • The extension is very well done though, it feels airy through and through
  • The spaciousness is very well done with this set

At the end, I can confidently say that this IEM is a very safely tuned fun-centric IEM. Although you can change the signature a lot by the nozzles and ear tips, these are the observations I had with Red Nozzle and narrow-bore silicon Tips. Which I think sounds best with this IEM.

Now let’s discuss the technicality of this IEM​

I think they did an outstanding job of providing the balance between showing off the technicality as well as conserving the natural essence of the sound. It never went too far to provide technicalities, and neither did it sacrifice any fun that tech could bring into the sound.


Vocals are intimate in the soundstage. It felt rounded and it covered my head in a very spherical manner. The soundstage is not very big or stretched in any direction but it is extremely well utilised. It felt atmospheric. This IEM somewhat provides the holographic nature, not to a huge extent but certain cues can be really realistic in the sound scope. The only problem I had with them are, that they miss some height in the front. Depth is well utilised but the projection seems a bit short.


The imaging of this IEM is very accurate to my ears. It justifies the price. The stereo imaging is excellent. Not only that I can almost pinpoint instruments on the soundstage.


This area needs improvement to a great extent. The resolution is quite moderate for the price. Although, credits should be given where it is due. They haven’t implemented any cheap tricks in the treble to make it extra resolving. Although note endings are a bit blurred and not well defined, but they never give mushy and overlapping artifact.


The dynamic range of this IEM is excellent. The more dynamic the recording is, the more it scales. You will have no problem with high dynamic range tracks with this IEM. The lows from the deepest lows and highest highs are swiftly played with this IEM. No amount of congestion or sluggishness can be felt.


Timber in this IEM remained mostly Organic. Not entirely realistic, but they retain the organic recorded nature of the media. The drums sounded very organic too, although a bit of exaggeration can be felt. String instruments lacked a bit of bite and attack. Air instruments lacked a bit of shimmer too. But overall the timber came out as very organic in tonality.


Spirit Torino is a luxury audio brand and I respect their idea of exploring the IEM market with this attempt. This is a very good step in the right direction. A lot of great things have been done with this IEM. I am excited for their future release in the IEM space, after experiencing the Dynamic and Authoritative nature of this IEM.
This IEM in particular was a very interesting find for me to say the least. I never heard tonality like this before which is inoffensive, organic and punchy with good technicalities. This IEM definitely deserves a space in the current IEM market.


100+ Head-Fier
An Italian Beauty
Spirit Torino Twin Pulse Beryllium In Ear Monitors


I have been provided with Spirit Torino Twin Pulse Beryllium IEMs as part of an audition tour by Aural Café community and @pradiptacr7 . I am in no part related to the brand and all impressions given hereby are my own.



Spirit Torino is an Italian brand, which is quite popular for their range of headphones, released their new IEMs, Twin Pulse Beryllium, a dual dynamic driver IEM made with their patented twin pulse scaled isobaric system. They are housed in CNC machined aluminum earpieces, which are exceptionally made and designed in true Italian essence. They look and feel beautiful. Their package is well covered, keeping in mind present day requirements. It comes included with two cables, 3.5mm ended cable and 4.4mm ended balanced cable, 3 pairs of foam ear tips, 4 pairs of silicon ear tips, 3 different sound filters for finetuning sound signature. They are fairly easy to drive, but can scale well with powerful accessories, like most of the dynamic driver-based IEMs. It retails for 850 USD from official Spirit Torino and its authorized stores.


Sources Used

I had used my DAP, Cayin N7 and DACAMP, Earmen Angel for review purposes.


Sound Impressions


  • Excellent Tonality
  • Excellent Timbre
  • Very Good Bass
  • Very Good Technicalities
  • Very Good Treble Extensions
  • Excellent Design & Build Quality
  • Good Set of In-Box Accessories
  • Filter Set For Sound Tuning
  • Silver for balance, Red for warmth & Black for airiness

  • Very Recessed Mids.
  • Slightly Leaner Mids

Coming to overall sound impressions, these IEMs sound very good right out of the box. Musical and enjoyable, and at the same time technically very capable. The moment you hit play, you will instantly love its natural tonality and timbre. Its bass is of very good quality and quantity, has very good rumble with faster decay. Not basshead levels of bass, but quality is excellent and does extend quite deep. Bass doesn’t creep into other frequencies and maintains clear space while transitioning into lower mids. Transients are fast. It has smooth transition from bass to mids to treble. Coming to mids, for me this the area where this IEMs falter big time. Mids are very clear, spacious and has good details. But, I found vocals to be too recessed for my tastes, they sound literally as if the singers are placed at very back end of the stage. And they sound little lean too. Apart from this, everything else is very good. Be instrument separation, and placement. Upper mids extensions are good too, only if mids are placed at the center, it would have been an even better experience. You can clearly point out from where a particular instrument’s sound comes. Changing my source to Cayin N7 slightly remedied this issue for me, but still, it is what it is. Guitars and cymbals are crystal clear and precise in how they sound. Overall detail retrieval capabilities are very good for the price. Resolution is quite good for the price. The stage has very good depth and width. There’s no congestion of any sort even when complex songs are at play. Imaging is very precise and accurate. Every note is clearly differentiated from the other. Treble is very well done. Very good extensions, not fatiguing at all. Though a little more air and sparkle would be a better addition, but excellent, nonetheless. The above impressions are based on silver filter. Changing from silver to red filter brought one change which I found lacking earlier, which is mids started to sound little thicker, and added musicality. It also brought a little more warmth to the bass region. Other than these two changes, everything else was on par with the silver filter. So for those who prefer a little more warmth and thickness in mids and bass sections can use red filter, and for those who prefer balanced and cleaner presentation can go with silver. Now shifting to black filter, the immediate change you observe is the addition of airiness to overall sound signature. IEM sounds more energetic in this filter compared to the other two, maybe bright for some, but not for me. But it introduced little graininess in upper treble. For me, silver filter is the choice, but I wish it had some of the thickness in mids found in red filter. But, it's the more balanced out of the three.



The Spirit Torino Twin Pulse IEMs are solid IEMs. Their tonality and timbre are top notch and quite addictive. These IEMs are very good in technicality, detail retrieval and clarity. It has very good quality bass and treble. My only gripe with these is its mids section. It’s quite recessed and slightly lean. This can be remedied to an extent with use of the red filter and a source like Cayin N7, but still, it has those qualities in the end. Other than this the IEMs are exceptional overall.
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New Head-Fier
Spirit Torino Twin Pulse IEM
Pros: Excellent bass response
Exceptional midrange
Non-fatiguing tuning
Very good technicalities
Cons: Fit might be an issue for some, else nothing.
Spirit Torino Twin Pulse


I’d like to thank Aural Café and Pradipta for including me in this tour. I was given an opportunity to audition and review the Spirit Torino Twin Pulse IEM and share my honest feedback based on my usage with my gear. There has been no monetary transaction or influence (or pressure) to write anything positive (or negative) about the IEM. The views expressed in this writeup, are solely mine and are based on my usage of the IEM for a week or so.



This is Spirit Torino’s first outing in the IEM space and by golly they’ve hit a home run with this one. The twin pulse IEM has a pair of dynamic drivers in isobaric configuration on each side with the earpieces made of CNC machined aluminum. The isobaric drivers have beryllium coated membranes. All in all, these earpieces look and feel fantastic and are “designed to faithfully reproduce sound” - as per their website.

The IEM comes with 2 cables, one 3.5mm SE cable with a 6.35mm adapter and a 4.4mm BAL cable. There are 7 pairs of eartips (Silicon, Memory Foam, and Dual Flange), 3 nozzle types, and a cleaning tool along with a leather carry case. The unit I received was unboxed but had all the accessories packed in a carry case.


For the purpose of this review, I used the Flare Audio Audiophile memory foam tips with the stock 4.4mm BAL cable with either Sony WM1AM2, FiiO M15S as sources, both with and without A&K PA10 connected as a balanced amplifier.

Sound Quality:

The Twin Pulse IEM has one of the best bass responses off an IEM I’ve heard. The dual dynamic isobaric drivers produce natural sounding bass that can be boosted to a certain level with the red nozzles that can take things to bass head levels. The slams are hard hitting, especially with the red nozzle, but even with the default grey nozzle, the bass has good impact. With the default nozzle, the bass sounds natural and complements the rest of the frequencies well. There is good presence in both the sub bass and mid bass regions. There is a nice sense of depth and warmth in the bass, and it thankfully isn’t muddy, nor does it bleed into the Mids.


The mids are again a highlight of the Twin Pulse IEMs. They’re clear, lush, somewhat forward in their presentation. The IEMs bring out the nuances in vocals beautifully and have a natural timbre when it comes to male vocals. Instruments too sound very natural for the most part. The Twin Pulse IEMs have some good and organic Mids.

The highs are crisp yet gentle. They’re in no way piercing or sharp. Especially with the grey filter, everything is well balanced, for those who’d like to have some more presence in the highs, the black filter might be a better choice, personally, I liked the IEM with the grey filter the best. The highs have fair sense of airiness and sparkle allowing micro-details to shine. The treble here is more suitable for those who like gentle and soothing highs, and this is likely not going to impress airheads.


In terms of technicalities, the Twin Pulse IEMs have very good separation, and the soundstage is great, both in terms of width and depth. Especially when amped, I’d compare the staging of Twin Pulse to the likes of IER-Z1R, it is immersive, wide, deep and holographic. Given the price point, I think the Twin Pulse IEMs push above their price point when it comes to technicalities.

As such, the Twin Pulse IEMs can be driven off a source like the WM1AM2 easily without the need of additional amping, but the IEMs open up considerably when amped, hence if you have an amp, I’d suggest trying it out with the amp, to bring the best out of this tiny beast.



The Twin Pulse IEMs are excellent IEMs for those who prefer a balanced presentation and like to have some heft in their bass. Airheads may not be impressed by this IEM as the treble is gentle. Mids are a highlight and for Bollywood aficionados like me, the Twin Pulse IEMs are a great set to own. Fit might be an issue for some, but I personally didn’t have any issues with the fit.


500+ Head-Fier
Pros: Unique Musical Tonality, Lifelike Instrumental Timbre, TOTL Bass, Top Tier Mids, 3 Different Tuning Filters
Cons: Fit is an issue for some, Not all filters are equally good (Nitpicking)

SPIRIT TORINO TWIN PULSE BERYLLIUM IEM- A Concentration of Technology at the Service of Music

Introduction: -

Spirit Torino is an Italy-based audio company founded by Andrea Ricci. It all started with collaborations with hi-fidelity stores in 1993 in Turin, Italy which is known for its numerous art galleries, restaurants, churches, palaces, opera houses, piazzas, parks, gardens, theatres, libraries, and museums. After starting with a series of electronic cabinets and pedestals crafted from mahogany and walnut in 1995 to becoming a record label for recording concerts in 2002, in 2007 they first began with modifying closed and open-back commercial headphones. Fast forward to 2014 Spirit Prototyping Laboratory was born to rework a significant quantity of headphones to meet the needs of audiophiles. Moving on to 2017 after lots of research and development the founder assembled the prototype of Twin Pulse, which became the first isobaric motor unit for headphones in the world. Spirit Torino presented “Radiante” in 2019 at the Tokyo Headphone Festival: the first headphone in the world with an external passive radiator, winning second and third place in the competition in April with the Super Legerra and the Twin Pulse and first place in November with the Radiante.

Today we will be reviewing SPIRIT TORINO TWIN PULSE BERYLLIUM IEMs at Aural Cafe which is SPIRIT TORINO’s first attempt at making a high-fidelity in-ear monitor.

Spirit Torino Twin Pulse Beryllium IEM launched in 2023 is Spirit Torino’s first offering in the world of hi-fi IEMs after coming up with many flagship headphones. Twin pulse beryllium is powered by 2 x 10mm dynamic micro drives Beryllium dynamic drivers in Spirit Torino’s patented twin pulse isobaric system (Cone to magnet setup) which is currently the hottest setup in today’s Audiophile world. Isobaric setup was prominently used in speakers but now many respected audio companies are implementing the same in their headphones and IEMs. One can read more about the isobaric setup through this link: https://vue-audiotechnik.com/isobaric-subwoofer-design/.

According to Spirit Torino, this setup helps in overcoming the transient speed issues of dynamic driver-based IEMs. Moreover, twin Pulse offers playback linearity calibrated on isophonic Fletcher-Munson curves (of equal sensitivity to the human ear) and can therefore be used as a reference tool to verify the timbre reliability of a recording. Spirit Torino Twin Pulse Beryllium IEM is priced at US$ 850.00.


Specifications: -

  • Driver Technology: Twin Isobaric System
  • Driver Configuration: 2 Dynamic Driver (10mm Beryllium micro drives)
  • Impedance: 16Ω ± 10%
  • Freq Response: 14Hz-33Khz
  • Sensitivity: 114dB/mW @1kHz
  • Cable: 1.2m Litz 392 Cores OCC Silver-plated + 8 Cores Silver
  • Max Power Rating: 2mW
Disclaimer: -

We have received a small discount, and we are thankful to the amazing team at SPIRIT TORINO for it. We were also delighted with the opportunity to review it. However, the review reflects our honest opinions as always.

Packaging & Accessories: -
  • Spirit Torino Twin Pulse Beryllium IEMs
  • 7 pairs of Ear-Tips (Silicone, Memory Foams and Dual Flange)
  • IEM Cable with 3.5mm Termination
  • IEM Cable with 4.4mm Termination
  • 3 Different Nozzle Filters
  • 6.35mm Adopter Jack
  • Leather Carry Box and Cleaning Tool
  • Documentation
Check out the full unboxing video here,


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IEM Build, Design & Fit: -

Coming from Turin, Italy, famous for its art galleries and museums, the team at Spirit Torino didn’t disappoint us from the very moment we unboxed. Everything inside the box from the IEMs to the cables, the carrying case, to the ear tips screams art and craftsmanship from the very go. We at Aural Cafe are pleasantly surprised by the quality of accessories rare to find in the sub-1000 US$ range. Even the packaging they’ve used very high-quality materials.

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The IEM shell boasts of lightweight aluminium structure machined by high-precision CNC machinery, to rebuild the complex Twin Pulse isobaric system in miniature form. The proprietary complex Ventilated Pad system earlier implemented in Spirit Torino headphones evolved into the Micro Ventilation Pad System as it was necessary to rethink the micro-frame from scratch to calibrate the complex interplay of pressures generated in the acoustic chambers of the Twin Pulse system to ensure the dissipation of the extra pressures when inserting the In-ear monitor into the ear. The Micro VPS also allows the audiophile to select different sound signatures according to their needs by changing the provided three pairs of front filters. The IEM is designed in bullet form which is unique and will surely have a love-hate relationship with the different audiophiles. In our case, we did find it a bit difficult to use initially but after bending the IEM hooks slightly inward we were good to go and had no difficulties. The IEM is light in weight and provides above-average isolation. The artistic faceplate clones the Spirit Torino legendary Valkyria headphones and is actually a functional part of the driver setup.


Inside the Twin Pulse, employs two identical 10mm micro drivers with powerful neodymium magnets and Beryllium-treated membranes to act synchronously over the entire audio range, zeroing out typical micro-acoustic problems and dangerous phase interference without any crossover to minimize any kind of distortion. It comes with two sets of custom-made Litz SPC cables in 3.5 and 4.4 terminations along with a custom-made high-quality 6.3mm jack adapter. We are very surprised by the thoughts, research and development that has gone into designing each section of the IEMs and accessories in this beautiful piece of art which is “Made of Sound”.


Sound Analysis: -

Credits: Spirit Torino Officials
  • Tonality: - From the very moment we put on Spirit Torino Twin Pulse Beryllium we are amazed by its unique yet musical and immersive hi-fi experience. The stock high-quality SPC cable also adds to the musical tonality of the IEM. According to the team at Spirit Torino, it is tuned for both audiophiles and professionals in the field of music who can use it for mastering and post-production. The tonality is borderline neutral with a musical tinge to the whole experience. The timbre of the instruments is lifelike real, and the IEM successfully takes us inside the live concert. We like the neutral grey filter in this regard, with the memory foam tips. There is a sense of control and yet at the same time lows, mids and highs flow like a river. The tonality is natural organic and fun.
  • Lows: - With the implementation of the patented twin pulse isobaric system, the lows are surprisingly natural, organic, and dynamic in every respect. The bass is subtly tuned without any hint of muddiness in Mids. The bass not only has the right quantity and quality but exceptional control and speed all thanks to the unique isobaric system. While the red tuning nozzles add up to 3 dB of bass the black nozzles can reduce the same by 3 dB and can be helpful while listening to jazz. The mid-bass with red tuning filter sounds very fun and immersive while listening to EDM whereas the same is beautifully balanced on the grey reference filter (our favourite tuning filter). It comes a bit forward on the red filter. The sub-bass with just the right layering shows up beautifully while listening to the EDM genre, especially on the red filter. While listening to Starboy by the Weekend and Nakshatram by Jean du Voyage on Dethonray SG1 Gold with the black tuning filter the mid-bass is hard-hitting and deep with effortless sub-bass and solid male vocals. The bass on the black tuning filter is a bit light and becomes handier for audiophiles who strictly love reference-tuned IEMs.
  • Mids: - The Mids on the IEMs are top tier with the right energy, resolution, and soul. The vocals are natural and organic without losing any control even in complex tracks. The Mids are more referenced in grey tuning filter and black while a tinge forward with the red filter. The IEMs show their power with solid lower Mids and male vocals in complex rock, metal, and Hip-Hop tracks. We loved listening to Godzilla by Eminem (grey tuning filter) with stock cable and silicone tips in Dethonray DTR1+ while with a tinge more resolution, the female vocals shine with black tuning filter, wide bore silicone tips in Aune M1p pairing with the Linum SuperBax cable setup. Michael Jackson’s Thriller would give you the thrill you might have missed before in this.
  • Highs: - The Highs on the Spirit Torino Twin Pulse Beryllium are tuned in a very reference and balanced way (In Grey filter). The mid treble has decent sparkle and air keeping in mind the reference tonality of the unit. We at Aural Cafe love the treble on twin pulse beryllium with the grey filter, whereas it becomes a touch more transparent with the black filter and a bit warmer with the red filter. The treble remains organic and smooth across the high frequency without any sharpness where solid micro details are showcased more naturally and effortlessly. The treble is sweet along the transient response is super immersive and unique which hits the right point the same is showcased while listening to Yosi Horikawa’s Swashers, with PW Audio Monile Two Wire + Aune M1p + Spinfit CP145 tips.
  • Soundstage & Imaging: - The Soundstage on Spirit Torino Twin Pulse Beryllium is top tier in both width and depth all thanks again to the patented twin pulse isobaric system. While listening to ‘Koi Faryaad’ a Hindustani Classical Ghazal by the great Jagjit Singh the highs as well as the lows hit just the right point without any lack ness especially in depth. the soundstage depth is where most sub-1000 US$ items really don’t shine but we loved the way it handles in Twin Pulse Beryllium IEMs and becomes handy, especially with the different genres of music. The Imaging on Spirit Torino is again top notch which is beautifully showcased while listening to ‘Shakti’ from Five Peace Band. Layering is showcased with solid control whenever needed in the track. We believe that the high-quality beryllium dynamic driver also helps a lot with sound staging and imaging. The soundstage becomes a tinge more open with Spinfit W1 tips.
  • Synergy: - The Spirit Torino Twin pulse beryllium IEMs come with a decent 114db of sensitivity which makes it fairly easier to drive. It can become useful while walking and listening to music on the move with a decent dongle such as Aune Yuki or Hidizs S9 Pro Plus. But if you want to see the true colours we would suggest listening to Spirit Torino IEMs with a transparent DAP. It scales a lot with different sources, cables, and tips due to its true reference nature. We loved it a lot with the Dethonray DTR1+ and stock cable which to our surprise really complemented the reference tuning of the Twin Pulse Beryllium IEMs. When it comes to ear tips, we love the way it sounded with Spinfit CP145 although the stock tips also efficiently do their work. We also suggest using a high-quality cable such as PW Audio Monile two-wire version if you want to extract more from the unit.


Conclusion: -

Being in this hobby for the last 8 years we audiophiles at Aural Cafe are lucky and blessed to own and audition numerous high-quality items from different brands across the world. Well, each audiophile has their taste for IEMs and headphones, we believe that the actual quest for every audiophile in this hobby is to be able to listen to different flavours that sound top tier and yet have their uniqueness and identity which is very very rare to find. We can happily say that Spirit Torino Twin Pulse Beryllium IEMs is one such gem that sounds truly reference yet unique with its own soul. From the unboxing to the built quality and accessories the team at Spirit Torino has worked hard to present their first attempt at building a top-tier IEM and that also at a reasonable price of 850 US$. Although the bullet housing design of the IEMs is subjective, if you are in search of an IEM that sounds unique yet reference this as an easy recommendation from us at Aural Cafe. If they could have made it in a more conventional design IEM, it would be absolutely flawless.

Non-Affiliated Link: -
- https://www.spirittorino.com/en-us/collections/high-end/products/iem-twin-pulse-berillium
Very well put up review.
Thank you :beerchug:


Headphoneus Supremus
Spirit Tornio Twin Pulse Beryllium
Pros: Revealing but in a non-fatiguing way.
Flagship quality bass.
Cons: Fit
Spirit Tornio Twin Pulse Beryllium: A Balanced Assessment


The Spirit Tornio Twin Pulse Beryllium IEM is the first Inner-Ear Monitor (IEM) produced by the Italian luxury headphone maker Spirit Torino. In this review, I aim to comprehensively evaluate these IEMs, with a special focus on their sound quality. We will delve into the design, build, comfort, and practicality, but let's start by examining what these headphones bring to the table in terms of audio performance.
I would like to take the time, and thanks, Andrea, the owner and chief designer of Spirit Tornio, for loaning me this IEM; at the end of the review, it will be going back to Italy.

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When it comes to evaluating the sound quality of headphones/IEM, there's often a wealth of detail to explore. As a hobbyist, I’ve been in this hobby for long enough to know from first listen whether I will quickly mesh well with a product. However, when I want to evaluate the product from a viewpoint other than mine, things can get rather complicated. While as much as I like to stay neutral, my personal sonic performance will play a significant part.

Equipment used:
Luxury Precision LP6 Gold (where stated: Hiby RS8, RS6, WM1AM2).
Tips: AZLA Xelastec.
Cable: Stock cable with ear hook removed.
Nozzle: Silver reference nozzle.
DAWN FM, The Weeknd (R&B, POP, Dance).
Djesse Vol.1, Jacob Collier (Male vocal Jazz, A cappella).
Sex, Dope & Cheap Thrill, Big Brother & The Holding (Rock).
A Love Supreme: Live in Seattle, John Coltrane (Jazz).
Breathless, Schiller (Electronic).
Screw rework, Nils Frahm (Electronic).
So in Love, Roberta Cambarnini (Female Vocal Jazz).
Violin on Stage, Bomsori (Classical).


Design purpose:
Beyond sound quality, the practical aspects of headphones are equally important. You might ask who the main target audience of this product is: professional users. Twin-pulse was designed for anyone needing an IEM for mastering post-production and live monitoring. The inclusion of wire in the cable will be a giveaway to the keen eyes.
Outside of your typical custom IEM, which are all balanced armature designs, needing a complicated crossover design, almost costing many times more than, no other IEMs have taken the Spirit Torino approach of professional, live mastering.
Andrea designed this reference based on his philosophy of reducing dynamic driver weakness and keeping its strength. Andrea's view is the limitation of the dynamic driver is the speed in transients from the dynamic driver while keeping it inherits coherency.
The Twin Pulse Beryllium offers commendable noise isolation, mainly due to its secure fit and the inclusion of foam tips. This ensures that external noise is effectively reduced, allowing for an uninterrupted listening experience. The comfort during extended use is also satisfactory once you are able to take the time needed to adjust the metallic wire. These headphones are designed to be worn for long periods without causing discomfort or listening fatigue.
But I’m not a professional user; I listen to my IEM mostly while lying on grass outdoors, on my bed, or on the sofa. So, for me, the metal wire causes frequent seal breakage. So, I simply removed it, which was easy.

Cable: Twin Pulse uses QDC-style 2-pin connectors, ensuring a secure cable connection. However, it is compatible with any 2-pin cable.

I found the stock cable adequate, and cable rolling did not make as much of a difference as finding the right tup.

Fit and Tips: Three things I did to Twin Pulse to improve fit were:
1) Use Azla Xelastec tip,
2) Use a shirt clip and
3) Remove cable wire.

Getting the right fit on Twin Pulse will take some playing around, and sadly, upon first listening, when you are trying to make a decision in the store, during auditioning, will result in very poor first impressions. I hope Andrea looks to improve on this in future revisions.

Sound Quality: A Deep Dive


This item is ideal for those who listen to small chamber classical pieces or anything that does not require a large sound stage. The sound is fast, and bass decay is natural, albeit not syrupy like some other dynamic drivers, thanks to its Beryllium feature.
The sub-bass is deep and hit hard when the recording asks for it. The treble is well-extended and never harsh.
Its major weakness is the lack of horizontal spread, which becomes too much in your head for some classical larger orchestral pieces.

Listening to So in Love by Roberta Gamarini, I feel like I’m in the recording studio, hearing the recording directly from the near-field speakers. Thankfully, the magic does not disappear when I listen to the track Overture performed by Jacob Collier in his album Djesse Volume 1; I can understand all the musical elements within the recording, thanks to its well-mastered album. However, with poorly recorded albums, the sound tends to collapse. This is less obvious in IEMs like my Sony IER-Z1R, which it is built to mimic a certain sound, this issue is less obvious. Is it the fault of Twin Pulse? No, as they are designed to be mastering IEM, if the mastering is bad, it will show it. However, for audiophiles who want to enjoy Hi-Fi speaker sound in an IEM format, this can be an issue, and it is my responsibility to highlight this aspect of Twin Pulse.


The low end, or bass, in the Twin Pulse Beryllium, is a notable aspect of their sonic signature. These headphones deliver a deep bass response that is tight and impactful. It's not an overwhelming, chest-thumping mid-bass focused but rather a controlled and precise one.
This characteristic is especially appealing to those who appreciate a balanced presentation. While it may not cater to bass enthusiasts seeking a pronounced thump, it effectively complements the overall sound signature. The Twin Pulse Beryllium manages to provide a sense of depth and warmth to the music, enhancing the listening experience. This quality becomes obvious in track Mi, in the album screw rework by Nils Frahm. The track has a deep that shows its quality and impact from Twin Pulse.


One of the standout features of these IEM is their midrange performance. The mid frequencies are where vocals, guitars, and many key instruments reside, and the Twin Pulse Beryllium handles them with grace. Vocals are presented with a level of clarity and forwardness that stands out. The vocals are natural and lifelike, never nasal or sibilant.

Instrument separation in the midrange is another area where these headphones excel. Whether it's the strumming of an acoustic guitar, the resonance of a piano, or the timbre of various instruments in a complex arrangement, the Twin Pulse Beryllium delivers a rich, textured audio experience. The ability to discern subtle nuances in the midrange adds depth and complexity to the music. This feature is particularly appreciated by those who enjoy dissecting the intricacies of their Favorite tracks.
Solo instrument tracks are no issue. This becomes apparent when listening to Bomsori performance on her new album, Violin on Stage.


Moving to the high frequencies, the Twin Pulse Beryllium offers a clear and crisp presentation. High-frequency instruments like cymbals, bells, and chimes are rendered with precision. The treble maintains a controlled character, avoiding harshness even at higher volume levels. It's worth noting that these IEM aren't overly bright or piercing, which might appeal to those who favour a smoother treble response.


The soundstage of the Twin Pulse Beryllium is the only aspect I wish it could do better. I think it is important to remember once again that Twin Pulse is designed for professional stage usage, where a single focus on one instrument is critical. From that point of view, you cannot fault this IEM, however. from an audiophile point of view, it leaves room for the desire for a wider, more expansive soundstage.

Source comparability:

Switching between Hiby RS6 and Luxury Precision LP6 Gold, I noticed that both dap maintained the tonal balance of Twin Pule, but only thing that changed is the tonal decay. With RS6, one would be tempted to say the sound has become warmer, while LP6 Gold remains clear and sharp.

View attachment DSC01711.JPG

I normally can easily explain changes perceived while I DAP roll and recommend a DAP based on how it is able to enhance the good qualities of the IEM.
With Twin Pulse, DAP rolling does not alter the IEM overall tonal balance; the soundstage remains the same, but how the bass decays (or, in that sense, treble) alters.

If you want a slower decay, go with RS6, but if you want that sharp finish and precise decay, go with a more balanced DAP.

View attachment DSC01710.JPG


As we've explored the various elements of the sound quality of the Twin Pulse Beryllium, it's clear that these headphones strive for a balanced presentation. They don't emphasize any specific frequency range to an extreme degree but aim to provide a well-rounded listening experience with a professional focus.

However, it's important to acknowledge that the term "balanced" can be subjective. What some listeners might interpret as balanced, others might perceive as lacking excitement or energy. The Twin Pulse Beryllium favours a more controlled and precise presentation, which many appreciate but might not satisfy those who prefer a more aggressive or analytical sound.

In conclusion, the Spirit Tornio Twin Pulse Beryllium IEM is a balanced offering with strengths in the presentation of the natural timbre of the instrument. It shines when the music is not overly crowded.

Spirit Tornio has crafted a pair of IEMs that cater to discerning listeners, and the Twin Pulse Beryllium represents a step in that direction. Whether these headphones align with your audio preferences depends on your taste and expectations.
This is a solid first attempt in my books, and it is amongst the most competently designed dynamic driver-based I’ve tried this year.

Interview with the designer:

I wanted to ask Andrew some questions about what led him to design this IEM, I would like to thank Andrea for his time once again.

: “What was the initial inspiration for creating these IEMs?”

Andrea: “My clients have made me listen to a lot of IEMs, but I have always found big problems with the naturalness of the sound.

I thought that if I could miniaturize our Twin Pulse patent, it could be a solution to this problem.”

Audionewbi: Can you describe the key design and performance goals you aimed to achieve with these IEMs?

Andrea: “The goal of this headset is to get a reliable recording monitor that could be alongside the Valkyria.

Each of our headphones must have the ability to be credible in comparison with live listening.

Audionewbi: What was the research and development process like for these IEMs? Did you try different metal finishes?

Andrea: “The research and development process of this IEM is based on the knowledge gained during the experimentation of Valkyria, which is our headphone that comes closest to live sound.

A listening committee made up of the conductor, artistic director, Spirit staff and the audience, after a few minutes, compares the real sound with the sound reproduced by our headphones.

Each member of the committee has its own perspective and analyses the outcome.
Stabilised aluminium is the best material to make this product after Stabilized Titanium.”

Audionewbi: “What materials and components were chosen for these IEMs, and how do they contribute to the product's sound quality and durability?”

Andrea: To stabilise aluminium in this project, we could not use the Dynamat because the dimensions did not allow it; consequently, I studied a different stabilisation system:
Texalium + elastic bi-adhesive sheath dampens the resonance frequency of aluminium, resulting in a similar result.

These are materials whose behaviour has already been tested in other projects over time.”

Audionewbi: “Were there any significant technical challenges you had to overcome during the development process?”

Andrea: “Yes, of course, the miniaturisation of our patent was not easy because it provides for the balance between external and internal pressures so that the movement of the mobile group is also braked in both directions.

This means we had to devise a different way to achieve this balance.

We had to insert a series of outsides into the frame that were covered by paper filters with thickness differences to find the right sound balance.

This process always passes through the comparison between the real sound of an instrument or a voice and the one reproduced, but absolutely not by the measures that do not give any indication of the quality of the sound.

Our development is very similar to that of a musical instrument rather than a classic high fidelity instrument.”

Audionewbi: “Spirit Tornio began as a headphone company. Did any of that philosophy make its way to your IEM, or do you have a different design philosophy for your IEM?”

Andrea: “Let's start from the fact that headphones and earphones are profoundly different, but they must achieve the same result, that is, to deceive our brain that they are listening to a real concert and not a reproduction of the concert.

Spirit pays particular attention to voice reproduction.

At the end of the listening sessions with the committee, I spent a lot of time listening to the human voice of a TV series, alternating headphones and earphones to see if there were any substantial differences in the way the voice is reproduced.”

Audionewbi: “Your headphone lineup is composed of different tiers of headphones. Will you be having a similar class for your IEM?”

Andrea: “For the time being, we will take advantage of the experiences gained in this project to understand how to push the reproduction quality of the earphones even higher.

We are experimenting with different cabling solutions and tips.”
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@audionewbi I'm always chasing the elusive holographic soundstage. Heard these at CanJam Shanghai and was very impressed. Which IEMs do you feel offer the most spacious and three dimensional staging? I have the OG Mest which does very well, but I'm starting to wonder if there is more out there to discover!!!
@misteral201103 best sound stage iem for me would be dita perpetua and ier-z1r.
@audionewbi Thanks so much for the quick reply! I will investigate....


100+ Head-Fier
A Uniquely Musical and Immersive Experience
Pros: 1. Brilliant bass rendition from a Be coated driver
2. Lush, weighty midrange
3. Above-average dynamics
4. Good technical performer
5. Good quality accessories
Cons: 1. Fit dependent and requires some time to bend the ear hooks perfectly
2. Genres that require upper treble elevation will slightly underperform


Spirit Torino is a brand from Italy that has always been mysterious yet respectable. Their headphones are known for bold and flashy aesthetics, great build quality, and meticulous craftsmanship. However, due to availability issues in this part of the globe and the highly expensive price tags, I have not been able to try out any full-sized Spirit Torino headphones yet. I was therefore very excited to get my hands on the Spirit Torino Twin Pulse Beryllium IEM which is essentially their first foray into in-ear monitors. But how does it actually perform? Let’s dive in.

I am an audiophile and a reviewer who works with Mr. @Sajid Amit of Amplify Audio Reviews. Amplify generally covers high-end IEMs, DAC Amps, and Headphones with occasional reviews of budget products. Check out our video reviews at: https://www.youtube.com/@amplifyaudioreviews



Driver Tech: Twin Pulse isobaric System
Driver Type: 2x 10mm dynamic micro drives beryllium Spirit
Cable: 1.2m Litz 392 cores OCC silver-plated + 8cores silver
Impedance: 16 ohm
Weight (without cable): 6 grams
Sensitivity: 114 dB @1kHz, 1mW
Price: 1000 EUR

Sources Used:

Sony WM1ZM2
Earmen Angel
Aroma Audio Air

Tech inside and how the Twin Pulse is tuned:

To avoid confusion between the Twin Pulse full-sized headphones and Twin Pulse Berrylium IEM, I’ll use the term ‘’Twin Plus Be’’ from this point on (Beryllium is a chemical element with the symbol ‘’Be’’ and atomic number 4). Twin Pulse Be utilizes a new patented tech developed by Spirit Torino, namely the ‘’Twin Pulse scaled isobaric system’’. The earpieces are not one-piece constructions but several parts working together in unison. Instead of a single dynamic driver, Twin Pulse Be houses two identical 10mm drivers composed of neodymium magnets and Beryllium coated diaphragms. Moreover, three different tuning modules are provided so that you can tweak the sound profile to your liking. Although swappable tuning filters are not a particularly novel idea anymore, I think the implementation here is great as all three tuning modules are distinct and relevant. I liked the grey tuning modules the best and will base my review on them.


Spirit Torino takes great pride in their tuning approach. As per their statement, they develop their headphones through a process of comparison between the live music event and the recording with a binaural technique that is listened to after a few minutes by a technical committee composed of musicians, sound technicians, the audience present in the room, and Spirit staff. The different perspectives from each audience group are then analyzed and implemented in the final tuning.

Build Quality, Aesthetics, Accessories, and Comfort:

I expected an over-the-top packaging and unboxing experience given the avant-garde design language of Spirit Torino products. Surprisingly the whole unboxing experience was elegantly simple and straightforward. Twin Pulse Be comes packaged in a white apple-style box with Spirit’s logo on top and the model name on the flap.


Opening the flap reveals another flap and underneath you are greeted with the accessories and the IEM itself. The accessory package includes a high-quality leather case with the Spirit Torino emblem inscribed on it, 3 different types of tips (Silicone, Silicone dual flange, and Foams),3 different tuning nozzle sets, Two different sets of cables (3.5mm and 4,4mm), a quarter-inch adapter, and a cleaning brush.



The IEM/Earpieces themselves are very well made as almost every single part is milled out of Aluminium. The faceplate adornment that seems like a miniature clone of Spirit’s very expensive Valkyria headphones, is actually a functional part of the driver array. It doesn’t merge into the earpiece shell though and the edges can feel a little sharp while handling. The cable however is just decent, it does not feel particularly expensive or high end but it serves its purpose just fine. Note: Twin Pulse Be uses QDC connectors. Regular 2 pins will fit but might give you fit trouble. Make sure to buy QDC cables if you wish to cable roll. As for the memory wire-based ear hooks, in stock form, the ear hooks can cause potential fit issues. The company suggests bending the hook slightly inwards. This technique gave me the best fit and comfort and is advisable for all.


Comfort is fine once you figure out how to bend and shape the ear hooks. There was no driver flex and no irritation even after prolonged use. Aesthetics is a subjective thing, I think Twin Pulse Be is a distinctive-looking, pretty IEM. It sort of reminds me of Acoustune IEMs from Japan.


Spirit Torino Twin Pulse Beryllium is aimed at both music-first audiophiles and audiophiles who put sound on a Petri dish and analyze it with a microscope given the tuning philosophy that Spirit Torino’s engineers follow. However, I personally think that Twin Pulse Be will appease the former camp of audiophiles more.

Having Be drivers, in fact, two of them makes the Twin Pulse Be a visceral, insanely dynamic, and fun experience. The bass punches and slams like a hammer, yet remains extremely tight and controlled all of the time. The sheer tactility of the bass easily rivals the likes of Sennheiser IE900 and IER Z1R. You can add or subtract 3dB to the stock bass presentation using tuning filters. The gray is reference, the red increases bass by 3dB and the black subtracts by 3dB.


The midrange is warm-tilted and weighty, especially in the lower mids. This makes male vocals sound extremely organic and natural. There is still sufficient upper-mid clarity due to the tuning with sufficient pinna gain. The clarity goes up with the gray and black tuning filters. Overall it’s a warm midrange and very reminiscent of the Sennheiser HD650. Frequency response below.

Frequency Response: Spirit Torino Twin Pulse Be

The treble is quite decent overall - and far more present than the above graph allows. There is some lower treble sparkle that greatly benefits female vocals and adds excitement to the overall sound. However, I would not call the treble particularly extended, especially in the air region. The Twin Pulse Be is quite reserved in that area and orchestral music and air instruments do not shine to their full potential. For rock/metal/EDM or anything vocal-focused, the Twin Pulse Be is incredible.

Technical Performance:

Overall, it’s a decently technical set.

The resolution is decent for the price. I wouldn’t use the term “punching above the price point” here though. While macro details are amazing on the Twin Pulse Be, some all-BA/Hybrid contenders do micro details better, e.g., Sony IER M9, UM MEST MK2, Symphonium Helios, and Flipears Aether.​
Soundstage is quite good, especially the stage depth is exceptional though I didn’t find it particularly wide. That is an inevitable trade-off you have to make with warm, midrange-focused IEMs, I find.​
Imaging is accurate: I faced zero issues detecting positional cues while gaming. Separation and layering of instruments are also satisfactory, I could effortlessly distinguish between notes, even during the busiest passages.​
Remember, fit is essential to churn out the best out of Twin Pulse Be. Spend some time figuring out the ear hook bending and fit and the reward will be well worth the effort.​

The TLDR for technical performance is that it is a serious contender at $1000 without being class-leading. But that is okay since the goal of this IEM is to offer a musical and immersive experience, which it does in spades.

Concluding Remarks:

The Spirit Torino Twin Pulse Be is the perfect companion for those who seek brain-melting bass and vocals above all else. Given Spirit Torino’s reputation as a high-end headphone manufacturer and their delectable craftsmanship, I think the Twin Pulse Beryllium is a compelling buy at 1000 EUR/USD. I strongly recommend it on behalf of Amplify Audio Reviews.


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How is the sound compared to the Dita Perpetua?


Headphoneus Supremus
One of the strongest mids out there
Pros: Very natural sound
Glorious mids
Sound can be tuned with 3 filters
Cons: Very seal dependant
Reveals bad recordings immediately
Spirit Torino is a high-end headphone manufacturer from Turin in Italy. The company is very well known for its top-of-the-line Valkyria headphones, which are considered by some audiophiles to be perhaps the best headphones in the world. Technologies, such as the arrangement of the driver in the form of a revolver course with a massive arrangement of 13 neodymium magnets with a strength of 2x13.8KG make it a uniqueness in the field of high-end headphones. Spirit Torino has been exclusively making headphones until now. Now their very first IEM is coming to the market, the Twin Pulse IEM Beryllium. From the technical data you can already hear that technologies are also used here, which have never been used in any IEM!

The patented Twin Pulse Isobaric System for headphones is also used in the IEM to maximize acceleration and control of drive movements here as well. The IEM is entirely CNC machined from aluminum and provides maximum comfort and sound attenuation through complex management of pressure flows. Resonances are treated by damping with Dynamt Tm and transient response is improved by a so-called Pad VSP system. Twin Pulse represents a reproduction linearity calibrated on isophonic Fletcher-Munson curves (with the same sensitivity as the human ear) and can therefore be used as a reference instrument to check the timbre reliability of a recording. The whole Twin Pulse unit consists of a total of 2 identical 10mm dynamic drivers coated with beryllium as well as powerful neodymium magnets. Both drivers operate synchronously over the entire frequency spectrum to eliminate phase interference. As with other IEMs with tens of drivers, no crossover is necessary here, so that overlaps in the sound are excluded.


Like Spirit Torino headphones, the IEM is tuned like a musical instrument and is as natural as can be. This is not just some advertising slogan, but is based on the fact that classical and jazz musicians collaborated on the development to compare the real sound with that from a binaural recording. The real sound is recorded with the help of a binaural system and then reproduced with the headphones or IEM and then switched between binaural/real again and again. This listening committee, consisting of Spirit employees and musicians, carries out regular direct comparisons. So you don't just rely on pure measurements here.



The scope of delivery has surprised me directly positive. Two cables are included, one balanced with 4.4mm connector and one unbalanced with 3.5mm jack and large 6.35mm jack adapter. On the IEM side, a 2-pin connector is used, as with many manufacturers. The cables are not some cheap accessory, but high-quality OCC silver-coated cables with 392 cores. Along with the cable, a nice leather case is included for storage, as well as a cloth pouch. When designer Andrea Ricci started to develop an IEM he had to deal with many problems. The biggest thing you know is the seal. Many different ear tips change the sound significantly. On the one hand, this can be good because you can adjust the sound to your personal needs, but on the other hand, it can also falsify it greatly. After extensive testing with different ear tips, he found that he could produce the reference sound best with memory foam, since maximum isolation can be achieved by filling the ear canal. Since the geometry of the ear canal is different for each person, the IEM Twin Pulse Beryllium is delivered with different ear tips (memory foam, silicone as well as silicone double flange) in different sizes (S+M+L). In addition, there are three interchangeable filters that offer a different variation in the bass range and thus also a different isolation to cover areas such as listening in the train, on stage or at home in quieter environments. Gray stands for reference, red for an increase of +3dB in the bass and black for a decrease of -3dB in the bass. Here everyone must experiment with the different ear tips and filters and adapt to a reference sound. For example, you could take a reference recording and listen to it through headphones that are considered very neutral and then compare it with the IEM. It's a snap to change the filters, as they just screw on. I can recommend the YouTube video from Spirit Torino for the sound setup of the IEM to everyone:

Which combination sounds best to me for my scope of listening in my own listening room, more on that later.

The workmanship of the IEM is excellent for this price range around 1000€. Absolutely top notch down to the smallest detail. Despite the round shape, it sits quite comfortably in the ear, as it is also very light.



I have tested the Twin Pulse IEM Beryllium once stationary on my chain consisting of Topping D90SE and the strong Niimbus US4 as well as mobile on the terrific iBasso DX320 MAX Ti. The Pulse IEM is a bit more power hungry than my U4s and has to be set about two volume levels higher on the MAX than the U4s. In low gain, I still barely get above 11 o'clock to reach my usual listening volume.


When I first put them on, it was immediately clear to me that the Twin Pulse IEM Beryllium sounded different from my other IEMs. On the one hand, there is this airy, almost transparent openness, which I know only from open headphones. Secondly, the timbre, everything sounds so natural and real. That jazz and classical musicians with spirit engineers were at work here I can sign so, because you can also hear that. For my personal feeling I prefer the red filter (+3dB bass boost) in combination with SpiralDots. What also works well is the neutral filter in combination with Memory Foam tips. However, I like silicone better because I don't have to adjust around so much to insert them into the ear and wait until the foam has filled up. For my intended use at home, the isolation is also perfectly sufficient. Here, however, everyone must find the most suitable tips for him to achieve maximum comfort and sound.

The tonality is absolutely neutral and free of coloration. Neither a too bright nor dark timbre can be detected here. It is exactly in the middle with a minimal tendency towards brightness. When I put on my 64 Audio U4s in comparison, I first notice that something is missing in the mids and the recording contains a slight haze, which the Pulse IEM resolves directly. Now one can compare both IEMs also badly with each other, because the U4s is far from neutral and by its raised bass and treble to the goal of making the listener fun. In contrast, the Pulse IEM, trimmed to an absolutely neutral presentation without whitewashing. Of course, this leads to the fact that not so well recorded material also sounds bad. But if I put some of my references against it, then I sometimes can't get out of the amazement. Heaven on Bryan Adams / Unplugged sounds so transparent that I could put down the IEM and Bryan would just keep playing. Truly pure goosebumps. A voice reproduction that puts the U4s to shame. I can hardly get enough of Omaha by the Counting Crows or Hotel California by the Eagles, it sounds that good. Moving on to classical (Violin Concerto by Rebekka Hartmann / Out Of The Shadow) and I have to say tonally it hits the mark for me. But that is easier said than done, because for that I would have to have been present at the recording. So of course it remains only my subjective impression.

Now you might think that a neutral reproduction is dead boring. It's not! The Pulse IEM not only brings acoustic instruments and vocals within reach, but also with a musicality that you want to listen on and on.

The bass range is more subtly tuned than a U4s or Fourte Blanc. The motto here is quality over quantity! In terms of control and speed, there is nothing to complain about. The Isobaric system does its job perfectly. Even the fastest metal productions are no problem for the Pulse IEM. In the midbass range you also get enough punch, at least with the red filter. However, I wouldn't call metal music the number one genre for the Pulse IEM. If you're looking for a big visceral impact here, you'll have to reach for other IEMs, like a Legend X, U4s or Fourte Blanc. With classical music and jazz, it plays out its true strengths and this undoubtedly includes the impulsive pace paired with absolutely brilliant mids and resolution at the very highest level.

I haven't said very much about the stage so far. It is neither expansive nor too dense, but simply coherent in itself. I would compare it somewhat with the Focal Utopia 2022. Average width with very good depth staging and slick positioning as well as separation.

In the realm of IEMs, the Pulse IEM is not only an asset in the 1000€ class, but it also makes music differently than the competitors in the field and that gives it a unique selling point. For audiophiles who like to listen to jazz or classical music, I can highly recommend the Pulse IEM as an IEM that really teases everything out of a recording and reproduces it without coloration. In conclusion, it can be said that Spirit Torino has hit the jackpot with its first IEM.
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Sorry I never heard the Sennheiser IE series but what I can say the Pulse treble is better then that of the U4s and especially the soundstage and instrument separation for larger orchestral music.
earbuds huh? as long as you are into the hobby, i am slightly disappointed, about choosing the wrong category tbh