Alba Project YT

New Head-Fier
Simgot EA500LM | I Choose You
Pros: + The availability of 3 nozzle options for tuning
+ Its sound presentation is very clean and clear
+ Good bass texture
+ Clean vocal presentation with clear articulation
+ Decent sound staging and imaging
Cons: - Some may find the vocals thin
- Average instrument separation, but not bad either
- Lack of airiness

Simgot EA500LM

"I Choose You"


Alright, folks. This time, we're going to discuss another IEM from Simgot. Actually, this product has been launched for quite some time, a few months ago, but the samples for review were only sent by Simgot from China last mid-Ramadan, and it was just towards the end of Ramadan that the product arrived in my hands, here in Jogja, Indonesia.

Now, the one we're going to talk about this time is the SIMGOT EA500LM.


First of all, I would like to express my gratitude again to Simgot for sending this IEM sample for us to review on this forum and also on my YouTube channel, Alba Project Youtube Channel. For those who are interested or curious, you can check the link I provided in the description of my YouTube video.

As for the price, the EA500LM is currently priced at $80.99 USD on Linsoul as of the date of this writing (April 15, 2024), while it's not yet available on, I'm not sure why. Meanwhile, in my country, Indonesia, there are already several stores selling this IEM for around Rp 1,300,000 to Rp 1,400,000.

The price is not much different from the Simgot EM6L that we reviewed earlier.

In terms of specifications, the Simgot EA500LM differs from the Simgot EM6L. While the Simgot EM6L has a configuration of 1DD plus 4BA, the EA500LM uses only a single dynamic driver. For those of you who are fans of Single Dynamic Driver, pay close attention to this review.

It has an impedance of 21 Ohms, sensitivity of 123 dB, frequency range of 10Hz to 50,000 Hz. The connection from the driver to the cable uses a 2-pin 0.78mm connector. Also, the driver uses a Lithium Magnesium Alloy diaphragm. Hence the name LM. The size of the dynamic driver is standard, 10mm, with dual cavities and dual magnets.

In the EA500LM, we can also change the sound tuning using its detachable nozzles, similar to the older EA500, unlike the EM6L which doesn't have this feature. The tuning using these nozzles results in a significant difference.

Now, considering the comparison between the EA500LM with its single DD and the EM6L with its 5 hybrid drivers, what makes the EA500LM's 1DD special, and why is its price equivalent to the EM6L's with 5 drivers? We'll discuss that later. For now, let's talk about the packaging.

As for the packaging, the box model is similar to the EM6L, with the only difference being the artwork.


While the EM6L had a phoenix bird-like image, this time the EA500LM's image is more like classical astronomical paintings, with images of the sun, stars, or planets, reminiscent of Abdurrahman Al Sufi's style.


As usual, there's the Simgot logo on the top left, the Hi-Res logo on the right, below there's a hand either praying or offering something to the universe, and below that is the EA500LM label.


On the back, there are specifications, etc., along with the frequency response graph.

As for the accessories, the EA500LM is similar to the EA500 and EM6L. The only difference is that the EM6L doesn't come with additional nozzles for tuning like this. Also, there's a black and red rubber ring.



Other than that, it's the same: clear unit, ear tips, just three pairs, then there's the high-quality hard case that Simgot always provides, inside there's a High Purity OFC Silver Plated cable. Plus, there's a manual booklet in Chinese and English, and a warranty card.

For the build quality, the pouch is the same as the EM6L's, and I like this pouch, it's sturdy, strong, and can accommodate both a small DAP and the EA500LM IEM. So, if you want to be compact, you can just carry this one pouch everywhere.


I also like the IEM unit itself, it's made of full metal and really sturdy, hard, with a very smooth finish, with just the Simgot logo on the left driver and the LM logo on the right side. This LM logo reminds me of the Mobile Legends logo, but reversed, in Mobile Legends it's ML, and this one is LM.


On the inside, there are two vents, there's something like a bolt, but I don't know what it's for, and there are L and R markings.

The nozzles are also metal, and the filters inside are aluminum.

So overall, it looks very solidly built.

As for the internals, there's one Dual Magnet dynamic driver, size 10mm, with a diaphragm or membrane made of Lithium Magnesium.


The cable is exactly the same as the one from the Simgot EM6L, except this time it doesn't use QDC connectors. This time it's more universal with 2 Pin 0.78mm connectors. The looks are typical Simgot cable, the cable diameter is also not large, it's small, and the cable is soft, not stiff. In daily use, this cable also feels comfortable, there's no noticeable microphonic effect here.


The ear tips are also standard Simgot. I've known for a long time that Simgot provides ear tips like this, they're quite good, the flanges are soft, a bit stiff but still comfortable.

As for the fitting, Simgot always fits me well, starting from EW100P, EW200, EM6L, up to this EA500LM, they're all comfortable. The housing size is also never too big, even though the EM6L has many drivers, it can still be made compact. Small, smooth, in the ear, it feels immediately comfortable.

For use on a laptop or PC, the metal material is safe, there's no hint of buzzing even when the laptop is charging. Not like the KZ D-Fi which can cause slight buzzing and itching in the ears when plugged into a laptop.

Moving on to the sound quality discussion.

Let me first tell you about its drivability, the EA500LM is quite easy to drive. In terms of volume, even the EA500LM requires less power than the KZ Castor Harman. So, you don't really need a powerful amplifier to drive this EA500LM. The consideration is more towards a source with good sound quality. As for power, it's hardly something to worry about. It's easy.

Also, I need to mention this so that you guys have a better idea of the tonality and technicality of the EA500LM when paired with your devices or sources.


For my own testing of the EA500LM, I used a Fiio KA13 DAC source priced around Rp 1.300.000 IDR, its tonality is slightly neutral with a hint of brightness but has an extra bass kick that makes the sub-bass a bit deeper but still tight and tidy. From the midrange to the highs, it also tends to be slightly crisper. The power output here is also quite significant; well, if it's good enough for KZ PR2 or PR3, then it's sufficient for driving the EA500LM.

Secondly, I used an F.Audio T3 DAP source priced around Rp 900.000 IDR, this one also has a large power character, but not as big as the Fiio KA13. Its tonality is still relatively neutral, but the warmth here is warmer than the Fiio KA13, and it also has quite a bit of smoothing in the range of 7 to 9 kHz, making its character more musical. Additionally, it can better control peaks in the upper midrange, and it can tame sibilance and shoutiness better. The Fiio, on the other hand, is more suited for analytical listening.


Third and fourth, I also connected the EA500LM to cheap dongle DACs costing less than Rp 200.000 IDR, even less than Rp 100.000 IDR. Here, I used the KZ AM01 and the KZ X J3 Labs Audio, known as J3 Eline. They both have the Conexant CX31993 chip, which generally has a tuning from neutral to bright with minimal noise, providing clean sound and decent detail. The AM01 has a secondary independent amplifier, the MAX97220, with a power output of around 60 mW, similar to the JCALLY JM6 Pro, but with a cheaper build quality, especially in the slightly stiff cable.


The remaining connections were made to the Infinix Note 30 smartphone with a DTS sound profile set to Traditional, with bass boost and vocal and treble enhancements turned off, and another connection was made to the Asus ROG Strix G531G laptop.

For the tuning, I'll be using the Silver Nozzle - Red Ring primarily. After that, we'll discuss how it changes when swapped with the Gold or Silver Nozzle - Black Ring.

Generally, the Simgot EA500LM with the Silver Nozzle - Red Ring tends to have a Mild V-Shaped or U-Shaped sound signature, with a focus on boosting the Sub-Bass and the Upper-Mid to Mid-Treble range. However, it's not extremely V-Shaped. It's more of a mild V or U shape.

In terms of low or bass frequencies, it's not entirely neutral; we get a really good depth in the sub-bass, nice texture, tidy mid-bass, and the overall bass’s presentation is very clean. Extremely clear.

However, in terms of its impact on the lower mid-range or vocals, the lower-vocal doesn't thin out too much.

This low’s transient isn't lightning-fast, but it's still considered very versatile. What I mean is, when we need quick bass for chasing double pedal beats in metal music like Trivium or Dragon Force, here we still get enough speed, unless you're used to listening to metal every day with planar IEMs like PR2, PR3, or S12 Pro, or Timeless. With the EA500LM during the initial adaptation phase, it might feel a bit slow, but the texture remains good.

If you've been using non-planar IEMs lately or haven't been using planar IEMs at all, the EA500LM's single DD still feels quite fast.

So, with the EA500LM, it's enjoyable to listen to any genre. Pop songs sound lively, dangdut or even EDM retains its enjoyable bass without feeling dry or hollow.

Now, if we switch to the Gold Nozzle - Red Ring, the bass quantity increases slightly, the mid-bass becomes thicker, so for Pop, Top 40, or EDM music, it can hit harder, although it won't reach the immersive levels of basshead IEMs. The lower vocals also become thicker here. On the other hand, using the Silver Nozzle with the Black Ring, the bass becomes tighter or thinner but can be quicker.

Here, we need to be careful and pay close attention to the sound signature of our source.

In my experience, when I first received the EA500LM, it was fitted with the Gold Nozzle - Red Ring. When I plugged it into the F.Audio T3, which inherently has smoothing in the upper mid-range and treble areas and has a warm tonality, the EA500LM initially disappointed me a bit. Overall, the tone felt too warm, somewhat muddy, with vocals pushed back and the treble somewhat dulled. This affected not only the tonality but also the technical aspects, such as clarity, separation, and sound staging, all felt somewhat lacking.

On the other hand, when I switched to the Silver Nozzle, whether with the Red-Ring or the Black-Ring, the difference was significant. These two Silver Nozzles are much more compatible with the F.Audio T3 compared to the Gold one.

Conversely, the Gold Nozzle feels best when plugged into other sources like the AM01, Fiio KA13, or even J3 Eline. It sounds best with the KA13. Here, we get bass that's punchier yet tidier and cleaner. The positive impact extends to the overall vocal and treble presentation, which sounds nicer and cleaner here than when plugged into the F.Audio T3 earlier.

Regarding the mids and vocals, using the Silver Nozzle - Red Ring, the vocal thickness is just right, positioned well in the center for male vocals, while for female vocals they sound more forward here. When plugged into the F.Audio T3 with the Silver Nozzle - Red Ring, the vocals feel relaxed, fitting, lively, and clean, with clear articulation of lyrics and good dynamics that convey emotion well.

However, when this Silver Nozzle is plugged into the Fiio KA13, it tends to be slightly aggressive in the upper mid-range, and male vocals become somewhat thin, while female vocals become even more pronounced. Sometimes, it can sound shouty and slightly sibilant.

With the Fiio KA13, KZ AM01, or J3 Eline, in my opinion, the best match is with the Gold Nozzle - Red Ring, which makes male vocals thicker, while female vocals and the overall upper mid-range don't become too forward. Using the Gold Nozzle here prevents shoutiness or sibilance.

Instrument sounds in the mid-range have a similar presentation to vocals. Clear, clean, lively, with good clarity. But again, match or synergize the nozzle with the sound signature of the source.


For the high frequencies or treble, the extension is decent; it has good extension but not overly extended, nor is it truncated. It's just right. The focus is more on the upper midrange to the lower treble. The mid-treble also retains a nice crispness. Instrument sounds in this frequency range, such as the cymbals, focus more on the initial strikes, the crashes or crispness, which feel quite forward.

Here, if we use a warm source with a lot of smoothing like the F.Audio T3, I personally find the Silver Nozzle - Red Ring more suitable. You can also use the Black Ring if you want an even crisper instrument presentation. Because if you use the Gold Nozzle, the EA500LM with the F.Audio T3 will feel muddy, with too much bass bleeding to the lower mid-range, and the vocals will be too recessed.

Conversely, if you pair it with a bright source like the Fiio KA13, the Gold Nozzle feels the most comfortable for listening to any genre. The crispness is just right, not piercing, with very minimal peaks, and still delivers a very clean instrument presentation. Meanwhile, if you use the Silver Nozzle, especially the Black Ring one, the treble can be a bit too forward and quite aggressive.

So, those were the tonal characteristics. It's really beneficial that the EA500LM has detachable nozzles that can be tuned to match our sources better. If your source is warm, use the Silver nozzle; if your source is bright, use the Gold nozzle. Both provide good, clean tonal presentations.


In terms of technical performance, what stands out most about the Simgot EA500LM is its clean presentation. The quality of its dynamic driver is very good. No matter which source you plug it into, the presentation remains clean once tuned properly. Furthermore, the cleaner the source, the greater its potential for cleanliness. For example, with these two sources, although both can make the presentation of the LM clean, it's still cleaner with the Fiio KA13 compared to the F.Audio T3 or the two other dongles.

Regarding timbre, the EA500LM isn't the most natural, but it's still good enough to distinguish the sound of each instrument. There are no instruments that sound off, metallic, plasticky, muddy, boxy, or anything like that. Everything is relatively safe.

For separation, layering, and positioning, considering this is only a single dynamic driver and not a planar one, it's pretty good. Instruments are well separated, layering isn't overlapping, and positioning can be analyzed quite well. It's not better than the EM6L, which has one dynamic driver and four BAs, but the EA500LM is still good.

But also note, don't use the Gold Nozzle with a warm DAC or DAP with lots of smoothing if you want good technical performance.

Including resolution, clarity, and detail, you'll get good resolution, clarity, and detail with the Silver Nozzle. But be careful, this Silver Nozzle has the potential to make the upper mids and treble aggressive when plugged into a bright DAC or DAP. If you're using a DAC or DAP with a bright sound, it's better to use the Gold Nozzle; it still provides good overall resolution, detail, and clarity, including separation, layering, and positioning.

The detail isn't extremely fine, especially in the treble detail, because the treble extension isn't extremely extended, especially in the airy parts; it's just decent in the EA500LM. Not extremely airy.

The sound staging of the EA500LM is wide and spacious, with good depth and height, and the sensation of rotation around the head is quite good. In terms of imaging, it also has good depth, height, and rotation sensation around the head.

For comparison, I won't compare it to the EA500 because I haven't tried it myself yet, so I'll compare it to the EM6L first.

If you're really looking for good technical performance in terms of instrument separation, positioning, and layering, the EM6L feels more luxurious.

But with the EM6L, you won't get the same clean instrument and vocal presentation as with the EA500LM. The details and resolution are better with the EM6L, but both still have similar levels of clarity.

For tonality, I personally tend to prefer the EA500LM with the Gold Nozzle paired with the Fiio KA3. The sub-bass hits deep, the mid-bass punch is sufficient, vocals are clean without thinning out, and the treble has a lively presentation without being aggressive.

At this price point, what else do we have? Maybe the Hidizs MS3. Resolution is indeed better with the Hidizs MS3. Separation and 3D imaging are also slightly better with the MS3. But once again, in terms of the clean instrument presentation given by the drivers, the EA500LM is still better. Tonal-wise, the MS3 has some points of aggressive upper vocals and lower treble.



Okay, folks, in conclusion, if you're a fan of single dynamic drivers, whether it's single DD or dual DD, at the price of around 1 million, I think the Simgot EA500LM is one of the good choices and safe to pair with whatever source you have. Just adjust it with its detachable nozzles. And I suggest optimizing its potential by pairing it with a good source, especially one with a clean black background and good technical performance, no need for high power.

But if you're really into technical aspects like separation, imaging, and positioning, you might lean more towards the Simgot EM6L or Hidizs MS3.

Okay, peace be upon you, and thank you.


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New Head-Fier
Budget monster!
Pros: -Beautiful vocals
-Above average soundstage
-Above average imaging
-Really good detail production
-Good resolution
-Very good upper mid energy
-Air frequencies are lively
-Good dynamics
-Good bass response and amount
Cons: -Nothing at this price

I bought this iem with my own money. This review is completely subjective.



500LM comes with carrying case, tuning nozzles, cable, eartips and iem itself. Pretty good accessories for the price.




EA500LM is fully made out of metal and comes with a pretty good quality cable. Thumbs up for build quality.

Sound-Tonality and Technicalities

I just love how this iem sounds! It’s very lively, detailed, airy and fun. Engaging to listen. Soundstage is a bit narrow but it’s not an issue for me in this price range. Midrange clarity is excellent and instrument separation is just beautiful. Vocals feels natural. Note weight done pretty good and instruments sounds colored. Especially, electro-guitars are VERY UNIQUE to listen to it in this price range… It feels just amazing….




I can fight for this iem… It just sounds amazing for the price. If you have money right now, go get one. im not kidding :D Very very good sounding and good looking IEM…. Good job Simgot!
Spot on in this review, it is special for its price


100+ Head-Fier
Simgot EA500 LM Review: My Default Sub-$100 IEM Recommendation
Pros: - Well-balanced bright Harman tuning
- Excellent value for money
- Versatile sound with tuning nozzles
- Scales well with higher-end sources
Cons: - Nothing sound-wise for the asking price, really
- Stock eartips might lead to fit and seal issues
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Simgot has become a distinguished name for its thoughtful approach to blending elegant simplicity with advanced audio engineering. The EA500 LM, priced at a competitive $90, is their latest endeavor, promising an upgrade over the well-received EA500. Incorporating a dynamic driver made of lithium and magnesium, this IEM aims to set a new standard for resolution and transient response within its price range.

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Build Quality and Accessories:

Robust and stylish, the EA500 LM's all-metal build exudes quality workmanship, complemented by a dark gray finish that resists scratches. The kit includes a high-quality silver-plated OFC copper cable, a simple yet functional carrying case, and six sets of silicone eartips, with the addition of three tuning nozzles that enable sonic personalization. Though straightforward, the accessories cover the essentials, allowing users to start their audio experience on the right note.


Tuning Nozzles and Versatility:

The EA500 LM's tuning nozzles truly set it apart, providing discernible variations in sound signature:

- Silver/Black Nozzle: This nozzle takes brightness to a new level, promising crisp and airy vocals along with a treble that unveils the minutest details with clarity.
- Silver/Red Nozzle: My preferred nozzle with stock eartips – it delivers that airy, crisp sound yet manages to stay smooth and non-fatiguing.
- Gold/Red Nozzle: For those in search of richer lows, this tuning offers a more traditional Harman curve, with a heftier bass and midrange presence, with smoother treble.

Included Eartips and Recommendations:

While the bundled eartips suffice, I suggest elevating your experience with the Pentaconn Coreir eartips. Not only do they enhance the fit, but they also bring a notable sonic improvement worth their $20 price tag. With these tips, you'll notice a richer texture, broader midrange, and more vivacious treble, though be mindful of the slight reduction in midbass – something the Gold/Red Nozzle can compensate for if you desire more bass.

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Sound Impressions:
Tested with the Gold/Red nozzle and both stock and Pentaconn Coreir tips.

The EA500 LM showcases a bright Harman signature with remarkable resolution. It presents an airy, expansive soundscape that's ideal for detail-seekers but may not align with those yearning for a warmer, smoother audio profile.

The bass is deep, detailed, and controlled, ensuring impactful lows that complement rather than cloud the mids. The midrange, open and detailed, may lean towards the brighter side, potentially edging towards shrillness in the upper mids. The treble is the star of the show, extending effortlessly to provide a crisp, effervescent quality to the overall sound.


The technical capabilities of the EA500 LM are great, especially given its price bracket. It boasts a decently wide soundstage, paired with good imaging that pinpoints each instrument clearly. The addition of Pentaconn Coreir eartips further enhances these technicalities, resulting in sharper transients and a more expansive, airy soundstage. This additional space allows instruments and vocals to resonate more freely, thereby enriching the separation and overall auditory experience.


The Simgot EA500 LM is not fussy about its source, performing admirably with the Apple Dongle straight out of the box. Exhibiting a modest impedance of 21 ohms and sensitivity levels of 123dB/Vrms, it proves to be an easily driven pair of IEMs. However, there's a definite uptick in performance when paired with higher-end gear. Through the Cayin Ru6 and up to my Audio GD R2R Mk2, the soundstage begins to "open up". When powered by the Burson Soloist 3x Performance, the driver really comes into its own: bass deepens, treble gains finesse, and the overall soundstage widens, shedding any semblance of boxiness. While the EA500 LM excels with basic sources, higher-quality gear brings out the best in these IEMs.

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In Conclusion:

As a sub-$100 IEM, the Simgot EA500 LM shines, particularly for those who appreciate a brighter, detailed sound and the ability to fine-tune their listening experience. While it may not be the top pick for bass enthusiasts or those with treble sensitivity, its resolution


Value: S 🌟🌟🌟
Tuning: A+
Technicalities: B
Enjoyment: A-/B+

Overall Rating: B- (Objective Perspective)
The EA500 LM is a fantastic offering for its price point. While those with more to invest might consider higher-priced alternatives like the final a5000 or Simgot's own ea1000, this IEM holds its own as a budget-friendly champion.

Personal Rating: A (Subjective Take)
For the modest asking price of $100, the Simgot EA500 LM is a remarkable IEM that thrives on its adaptability in tuning and robust technical performance. With a simple swap of nozzles, listeners can shift between balanced, bright, or bass-forward sound profiles to match their preferences and playlists. It's challenging to pinpoint any shortcomings, especially when factoring in the price.

The Simgot EA500 LM Gets My Solid Recommendation 🌟


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New Head-Fier
Simgot EA500 LM Review!
Pros: The “perfected” version of the EA500 and EW200!

All-rounder, near-neutral sound signature.

Very good technical performance improvement!

Well-balanced tonal and technical performance in Simgot fashion!

Fast, non-lacking, detailed bass response!

Clear, open, near-transparent mids!

Airy, well-extended sound signature.

Excellent detail retrieval!

Holographic, precise, well-layered technical performance!

Additional tuning nozzles!

Very good fit, comfort and isolation.

Very good build quality!

Excellent among and quality of accessories!

Easy to drive.
Cons: Just like its older siblings, its finish is prone to scratch and smudges.

While arguably a very good improvement fromEW200 and EA500, its overall improvement isn’t a huge leap when compared.

While this set is less bright in sound when compared to the EW200 and EA500, this set can still be shouty or “too much” to sensitive ears.

A cleaning cloth would’ve been a nice treat due to its smudge and scratch prone finish. An additional set or eartips would be a good treat as well.

Simgot EA500 LM Review!

Good day! After 5 days of casual and critical listening, here’s my written review for the Simgot EA500 LM. In pursuit of perfection!
  • I don’t read FR graphs. I only use my ears, as how earphones should be used.
  • Simgot sent this unit to me in an exchange for an honest, unbiased review. Rest assured that this review will do its best to devoid from any bias/es as much as possible.
  • The following remarks and observations shall be made and owned only by me.
  • No monetary compensation is/was involved before, during, and after the period of creation of this review.
  • Your mileage may (and always, will) vary.
Burn-in time: 4-8 hours per day, 5 days.

Source/s used:
  • - Non-HiFi smartphone (Infinix Note 12 G96), PC.
  • - Tanchjim Space DAC
  • - Kiwi Ears Allegro DAC
  • - Hidizs S9 Pro DAC
  • - Simgot DEW4X DAC
  • - Aiwa XP-V710C CD Player (12 sec. EASS)
  • - Fosi Audio DS1.
  • - Sony Xperia X Compact
  • -Local Files via Foobar, YouTube Music, Deezer, and Qobuz with UAPP.
IEM/Earbud/Setup configuration: Stock medium eartips, any form of EQ or MSEB off, 40-60% volume.

Additional Note here: I’ll be reviewing the EA500 LM in its stock, pre-installed gold tuning nozzles first then comparing it to the other nozzles later on.

Sound signature:
  • The Simgot EA500 LM follows the Simgot’s house sound which leans to the brighter side of the spectrum. This means that the EA500 LM is a mild-u (near neutral) sounding IEM that leans to the brighter side of the spectrum. What makes this different from its older siblings is that there is a noticeable improvement in technical performance when compared, albeit not being night-and-day.
  • The bass on this set is mildly elevated, fast, detailed, and non-lacking for most people. Midbass is definitely more dominant here compared to its subbass, exhibiting a punchy, snappy attack and decay. This doesn’t mean however, that this lacks the subbass when the tracks call for it. It still delivers sub bass with a decent amount of depth. While this may not be a basshead’s dream, I am still happy and pumped that they managed to improve the EA500 LM’s overall bass character. It is now more detailed and textured, while keeping its clean, fast characteristics found on its older siblings.
  • Simgot’s take on the presentation of their mids is always preferred by my ears because of its openness and details, but is not favored by some due to its “thin” in presentation. The EA500 LM exhibits its sound a bit thicker but not far compared to its older siblings. Lower mids are clean and free from midbass bleed, but are mildly recessed. Lower vocals and instruments are detailed in this region, but will sound “thin” for those ears who are accustomed to a warm, smooth, lush character in terms of presentation. Upper mids are elevated, exhibiting a very good amount of clarity, air, and sparkle. The EA500 LM with its gold nozzle does not exhibit any unnatural peaks and harshness, but is still bright and is not recommended for those people with sensitive ears as it can be “too much” for those ears. In a nutshell, Simgot again traded the warm, “safe” character for a vivid, open, airy presentation, which really fits my preferences, but I am also aware that this will not fit some ears, so do take a note of that.
  • Moving on to this region, the treble in this set definitely leans to the brighter side, exhibiting a very good amount of air and sparkle. Peaks and harshness are still not heard with this good nozzle, which is a good sign for most ears. Detail retrieval is excellent and will definitely render all the details in the track.
Soundstage, Imaging, and separation:
  • Here’s where the EA500 LM differs itself from its previous siblings. The soundstage is wide, tall, and holographic. To my ears this is above EM6L and midway to EA1000 in this context, but definitely not on par or above it. Separation and layering is excellent for its price, and will render heavy passages clearly with ease. Imaging is precise and renders vocal and instrument positioning clearly. I did use this when I tested the latest Call of Duty Warzone Mobile game and it is more than enough and precise on that game as well.
Other Nozzles Comparison!

VS Silver Nozzle, Red Ring

  • The EA500 LM sounds nearer to the Harman Target with this nozzle. Its bass is more elevated and thick, mids exhibited a smoother warm character, and the treble remained the same. The soundstage however, took a toll on this nozzle to my ears.
VS Silver Nozzle, Black Ring
  • This nozzle made the EA500 LM brighter compared to the gold nozzle, elevating the mids a bit compared to the gold nozzle. This also means that the bass became more tight and lost a bit of detail and versatility. Vocals became elevated and sound mildly “nasal” to my liking. This nozzle also introduced peaks and sibilance which is almost non-existent with the gold ring paired. It also affected the layering and soundstage, in terms of width and depth.

Other IEM Comparisons!

VS Simgot EW200

  • The EW200 is brighter than the EA500 LM and “thinner” if you find the EA500 and EW200 thin to your preference. Bass is also lesser in quantity on the EW200 and is less detailed when compared. Soundstage is also “flatter” but wider, if that makes sense.
VS Simgot EA500 (Black ringed nozzle)
  • The EA500 is brighter and is closer to neutral when compared. It is also prone to sibilance and harshness when compared. Soundstage is more immersive on the EA500 LM. Separation, layering, and imaging are also cleaner and precise on the EA500 LM.
VS Simgot EM6L
  • The EM6L is EA500 LM’s thicker-sounding, warmer, “safe” brother. The EM6L is safer in upper frequencies, but the EA500 LM is airier and much more extended. The EA500 LM has better technicalities as well, but not big in terms of difference.
VS Celest Phoenixcall
  • The Phoenixcall has more bass quantity and has more recessed mids when compared to the EA500 LM, but is lesser in treble quantity when compared. This also means that the Celest Phoenixcall has less air on the top-end. Technical performance is also cleaner and more precise on the EA500 LM
VS Celest Pandamon
  • The Pandamon is a more balanced set when compared. It is thicker as well and exhibits a tinge of warmth. The EA500 LM is airier. Technical performance is also better on EA500 LM due to its soundstage.
VS Letshuoer DZ4
  • The DZ4 leans to a more laid-back, neutral, vocal-centric sound when compared. It is also less detailed when compared to the EA500 LM. Technical performance is better on the EA500 LM.

  • The “perfected” version of the EA500 and EW200!
  • All-rounder, near-neutral sound signature.
  • Very good technical performance improvement!
  • Well-balanced tonal and technical performance in Simgot fashion!
  • Fast, non-lacking, detailed bass response!
  • Clear, open, near-transparent mids!
  • Airy, well-extended sound signature.
  • Excellent detail retrieval!
  • Holographic, precise, well-layered technical performance!
  • Additional tuning nozzles!
  • Very good fit, comfort and isolation.
  • Very good build quality!
  • Excellent among and quality of accessories!
  • Easy to drive.
  • Just like its older siblings, its finish is prone to scratch and smudges.
  • While arguably a very good improvement fromEW200 and EA500, its overall improvement isn’t a huge leap when compared.
  • While this set is less bright in sound when compared to the EW200 and EA500, this set can still be shouty or “too much” to sensitive ears.
  • A cleaning cloth would’ve been a nice treat due to its smudge and scratch prone finish. An additional set or eartips would be a good treat as well.


As I listened to the EA500 LM, I decided that Simgot took the input they received from earlier sets and applied it to this set. This is their "nearly perfect" IEM for around $100 USD, in my honest opinion. In practice, the EA500 LM's upgrades aren't so "big" when compared to their earlier sets, because, in my perspective, they already made very good IEMs in their respective price ranges, such as the EW200, EA500, EM6L, and many more. But that doesn't affect the fact that I recommend the Simgot EA500 LM to anyone looking for a highly-resolving, technical IEM for less than $100, as long as their ears aren't sensitive to bright, vivid sound signatures. Excellent job Simgot, as always!

Pairing recommendation/s:
  • Source: This IEM does not need an expensive, or too powerful dongle to be fully utilized. A neutral, or a warm sounding dongle would fit with this set. Their own Simgot DEW4X fits this so well.
  • Eartips: The stock eartips included decent enough for the most part. You may still use your preferred eartips.
  • Cable. The cable is good and sturdy enough for daily usage, but you may still use your preferred cable.

Thank you for reading!

Non-affiliated link here!:
(will update once given)

Additional Photos Here:



New Head-Fier
Simgot EA500LM. Review
Pros: Build
Cons: Cable
Simgot EA500LM. Review

Model EA500LM is a logical continuation of the 500 series. This is a mid-budget model that does not have a high price, but has very decent sound and an interesting design

At first glance, you may get the feeling that the new model is just a restyling and there is nothing interesting about it, but this is a wrong opinion

Let's start from an aesthetic point of view, the gray finish of the new model makes it more presentable and more futuristic. Yes, it’s not premium, but they look much more expensive than they actually are

I used to pay strong attention to the presentation, but now it is absolutely unimportant for me, but if we talk about the presentation of this model, it is very aesthetically beautiful and stylish

The build quality of the EA500LM is at a very high level. I have absolutely no complaints about anything. The metal from which the shells are made is heavy and does not cause a feeling of fragility. It may be some kind of nickel alloy, but it is not aluminum, and it weighs about the same as steel.

To tell the truth, I like it when headphones are heavy, but not always. But if the headphones are completely made of metal, then I prefer them to be heavy rather than light. EA500LM fit better in the auricle and are less likely to fall out of it

Cable is soft and moderately thin and looks good. But to be honest, I would like its quality in terms of braiding and design to be a little higher. In this case, comments the cable are not a remark or criticism, because, in principle, this is a fairly common phenomenon when the manufacturer includes a cable of slightly lower quality than themselves IEMs

Of course, let's come to the most important thing - the sound. The sound of EA500LM is very soft and detailed with a slight hint of tube sound

Model EA500LM has good separation of high, mids and low frequencies, no creeping of one into the other, the IEMs data handles any type of music very well, they have no preference for any particular style of music, they handle absolutely any material and do it gracefully

I try not to compare the IEMs/Headphones/ DACs of one company with another. But in this case, model EA500LM reminded me very much in sound of IEMs Moondrop KATO. The most interesting thing in this story is that EA500LM is absolutely not inferior to Kato in sound and they are also not inferior in build quality

On this I would like to resume the model one is a very good EMS for the money, regarding the build quality of the presentation. And what is most important is the sound, they are more expensive than their price

Highly recommend EA500LM


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Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Finding a super quick pace and rhythm due to well executed upper imaging and lower bass
Strangely the LM goes and finds musicality with any and all sources, regardless of tone demeanor
New 2nd generation Lithium-Magnesium Driver, what would the EA1000 be with such a driver?
At 11 grams each the LM is heavy, though fits perfectly due to medium small size
Cons: Not the resolution and imaging of the up-line EA1000
Some folks may want the tighter (and stage smaller) EA1000 bass response
To be real here, the LM is probably slightly better for modern low-brow styles of music, and not so much Classical?
Still technicalities are so good the LM does classical too far above its humble price-point



SIMGOT EA500 LM Edition
Who knows just how useful this review will be for folks? As typically reviews function to enlighten about a new or unknown IEM, enlightenment through a description of IEM character. So as readers we interface off the reviewer's opinion and come about a purchasing decision, based on how well we trust the reviewer's thoughts and how well we feel the IEM may blend with our listening. That buying decision can be at our own time or right away. Most people fall into a few categories of how they make buying decisions, and you fall under a purchasing category even if you don’t know it.

So it’s a blend of how we relate to the IEM review or reviews, how the IEM’s character is, and a value of sound per dollar spent quota, that we perceive though reading or demoing. Of course much of the time elements here depends what kind of IEM buyer you are. To list a few of the IEM buyers' personalities, there are the quick emotional kind, the (try-to-be) scientific and information collecting types, the kind that go with the pack, and the literally the time based ones. Those ones will buy if the IEM seems to fit their personal chronologic time-frame. Much of the time we don’t even recognize the exact style of our buying trends, but it is safe to say everyone is slightly different.

SIMGOT AUDIO has in a way circumvented the past buying styles of Head-fi buying personalities, seemingly catering to the masses. Though I will at least mention a single group here, the fancy-pants…………..yep, those types only purchase if the price is right. You guessed it, they will only purchase expensive products because price equals quality…….right? Though now, even those (expensive) types are starting to notice who SIMGOT AUDIO is, and basic curiosity is pushing them forward!

SIMGOT AUDIO has been around for a while, but they recently totally reworked their sound. They have used technology in the driver design, but also explored various tuning and IEM housing methods to bend the commonly thought of paradigm for success. 2nd fold once they knew with-out-a-doubt that they were in the zone, they gave out lots of free samples to reviewers. What the fall-out here is massive market disruption……it’s huge. Still the difference here (that I see) is somehow SIMGOT AUDIO looked in and thought about how to make success happen, and somehow created a sound that people gravitated to?

SIMGOT often uses tuning nozzles as a way to gain extra acceptance into understanding a specific model tune. So if the tone is too treble peaky often you can find a different nozzle attachment to arrive at a slightly different tone. And to further this concept often SIMGOT offers extra filters included with an aftermarket tuning kit that you can buy separately to make the tone of a specific IEM all your own.

As of recent SIMGOT AUDIO now makes their own aftermarket cable, the LC7, they have also made and continue to introduce Dongles to market. The most recent to grace our shores has been the super small DEW4X. In this review I will compare the LM model to the past regular EA500, and the runner-up flagship, the EA1000. There has been lots of talk of how the LM is the reintroduction of the EW200 tune. And personally I don’t have an issue where everyone is simply trying to get to terms with how these two (LM/EW200) models sound, especially before a purchase takes place. In a perfect world we would have IEM stores with every model on every corner. Because there is no substitute for a demo. Still there is also no substitute for a month long demo, finding possible characteristics we may have missed on a short demo. But one reason I feel there is a small EW200 relationship is due to bass tuning. Still this is a whole different new style of LM driver.



Lithium-Magnesium Driver with Gold Nozzles:
Searching through my collection of IEMs there is nothing like the LM. Could this in-fact be due to driver methodology? What is happening here is we are witnessing some of the drawback characters of single full-range drivers become overcome. You see this LM almost sounds like more than one driver. This single feature takes and separates it from all the SIMGOT IEMs that have come before. There is also a lot of bass, and even more sub-bass. Where sure the EW200 and LM model have the low-end in common, yet at times I thought that the regular EA500 and the EA1000 could use an ounce more of bass, so here we are? :gift:

Screen Shot 2024-02-07 at 1.09.39 PM.png


Do you see the red line for between 2.8kHz to 5kHz? That is our brightness with the LM, in comparison to the dark blue EA1000, the green EA500 and the light blue EW200. Now if you are wondering why the LM still is only so bright, that is due to bass balance. Yep, the more bass you add in the more midrange and upper-midrange you can get away with. You simply are given bass frequencies which counteract the perception of brightness.


Included graph measurement disclaimer:
All the nozzles approach the brightness graphed near basically close to the same. So there is no confusion, the graph was with the red nozzle, and I used primarily the gold nozzle. All the following concepts explained in regards to how the LM performs brightness are still relatively close to the same.

  • 123dB/Vrms (@1kHz Gold Copper nozzle & Red Silicone Ring)
  • 123dB/Vrms (@1kHz Silver Steel nozzle & Red Silicone Ring)
  • 124dB/Vrms (@1kHz Silver Steel nozzle & Black Silicone Ring)
I use the included gold nozzle, as I like the results. Some have taken steps to remove the gold nozzle foam to access a slightly different tuning/stage stance. Since everyone has a different style of hearing and different tone qualities from their source..........I am not saying my way is the very best. Really if you use aftermarket ear-tips that too will alter the tone and stage to some degree. Best is to simply try different nozzles and learn each individual style of replay. Though it may be best to stick with the included gold nozzles with the foam in always the way the IEM is included in the package is where SIMGOT feels is a good place to start.


Top row: EA500 LM Edition then older EA500
Second row: EA1000 and EW200

Note the very bottom SIMGOT $19.99 EW100P Universal IEM is placed here only for size comparison and received a glowing 3 star out of 5 star review from me a while back. :)

EA1000 (included red rubber rings 2019 Harman Target)
EA500 (included red ring nozzle)

EW200 (no nozzle option)

All tests today were done with my regular wide-bore silicone ear-tips, the Sony WM1A with MrWalkman’s firmware, and the SIMGOT AUDIO LC7 cable in 4.4mm. While there was nothing wrong with the provided cable, it is just that it was 3.5mm and didn’t allow access to balanced amplification.

EA1000 $219.99
So starting out here, it’s obviously a factor of price, right? Well the bass is different, while not quite as clear as the EA1000 that extra roughly 4kHz you are getting with the LM is actually held not only in extra frequency, it is taking hold of a larger bass soundstage. Also let me just inject this here, while spending 10 days listening to the LM, I perceived what I would describe as the most bass in the SIMGOT line, and interestingly there was ample sub-bass too? Doing very small 3 second sound loop comparisons (to enhance sonic memory) I found, yes the EA1000 is actually just slightly louder and holding more involved midrange harmonics lending to an advanced response in realness, there was simply more reality of instruments between the two held by the EA1000. So in the long run, yes the EA1000 is slightly more vivid and technically better, but I have to ask myself why do I like the LM so very much?

Switching now to full songs, the LM is simply holding a smoother take on the SIMGOT sound, having to try an volume match the two by adding a click or two onto LM input, I simply found that while yes it was less detailed, what it did was offer a warmer and even more even playback. Such finding went and had me question the importance of detail, as the EA1000 technically was the better driver. Yet the midrange peak was not there with the LM, even though it shows up graphically, there is a different bass balance going on which smooths out the whole affair. Also midrange imaging was of slightly thicker note weight with the LM, making the same song playback with the EA1000 seem to come-off faster but thinner in the end. The EA1000 can get you closer to the inner details held in your song files, but the LM has more kick. I mean it’s more fun in the end. Still remember I’m a sucker for deep bass realizations, so those happen, and I’m all done. This hopefully doesn’t detract from the EA1000 views and ideas, it is just SIMGOT got creative and less stuffy with the LM. It could be viewed that SIMGOT was going for less analytical, and hopefully gaining that younger crowd that could care less about clarity, that are looking for a deeper sound holding more bass ambiance?

EA500 $79.00
We all know that for many the EA500 was more intense. Little too bright, and here in comparison the LM is once again showing us more bass. Yet the big deal here is the EA500 peaks 2.5kHz to 5.2kHz…………those LM peeks would have you believe it is generated to be more. What I’m trying to say here is it sounds the complete opposite from how the graph looks. The graph makes it look like the LM would have energy in the exact area, and it may, except the low end completely makes it sound smoother and not dull, but arriving at the duller area of town. This is a perfect example of showing graphs only tell a fraction of the story, and at this point with the LM/EA500 the total opposite of upper midrange/midrange would be encountered on a daily basis. So for those who have the EA500 and think it is too bright, I can assure you the LM is a more forgiving part of town, all the time! Forgiving, yet still detailed, well imaged and totally fun!

So the LM sounds like the EA500 graphs out to be, noticeably lower in energy and smoother.

EW200 $39.99
So here we find EW200 has many of the same tuning features that go to the LM. Yes, going back to the EW200 once again showed me how it may be the very most IEM you can get for $39.99? And sure it is close to what the LM does except the LM stage is bigger, more open and holding greater authority of realism. Sorry this stage thing really gets me. As it totally affects everything where sure the EW200 has close to the same tuning, except it has a different driver, thus the LM responds with clearer imaging and holding more emotion due to such things. Obviously the newer LM has the honeymoon charm. And still I can’t get it out of my head that even though they are close, the LM has these transients done next level, so in a way it is just more technical and that small difference stirs my heart………it is what it is. If you have the EW200 and are wondering if it is a big change to spend the extra money, I would say there has never been an easier way to gain a better sound, especially if you already love the EW200! As far as tuning goes there will be limited surprises, except that note definition and clarity………well the differences are real here. Simply give the EW200 to someone, as there will be nothing to miss once the LM arrives in your ears.



Cable Changes:
1) Penon Space Cable: $99.90
2) HiSenior White Whale Cable: $96.00
3) Penon Vocal Cable: $69.00
4) ISN G4 Cable: $99.50
5) Penon RENATA Cable (Price yet to be published) ($250.00-$300.00)

6) Included Cable

1) Penon Space Cable:

Just so you know there is very little if not no differences at all between the LC7 and the Space Cable. Really both cables are highly transparent making the stage about as big as it can be, as well as not adding any their own personality to the playback.

2) HiSenior White Whale Cable:
Laughingly either the LM is generally not showing the differences between these three cables, or their make-up is close to the same. Maybe a tad of extra smoothness here, but really you would be hard pressed to find much difference. They are all priced about the same too?

3) Penon Vocal Cable:
Just so you know the White Whale, the Space and the LC7 are truly looked at as being uncolored and fairly balanced, offering 4.4mm with the While Whale and LC7 and an improvement over the regular brand included cables. So what’s up here? Hmm, so yes the midrange is slightly more forward, but remember if you have been following along with this review so far you may realize that the midrange has that room for a slight push. Actually I didn’t think this cable would be as good as it is. Marvelous increase in stage size, and a special separation here, where images are way out to the sides, the bass is maybe slightly diminished, just a tad? But it is the warmth and synergy that make this cable special today. Just WOW! My word for this cable is the can opener………it opens up the stage and allows for great interaction, bigger-denser imaging. Laughably if you studied the graph on the LM, a cable which promoted Pinna Gain would be a no-go, but due to bass balance we actually have room to explore a different style of cable push. Only it is true that the White Whale, The LC7 and the Space go ahead and offer maybe a slightly more true to life rendition, I should have remembered the Vocal Cable adds a style of separation and pizzaz that makes you forget about normal responses, especially with darker IEMs.

4) ISN (Graphene) G4 Cable:
Graphene has a character, and yes, there is some of that here. As later in this review we will find out how the LM is also very easy going to sources too. Meaning many, many......pretty much all sources go with the LM. There is an easy gong nature going on here. The Graphene will add some stage and diminish the bass adding clarity in places, and yes all that is going on, yet very minimally? Probably the greatest gift would be the warmer big authority midrange stage, yet it didn’t offer that separation and itemization of the Vocal cable…….I was surprised by the Vocal, as I normally place this G4 above it?

5) Penon RENATA Cable:
If you read my RENATA review this version of the RENATA is different. What I mean is that the first review was the Beta Version RENATA, as I have a new review for this cable in the works. Slightly formulated differently to be slightly brighter in the midrange and treble. Here once more it is an additive of smoothness but what takes the cake here is the separation and lifelike growth of stage imaging. This is the more expensive cable of the grouping, yet goes forward with a spread out low-end as well as spatial imaging and separation. Where there was a rhythmic bass throb in one song I could only half hear it with the previous cable tests, only (the bass) to become very delineated and separated now with the RENATA? As such it is not going to be peaky in any fashion, but in many ways like the ISN CS02, holding a style of imaging texture, yet still smooth.

6) Included Cable
Remember this test will now be performed with my 3.5mm output of the WM1A. Once again really not all that much difference? I mean sure there is a difference, yet the magic of this tune still shines through. There is a subtle way the LM sways with the music that is always there and never messed with no matter what source you use, which amplifier you use, or which cable you choose!


Yep, the DAPs and Dongles were a super easy section to review here. Especially the Dongles as you simply unplug the IEMs from the HiBy R3 II after sonically judging that, then plug in a Shanling UA3 Dongle or the SIMGOT AUDIO DEW4X into action with the USB Type-C. It takes all of about 1/2 a second so the music keeps rolling and it makes judging extremely easy to do. All tests performed with my regular wide-bore tips and LC7 cable in 4.4mm balanced.

HiBy R3 II:
While the wild M response of the R3 II doesn’t always lend itself to every IEM, here we meet forgiveness, yet better than being forgiven because it’s a party! Where a big part of this may be in the way the two commingle to provide bass, except there is also a stage size and smoothness in replay that both provide separate, and that gets added up when together here? I guess what I can say is surprise……being if you were wondering which DAP to get that would be on a budget (with the LM) and still have fun and enjoyment, with no questions asked……..this would be it.......the HiBy. Hence I took a lot of pictures of the combination. :)

The HiBy will not always be best with certain IEMs, but in this use case it is another added plus to the honeymoon already in process. I could go on and on except let’s save time. The WM1A is what I usually use for the music section, and I will still use that now for this review, except I could have easily used the R3 II in this application here. This was so surprising that I had to keep checking and over the course of days and days, this is the truth I’ve come up with. In fact I don’t think I have found an IEM that makes the R3 II this good, ever?

The Shanling UA3:
Totally great, I mean there are IEMs out there that go forward to delineate the response here. Typically the UA3 is a slimply bit softer in texture and holding a softer smoother bass, with less digital harshness up on top. And yes it is that way, only this totally works as there is maybe a quality held with-in the IEM that goes forward just to make every combination listenable. As no rain on this parade, either?

So this is unusual in that I have a SIMGOT Cable, SIMGOT Dongle and SIMGOT IEM! Oh, the pressure of it all. The way these different devices work is the HiBy R3 II has a slightly smoother edges out into the stage, the DEW4X is more forward and offers a boost in clarity in the upper midrange, now with more resolving IEMs this boost can become stark or grainy, but not in this playback. This area is even more forward than the Shangling UA3 and it holds a cleaner more forward, not as soft of bass. Less reverberations than the first two DAC and Dongle, but no stridence or heat here, just clarity at hand. Where the R3 II is set slightly back and the UA3 too is not as forward in details, where the UA3 has a more analogue style of style. This DEW4X is more vivid and clear, big in stage and the notes holding a nice weight, but fast, clear and fast.

The Sony WM1A:
Here, this becomes my favorite way to go. Now the interesting part is the EA1000 goes ahead to proclaim such extra digital quality held in this more expensive device. I mean sure I can hear changes, yet once again the importance of these differences between devices means less. The LM has a wonderful way of smoothing out the rough spots and making everything digestible. The stage is the biggest and there is a tighter bass, and an old fashioned display that somehow reminds me of the Shanling UA3 a little, in that nothing is as forward in positioning as the DEW4X. And truly none of the playbacks here are right or wrong, I mean that’s the best part, in that all are just another variation of great.


Music Tests:
This is by far the easiest section of the review and the most fun, don’t tell me about the labor pains……..just show me the baby. The results here, I mean really all this talk of comparisons and different usage situations are good to get an idea as to what we are working with. Yet none of that matters if the IEM doesn’t playback music well. I have even placed this music section right at the very start of a review to show the importance. Except with the LM there is really a history and there are important concepts like if you have the EW200 should you upgrade? Or if you didn’t like the EA500 is there any worth in getting the next installment as maybe it would be too close to the same? And my answers to those questions are, a smoother AE500, without the peaks, even though you would think there would be seeing a graph. And the EW200 is simply (a less perfect of) an example of what is possible with almost the same tuning but you get better technicalities for the upgrade to the LM.

And so quite simply which would I rather have in my ears to do these music tests, the EW200, the EA500 or the LM?

You know the answer.



44.1 kHz - 24 bit
Here is the thing, really there is a special pace that somehow includes all the LM does well with a song like this. We can boil the concepts down into basic sound (value concepts) and really that would work. The click-clack of a dialed in low end, thrusting this number into hyperdrive…….the actual movement here. The LM Driver, in fact it’s like a fast powerful motor and you’re shifting gears gaining torque…..there is no letting-up with how this driver performs. To ditch the Redcarmoose Labs signature hyperbole, the basic ideas (musically) are allowed to flourish due to tonal separation. At 00:42 when the kick drum makes its entrance we are reassured that the bass is not too overwhelming. In fact I can spot the drum and bass action set-up in place. It’s the fact that the transients are adding clarity to the movement and showing lesser built IEMs just how it’s done. While the basic lead-in of synth sequencing at 00:29 shows not really out front like with more pricey ideas of playback, there is though a correct timbre held, which is harder to spot as synthesizers are not real instruments, but exist virtually. Even the air blast that is a lead-in to our down-beat at 00:42 doesn’t get awards for being airy or totally out-front, simply reminding us of DD character and the intrinsic drawbacks of such. What makes this song though is somehow by contrast once the beat gets going the previously mentioned synthesizer sequence at 00:29 is then continuing on and locked rhythmically to the bass drum beat and the bass beat. And the guitar in this piece……..the single strangest thing about guitars in music is they are both rhythm instruments and hold musical power to change the tone chords of a song. So in general this ability results in guitars holding a beat and a melody, both at the same time. In fact the guitar in this song does exactly that, side-stepping a dual function to be both. In fact due to such ideas in playback we can either focus in on the guitar tone or choose for the sound rhythm to take on almost subliminal effects of pace held. Where here today the sound of the guitar is on the closer to home positioning and slightly subdued as far as tonal brightness goes. At 01:45 we are presented with a heavy (almost) vocoder effect layered into how vocals are presented. And here the producers chose to allocate such tricks farther out into the outskirts of the stage. Still what makes this song continue to move forward is the handclaps which are interlocked to the beat, the fact that at our menial performance guessed price of LM, somehow ends up just that much more? While not all the details, the LM is moving forward getting a grip on exactly the pace and groove of this number. That while the treble elements are not showcased or even all that much forward into position, they are in-fact accounted for and shown in perfect timbre. It is that magic trick that somehow lets us say to ourselves, that everything is included here in playback?


Hans Zimmer
Inception OST
Old Souls

44.1 kHz - 16 bit
My first attempt at description would have to be piano timbre. The timbre and the reverberations that accompany it. Where this piano is not buried in the slightest but still carries note-weight and a style of smooth demeanor that would be valuable at any price. Of course I have heard this in more detail, but the LM has a way that it makes you forget any other IEMs. At 00:53 the bass drop hits, now as always it is a little different with every IEM I hear. Surprisingly this style of playback is slightly more relaxed than I imagined it to be beforehand. And that is listening to songs for the very first time on an IEM. We always bring with us expectations in how we imagine the song to be fulfilled. Yet there can be a variation which is not wrong in any way, it just is the song being played back. The song will always have this demeanor (of replay) when we choose the same equipment. Much of this probably stems from the style of song being of the slower and romantic side. But beyond that even the first bass drop was slightly subdued in fashion to how I have heard this song on other IEMs. Where sure they (SIMGOT) are focusing on a style of replay that comes off way more expensive than it is with this number, only it may be from the strings and the piano? While sure this song doesn’t get intense until the end. And sure the EA1000 could show us a lift into how the instruments are separated, yet there is nothing wrong with this style of playback, though it isn’t as separated as you might have guessed? I’m thinking in this one case we have an IEM on the darker side, and a song going down that same street? Yet there are at 03:18 super high pitched pianos inside of reverberations that are fully separated and wonderful. All the instruments hold exact timbres. And even though this is a bass number, we are not drowned in bass frequencies, as there really is balance to it all. There are exquisite bass transients which are a welcome gift inside much of this song, and so well done, I’m looking for low-end (sub-bass) distortions and not finding any?


The difference here is the EA500 had only one set of extra nozzles, yet with the LM we get two. Yep three nozzles all together. The solid metal construction seems like it may in fact add to the way we perceive distortions and vibrations, as the LM is heavy for its size at 11 grams. Using the back-side for a vent and another under the nozzle we are guaranteed a smooth in and out of airflow. I would say it is slightly better than average with noise occlusion. Though maybe it’s the weight of the LM, where even the thick and big 4.4mm aftermarket cable which is relatively quiet with the sound turned off. Though while still fingerprint magnets, it is the nozzle length that pulls on my heart strings here. Yep, perfect size and angle, allowing for me to use my favorite ear-tips, and the lock into the correct back spacer ring at the other end of the nozzle. While heavy in comparison to many IEMs, it is smaller than medium size, but way more important, it is the fact that the LM sits almost 100% on the inside of your ear. The (almost) flush 2Pins are just barely set back, but don’t suffer from QDC plugs like the SIMGOT EM6L. In 10 days I can’t count how many times I changed cables, yet totally smooth sailing with the LM?











The included cable is nice, and to reiterate the cable sound testing, the included cable gets us the basic overall sound here, with the smooth and still fairly detailed style of replay. Ergonomics are great, being it stays where you put it and doesn’t fight when asked to coil-up.



Below the SIMGOT AUDIO LC7 4.4mm Cable Experience


Funny that the darker chrome on the LM goes one step farther to differentiate itself from the old EA500. The other unique thing is I have never seen this style of chrome plating before, it must be new? While the LM does share tuning style with the EW200 and shows identical bass graphically, there is a psychoacoustic phenomena which occurs to the listener where better defined bass will sound like more bass. I am about 99% sure that is what is going on here. And sure for me that extra bass is sealing the deal making the LM my most favorite SIMGOT yet. So even though graphically it looks to be the same, the results heard are different. That same misunderstanding of the graphs would make you guess the LM’s 2.5kHz to 5.2kHz peaks would surface to make this IEM in particular brighter than the old EA500? When in truth that area is actually heard (opposite) to be smoother thus creating an easier more accessible listen……..for me anyway. Whatever the outcome SIMGOT knows what people want, continuously improving and dialing in these tunes closer to perfection. Myself, I would probably be game for an EA1000 LM edition? Call me a fanatic but I really do seem to hear how this second generation Lithium-Magnesium driver is improving basic replay across multiple levels. If it was possible to add such secret sauce to the EA1000, I’m in. In so many ways this hobby never changes…….meaning in my teens I visited older accomplished audiophiles and heard their systems play. Talk about fanatics……..they were passionate about the replay, yet what was put out by their then $1000.00 system was fast, but anemic, and almost all midrange and treble. You see earlier in audiophile history such musical tone was the only concept of clean pure electronics. And we can still purchase that kind of IEM today, but the LM is not one of them. Now we are rewarded with a big emotional bass, one that reaches slightly farther out into the soundstage than even the EA1000. An emotional experience that seems too good to be true, like it should be costing us more money. I’m at the point now where I can make my reviews as short or as long as I want, no one says a thing. I choose to make this review long because I’m on a mission. A mission to explain the hows and whys of just how good the LM is. Sure it’s not everything, except there is a way about the LM that brings about a tangible musicality to everything it touches? Every DAP/Amp, every cable. With that being said there is a good chance the support equipment you currently own will suffice to bring about the magic that I found, I just don’t see how it couldn’t happen, unless you are one of those old fashioned audiophiles, that had the bass tones turned down, then you wouldn’t be reading this far down in the first place. The singular trick here that SIMGOT AUDIO has accomplished has been to introduce an LM DD that somehow bypasses the old idea of what DD can do as far as separation and stage. While still acquiring the correct timbre DDs are known for, SIMGOT has upped the size of playback and in-turn created one of the most exciting IEMs of the year, won’t you join in the fun? :)


I would like to thank Fia Lam from SIMGOT AUDIO for the opportunity to review EA500 LM!

Linsoul website:
Linsoul Aliexpress Store:
Linsoul USA Amazon Store link:

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm and 3.5mm
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm and 3.5mm
Shanling UA3 Dongle 4.4mm balanced and 3.5mm output
Samsung Phone 3.5mm
HiBy R3 II 3.5mm/4.4mm output and USB Type-C output
SIMGOT AUDIO DEW4X with 4.4mm balanced output

These are the experiences and thoughts of a single individual, your results may vary.

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Cable in EA500LM is more better compared with EW200?
They are both relatively the same, though both are nice, I tend to favor 4.4mm which nether are.
I prefer 4.4 too, I have Artti wave A8 cable with replaceable plugs ( I buy them for ea500 lm). I have EW200 too, for me on 3.5 plays poor.
I wonder if this cable
Trn t2 pro 16

He would be as good as this Artti wave A8?


New Head-Fier
Pros: – Unboxing experience
– Analytical sound
– Price/performance
– Removable nozzles (filters)
– Great technicalities
– Soundstage and imaging
– Excellent detailing
– Fast sound feeling
– Good fit and comfort
– Good eartips (quality)
– Great cable
– Good carrying case
Cons: – Fingerprint marks
– Mirrored earphone scratches easily
– Earphone weight (?)
– Few eartips
– Inefficient filters (subjective)
>>I am brazilian and I speak portuguese, so forgive my english, I’ll use translation tools to help<<


Simgot is the company that – so far – has the earphone that I think is the best cost/benefit in the market in the $100 USD range, the Simgot EM6L. But the company isn’t just the EM6L, it has released other lines of earphones, among them, the Single DD (single driver) earphones line with the EW100, EW200, EA500… and now, the second version of this last one, the EA500LM.

Price: $89.99 USD
Colors: Mirrored

Simgot Reviews: EM6L, EW200



– (1) 10mm Dynamic Driver (DD) DMDC per side
– 2° generation lithium-magnesium alloy dome diaphragm
– Frequency range: 10Hz – 50kHz
– Effective frequency range: 20Hz – 20kHz
– Sensitivity: 123dB/Vrms (@ 1kHz Gold Copper nozzle & Red Silicone Ring)
123dB/Vrms (@ 1kHz Silver Steel nozzle & Red Silicone Ring)
124dB/Vrms (@ 1kHz Silver Steel nozzle & Black Silicone Ring)
– Impedance: 21Ω±15%(@ 1kHz)
– 3 detachable nozzles
– Termination Plug: 3.5mm (straight design)
– Connectors: 2pin 0.78mm
– Cable size: 1.2m (detachable)
– Cable: OFC HP copper silver plated
– Shell: Metal
– Earphone weight: 10.9g (one side)(without eartips)
– Cable weight: 18.1g
– Total weight (packaging, iems, etc): 247.3g
– Packaging size: 14.5cm [H] x 12cm [W] x 6.2cm [D]


Reels from @iemsandmusic


First, I would like to start this review by saying that mirrored earphones are very difficult to generate audiovisual content, fingerprint marks can leave the earphone looking dirty, or the reflection can show objects, stains, images, etc, that aren’t exactly from the earphone, but from what is on the other side of the camera. It’s always very difficult to generate good images of the product without what was mentioned above interfering in the final result of the content. I’m not a professional photographer or videomaker, but I certainly tried to do the best I could with the resources I have at the moment. I hope you understand. We will always strive to improve.

Construction: The Simgot EA500LM is an all-metal earphone and it has a removable nozzle. The quality of the shell is excellent, robust product with great ergonomics. It comes with 3 pairs of removable nozzles – one is already installed in the earphones – that act as sound equalizing filters. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the earphone is all mirrored, and such earphones pick up a lot of fingerprint marks and can scratch more easily. Aesthetically speaking, mirrored earphones are indeed very beautiful, but I think it’s of no use to have so much beauty if afterwards it ends up looking “worn out”. Another issue about the construction of the EA500LM is that, being a metal earphone, it ended up being relatively heavy… I say this because we have resin earphones that weigh half, the EM6L itself is an example of this. It’s okay in practice the weight didn’t bother, I used the earphone here and it didn’t feel very heavy.

Eartips: The eartip kit is simple, just one type of silicone eartip in sizes S/M/L. To say that I liked the eartips, the material used in the dome is very good, very soft, but the detail of these eartips is that the thickness of the tube is a bit wide, this ends up increasing the circumference between earphone + eartip… for those who have a very narrow ear canal, this can cause discomfort over time… but as this is subjective, just change for eartips from other third party companies. What I think Simgot missed was that it could indeed have more types of eartips included in the kit. For earphones in this price range, the ideal is to come with about three types of eartips. I did the earphone review with the size M ones.

Cable: Excellent cable! They took the EM6L cable and put the EW200 connectors. The combination was perfect, the EM6L cable is already very good, the only part there that I wasn’t a big fan of were the QDC connectors… so they put the 2 pin 0.78mm type connectors. I have nothing to criticize, just praise, the EA500LM cable is excellent. The earhooks are good, the cable is easy to roll up, it doesn’t have microphonics, it’s light, thin, beautiful, etc etc etc… only compliments. The chin slider I thought works well.

Fit and comfort: This part is very subjective, for my ears, I found the EA500LM comfortable. I thought that being a metal earphone and weighing around 10g, it would be something bad, however, in the ears this weight issue wasn’t noticeable. It’s certain that it could indeed be lighter, and the lighter the better – in my opinion – see the resin IEMs that weigh much less. The fit of the earphone is also a part that I considered very positive, the EA500LM is very ergonomic, a diagonal fit. If the person has a very small ear, then maybe there can be some contact in some part of the ear. Being a metal earphone, you have that cold sensation of the surface of the earphone when inserting it in the ears. Something I didn’t like very much is that the earphone has a more “stretched” body, and it ends up being a bit protruding in my ears, I would like it to be more discreet. I spent a few hours straight with the earphone in my ears and didn’t feel discomfort. Because the cable is very light, this also helps in comfort. I found the insertion medium and the isolation good.

Accessories: Included accessories, the earphone comes with a semi-rigid carrying case with zipper closure, exactly the same as the EM6L. It’s a good carrying case, it has a good space to store the earphone. IMO, it could have the company logo, because it gives the impression of being a generic carrying case. As mentioned in the construction paragraph, the product comes with 3 pairs of removable (screwable) nozzles, and also comes with some additional rubber rings.




The sound of the Simgot EA500LM I understood as a Mild V-Shape with a slight increase in the mids and treble, that is, it has a sound that is a little more “forward” in the region of the mids and treble. The resolution level of the EA500LM is excellent, it doesn’t seem to be a Single DD, it gives the impression of being a Multi-BA IEM, from the sensation which is the speed and detail of the sound. I was quite impressed with the earphone, the sound is very lively, has energy, delivers a lot of information. I consider the EA500LM to be an upgrade from the EW200.


Quantitative: The level of the EA500LM’s bass I understood as moderate. I found the amount very well implemented. It gives that feeling of neither surplus nor lack. I believe that people who like bass will not be disappointed, I myself like bass and enjoyed what have here… unless the person is looking for an earphone with a lot of bass, then I think it’s better to look for a basshead IEM. Those looking for an earphone with balanced bass in the presentation, the EA500LM is a great choice. The earphone has sub-bass and mid-bass, I didn’t perceive a region standing out more than the other, for my ears, the sound was somewhat linear between the regions. I didn’t feel roll-off, the extension is good.

Qualitative: The EA500LM’s bass has good definition, are controlled, are versatile, has texture, and have a bit of physicality. They are bass that accompany the recording, and don’t invade the mids. The impact is audible and has a more contained, delineated characteristic… note that they aren’t lean bass, on the contrary, they are bass that have substance, they just aren’t bass with enough force to put warmth in the whole IEM’s sound. I would say that among the three frequencies – bass, mids, and treble – the EA500LM’s bass is the region that has less sensation of high speed, but still, they are very good bass and don’t clash with the other frequencies, it’s just because the mids and treble have the sensation of being faster. Among the musical genres, I would say that only EDM and Hip-Hop don’t match the bass of the IEM (in quantity), but other genres the EA500LM’s bass are perfect.


Quantitative and qualitative: The mids of the EA500LM are the best part of the earphone, without a doubt I was very impressed with what I heard here. For sure, they are mids that are a little more “forward”, you realize that this region has more frontality. The good thing here is that the mids don’t sound shrill, aggressive or harsh, on the contrary, I think they stop at the exact point. Qualitatively speaking, things only get better, they are mids of a lot of transparency, a lot of resolution, great detail, great clarity. A lot of information with quality. The instruments have a lot of definition, it’s possible to hear micro details within the presentation. Snare drums sound with attack, pianos are very precise, violins have a lot of exuberance, wind instruments are very palpable. Whispering voices deliver that sensation of air, of breath when speaking/singing.

Voices: With all this quality in the mids, the voices could only be excellent. This is a very good IEM for those who like vocals with emphasis on presentation, especially for those who like female/high vocals, which in my view, gain more life and energy, they can perform very well. The male/low vocals are also cool, because as the IEM has good activity in the bass region, the vocals of lower timbres can still present texture. Now, the vocals of higher timbres really manage to have a little more advantage here in the EA500LM (in my opinion).


Quantitative: I understood the treble of the EA500LM as moderate to high. It gets a bit complicated to explain, because they aren’t neutral treble nor excessive treble. It’s as if they follow the rhythm of the mids/upper-mids, they come a bit forward, so they follow the same line there. There are some IEMs that have “forward” mids and when they get to the treble they decrease, you feel that one region has more emphasis than the other, the Truthear Nova itself is an example of this, here in the EA500LM this doesn’t happen, the treble follow a linearity that accompanies the mids, it becomes something more balanced. I would only say that for a person who isn’t a big fan of mids and treble more “forward”, that perhaps the EA500LM is not very much your beach. But it is also good to remember the thing of the eartips, I did a quick test with the Sony EP-EX11 and I thought it gave a slight softening in this region. I didn’t feel roll-off, great extension of treble.

Qualitative: They are very refined, versatile treble, they have great resolution, without peaks, without stridency, without sibilance. The EA500LM has a great detailing (level of micro detailing), it’s possible to listen to the smallest details of the recording. The airy is also very good, you feel that the sound has life, that it expands. The sparkle is a little more towards the crystalline side, that is, it has a brightness a little more accentuated than what I would consider neutral. I didn’t feel harshness, stridency or piercing at any time. Hi-Hats sound with a lot of detailing, you can hear the sound of the cymbals touching each other in a very clear way. Good IEM even to listen to Jazz… that’s because I like to listen to the genre in a more analytical way, more pulled towards to bright. Broadly speaking, the EA500LM made me even think that it’s similar to the Hifiman HE400SE, although the Simgot with a slight touch more in the sub-basses… Of course, this is just a “broadly speaking”, because they are distinct products.

Soundstage: I found the soundstage sensation very good. Even though the EA500LM is an IEM with mids a little more “forward”, the sonority of the IEM doesn’t lose the sensation of amplitude, it has a good amount of depth there for the sound to present itself in a more spatial way. Very positive point of the IEM, it knew how to be a middle ground between having a slight frontality and at the same time not sounding “glued to the eardrum”. Obviously this is not the most spatial IEM I have ever heard, I think even the EM6L has a slightly larger soundstage, but when you add the soundstage and the imaging, the performance level of the EA500LM increases considerably.

Imaging: I found the instrumental separation of the EA500LM very good. IEM with a lot of resolution, everything is very clear, it’s possible to hear each instrument in its proper place and perceive that there’s no congestion between them. As I said throughout the review, it seems that it’s an IEM with multiple balanced armature drivers, because the level of detailing is so good that it seems to have specific drivers for each frequency. I was really impressed with the capacity of the EA500LM’s dynamic driver. Also remember that the quality of the recordings greatly influence this aspect of imaging.

Nozzles (filters): In the test changing the nozzles, my conclusion is that, I didn’t feel significant differences between the gold nozzle with red ring to the silver nozzle with red ring. I only felt a little difference between the gold nozzle with red ring to the silver with black ring… and even so, it was very little, I would not be surprised if a placebo effect happened here… but anyway, I thought that the silver nozzle with black ring the sound in the upper-mids region became clearer, piano passages sounded more perceptible. The curious thing is that both – gold/red and silver/black – are the ones that come with the foam inside. In theory the silver/red should be the most different (because it doesn’t have the foam). But that’s it, everything is very subjective. I think that if the company had put more eartips, the modification of the sound could be more effective than the filters.

Driver flex test: I didn’t heard driver flex sound when inserting the earphones in my ears.

Amplification: I used the DAP FiiO M11S to do this review. The output used was the 3.5mm and the DAP in High Gain mode. The Volume was at 70% of the 120% available by the M11S. I can affirm that the Simgot EA500LM is an easy to play IEM, it doesn’t require dedicated amplification. I tested the IEM on the FiiO KA11 and it played easily. Certainly the EA500LM will play on smartphones, iPads, and notebooks. But as usual, I suggest that at least the person has a good quality dongle to play the IEMs. Currently, I recommend the FiiO KA11 as a good cost/benefit dongle.



Thank you so much for being here!

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Thank you for your great review
I say thank you my friend. :v:


New Head-Fier
Simgot EA500LM- the new budget king from Simgot
Pros: -Superb technical performance
-Smooth, natural mid
-Decent bass responses with fast, punchy midbass
Cons: -Stock tips could be a bit stiff and uncomfortable
-The black ring nozzle make the iem sounds harsh with boosted highs
Simgot EA500LM
Another Budget King from Simgot
Please note that sound perception can be subjective and can vary from person to person.
SHORT REVIEW (for normal people): BUY IT !! (I promise you won't regret)
Detailed review ( for audiophiles/tech nerds):
Simgot EA500LM In-Ear Monitor (IEM) Review
The Simgot EA500LM is a single dynamic driver (1DD) IEM that offers impressive technical performance, surpassing its cost expectations. Let’s delve into the specifics of its sound signature.
Sound Analysis:
Important note: The EA500LM comes with 3 set of nozzle. This review is based on the stock (OG) gold brass w/red ring nozzle. The steel nozzle w/red ring sounds almost the same but it has a tad bit smoother mid. The nozzle w/ black ring make the iem sounds harsh and could be fatiguing ( Not rcm).
The EA500LM boasts improved bass response compared to its predecessor, the EA500. Expect deeper, more impactful bass notes that enhance your listening experience.
The low-end frequencies are well-defined and extend comfortably without overpowering other elements.
The midrange on the EA500LM is cleaner and more transparent. Vocals and instruments come through with greater detail and accuracy.
Unlike the original EA500, which could sometimes sound harsh or fatiguing, the EA500LM strikes a better balance, providing a smoother midrange presentation.
The treble of the EA500LM is definitely the star of the show! It has extremely well extension and airiness without being too harsh or fatiguing.
Natural Sound Signature:
One of the standout features of the EA500LM is its natural tonality. Instruments sound lifelike, and vocals have a realistic timbre.
The IEM avoids excessive coloration, resulting in a more authentic and enjoyable listening experience.
The Simgot EA500LM is a commendable IEM for audiophiles seeking excellent sound quality without breaking the bank. Its refined bass, clear midrange, and natural sound signature make it a worthy addition to your audio collection.
Remember that sound preferences can be subjective, so it’s always advisable to audition the IEM personally to see if it aligns with your musical tastes. Happy listening!


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New Head-Fier
SIMGOT EA500LM review of dynamic headphones by ICYGENIUS 🎧
Pros: Good build quality and elegant appearance that simgot maintains to this day.
Very energetic and emotional overall presentation
Better tight and attacking bass compared to the original EA500
Drum kick sounds full and weighty
Very airy and open sounding
Mid frequencies are very weighty and super developed
Very technical highs with gorgeous detail amazing for dynamic headphones
Literally the king of analytics, just take it and analyze your music.
Gorgeous separation of images and excellent drawing of plans
The king of dynamic headphones right now?
Cons: It would be great to have a new and balanced cable, and it’s probably worth adding a cloth to wipe the headphones
Hello friends!
Today in our review we’ll talk about dynamic headphones from SIMGOT.
And they come in a very small but interestingly designed box where everything shimmers so beautifully and this model is called EA500LM, that is, this is an update of the original EA500.

Well, at the back there are two graphs of the frequency response, namely Harman 2019 and their branded Simgot 2023 target.
And here a dynamic driver with a second-generation lithium-magnesium diaphragm is responsible for the sound, and their sensitivity is very high - 123 dB, and they have an impedance of 21 ohms, so the headphones are very easy to drive.

Let's take a look at what's included!

And here we get headphones that are made of metal and at the same time they are very smooth and tactilely pleasant, but they still collect fingerprints a little and they can even be scratched, so be careful with them, they look strict but I like them and how the two logos on the headphones complement this well branded Simgot concept.

And here the name of the model EA500LM is also written, and on the inside of the case, next to the medium-sized gold sound guide, there is a marking of the right and left channels, as well as a hole for compensation and an additional block with a screw.

And with the fit like the original EA500, everything is fine here, the headphones sit in your ears very comfortably and reliably, so you can even move somewhere while listening to music without any problems.

All the accessories are in two boxes.
Namely, instructions, a quality certificate, a leather case, a set of ear tips.


And the included cable that we have already seen but with SIMGOT EM6L headphones, it also received 2 pin connectors, and a standard 3.5 jack plug, the cable is well made and it is convenient, but it gets a little tangled, keep this in mind.


We also get replaceable nozzles and these colored rings, for those who like to slightly adjust the tuning of their headphones, but I’ll say right away that this time I listened with the complete nozzle that comes out of the box, namely gold, and I didn’t install any additional filters!

How do these headphones sound?

And now we come to the most important part of the review, namely the analysis of the sound of the SIMGOT EA500LM dynamic headphones.
And it’s worth saying that the general concept of sound that Simgot still adhere to here has essentially not changed much it can be seen on the graph.


They did not conduct any global new experiments, but on the contrary, they got down to business seriously and corrected minor previous shortcomings of the original EA500.
Namely, they tightened up the low frequencies and improved the mids due to which now this model has a more U-shaped sound signature with a slightly shifted emphasis on the upper mids, but now this is not as obvious as it was with the ea500, since the bass is now noticeable and more noticeable rumbles and does not allow the mid frequencies to dominate and tire so clearly, although even if it does not completely compensate for them, it is clear that they did not have the goal of making a basshead model out of these headphones, so in this case, everything here is designed correctly and corresponds to their target Simgot 2023, and this is certainly not a neutral and overly warm model in presentation, but all lovers of brighter, perky and energetic headphones will certainly appreciate their tuning!

Low Frequencies:
Since, compared to the original, the bass here is now perceived much better, it is more massive and punchy, it has much more weight and due to this, the kick now sounds more weighty and full and is not as easily presented as it was in the original, and is also more pronounced I like the attack here much more due to which the bass is very clearly visible in the mix and doesn’t sound like it’s smeared and sloppy on impact, on the contrary, here we have a very attack-focused and more accurate mid-punch bass punch, which is what is required from dynamic headphones, and I hope you agree with me on this matter, but of course, serious bassheads who are already accustomed to more inflated and accentuated low frequencies will probably have to pass by, after all, Simgot set themselves a different goal in tuning, but I’m sure all the other guys will appreciate the more impactful and weighty component of the low frequencies in this update!
Mid Frequencies:
But the mids are exactly what I expected to get from simgOt, here you have super transparency and clarity with a slight warm tonal bias and a very airy and open sound that immediately catches your attention from the first listen.
And this range here feels really insanely refined and super energetic with a slightly light midrange presentation compared to other more expensive headphones, but I haven’t seen such a general presentation for a long time among dynamic headphones that came across in recent reviews, there is no tightness of excessive harshness and insight of the vocal part, and I am pleased with the not at all tiring and correctly designed female and male vocals, which cause me only delight and pleasant emotions every time you listen, and quite natural timbres and sophisticated and weighty instruments are very well revealed here as for dynamic headphones.
And the kick drums still show themselves just fine; they are a little more highlighted than they were in the original, but revealed in all their glory they have a very clear and even more highlighted attack, complemented by a very long aftersound and a neat decay from the reverberation trail.

High Frequencies:
But the high frequencies, as in previous simgot models, are presented here as super detailed, emphasized, and I would even say moderately crispy with some kind of crazy analytics and technicality, and the way various nuances and details are drawn in the music surprises every time you listen Therefore, these headphones are ideal for in-depth analysis of literally any of your favorite tracks as they literally take it apart and you can easily separate all the instruments, various synthesizer and live sounds without any strain!
And therefore this model is perfect even for working and mixing music, and now heavier genres are revealed much better here, and they cope with something lighter without any problems at all, not to mention orchestral or classical music, in general, these dynamic headphones make me happy I was surprised and at the same time I was pleased that the Simgots retained here the same corporate character that was in previous models, and it is especially worth highlighting the EA1000 since in my opinion they most closely resemble this model.

Stage and stereo panorama:
It turned out to be very wide and, most importantly, it feels super open, there is both an excellent stereo panorama and its elaboration and an equally excellent depth of immersion and a bewitching portrayal of each individual instrument, and they very much reminded me of my open full-size headphones due to this large amount of air and effect openness when everything literally breathes.
My conclusion on this headphones:
Simgot EA500LM are very technical, super detailed and simply insanely analytical dynamic headphones that have not lost their signature energetic and very cheerful character that we have encountered in other models of this company, I would especially highlight the EA1000 because they reminded me very much of their presentation of mid and high frequencies, therefore I confidently recommend these headphones to everyone, especially those who are looking for something not very expensive and with one driver.
Link where you can buy them!
I will be glad if you subscribe to my YouTube channel and watch this full review on SIMGOT EA500LM!



Simgot EA500LM
The Simgot EA500LM has been getting a lot hype recently, is it actually that good? Lets discuss. If you do not know already the EA500LM is a single dynamic driver iem from Simgot, coming in at 90$. This is also the sequel to their popular EA500. Considering the price packaging and accessories are nice, build and aesthetics are solid and fit and comfort are decent. Most importantly sound is great, this has a balanced to mild V signature with a generally pleasing clean, energetic, somewhat bright sound with nice yet tastefully balanced bass performance. Back to the main question, is it worth the hype? I would say it surely is, the level of sound quality you get for the price is amazing and I highly recommend this set.


Hey Guys, whats up….
Today I will be diving into the very hyped EA500LM from Simgot. This is a single dynamic driver iem coming in at 90$. Talking about Simgot, they are pretty well reputed ChiFi iem manufacturer. They have been around for a while now but they became crowd favorite after their original EA500 release. By now I have had the opportunity to try out several sets, and I have reviewed two the EW200 and the EA1000 Fermat. Besides the EA500LM, I am also checking out the EM6L hybrid iem, which I will publish the review of soon. So the EA1000 was my favorite simgot iem, but spoiler, the EA500LM is my new fav 😅. Anyways enough yapping, lets get into the review, starting with the specs

Disclaimer: Thanks to Simgot for providing this unit. But as always this review is unbiased and my honest opinion. Thanks…


> Impedance: 21Ω±15%(@1kHz)
> Sensitivity: 123dB/Vrms (@1kHz Gold Copper nozzle & Red Silicone Ring)123dB/Vrms (@1kHz Silver Steel nozzle & Red Silicone Ring) 124dB/Vrms (@1kHz Silver Steel nozzle & Black Silicone Ring)
> Frequency response range: 10Hz-50kHz
> Effective frequency response: 20Hz-20kHz
> Connector: 0.78mm 2-pin
> Cable material: high-purity silver-plated OFC cable
= PRICE: $89.99 USD

Packaging/ Box Contents
Moving on to the packaging section, this comes in a nice box with a beautiful space theme art work. A breath of fresh air 😆, I am bored of waifu boxes. I dropped the list of box contents below, all the accessories are of high quality. The case is simple but serves the purpose, the size is good enough to throw in a dongle dac too. The cable is good, I will get into a bit more detail on it later. The eartips are standard small, medium and large. Box contents:
Replacement filters
Tuning Nozzles
Carrying Case
Iems itself


Build and Design
Moving on to the build and design of the EA500LM, this is solid.Simgot has gone for a full metal construction, aluminum I am guessing. In terms of looks this has a mirror like finish with a darker tint and Simgot logo on the face, I personally quite like the simple yet elegant approach but it is a finger print magnet. The design is pretty much same as the original EA500, just with a slightly darker gun metal type shade. Anyways, the shells are of medium to small sized and it has nice weight to them, feels substantial in the hands. Finger prints are an issue but scratches were not an issue in my use case. The 2pin connectors are recessed type. The nozzle is normally sized. The shells are vented.


Fit and Comfort
Continuing with fit and comfort, EA500LM scores high. The shells sit nice and flush in my regular sized ears. The stability is on point. Breathability is good thanks to the vented design. Isolation is good but nothing crazy. Driver flex was not an issue when inserting the iems. I did not find any issue with long term listening, is was plenty comfortable.

Now let’s look at the cable. The EA500LM comes with a ok built stock cable, this is not bad but there are more well built cable with iems at this price. This is a 2 core silver plated copper (OFC) cable. It uses a 0.78mm 2pin connector and has standard 3.5mm plug. The 2core braiding is tight and flexible. There is no audible microphonics. The preformed earhooks are ok, they blend in with the color of the cable and did not cause any irritation. In terms of looks this goes nicely with the iems.


Tested With
Source: cayin ru7, tempotec v3, apple type c dongle, jcally jm7
Eartips: stock, Final E, spinfit w1
Cable: stock
Music: Tested with versatile genre of music

So lets talk nozzles, this comes with 2 extra set of nozzles. Stock one is bronze, gold colored nozzle and the extra ones are silver with black silicone ring and silver with red silicone ring. The difference between each nozzle is not that major. I personally used and tested the EA500LM with the stock gold colored nozzles.


Sound tonality
Sound signature: balanced to mild v
Now most importantly sound, the EA500LM provides a generally pleasing clean, energetic, somewhat bright sound with nice yet tastefully balanced bass performance.

Let's delve into the bass performance of the EA500LM, which is quite good. This provides a snappy, fun yet high quality bass. In terms of positioning, the mid bass is subtly rolled off compared to the sub bass. The sub bass feels tactile and dynamic, slams hard when the music calls for it. Mid bass, although not as forward, provides decent punch. Overall, the EA500LM has a fast and precise bass response. The body and layering are executed quite well. Decay and reverberation are satisfactory, and bass note separation is good. Personally, I did not find it to be bloated or muddy in any way.

Moving on to the mids, EA500LM has a very similar midrange performance to their other sets. It prioritizes clarity and transparency with sparkle and crispness on top. The transition from bass to lower mids is slightly warm. Thus this contributes to a warm and thick male vocal performance, at least compared to the female vocals. Simgot usually goes for thinner and energetic upper mids, which is present here. This gives female vocals the shine and crispness. Positioning wise, female vocals are more forward compared to the male vocals. While this doesn't get sibilant or harsh, it might be fatiguing for treble sensitive listeners. I quite enjoyed the level of sparkle present in the midrange. Note weight and note separation is good.


Proceeding on to the treble section, they have opted for an almost bright tuning for the EA500LM, and I can say it's executed well. In short the treble is refined, well-extended, and it flows nicely with the frequency range. Details are crisp without being too in your face. It is easy to spot intricate nuances. Occasionally, instruments sound a bit sharp depending on the nozzle. While there is no significant harshness or sibilance issues, treble sensitive listeners may find it bothersome. The speed is normal to fast type. The airy presentation enhances the sense of space in the soundstage. This has good resolving capabilities.

Technical Sound:
Soundstage of the EA500LM is pretty good, better than average. All three plains are above average, this has good width but the height is ok. Stage depth is good.
Imaging is also better than average.
Sound separation and layering is good
Resolution is pretty good
Dynamics are satisfactory
Timbre is good


So to conclude the review, is worth the price tag? Yes, very much so. If you are looking for a balanced to mild V shape sound signature iem under 100$, this is the best option. I highly recommend this set, as I said in the intro, this is my new favorite Simgot, for now at least 😆. One thing to consider, if you are treble sensitive then this might not be suitable for you. Anyways, props to Simgot , they did a fantastic job with this one. And thanks to you for sticking around.


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500+ Head-Fier
SIMGOT EA500LM: Simply Defines Its Tuning Primacy
Pros: ● Solidly constructed metal alloy chassis
● Smooth, glossy and buffed surface gives an elegant and classy look on its overall aesthetics.
● Its detachable tuning nozzles feature gives this set its tonal versatility.
● It has some good accessories included inside its packaging box.
● As I mentioned its detachable tuning nozzles system, SIMGOT offers three sound profiles with distinctive tuning curves on each other.
● The Red Ring Brass Nozzles have the most balanced sounding out there and also the most natural sounding out there as it has coherent bass response, sufficiently textured midrange presentation, then a smooth and well-polished treble presentation.
● The Red Ring Silver Nozzles have the clarity, more revealing and airy treble presentation.
● The Black Ring Silver Nozzles gives even more details and resolution on EA500LM with some caveats.
● It has a competent technical performance for a single DD set
● By any means, its asking price on this set is justifiable given its tonal performance.
Cons: ● Both Red Ring and Black Ring Tuning Nozzles’ tunings might be bothersome to some treble sensitive folk due to its metallic and shrill sound.
● The metal surface of its shell chassis is susceptible to nicks and scratches.
● Given that I considered its stock cable as a decent one but I expect more from a refined version, probably a tad thicker and resistant from entanglement.
● SIMGOT, please add more choices of ear tips.

The SIMGOT revolution is still going strong as ever as it still garners more support and accolades from the audio community around the globe. Like almost all their sets are well-regarded and highly acclaimed since the release of the EA500 that truly changes the paradigm shift on the current state of the audio market.


And then, with the phenomenal success of the EA500, SIMGOT is quite firm on releasing a more refined version of this set and improving some of its features that truly differentiate it from its original version while retaining its main features that truly defines this model. Let's find out if there are some noticeable changes between the previous model and its newer reiteration which will be the featured product on this review article.


This is SIMGOT EA500LM and like its predecessor, it still has a single driver configuration which has a dynamic driver with some new composite materials that were implemented in it. The dynamic driver that was implemented here is an array of dual magnet and dual cavity in a 10mm ring structure with lithium-magnesium diaphragm with an application of their own DMDC technology (The initial “LM” means lithium-magnesium in which the set revolves around regarding its tech). Lithium-magnesium are known to be light yet strong material with one of the lowest densities in its class, and this material will be more favourable in terms of firmness and rigidity as it will be more ductile and responsive while properly controlling the vibrations to lessen any instances of distortion to deliver a deep and punchy low frequency and at the same time, a better clarity and crisper midrange and high frequencies.


Like the original EA500, this revamp one still retains its solid CNC-milled aluminium alloy structure as its shell chassis that encases its high performance dynamic driver. The shells were buffed to achieve that mirror-finished surface to give a sense of sophistication and elegance to its metal work while retaining its build quality. The EA500LM is preserving its precedent model's main core feature which is its tuning versatility as it has a detachable tuning nozzle system and SIMGOT added another one which makes this set offers three distinctive types of tuning unlike the previous one that only offers two sets of tuning nozzles. On its interchangeable connectivity with its cable, like the EA500, it still uses a proven and stable 0.78mm bi-pin connector which makes it easier to conduct cable swaps.


As for fitting and comfort, EA500LM offers a snug and pleasant placement into my lugholes while it offers a good sealing as it isolates well from external noises sources from the outside. I can actually wear it for long listening sessions and I really enjoy using it on my listening to some album discography of my favourite artists.


EA500LM stock cable is a two-core with a mixture of gold and black high-purity silver plated OFC wires that were insulated with PVC coating and it offers a better audio signal transmission. The cable seems to be decent and somehow flexible and supple and on its end, it has a gold-plated 3.5mm single end on its termination plug.


As for its product packaging, SIMGOT EA500LM is excellent in this regard on how it was presented and organised its contents inside of its packaging box.


These are the following contents and its accessories inside:
  • Pair of SIMGOT EA500LM IEM transducers.
  • Stock cable
  • Three (3) pairs of balanced bore silicone eartips in different standard sizes.
  • Storage case
  • Pair of red ring silver tuning nozzles
  • Pair of black ring silver tuning nozzles
  • Paperwork like user's manual and Q.C. stub.

SIMGOT sets are known for its easy to drive aspect as it scales well to all types of sources with its high sensitivity, low impedance rating on how it responds with power amplification, and EA500LM still retains this facet that I can use on my smartphones and DAPs. This set sounds very dynamic and full sounding as it encompasses across its frequency spectrum to signify its amplitude scale.


Due to its detachable nozzle features , EA500LM offers three types of sound profiles that affect its tonal aspect and each of its detachable nozzles has its own target tuning curve. But, despite it offering three types of tuning, they are still veering towards a Harman-esque type of tuning which is a modified U-shaped sound profile.


(Credits to @baskingshark for providing a graph on this one)

Red Ring Brass Tuning Nozzles - probably the most “balanced” sounding among the three, it has more rounded lows, less recessed midrange and just slightly elevated upper mids up to the presence treble.

Red Ring Silver Tuning Nozzles - this tuning is closer to a typical Harman target, retains most of the bass quantity and quality from Red Ring Brass Tuning Nozzles but due to more emphasised on upper mids up to the brilliance treble region, it gives more energetic and crisper sound that somewhat lessens the bass quantity of the Brass Nozzles mode.

Black Ring Silver Tuning Nozzles - the brightest and the most resolving among the three types of tuning nozzles albeit its perceived dynamics are somewhat a tad leaner as upper mids and presence treble seems more prominent on its overall frequency range.



Red Ring Brass Tuning Nozzles

It presents a well-balanced bass quality and quantity as it has sub bass presence and a fairly textured mid bass element. This setting gives a punchier, full-bodied with a relative authority on its bass response.

Sub bass reverberation is audibly felt from sub-bass focus instruments like octobasses, drum machines, synthesisers and low-tuned bass guitars. A fairly textured mid bass gives an ample note weight on bass clef instruments like bass guitars, double bass, bass trumpets and bass kick drums. And also, it gives richer and fuller male vocals like bass and bass-baritones.


Bass guitars - it sounds weighty, sombre and resonant.

Double basses - a bit heavier, earthy and sounds more broader than bass guitars.

Bass trumpets - fuller with dark timbre.

Bass kick drums - produces a thudding and gloomy sound.


Basses - it has a dark, deep resonant with ample rumble on its voices

Bass-baritones - it also a deep and dark sound on their albeit noticeable less voluminous compare to bass vocals.

Red Ring Silver Tuning Nozzles

While it appears that it still has some bass quality on it although it has a noticeable a tad less mid bass texturing while it gives some pronounced sub bass presence as it delivers a more deep and rumbling sub bass with an incisive yet less punchy bass response.

Sub bass will be perceived more clearer as we felt more reverberation and resonance that were generated from these sub bass-centric instruments. Mid-bass texture seems to lessen a bit of its note density compared to the Brass Tuning Nozzle's tuning that it will somehow affect the tonality and tonal colour of some instruments and even male vocals.


Bass guitars - a tad less hefty, more mellow and rasping.

Double basses - similar to bass guitars sound characteristics but retains its sonorous sound.

Bass trumpets - less fuller and less richer overtones.

Bass kick drums - retains its resonance but sounds more precise and tighter but compared to Brass Tuning Nozzle settings, it sounds tad softer and less menacing.


Basses - it has a less darker tone but retains its deep resonant rumbling on its voice tail.

Bass-baritones - Still has a deep but again less voluminous that it will give less warmth, less darker and in lacking of fuller tone.

Black Ring Silver Tuning Nozzles

it has leaner and less denser mid bass as it has more bass shelf across the mid bass towards the lower midrange. It gives that cleaner and a tad tighter bass response at the expense of a textured and more natural sound bass clef instruments.

Like the Red Ring Silver Tuning Nozzle setting, it has more resonating and reverberating sub bass presence but here are the tonal and timbre sound quality from the instruments and vocals.


Bass guitars - a tad less hefty, more mellow and rasping.

Double basses - similar to bass guitars sound characteristics but retains its sonorous sound.

Bass trumpets - less fuller and less richer overtones.

Bass kick drums - retains its resonant but sounds more precise and tighter but compared to the Brass Tuning Nozzle settings, it sounds tad softer and less menacing.


Quite similar with Red Ring Silver Nozzles sound character albeit a noticeably a tad leaner.


Red Ring Brass Tuning Nozzles

This setting gives a rather mild U-shaped as it has less notch midrange on its overall frequency range. It has a tad warmer with sufficient texture on its midrange section that affects the tonal quality on both vocals and instruments, retaining a well-balanced with sufficient details.

Vocal Types:

Male Vocals

Baritones - It has smooth, warm and rich vocals on this set, quite versatile on to give more power and authority on low octave ones like Kavalierbariton, Verdi, dramatic and noble baritones. On higher octave ones like light baritones and lyric baritones have milder and sweeter tones.

Tenor - Quite an all-rounder for all tenor types, leggero and lyric tenor have light, graceful and dazzling sound while spinto, dramatic and heldentenors have richer , powerful and emotive sound to give that brassy and ringing tone.

Countertenor - Mild, tender and passionate vocals with a tad of warmth not to sound too transparent.

Female Vocals

Contraltos - Rich, luscious and sufficiently to give that distinctive deep, well-modulated chesty husky vocals. Sounds exactly on how contralto singers should sound like in live performances.

Mezzo-sopranos - Smooth, lush and velvety sounding that gives a captivating and insouciant voice.

Sopranos - Excellent on lower notation sopranos like spinto and dramatic types as they sound rich, emotive and slightly darker tonal colour. Lyric, soubrette and coloratura types sound great as they sound gleaming but less energetic and less open sounding.



Guitars - Balanced and warm sounding on both acoustic and electric guitars with a good amount of sonic blooms on every pluck of its strings.

Violins - It sounds quite solemn, lustrous and sensuous on every stroking on its bow strings.

Cellos - Full, silky and sweet sounding, this instrument is known for its versatility in terms of tonal variety across its overall register.


Piccolos - Graceful, sweet and delicate sounding.

Concert Flutes - Sounds relatively mellow, rich and silvery.

Clarinets - They have a lustrous, dramatic and warm sound on them.

Saxophones - similar to clarinets but they sound more round, sonorous and earthy.


Trumpets - Full, magnificent and vivid sounding.

Trombones - They have this powerful and metallic sounding.

Horns - It has a warm, full and velvety sound on them.

Tubas - Ponderous, broad and robust sound that gives this instrument's non-transposing nature.


Tom-toms - Warm and resonant sound with that hardness in every stroke.

Snare drums - Hard, precise with some tad shuffling sound on them.

Tenor drums - Venerable and full sounding

Kettledrums - It has a mellow, deep and velvety sound.

Pianos - Well-balanced tone as it has a warm and some bell-like and vivid sound.

Red Ring Silver Tuning Nozzles

Noticeably, it presents a tad more recessed and a bit leaner on its midrange presentation. Its sound is clearer, transparent and a bit more energetic compared to brass nozzles at the expense of less warmth. This type of tuning will be more advantageous on female vocals and some instruments, mainly strings and woodwinds.

Vocal Types:

Male Vocals

Baritones - Due to less warmth sound compared to the Brass Tuning Nozzles settings, it gives some less richness and plush on these vocal types but sounds good on both light and lyric baritones.

Tenors - Somehow it gives a brighter and dazzling sound on leggero and lyric tenors.

Countertenors - Still has a tender and emotive sound but it has a bolder and added vividness.

Female Vocals

Contraltos - Definitely less richer and lacking a bit of heft that affects the smokiness, depth and power of distinctive chesty vocals.

Mezzo-sopranos - Fiery with some semblance of smooth and velvety vocal characteristics.

Sopranos - The setting of these tuning nozzles will give more prominent sound on lyric and coloratura types of this particular voice type as it has projects more agile, energetic and spacious sound that these types of sopranos should sound like.



Guitars - More brighter and crisp sound on its string notations as it is more prevalent on acoustics-type ones.

Violins - Sounds more vibrant, lively and clear on every stroking on its bow strings.

Cellos - With the tonal versatility of these instruments, it sounds clear, vibrant and brilliant.


Piccolos - Intense, bright and clear sounding.

Concert Flutes - It has an airy, brilliant and rich sound.

Clarinets - They have a bright and expressive sound on them.

Saxophones - it has a bright to the point being incisive, it also has brilliance and reedy sound on them.


Trumpets - Vibrant, brilliant and vivid sounding.

Trombones - Intense powerful and metallic sounding as I describe it.

Horns - They have a less warm, sustaining and sonorous sound

Tubas - Hearty and resonant sounding.


Tom-toms - it has less warmth and resonant sound with that bright in every stroke.

Snare drums - Bright, precise and a tad sharp sounding.

Tenor drums - Perhaps they sound hard, sharp and menacing.

Kettledrums - Dry and resonant sounding.

Pianos - it seems to diverge more on the brighter tone as they have a crisp and vivid sound.

Black Ring Silver Tuning Nozzles:

It appears that it has similar midrange presentation with the Red Ring Silver Tuning Nozzles albeit this one has even brighter and offers more bite. This tuning might be too sensitive to some listeners as it offers more energetic and instances of possible shrill sound on female vocals and too much boost on strings, brass and woodwinds.

Vocal Types:

Male vocals

Baritones - While its voice appears to sound smooth but it is noticeable even more leaner that we will probably look for texture and depth of its note.

Tenors - Similar to the Red Ring Tuning Nozzle sound quality albeit it is more apparent to sound even more bright and tinny.

Countertenors - tender, expressive yet it sounds even more intense and vivid.

Female vocals

Contraltos - It sounds even less natural as it sounds too lean and inadequate lushness to give that husky and smoky voice.

Mezzo-sopranos - Almost the same sound characteristics with countertenors in this particular tuning nozzle setting.

Sopranos - Shimmering and brilliant sounding to project the openness and energetic nature of both lyric and coloratura-type of sopranos although it might sound a bit too intense that it will sound more shrilly and metallic.



Guitars - Crisp, bright and a tad dry sounding on every pluck on its notation strings.

Violins - Sounds more vibrant, lively and clear on every stroking on its bow strings.

Cellos - Full, silky and sweet sounding, this instrument is known for its versatility in terms of tonal variety across its overall register.


Piccolos - intense, bright sounding but occasionally it has some screeching sound.

Concert flutes - Brilliant, clear and a tad shrill sounding.

Clarinets - Incisive and penetrating sound.

Saxophones - Reedy, incisive and it has this kind of “narrowing” sound.


Trumpets - Shrill, bright and penetrating sound

Trombones - They have these metallic sound characters to the point of being overpowering and intensive.

Horns - Metallic, brilliant and exceedingly intense.

Tubas - Powerful and resonant sound, has that sharp metallic sound that these particular instruments should sound have a smooth and round sound.


Tom-toms - Noticeable less warm sounding and a sharp resonant sound.

Snare drums - Bright, precise with some tad sharp sound.

Tenor drums - Hard and sonorous sounding

Kettledrums - A tad dry and dead sounding.

Pianos - similar sound characteristic with Red Ring Silver Tuning Nozzles' mode.


Red Ring Brass Tuning Nozzles

Like all SIMGOT that I've tested, their typical signature in-house has something to do with the accentuated upper-mids and presence part of the treble. This type of tuning will somehow give more definition and clarity on vocals, mainly female ones and also well-defined attack of instruments.

Looks like that it has sufficient sparkle with modest airy extension on the brilliance part in the treble region. With its tuning, it also affects the sound qualities of some treble clef instruments like cymbals, hi-hats, celestas and glockenspiels.


Cymbals - Bright and lustrous sounding.

Hi-hats - Shortened buzzing sound as if it sounds very natural in this regard.

Celestas - Mellow and sweet sounding.

Glockenspiels - Bell-like, sounds sort of lustrous.

Among the three of the tuning nozzles that SIMGOT included in EA500LM, this setting is probably the most balanced sounding out there.

Red Ring Silver Tuning Nozzles

It has a tad more elevation on the upper-mids and presence treble which boosted further the clarity and perceived resolution with added sharper attack of rhythmic and percussive instruments. Though with that boost, there will be some instances of shouty and piercing sound on vocals and instruments that might be an issue to treble-sensitives.

The brilliance treble region is notably an improvement as it has more airy extension with more vivacity on its sparkle and has more harmonics on it.


Cymbals - Bright and buzzing sounding.

Hi-hats - Still has a short buzzing sound but its marginal added sizzle.

Celestas - It has a bright and silvery sound.

Glockenspiels - Shimmering and brilliant sounding.

Black Ring Silver Tuning Nozzles

Probably the brightest sounding among its tuning nozzle settings as it has more blazing and crisper sound that it will sound even more shrilly and metallic, and some possible instances of sibilance that might be an issue to treble-sensitive folks out there.

It has a fairly well-extended treble air and is also quite glistening that also affects the timbre and tone of certain instruments.


Cymbals - Bright and shrill sounding.

Hi-hats - Still has a short buzzing sound but its marginal added sizzle.

Celestas - Silvery and silvery sound.

Glockenspiels - glistening yet thin and a tad strident sounding.


On its overall sound/speaker stage, it has a fairly average to above average sound field dimensions with just decent height reach but excellent depth. This spatial perception projects a moderate head room within my aural sense.

As for its stereo imaging presentation, it gives a rather concave-like projection where I was able to correctly locate the placements of vocal(s) and instruments in an adequately layered soundscape with reasonably good separation as if it was well-spaced for a single dynamic driver IEM.

Coherency of its driver is quite laudable as it has a very fast transient response to transmit a clear sound quality without any distortion. Resolution capability-wise, the EA500LM has a solid macro-dynamics with a capable micro-detail retrieval that it can extract some nuances and subtleties from an audio track.



  • The predecessor model of EA500LM as both share the same structural design and detachable nozzle system but internally it uses 10mm DLC diaphragm in dual cavity configuration of its dynamic driver. It has an aluminium alloy shell chassis and also has a heft on it. Aside from similar packaging and inclusions, the difference between the are the stock cables in which this set uses a silver-plated OFC cable with an L-shaped termination plug and its offers a two pairs of detachable tuning nozzles in different tuning curves.
  • The EA500 has two sound profiles, the standard Harman target curve and a SIMGOT in-house which is also derivative of a Harman target curve. The standard Harman has a more sub bass-focus, inert mid bass response, a leaner, less-textured midrange as I noticed the male vocals less depth and volume on their note density, and then, a smooth and even treble response. On the other hand, the SIMGOT in-house tuning curve has more textured, more warmth but due to emphasis on upper mids and presence treble, it has a tad brighter sound with some occasional sibilance on it. In this regard, The Red Ring Brass Nozzle of the EA500LM is a refinement of the two.
  • As for technical performance, the original EA500 still has a bit wider sound/speaker stage due to more height reach and broader lateral span and its stereo imaging projects a more three-dimensional presentation. The rest of technical aspects are similar with the EA500LM in which the latter has a bit better resolution capability.

The SIMGOT revolution keeps raging on as they always release a product which will yield a high percentage of success for its appeal and overall quality from construction to sonic performance in which SIMGOT always delivers. And this set is a testament of this company's continuous quest of pursuing audio perfection as it has an exceptional build quality, well-tuned sound quality at affordable price.

The big question is, is the EA500LM an improvement over the EA500? Yes and No, Yes is for improvement as SIMGOT continues its tuning refinement with choices of drivers to deliver such a more polished sound quality, and No is because the changes of its tuning between the sets aren't that wide that I will consider it as an upgrade. I can certainly recommend this set to other audio enthusiasts who don't have or didn't try the original EA500 as their path towards SIMGOT Revolution.

SIMGOT EA500LM is still available at LINSOUL. You can simply click the unaffiliated link that I've provided below.


If you are interested in my previous SIMGOT product reviews, check out the following provided links below.








PLUG TYPE: 3.5mm

TRACKS TESTED: ( * = 16-bit FLAC, ** = 24-bit FLAC, *'* = MQA, '*' = DSD, *'= .WAV)

Alison Krauss -When You Say Nothing At All *
Jade Wiedlin - Blue Kiss**
Led Zeppelin - When The Levee Breaks **
Mountain - Mississippi Queen *
Queen - Killer Queen **
Guns N' Roses - Patience *'*
Eric Clapton - Tears in Heaven '*'
Sergio Mendes- Never Gonna Let You Go '*'
Pearl Jam - Daughter **
Roselia - Hidamari Rhodonite *
Assassin - Fight (To Stop The Tyranny)*
Celtic Frost- Visual Aggression *
New Order - Blue Monday *
The Corrs- What Can I do (unplugged version) *
Jimi Hendrix Experience - Voodoo Child *
The Madness- Buggy Trousers *
Metallica - Motorbreath **
Mariah Carey- Always Be My Baby *
Destiny's Child - Say My Name *
Malice Mizer- Au Revoir *
Mozart - Lacrimosa *
New York Philharmonic Orchestra - Dvorak- Symphony 9 " From the New World." *
Eva Cassidy - Fields of Gold (Sting cover)*
Michael Jackson - Give In To Me *
Exciter - Violence and Force *
Diana Krall - Stop This World **
Debbie Gibson - Foolish Beat *'*
The Sisters of Mercy – Lucretia My Reflection**
Suzanne Vega – Luka **
Lauren Christy – Steep *
Ottoman Mehter - Hucum Marsi *
Diana Damrau - Mozart: Die Zauberflöte*
Type O Negative - Black No.1 *
Felix Ayo - Vivaldi: Presto **
Three Tenors - Nessum Dorma *
Mercyful Fate - Witches' Dance *


I am not affiliated to SIMGOT  nor receive monetary incentives and financial gains as they provide me a review unit for an exchange of factual and sincere feedback from yours truly.

Once again, I would like to send my gratitude to MS. KAREENA TANG of LINSOUL for providing this review unit. I truly appreciate her generosity and trust towards me and other reviewers.

Last edited:


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Decent accessory line-up
Solid build, elegant aesthetics
Easily driven
Above average isolation
3 tuning nozzles to bestow versatility in tonality
Well-balanced on gold/red nozzle
Excellent technicalities, good soundstage width and imaging
Natural timbre
Cons: Mirror-like finish may be prone to smudges or scratches
Shouty/harsh on black-silver nozzle
Not for bassheads; bass could do with a touch better texturing

I would like to thank Simgot for providing this review unit.

The EA500LM can be gotten here: (no affliliate links).

EA500LM 1.jpeg

  • Driver configuration: Lithium-magnesium diaphragm dynamic driver
  • Impedance: 21 ohms
  • Frequency response: 20 Hz - 20 kHz
  • Sensitivity: 123dB/Vrms (@1kHz gold/red nozzle), 123dB/Vrms (@1kHz silver/red nozzle), 124dB/Vrms (@1kHz silver/black nozzle)
  • Cable: 2-pin, 0.78 mm; 3.5 mm termination. Silver-plated OFC wire
  • Tested at: $89.99 USD


EA500LM 6.jpeg

Other than the IEM, these are included:
- 3 pairs of silicone eartips (S/M/L)
- Cable
- Carrying case
- 3 pairs of tuning nozzles
- Spare silicone rings

The accessories are decent for a sub-$100 set, perhaps other than the lack of other types of eartips.

EA500LM 10.jpg

The silicone eartips are serviceable from a sonic and comfort perspective, though it would have been nice to have a wider selection of tips, be it foam or silicone ones.

EA500LM 8.jpeg

Simgot has provided a silver-plated OFC cable, sheathed with anti-oxidation PVC. This is well-braided but is somewhat tangly. Thankfully, there's a chin cinch for added grip.

EA500LM 9.jpeg

There's an ovoid zipper leatherette case, with inner webbing to store accessories, and a bunch of spare silicone ring identifiers.

EA500LM 7.jpg

Lastly, we have 3 pairs of tuning nozzles, which we will go into further detail below.

EA500LM 3.jpeg

The rest of this review was done with the stock cable and stock silicone tips. No aftermarket accessories were used, so as not to add any confounders to the sound.


EA500LM 2.jpeg

The EA500LM is fashioned from CNC etched alloy. It comes in a tear-drop shape design, with a mirror-like finish. While this is elegant, it may be a fingerprint or scratch magnet.

The shells are light and ergonomic, and are designed from accumulated data of 3D ear models. Indeed, comfort is top-notch for long listening sessions, with no awkward protrusions to poke the ears.

I did not find any driver flex on my pair. Isolation is above average in view of the vented acoustics.


The EA500LM - as per its "LM" namesake - utilizes a lithium-magnesium diaphragm dynamic driver.

Tuning nozzles are all the rage nowadays, and unexpectedly, this set comes with 3 pairs of tuning nozzles. Unlike other "tunable" IEMs that are gimmicky with minimal changes in tonality, I'm glad to report that the tuning nozzles of the EA500LM do contribute to some tonal differences:
Simgot EA500LM Final.jpg

Graphs of the Simgot EA500LM via IEC711 coupler. 8 kHz is a coupler artefact.

Simgot is known for its bright Harmanish house sound, and the black/silver and silver/red nozzles are tuned in the same vein as this stock house sound, bringing a thin but resolving and transparent soundscape, with solid technicalities to the table.

For the pinna-gain sensitive, the gold/red nozzle is a better match, toning down the upper mids and lower treble as per the graphs above, though with a slight compromise in resolution. This gold/red nozzle combination provides a thicker note weight than the basic Simgot tuning, with more meat to the bones.

The first 2 nozzles will suit the trebleheads and vocal lovers, with the silver/red nozzle being kind of a midpoint compromise if you want something more analytical but less fatiguing. Personally, I am not a fan of the overly bright silver/black config, and mostly utilized the more laid-back gold/red setup.


I tested the EA500LM with the following sources:
- Apple dongle
- Cayin RU7
- Chord Mojo 2
- Fiio KA11 dongle
- Fiio KA17 dongle
- Khadas Tone Board -> Schiit Asgard 3 amp
- Questyle M15 DAC/AMP dongle
- Sony Walkman NW A-55 DAP (Walkman One WM1Z Plus v2 Mod)
- Sony Walkman NW A-55 DAP (Walkman One Neutral Mod)
- Sony Walkman NW WM1A DAP (Walkman One WM1Z Plus v2 Mod)
- Smartphone

This IEM is easily driven, and additional amplification is not 100% required.


EA500LM 4.jpeg

The following impressions were done with the gold/red nozzle installed.

On this setup, the EA500LM has a Harmanish tonality that is quite crowd-pleasing. Simgot has taken on feedback from their previous IEMs, to shave off a few dB from the zealous upper mids of their house sound with this gold/red tuning nozzle.

Bass is focused at the sub-bass, though there is a sub-bass roll-off. This IEM is hence not for bassheads. While there is no mid-bass bleed, the texturing can be one-noted at times, though it is relatively speedy during complex bass movements.

The lower midrange is clean and transparent, with just a touch of mid-bass warmth. With a 9 dB ear gain on the gold/red nozzle, the upper mids are forwards but relatively shout-free, which is a very tough line to balance. The other 2 nozzles have a more zealous upper midrange, and I find the gold/red one to be the most restrained of the lot for this frequency band.

Treble is moderately extended, though this isn't the most airy of IEMs. We have decent resolution and clarity retained, though not veering to too much fatigue. Sibilance is just slight, with no splashy high hats or cymbals.

Timbre is realistic and authentic, in keeping with its single DD roots. No complaints here.

The EA500LM is a really solid in technicalities, for a sub-$100 USD single DD. Soundstage is wide, with accurate imaging and solid layering (soundstage height and depth are above average). There's a good sprinkling of micro-details and fast transients noted.


The EA500LM will be compared against other sub-$100 USD single DDs. Planars, multi-BAs, and hybrids are left out as the different driver types have their pros and cons.
The gold/red nozzle is used on the EA500LM for the comparisons.

Simgot EA500 (original)

Simgot EA500 versus EA500LM.jpg

Graphs of the Simgot EA500LM versus OG EA500, via IEC711 coupler. 8 kHz is a coupler artefact.

The OG EA500 has only 2 tuning nozzles, and both have less sub-bass than the EA500LM's 3 tuning nozzles.

When compared to the gold/red nozzle on the EA500LM, the EA500 is a tinge thinner in note weight, with a less natural timbre. The EA500 has slightly better micro-detailing, but loses in soundstage and bass extension. The EA500 is easier to drive.

In the big scheme of things, considering the EA500LM is about 10 bucks more than the OG EA500, it is an incremental upgrade and not a night-and-day different IEM. You get a slightly more refined IEM with an extra tuning nozzle in a way, but for existing owners of the OG EA500, perhaps there is not great value proposition to procure the newer EA500LM.

Oriveti OD100

The OD100 is a brighter IEM - it is shoutier in the upper mids, more sibilant in the treble, with less bass. Overall, this contributes to the OD100 sounding more fatiguing than the gold/red nozzle config on the EA500LM.

Timbre is worse on the OD100, and it is technically a league behind, with the OD100 having inferior micro-detailing, soundstage and layering.

The OD100 can be worn cable down or over-ears, so fit is a bit more versatile, but it is has no tuning nozzles to vary the tonality.

Moondrop Aria 2

The Aria 2 follows the virtual diffuse sound field (VDSF) - which is essentially Moondrop's in-house variant of the Harman curve.

Tonally, the Aria 2 has less bass, but is a tinge brighter. It hence sounds more sterile. Technically, the Aria 2 is slightly poorer, with a smaller soundstage and weaker imaging/micro-detailing.


EA500LM 5.jpeg

It is rare to find a budget IEM that does well in most departments. Verily, most budget gear have compromises in some form or other, but the EA500LM manages to do well in the 3Ts of tonality, technicalities and timbre.

Accessories, aesthetics and build are good for the coin, and it is easily driven. There are 3 tuning nozzles to spice up tonal options, from a bright analytical-focused tuning to a slightly tamer Harmanish fare, to suit different ear sensitivities and preferences. Timbre is impeccable, and technicalities as alluded to, are solid. Soundstage width and imaging are really well done, even when compared against other single DD sets under a 100 bucks.

Well nothing is perfect, and there are admittedly some small nitpicks. The bass perhaps could do with better texturing, and the black/silver nozzle may be overly fatiguing for all but the most diehard of trebleheads.

Nevertheless, as an overall package, the EA500LM is certainly multifaceted and polished, and would be one of my go-to recommendations for a high-performing sub-$100 single DD set.
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Nice review, thank you for your time and sharing


100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Highly technical improved dynamic driver
Fast attack and decay in the bass
Detailed, spacious and airy sound
Surprisingly not fatiguing
Good fit
Angled nozzles
Easily modifiable
Cons: Tuning nozzles don't make a big difference
Intense tonality that some people may find harsh
Fingerprint magnet
EA500LM is Simgot's latest release at the date of this review. Just by the name, it promises to continue the legacy of the now legendary EA500. LM name comes from the materials used in the drivers which are Lithium and Magnesium, so it doesn’t stand for “Limited”. Apart from the tuning, the price was also increased to 89.99 USD and they added another pair of tuning nozzles to the package.



Simgot EA500LM was provided to me by Simgot for free and I only paid for the customs fee. As I always say, everyone is biased one way or another so take everything you read with a grain of salt. Also I will try to be more concise and to the point in my reviews from now on without worrying about the word count etc. If you have any questions, please ask me in the comments and I will try to answer them to the best of my abilities.

Build and Accessories of Simgot EA500LM​


Earpieces of the EA500LM are identical to the original EA500; it’s made fully out of metal, only darker in color. If you like EA500’s fit, then you don’t need to worry at all. Domes of the drivers powering them are, like I said above, made using Lithium and Magnesium.


Packaging and its contents are identical to the original EA500 and EM6L. For those who don’t know, EA500LM comes with an unbranded carrying case, a thin but decent cable, 3 pairs of eartips, 3 pairs of tuning nozzles and spare O rings. Well tuning nozzles and O rings are exclusive to EA500 brothers.


Sound of Simgot EA500LM​


EA500LM didn’t stray far from the usual Simgot sound. Although they come with 3 tuning nozzles, gold and silver with red rings sound very close. Gold nozzles have tuning foams in them and they somewhat soften the sound but don’t alter the peaks too much so I decided to use the silver nozzles with red rings which don’t feel like they are holding back the IEMs. Nozzles with black filters collect dust since even the other nozzles are already very bright. If only gold nozzles made more difference.


Compared to its predecessor, bass gained some heft and weight. It also extends deeper into the subbass and rumbles more. Attack and decay is very fast and it’s one of the aspects that convinces you that Simgot again used very high quality drivers.

Mids are lovely as always but intensity is somewhat increased. I know some of you find EW200 shouty and harsh and you are probably going to find EA500LM shouty and harsh too. But even in long listening sessions I didn’t feel fatigued at all. Like upper mids, treble is also elevated but unless I cranked up the volume it didn’t feel harsh for me. Instead it sounded very airy and sparkly.


After EA500, I wouldn’t believe they would improve upon it but they actually did. In almost every way they improved subjective experience. I don’t think Simgot achieved it only with the tuning, if that were the case, EW200 would also be superior to the original EA500. EA500LM is highly detailed with great instrument separation. It also feels very spacious and imaging is very precise. I will elaborate in the comparisons section.



Simgot EA500 (original) vs. EA500LM​

This is the obligatory comparison and I’m not the only one to compare them. However for the sake of convenience I will refer to them as OG and LM in this part.


  • LM is slightly harder to drive.
  • Bass on LM has more weight and more power behind it and extends deeper into the subbass. In some songs, bass guitars on the OG sound more prominent but that’s probably caused by the LM having more treble energy.
  • Both have incredible mids presentations. OG is slightly cleaner and also less shouty and less intense.
  • One is not harsher than the other, surprisingly. Although LM is slightly brighter, shoutier and more intense, they stop at the same line when it comes to harshness and fatigue. In fact LM is slightly more controlled in the treble.
  • Timbre is slightly better on the OG but LM is more spacious. LM is more detailed and has more defined notes. Imaging is also sharper on the LM.


After comparing them for longer than I usually do, I actually couldn’t pick a conclusive winner. LM doesn’t replace the OG for me and OG is still relevant in my opinion. If you want to avoid some shout and treble energy, OG might suit you better. But improvements in technical aspects and bass region cannot be ignored.

EA500LM vs Moondrop May​

Moondrop May has become one the most enjoyable IEMs for me and a default recommendation under 100 USD so I really wanted to put them against each other.


  • May’s bass is more tactile, more impactful and rumblier but EA500LM’s bass is faster in decay and shows its capability in the first attack.
  • May’s mids are, although forward, not intrusive. EA500LM is shoutier and more aggressive in the mids, especially in the upper region. Still it is tastefully done in my personal opinion. May has more body in the lower mids. Bass guitars are also more prominent on May.
  • EA500LM is more susceptible to sibilance, May is as safe and inoffensive as can be. EA500 is much brighter.
  • May has a more agreeable timbre. EA500LM’s timbre is although very good, the treble energy it has sometimes throws off the balance.
  • EA500 is technically superior in almost every way. It feels more spacious and detailed. Although May is no slouch, it sounds blunted compared to EA500LM. Imaging is also sharper on EA500LM


It was fun comparing them and I can definitely say I’m glad to own them both. EA500LM is highly technical with Simgot’s bright tuning, May is very versatile thanks to its cable with less technical capability.


Although Simgot named these EA500LM, like I said in the comparisons section, I don’t think these replace the original EA500. In fact I think EA500LM is the default upgrade if you liked the EW200. Tuning is different enough to keep OG and LM both even though they improved LM technically. EA500 was already a benchmark below 100 USD and LM also became one. The only nitpick I can make is, gold and silver red nozzles aren’t that different. If only one of the nozzles made them closer to the OG EA500. Fine, I will do it myself.
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100+ Head-Fier
Simgot EA500LM Review - "Refinement doesn't always have to cost more"
Pros: - Very technical for a single DD
- Easy-to-like tonality, not too coloured
- Excellent extension on both ends
- Great build quality
- EQ friendly
Cons: - Stock cable only available in 3.5mm, quite mediocre
- Bass might sound a tad lean
Disclaimer: Simgot provided me with a review unit. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Unaffiliated link here.


Introduction and Packaging Impression​

Simgot EA500LM ($89.99) is a single dynamic driver IEM with all metal body and swappable tuning nozzles. It is an incremental improvement over EA500, with the "LM" here referring to their new diaphragm material, lithium-magnesium (previously, it was DLC diaphragm in EA500). Back in early 2023, EA500 made a huge waves for being the "new benchmark under $100", dethroning the ever-popular Moondrop Aria. Personally, I was not really impressed by EA500 sound-wise, but I was intrigued at the accessories and potential tuning possibilities with the release of EA500 tuning kit. I guess all that experimentation bore fruit in this revision of EA500, the LM version sounds to me like a huge leap over the original, despite a modest $10 price increase.





The packaging is virtually identical to EA500 with a difference in the cover art. There are also very similar set of accessories, with the EA500LM having an extra set of different type of tuning nozzle (the default gold nozzle). There are a set each of S/M/L eartips, a stock 3.5mm cable, and a hard carrying case. For the price, this is one of the most generous accessories set, although I do hope that they can provide a 4.4mm cable option.

Sound Impression​

Sources: SMSL H300+D300 stack, Fiio Q15, Hiby FC6, Simgot DEW4X, Fiio M11S, L&P W2-131, Hiby Digital M300
Setup: Stock L size eartips, stock cable (3.5mm), Simgot LC7 cable (4.4mm)
Music Sources: Local FLAC (redbook/hi-res), Tidal Masters, Apple Music Lossless

The IEM has undergone a 24-hour burn-in at a medium volume for prior to the review.

Listening impression is a very subjective experience depending on individual ear shape, choice of eartips, music library, and personal preferences, so your experience may vary. I personally listen mostly to pop, jazz, some rock, and very limited metal.

First, I have to address the tuning nozzles. This is my brief impressions of each of them:
- Gold with red ring (default): the smoothest nozzle, no sibilance nor sharpness, decent details and treble texture
- Silver with black ring: sparklier than the default nozzle, most detailed and textured at the cost of being the sharpest, closest to Simgot's target
- Silver with red ring: in-between tuning between the other two nozzle, some more treble texture and moderate sharpness, closest to Harman target

Trying out all three nozzle, I prefer the gold nozzle in the end due to the smoothness and tonal balance across the spectrum. I will proceed with the review with this nozzle.

The EA500LM tuning seems to be based on general Harman target direction (DF neutral with bass boost), with subbass emphasis that slopes into midrange smoothly, giving it a mild U-shape signature. It is definitely targeting a more neutral-leaning group of listeners. The technicalities are pretty impressive for the price range, most notably in the bass and treble extension, giving a very wide dynamic range. The timbre is natural and organic.


I think EA500LM has a very clean bass with decent amount of subbass rumble. The bass expression is on the faster and lean side with snappier attack and somewhat short delay, having enough sustain to keep it from sounding too thin. The quantity and texture aren't basshead level, but adding some bass with PEQ would easily solve that in case you need more bass. Luckily, the the driver is very receptive to EQ very well and does not distort when pushed. The bass texture is quite detailed and deep. For most genres and types of listeners, the bass is adequate and enjoyable.


EA500LM delivers an excellent midrange, easily the strongest element of the IEM. The midrange does sound more forward without sacrificing the bass and treble details. The layering of vocals and instruments is clean and impeccable, bringing out a very nuanced performance out of both male and female vocalists. There are enough thickness and weight to the midrange to also render most midrange instruments like guitar and saxophone very well.


There is enough treble energy in EA500LM to bright out the airiness and details in the treble. The treble extension is quite exemplary for this price range and the texture is impressive without being shouty or sibilant. Throughout my listening sessions, I did not experience any excessively sharp notes that I normally found with similarly-graphed IEMs.


The soundstage of EA500LM is moderately sized, closer to a small studio or cafe, more on the width than the height. The resolution is amazing due to that excellent treble extension, bringing out the subtle details in live performances very well. Imaging and layering are great despite the modest soundstage, which I attributed to the excellent lithium-magnesium driver here.

Driving Requirements & Pairing Suggestion​


(with Simgot LC7 upgrade cable)

EA500LM is very easy to drive, even through 3.5mm single-ended outputs. With more power, it does scale a decent amount on the stock cable, but with the LC7 upgrade cable, it does open up even more: snappier bass, wider soundstage, and improved dynamics.

Select Comparisons​

Simgot EA500 ($79):
I think EA500LM is a straight upgrade to EA500. If you like EA500, you will be very likely enjoy the EA500LM more. The subbass extension is improved while taming in the sharpness in the upper midrange. Resolution is also increased, soundstage is slightly larger, and the layering is improved. To be perfectly honest, with EA500LM, there is very little reason to buy EA500.

Simgot EM6L ($110):
Slightly moving up the price tier in Simgot to EM6L, I personally prefer the EA500LM. The EM6L might take an edge in resolution and layering, but my biggest issue with it was the coherence. EA500LM is smoother and being a single-driver IEM, it has no issues with coherence while keeping very close technical performance to EM6L. Timbre is also more natural on the EA500LM. Depending on individual preferences, I can still see how EM6L might be preferred over EA500LM, but personally I think EA500LM is a winner.

Simgot EA1000 ($219):
Quite an unfair comparison here, but this is just to highlight a diminishing returns in audio. EA1000 easily beats EA500LM in both technical and tonal aspects: the EA1000 has higher resolution and wider soundstage, having stronger subbass rumble and texture. However, the difference between EA500LM and EA1000 is much closer that it is between EA500 and EA1000. The EA500LM sounds like a more laid-back version of EA1000, while giving it a more relaxed technicalities and more balanced tonal characteristics for a much cheaper price.

Moondrop Aria 2 ($90):
Another steadfast contender in under $100 range, the recently released Aria 2 is pretty similar in tuning to EA500LM. Tonally, I find Aria 2 is slightly warmer and darker, with weaker resolution but wider soundstage. Both are excellent improvements over their respective predecessors, however I think that the leap that EA500LM made over EA500 is much more significant than Aria 2 over Aria. As a whole package, I personally prefer the EA500LM.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts​

EA500LM positioning is weird, which I feel kind of cannibalizing Simgot's own product line (especially the EA500 and EM6L), a move that I really respect Simgot for. This thought came to me because I find EA500LM to be way too good for its price range and at the current state of the market, I believe that this is indeed the current under $100 benchmark. I am very thoroughly impressed by Simgot by beginning 2024 this strong, and I do hope for an even stronger year this year too. I am highly recommending the EA500LM.
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A great review, I too prefer the LM over the original ea500. In fact just yesterday I gave my ea500 to one of my sons, who loved its sound. I think it’s a reasonable upgrade over the ea500.
I have had my LM's for a week now. I have found that the Brass nozzle with Final E-Type tips works best for me. In comparing them to other single DD's in my set, the closest I can find to the LM signature are the MEZE RAI SOLO. Everyone trashed them when they came out, but I found them to be just as good as the LM's for micro, macro and soundstage. Of course the MEZE are $200, but that was several years ago when they came out.,. LM's definitely punch above their weight. Now I have the KATO and MEZE back in my rotation for a wonderful comparison. Great review. Thank you!


Headphoneus Supremus
Simgot EA500LM
Pros: Solid all metal build
Excellent for music and gaming
Upgraded driver from the EA500
Good passive isolation for outdoor use
New sub bass boosted bass performance
More technical than the EA500
Tuning nozzle gives some variance to Harmon tunings
Fully balanced treble.
Well imaged and detailed mids.
Sub bass boost, impactful moderate bass.
Scales to amplification, better cables and tips
Cons: Less forward lower mids
Accessories are passable.
Single set of tips
Noodly skinny cable
A bit less forgiving of source used
Tuning goes from clear-bright-glaring
Which brings the question. Why?
Simgot EA500LM

I remember when I was approached by Fia Lam of Simgot to do a review of the Simgot EA500. I was thinking OK yet another single dynamic IEM. Hey why not, so I agreed to give it a good listen and write up my thoughts in the form of a review for the EA500. Little did I know that Simgot was on a roll with their line up of IEMs. Then soon followed the release of their EA1000. OK now we are heading into the higher end sound segment and now we have a new EA500 revision in the EA500LM. The LM boasts some new addition to its make up in that it is using a completely new dynamic driver. The single dynamic design mostly remains the same from the prior EA500 model using the same housing with their dual magnetic, dual cavity design but this time using a Lithium Magnesium alloy dome diaphragm vs the Diamond Like carbon composite diaphragm used in the EA500.

Different driver material yields a tonal and performance shift from the prior EA500. Does that equate to a superior IEM? The quick answer to that is yes it is but not exactly a superior SQ upgrade. Let me explain. Testing the EA500 vs the EA500LM using their default filters both have similar tunings but where I notice a difference comes in the form of technicalities. EA500LMs driver seems to be a level above the prior EA500 in resolution. The sound stage seems a bit wider vs the EA500 which is a result of the more detailed and less forward lower mids of the LM version. Gives an increase of imaging and sound separation from the EA500. Then the tunging got a bit of a tweak it seems as well. Bass digs a bit deeper in the LM and trebles seem just a smidge smoother. All leading to a nice refresh of the EA500 in the EA500LM. While the technical level is not exactly at the EA1000 level. There really aren’t going to be too many single dynamics in the sub $100 level that will out technical these things so once again Simgot is offering the enthusiast something that is worth taking a good look at in its price category. However just because an IEM shows better technical characteristics does not automatically make it a clear upgrade.


Disclaimers: I would like to thank Fia Lam of Simgot for providing a sample of the EA500LM for the purpose of a review. They have been burned in for a period of a week's time and are now ready for evaluation using my sources. IFI signature, Fiio K9 pro ESS, Fiio M15, M15S, IBasso DX300Max. IBasso PB5 amp. You can purchase a set for you here

Single dynamics will alway have a place in the audiophiles collection of IEMs simply due to their best in class timbral characteristics, natural tonal character and seamless coherence for the various sound tunings. In general Simgot is like an alternate Moondrop or Dunu in that they generally tune based on harmon curves with all the Harmon tropes both good and bad depending on how you like your harmon tunings. Simgots are generally balanced designs with some outstanding technical aspects to their IEMs. This being said, it is unusual to see a manufacturer make IEMs with exotic dynamic materials at the prices these guys are charging which leads to another aspect that your enthusiasts will gravitate to. It seems each manufacturer that makes these are striving for “better” performance out of the materials they chose with their house tuning aspects. This leads directly to what Simgot does best and is offering the EA500LM under the magical $100 mark for IEMs. What was clear to me on even open listening to the EA500LM was that these are a different take on what they have established with the prior EA500 and in some way a bit of an upgrade in the sound department. But this aspect will more or less be about what one likes in a sound profile. I have seen the various reviews online about the EA500LM and the views about them are, more or less, varied. From my own subjective view, on a technical level yes these are better than the EA500 and have slight sound tweaks to the same formula. Does it warrant another purchase if you own the EA500? The EA500LM to my ears leans a bit more toward being a side grade vs a clear upgrade. I think your average sound loving person that buys an IEM for occasional music listening or gaming using one of these IEMs would find just as much enjoyment out of the old EA500 which is about $10 cheaper vs the EA500LM. Now if you're a hobbyist and collect as many good to great sounding IEMs that suit your musical taste. Yes these are worth diving into just for that driver upgrade and the technical enhancements it provides.

What they come with.
The EA500LM comes with the darker gray colored shiny chromatic shells. Its all metal universal design is about medium size, oval design with a fairly shorter nozzle. The entire housing was made to fit inside your ears. Overall the design is identical to the older EA500 in just about every way. Same shape, same materials for the sounds, same cavity design with similar interchangeable tuning nozzles. They have included a new colorway for the included single ended cable to match with the EA500LM. This silver plated OFC cable will show you what the EA500LM is about but is by no means optimizing the full potential of the EA500LM. Includes their standard oval shaped all black zip up case. A bunch of extra nozzle rings two sets of extra nozzles that slightly rebalance the tuning and a single set of silicone tips. You can’t expect a huge variety of tips and a premium cable for a sub $100 IEM. This is basically Simgot telling you. You need to get some better upgraded cables and use your better tips. If you plan on maximizing the sound of the EA500LM. I highly suggest you look into your collection of tips and cables to enhance what they are about.

Dynamic based IEMs do extremely well when amped. If you want to maximize the dynamic contrast of your EA500LM and its overall performance, it can easily be driven from a simple source but it is when using your DAPs balanced out that will get you that extra bit of power so you will have to use another cable to do that anyway is my point. Might as well get something that suits the sound character of the EA500LM to your liking is my point. More copper based cable for fullness, warmth, a smoother treble with the boldest bass. A more silver based cable to highlight the technical aspects of the EA500LM to a greater extent or a mixture of both to get the best of both aspects from a cable to use on the EA500LM.

This review is mostly based on what was included but just know these sound better to my ears in balanced configuration using an aftermarket cable. Using Simgot’s own upgraded cable, the LC7. Brings bigger fuller dynamics an expansion of its stage, better sounding in every way possible vs the stock cable.

Use cases.
It is interesting to me that the descriptor for the EA500LM states it can be used for both music and gaming. Considering Simgot IEMs in general have good to great imaging, this makes a lot of sense to me. Testing the EA500LM with my Retroid Pocket 4pro and the DEW4X. OK now I can understand what Simgot meant by these being good for gaming, and I have to agree. These are not just good for gaming, they are excellent for media in general. The DEW4X dac/amp by the way is an excellent portable source for your phones/ gaming devices as it counters the general brighter tonal character of their IEMs by providing a punchy dynamic, warmer sounding source. The match there is undeniable in their synergy.

Using the EA500LM on my gaming laptop out of my Fiio K9 pro. Ok now we are talking about a serious source here. I have to admit for a portable solution the DEW4X is about as easy as it gets to a source that just jives well with Simgots own IEMs but when connected to my laptop out of my Fiio K9 Pro ESS. The performance is definitely maximized. I still say the synergy with the DEW4X is better but this is the reason why I mentioned earlier that the EA500LM deserves a better cable to use in balanced out. The EA500LM easily scales with more power and amplification, preferably with a warmer sounding source.

Music out of my IBasso DX300Max and PB5 Nutube Amp. For all the guys that say EA500LM don’t sound so cohesive. That's because you haven’t heard the EA500LM out of this combo I am using for music listening. This is absolutely bonkers sounding due to just how good this combo sounds. The EA500LM scales to better sources, let me put it that way.

Harmon tuned IEMs are both good and bad depending on how you like your sound. If you're into your more warm/ smoother sounding IEMs, unfortunately that is not exactly what the Simgot house tunings are about. Simgot IEMs all have ample 10dbs of upper mid/ pinna gain which brings immediate clarity and detail. An added plus is that the tonal character of the upper harmonics for trebles and vocals also includes a touch of sweetness to the sound. Harmon tuned IEMs are generally more technical in approach and then when you have a treble that continues from the upper mids and extends over to the 8Khz range and then starts to deemphasize from there for extensions. You get a more technical leaning sound profile. Bass this time gets a bit of a sub bass boost over the original EA500. I would say it's a more technical sounding EA500 with an increase of subbass emphasis and a slight deemphasis for its mids forwardness.

I can understand what some folks mean by how they hear the EA500LM to be a bid disjointed. There is a bit of a contrast in tonal characters for this IEM. You get brighter, crisp more delicate treble notes and upper mid clarity and the detail associated with it but then you get a slight warmth, fullness and a bass bloom that introduces a bit of warmth to the overall sound.This would officially bring somewhat of a disjointed tonal character however that is not how I would perceive it.

I suppose if you had a darker sounding treble note to go along with what the EA500LM is doing that would bring a better cohesive tonal character but to be honest I don’t see it as an issue if anything this brings a bit of a multi speaker effect from what the EA500LM sounds like. It sounds like it has dedicated treble tweeters and a dedicated bass driver. As crazy as that sounds. It's not that the actual sound is disjointed, it is because there is a tonal shift from a warmer lower harmonics to thinner brighter upper harmonics.

Using the other two nozzle filters introduces even more trebles vs the stock brass nozzle. Most of my review was based on using the stock brass nozzle which I feel brings the best balanced version of the EA500LM..

Ample in emphasis and even more so using the two extra nozzles. The trebles of the EA500LM brings treble sparkle and presence for the sound balancing and it is one of those aspects that will depend a lot on how you like your treble emphasis. Simgot would not be Simgot if they had a rolled off treble or trebles that lack emphasis. I have yet to hear a Simgot IEM with a darker tonal character due to less emphasized treble. Simgot IEMs tend to lean a bit towards clarity and bright vs anything overly warm or muted especially regarding its trebles. The EA500LM here is no different if anything this area is where I feel Simgot can really give the enthusiast some real variation. The stock copper nozzle having the least amount of treble emphasis, even these will clearly have trebles being a part of its sound make up.
Simgot has introduced a kit in the past that incorporates an extra fitting nozzle with various density foams that brings down the treble emphasis to even a greater extent. Trebles are the area where some folks love a lot or don’t like even a moderate amount. I feel there is a lost opportunity to give a real variance in the treble tunings here. Because essentially what you are getting is a moderate emphasized trebles with their stock copper nozzles, silver nozzle with red ring brings even more emphasis with leans more brighter and then the silver nozzle with black ring brings the most emphasis out of the 3. It is more or less 3 different levels of emphasis in the treble department and it is just my opinion but it would be even better if they took the silver nozzle with black rings to go the opposite of the silver nozzle with red rings for a slightly warmer smoother treble signature.

This is in fact the same exact complaint I had with their EA1000 IEM. Because as it is constituted you go from sparkling to bright to glaring with these 3 nozzles. Would make more sense to go from smooth, sparkling to bright instead is my point to give a real variance on the tuning.

The trebles as it is constituted has plenty of sparkle and shimmer when called for and has a good amount of detail aspects to its make up. I do like the stock treble ability and emphasis for the base EA500LM tuning. You're getting a good balanced treble emphasis with some excellent tight transient qualities. Its solid treble emphasis provides a balanced combination of ability and presence, excellent details for trebles with a good amount of extension to boot. There is no lack for the trebles and nothing blunted in the treble presence. Shimmer and sparkles are always present for the stock tuning. Its overall presentation is balanced enough from the opposite end where there is a good amount of mid to sub bass presence to balance out its presentation.

Its included brass nozzles= best balancing of the Simgot harmon tuning.
Silver nozzle/ red ring = slightly brighter treble notes with uplift in slightly brighter tonality
Silver nozzle/ black ring= bright harmon tuning shifting sound signature toward trebles.

Mids, is a touch laid back vs the treble presence and the bass presence. I don't necessarily perceive the mids and being recessed here but it's not exactly forward in the mix either. I have seen some complaints of others saying the mids seem a bit thin sounding. Well yes when you're listening to them with the included cable and especially noticed more so when using the silver nozzles. This is where if you care enough to try for a $89 IEM, Simgots own LC7 cable. These are remarkable as it synergizes with the Simgot IEMS and provides that bit of added note weight that is missing from the stock presentation and does not actually enhance more of the treble emphasis in the process. This makes a bunch of sense that Simgots own cable synergizes well with Simgot's own IEMs. In any case the included cable is enough to show you what they are about and that is about it. It is a more technical leaning cable too meaning it provides enough transparency for the IEM to show what you are listening to but does not exactly optimize and maximize the sound of the EA500LM.

Mids technical aspects like layering, sound separation, imaging and its sense of space is good actually very good for a sub $100 IEM, even slightly better than the OG EA500. However its forward trebles and its more extended sub bass presence brings a bit of a V shaped sound profile, which is not exactly a bad thing but in doing so some may prefer a more forward lower mids presentation. The EA500LMs lower mids especially sound a bit more laid back vs the more pronounced upper mids which makes the mids sound more neutral for the mids for its balancing this time. The slightly uneven mids with the upper mid skew brings a clear- standard brass nozzle to bright- silver nozzle overall tonal character.

Mids performance varies with the sources and cables you attach to the EA500LM. A more neutral sounding source will make them sound a bit leaner. A more full bodied warm sounding source will bring more substance to how the EA500LM will sound so experimenting with your sources will certainly help if you feel the EA500LM can sound a bit thinner in makeup.

Leans more emphasis towards sub bass this time vs the OG EA500 more linear mid to sub bass emphasis. The ability of this new driver can dig deep at the same time brings excellent extension for trebles on the opposite end. The Lithium magnesium alloy dome shows it is capable of covering the entire gamut of why we listen to music in the first place. However, while I feel its speed and tactile nature is slightly improved from the prior EA500. It does not provide the same type of texture of the carbon composite dynamic used for the OG EA500. It's certainly not bad here and again it will come down to just how finicky you are with your bass presentations. Its bass performance is quite good here even though I am nit picking more than anything.

Bass end keeps up with the more technical presentation and certainly has a good solid tight quality to the sound. It's not as impactful in the mid bass for the EA500LM but certainly does not lag too far behind.

A bit of a suggestion for Simgot but if you guys want to use your Diamond like carbon for bass and this new Lithium Magnesium alloy dynamic for mids and trebles and then use the front passive radiator tech thrown in from the EA1000 for a new dual dynamic IEM. Now that would make for an interesting IEM.

Sub bass fans will like this new tuning angle vs the prior EA500s in that it does have more emphasis leaning toward sub bass and digs deeper in comparison . Where it lacks a bit of texture is easily made up for in its tight speedy presentation. Bass overall like all of Simgots IEMs are satisfactory. Some might prefer having a bit more mid bass emphasis but overall there is really not much to complain about. This slight tweak to the harmon tunings from the prior EA500 actually opens up more of the mids which leaves the tonal quality to be influenced more by the same 10dbs of upper mid gain more so than the warm low bass presence. Hence I hear a bit of sweetness on top of its overall clarity for the EA500LM. Don't know if it is due to the tonal quality brought by this material or if it is a residual effect of having ample trebles for this material.

I would say the EA500LM is a nicely technical clean sounding IEM but can be a bit strident when using their other filter sets. Which brings me to my biggest criticism for Simgot. Why include 2 even more treble infused nozzles when the stock tuning already has plenty. It would be very interesting to see an actual count of just how many folks use the other nozzles. The whole idea of the nozzle filters is to bring some variance/ variety for the tunings but so far from all their sets that have tuning nozzles, they only include nozzles that actually increase the trebles and none that actually lower the trebles. This to me does not make much sense. I get that Simgot is going for specific harmon tunings. Some of the best IEMs I have ever heard and I have heard more than a lifetime's worth of IEMs, do not adhere to Harmon tunings. I am just saying.
But then they provide a tuning kit you can buy? I know each manufacturer has their own style of tuning, be it the main tuning engineer or a committee that makes the final decision on how to design a sound. But just how many of these reviews must you guys read before you realize. Hey, maybe our Simgot harmon curve needs reinventing? A lot of these reviewers are saying the Simgot harmon curve sounds a bit bright? You have to know this bright version of the Harmon tuning is fatiguing meaning it's not the type of sound even for the most treble enthusiastic person to actually listen to for a longer period of time.

I am telling you guys. Your Harmon Target curve is too bright and this is coming from a middle aged enthusiast that don't hear as well as some of these younger folks that review these IEMs. There is a fine line of being technical and bright and technical and just right. You guys are so very close to getting Technical and just right but it isn’t just right. It is just a hair over just right. Hence the need for an actual greater variance with your tuning curves when you include your nozzles. Giving the consumer something that actually dips into the warmer side of tuning vs having 3 variations of what is essentially the same thing increasing treble presence with each one. Otherwise the trebles for the EA500LM is highly detailed and with plenty of addictive sparkle in the mix. I do like the EA500LM quite a bit and not too many sub $100 IEMs will be exactly what these Simgot IEMs are doing at the prices they are sold for. However I feel the inclusion of tuning nozzles can use a bit of a reshuffle as it is pretty much the same idea with all their IEMs. It goes from clean--glaring in treble performance.

Who prefers glaring? Not too many people I know to be honest and that is my point. Tuning nozzles are effective in getting the tonal and balancing right for the end user but if the options are just limited to bright and even brighter. That is not much of an option if I am to be honest. Simgots IEMs are definitely worth owning due to the positives I have laid out but at the same time there is potential to be even better and it has to do with the various nozzles you guys put out with the same tunings. Just some food for thought.
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If the 3 tuning nozzles had vastly different levels of treble this set would be hand down the best thing under $100 and probably under $200. Simgot so close with this one but still need to learn a bit.
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Codename john
I find the EA500 LM. Too bright and emotionally blunt. Also the lithium magnesium coated driver sounds a bit blurry compared to other Beryllium etc. Great review as per
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d m41n man

100+ Head-Fier
Simgot EA500 LM : Refined to a Tee
Pros: • Balanced Harman sound with a touch of brightness but still smoother and non-sibilant compared to the original EA500
• Lively and musical
• Non-offensive, easy to like and appeals to most tuning for the non-treble sensitive
• Impressive technicalities (width and separation) at this price point
• Nice quality glossy, durable build
Cons: • Fingerprint magnet
• Might not be for the treble sensitive but I still consider this tolerable than most
• Minimal need for the tuning nozzles. Default nozzle (gold) sounds the safest for the majority

With the pace Chi-Fi is going now, I might be late into the game with owning the Simgot EA500 LM as the majority has already given its praise to this single DD wonder. This impression piece will be a concise one as most of the details have already been discussed in previous reviews but I'm still going to outright start this review with a thumbs up recommendation at the $89 price point and if you can tolerate a bit of balanced-bright sound signature then I'm already telling you this set is going to put a smile on your face. Though if you have tried the other Simgot sets in the past especially the EW200 and EA500, found out not liking them then still, give this one a listen as this is the EA500 made better, optimized, and refined to its purest form with a more mature sound. Read on to to find my updated inpressions.


The EA500 LM comes in a holographic print black box, quite different from its brethren. No waifu here. Inside, you have the IEMs themselves in their shiny glossy metal glory, and an accessories box which contains 3 sets of eartips, the cable and zip case with 3.5mm terminated cable inside similar as to what comes with the EM6L. Lastly, you get 2 sets of tuning nozzles - 1) silver with red ring and 2) silver with black ring though most probably I feel the default gold with red ring will be the right tuning for most listening sessions. The first tuning nozzle is quite minimally different from the default nozzle while the second (silver w/ black ring) makes everything a bit more shouty and peaky.


Build and Sound
The IEMs themselves look and feel classy and sturdy with their all-metal shells, having that hefty feel though it is obviously a fingerprint magnet. It is still somewhat a comfy fit, not needing any fiddling. I just love what a single DD sound can bring and the Simgot house signature is no exception. It is pretty easy to drive and brings out a balanced Harman-bright lively sound that I find it would be appealing to most listeners, both casual and audiophile. The majority would be impressed at what this set brings with above-average details for the price and imaging + stage width that other below $100 sets would be jealous of. Though if you are very sensitive to treble and ever so slightly cringes at the sound of peaks then steer clear especially if the previous Simgot sets does not appeal to you. Though I would say this is one of the smoother sets Simgot has produced with a clean overall response. It's obviously better than the EA500 with friends and I myself finding the LM the polished, improved, grown-up version and better overall as a single whole product. You rarely get this much technicalities and good tuning at this price point. I do find a handful few colleagues who find it a MID set and I respect their opinion, but I do recommend to give it a try first and find out if it appeals to your ears before counting the EA500 LM out.


Comparisons & Conclusion
I would gladly take the EA500 LM over similar single DD sets such as the Moondrop Aria 2, Chu II, and Kato as well as Tinhifi's T3 at the said price tier. It's just that good and puts a boundary what an $80 set could achieve in terms of technicalities. To be frank, even up until now with all the other recent releases, the EA500 LM just gives a price-performance ratio that's hard to beat. With an overall sound that may appeal to the majority, I wholeheartedly just recommend it even up until past the $100 price tier. It just sounds more mature and appealing, makes your toes tap with pop genres while still keeping its composure with smooth jazz. I'd say if you're still curious, have a listen to it and if you're ever so slightly the treble sensitive but then you find the EA500 LM non-offensive, it just might grow on you. Definitely a thumbs up set!

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Great review, how I find them as well.
d m41n man
d m41n man
@Colin5619 thanks, appreciate it. Good to hear someone who has the same reaction.


New Head-Fier
A Worthy Upgrade - 3 Pairs of Nozzles, But...
Pros: + V-shape tuning leaning towards warm, which many people like
+ Good build quality
+ Neutral timbre
+ Fun tuning with a good amount of power
+ Wide soundstage
+ Comfortable fitting
+ Good clarity and coherence from the single DD
+ Modular nozzles to enhance the treble
Cons: - The Silver-Red nozzle has almost no impact change
- Poor quality cable
- Recessed vocal positioning (preference)
- Micro-detail is not the main focus of this IEM
- No complaints for this price range
Some time ago, I reviewed the Simgot EM6L, and thankfully, many people asked, "What's the difference between the Simgot EA500LM and EM6L since the price difference is minimal?" Without further ado, here's what you need to know.

Straight to the Point... Simgot EA500LM

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All my impressions and reviews are subjective, adhering to the belief, "Only my savings can be lied to, but reviews must be honest." Agreed? Great. Disagree? That's fine too. I review because I want to and enjoy it, not because I need to (LOL). Important! I recommend you audition it yourself, who knows, maybe my ears need an ENT doctor, or perhaps you do (LOL).


- My recommended IEM around the 1 million IDR price range
- Fun and airy IEMs
- IEMs with modifiable nozzles
- Just want to read the review


- Symphonium Crimson
- Kinera Verdandi
- Sennheiser IE900
- 634ears Loak-2 OP
- Fiio Q15
- HibyDigital M300


First, when I received the box, my wife commented, "Why did you buy tarot cards?" I wasn't sure either, but it turns out it's not tarot cards. The box design has a hologram that looks like tarot cards. For a price range of 1.5 million IDR, this IEM has a decent box. Inside:
  • The IEM itself
  • 2 braided cables (I'm quite tired of Simgot cables in this price range, they feel like sticky aquarium hoses)
  • Ear tips (improved, these ear tips are more decent compared to other Simgot IEMs)
  • Carrying case
  • 2 additional nozzles (black-silver and red-silver, with brass already installed, making a total of 3 nozzles)
  • Manual
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Still with the metal body from Simgot, this time the body is slightly oval and a bit bulging on the faceplate compared to the flat design of other Simgot IEMs like EM6L or EW200. No issues at all when using this IEM since the body is standard, even with just a Single DD configuration. The nozzle is also standard and comfortable for mixing and matching with various ear tips.

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All impressions are using the Brass Nozzle because it offers the most balanced tuning. Impressions with other nozzles will be explained after the sound impression section.

Indeed, Simgot's Single DD has a bass sound that I like for the entry-level price range. The neutral timbre is pleasant. The bass is punchy and deep but not to the level of bass-head with a moderate speed. The sub-bass rumbles with an impact that is neither too long nor too short, tuned just right without exaggeration. The low-frequency layering feels dynamic, making the quantity and quality almost impeccable at this price range, combined with engaging energy. Honestly, I have no complaints about the low frequencies.

Neutral is the right word to describe the mids of this IEM. It has good vocal control for both male and female voices, balancing the bass and treble aspects well. With just the right power and enough engagement, the vocals are presented right in the middle but slightly recessed compared to other sounds. There's no sibilance or shoutiness; the vocals are airy and not too thick, which might feel thin for some people, but for my taste, I prefer airy sounds, making it neutral. No complaints.

The treble tuning of this IEM is relaxed. Relaxed doesn't mean weak due to lack of power, but because the cring and sparkling sensations are tuned very safely and appropriately. Although it has a long extended treble, it doesn't make this IEM fall into the treble-head category due to the lack of a shining-shimmering-splendid impression. For non-treble-heads, this IEM is very suitable as it still delivers good treble tuning without the distraction of over-sparkling or shining.

One of the clearest IEMs in its price range that I've tried. Very clear and comfortable. Perhaps its weakness lies in the micro-detail, which is less prominent, so many micro-details sound thin or not at all.

Above average. The airy aspect and additional sub-bass rumble enhance the impression of a wide and spacious soundstage.

3D holographic imaging is just standard when the sound revolves around the head, nothing special. The pinpointing of instruments is very clear due to the clear and distinct sound separation. The imaging positioning of instruments is also very good.


- Silver/Black: My favorite. Clearly my favorite because it elevates the treble frequency. This nozzle gives a more aggressive treble tuning that was previously too relaxed. The cring and sparkling sounds are firm without being piercing. Additionally, this tuning is comfortable for treble-heads seeking a more shining-shimmering-splendid sound compared to the standard brass nozzle. For the mids, one needs to be a bit cautious as the vocals might feel more piercing in some songs. There is no noticeable change in the bass aspect.

- Silver/Red: Almost no difference from the Brass nozzle with its balanced sound, just a slight variation in the treble that is tuned more safely than the brass nozzle. The effect of this tuning makes the low frequencies sound more powerful but with differences that are almost imperceptible to most people.

==PROS & CONS==​

+ V-shape tuning leaning towards warm, which many people like
+ Good build quality
+ Neutral timbre
+ Fun tuning with a good amount of power
+ Wide soundstage
+ Comfortable fitting
+ Good clarity and coherence from the single DD
+ Modular nozzles to enhance the treble

- The Silver-Red nozzle has almost no impact change
- Poor quality cable
- Recessed vocal positioning (preference)
- Micro-detail is not the main focus of this IEM
- No complaints for this price range

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Many asked for a comparison with the EM6L, so let's compare. Let's also include Kefine Delci, which is currently hyped. Can it still be better? Let's see.

  • **Unboxing:**

EA500LM. Better ear tips and I prefer the IEM design.

  • **Fitting:**

Draw. All fit comfortably. Maybe because my ears are quite large (LOL).

  • **Bass:**

EA500LM. I prefer the punchy and rumble bass that's more airy. Kefine, unfortunately, is darker in my opinion, not as airy as EA500LM. EM6L has decent bass quality and quantity, but it's just too weak, like soggy vegetables.

  • **Mid:**

EM6L. Besides having more forward vocal presentation than the others, EM6L has vocals that sound more effortless and melodious. The vocals are thick but still airy, making it a strong suit of this IEM.

  • **Treble:**

EA500LM with the Silver-Black nozzle. Energetic, cring, long extended treble, and slightly piercing. The best compared to the others.

  • **Clarity:**

EM6L. All are clear, but EM6L has better detail.

  • **Soundstage:**

EA500LM. Spacious and airy soundstage.

  • **Imaging:**

Draw. All have good imaging aspects in their price range.


  • If you're looking for an IEM with a good single DD configuration for around $85, the EA500LM might be the best choice with a myriad of options like modular nozzles that can provide significant sound changes.
  • The fun tuning with engaging power makes it very suitable for all-around songs. The quantity and quality of bass and treble aspects are clean, neutral, and coherent, making it a strong point of this IEM despite having slightly recessed vocals and not being the best for micro-detail.

That's all.
Trust Your Own Ears.


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Thanks for the delci comparison! Really helped me out!


New Head-Fier
Simgot EA500LM: Space update of EA500
Pros: Stunning design
Superb tuning
Rich bass, saturated middle, and shine treble
Possibility to change nozzles
Easy to drive
Cons: Fingerprint-attracting shells
Slight lack in bass presentation
Cloth and extra eartips could have been included
Simgot EA500LM

Simgot means "Simple and elegant" A rather modest meaning for their company, but significant in many ways.
To be honest with you, i truly love Simgot's products for their design and sound performance. I already own the EW200, which i love
They have created a wonderful, bright EA lineup: EA2000, EA1000 Fermat, EA500, and the budget EW lineup: EW200 Maze, EW100P.
Additionally, they offer excellent hybrids for gaming purposes - EM6L, and divine - EN1000.
Each of their earphones looks great and has excellent sound tuning. But today we will talk about the continuation of the EA500 lineup, namely ea500lm with an updated lithium-magnesium diaphragm driver.
Did Simgot manage to make an upgraded version of the bestseller EA500?
In this review, we will find out!


  • Impedance: 21Ω±15%(@1kHz);
  • Sensitivity: 123 - 124 dB (depends on the installed nozzle);
  • Frequency response range: 10hz-50kHz;
  • Effective frequency response: 20hz-20kHz;
  • Connector: 0.78mm 2-pin;
  • Cable material: High-purity silver-plated OFC cable;
  • Price: 89$.
What's in the box:
  • IEMs itself;
  • 2 pin 0.78mm silver-plated OFC cable, 1.2m length;
  • Regular silicone eartips (S / M / L);
  • 2 interchangeable nozzles: Silver with the red seals & Silver with the black seals;
  • 16 seals for the nozzles;
  • Carrying case;
  • Instruction.

First impression, Design, Comfort, Build Quality

First impression

My introduction to the Simgot EA500LM started with the box. Its front part is adorned with abstract depictions of planets, the sun, the moon, and zodiac signs with a shimmering color that changed its shade in the sunlight. In real life, it looks simply amazing.


As I mentioned before, Simgot knows how to impress with its exterior design, and the EA500LM is no exception. EA500LM has a brilliant look, thanks to its full-metal body and metallic-steel color. The earphones are mirror-like, effortlessly reflecting sunlight and adeptly collecting fingerprints.
On the left side of the earphone, you will find the Simgot logo, while the letters 'LM' are engraved on the right side. The inner part features a properly shaped sound nozzle, 2 holes, and a left/right identifier.
On the side panel, there is a 2-pin connector, as well as the engraving of the earphone model - "EA500LM".


The earphones fit like a glove in the ears, weighing approximately 10 grams each. Despite their weight, they didn't cause any discomfort even during extended use. While the sound isolation is decent, it's not the best. With these earphones, you can easily hear surrounding sounds.


The stock cable is of good quality. It's a 2-core OFC cable with high-purity silver plating and is 1.2m in length. It's quite lightweight and flexible.
On one end is a straight 3.5mm mini-jack, and on the other end are aggressively shaped ear hooks with a right/left channel indicator. At the end of the hooks, there's a 0.78m 2-pin connector.


Sound Impression

(I used to the EA500LM with the stock cable, gold nozzles, and SpinFit eartips)
When I first put them on, i was a bit disappointed, but after 20 hours of burn-in and changing the eartips, they played as they should.
Well, let's start with the bass:


The bass is what makes the Simgot stand out. It's a definite step step-up.
The bass frequencies here are rich, not getting lost in the overall musical composition but also not overpowering it. The sound of drums is deep, the bass-guitar is energetic, and it fits well into the musical symphony.
Perhaps there is a slight lack of bass punch and attack, but the bass quality is more important than the quantity.
In my opinion, this is the best bass among other Simgot models.
Well-done Simgot!

The mid-range here are saturated, conveying the texture of instruments excellently. I really enjoy the sound of piano keys, and the clarity of guitar strings is distinct but not overpowering among other musical timbres.
Vocal tones are fully conveyed, with male vocals sounding bold and female vocals more graceful. Every vibration in the performer's voice sounds completely natural.
The vocals in songs by Queen, Frank Sinatra, Frank Ocean, Ed Sheeran... are particularly impressive as well as the female vocal parts of Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, ABBA etc...

The treble are where these earphones truly shine. The highs are not as bright as in previous models, but they still leave a good impression. Plates are crisp but not overpowering in volume, and violins sound natural.
For example, they are not as smooth in the high frequencies as the EW200.
With these earphones, you won't have any trouble separating sounds into separate layers. Piano keys, guitar strings, vocals - they sound like separate presentations, and you'll have no trouble recognising them from one another.

The sound stage here, i would say, is decent, not too wide but enough to contain the full spectrum of music.
However, it's not deep enough to fully recognise the positioning of each instrument.
Performance in games:
I don't have the Simgot EM6L yet, which are considered the best for gaming purposes, but i can say that the EA500LM performs well in FPS games like CS2 and Valorant.

The positioning is good. It wasn't difficult for me to determine the direction and distance of footsteps or shots. The sounds are clear, and each sound is distinguishable from the others

Some Comparison

Simgot EA500LM vs EW200

Both fit well in small ears, both are metal, and both are well-built. The EA500LM is slightly heavier, larger, and fits better in the ear canal. The EA500LM also has interchangeable nozzles and better overall tonality, making it a step up from the EW200.
The EW200 is better suited for long sessions because of its lightweight and comfortable design. It is well-tuned, with good bass quality, similar in quantity to the EA500LM, and has more expressive high frequencies, with slightly more pronounced upper mid frequencies

vs Kinera Celest Pandamon 2.0
These are two different pairs in terms of sound signature.
The Pandamon features a square planar driver, while the Simgot is equipped with a dynamic driver. The Simgot EA500LM offers a more melodic approach, while the Pandamon 2.0 provides a wider presentation with a planar driver.
The Pandamon presents music more deeply, but this may result in some lack of detail. On the other hand, the EA500LM excels in music detail.
With the Pandamon, you can feel the breath, the movement of air, while Simgot is more focused on instruments and vocals

For whom are these earphones
These earphones are recommended for those seeking a complete sound experience. They offer moderate bass frequencies, excellent mid-range vocals, and detailed high frequencies. They are ideal for listeners who enjoy high-quality and complex compositions and seek emotional engagement with their favorite songs.
Additionally, for those looking to maximize their audio experience without the need for additional equipment such as a DAC dongle or amplifier, these earphones deliver vibrant sound without extra investments.
Well, Simgot has once again provided another fantastic product that excels in any genre. They've managed to create something between the EA1000 Fermat and the EA500 OG.
Well-tuned, comfortable fit, with excellent presentation of instruments and vocals
With the right eartips, EA500LM will deliver an unforgettable range of emotions.
It's a safe purchase for less than $100 for any consumer, and I definitely recommend it for this price


Thank you for reading my review!
Feel free to ask questions in the comments, i will definitely respond

Disclaimer: I would like to thank Fia Lam from Simgot for providing this unit for review.
The earphones review is my personal opinion about product. I don't receive any income for conducting reviews and i'm don't participate in any affiliate programs.

You can purchase the Simgot EA500LM from Linsoul store -



100+ Head-Fier
SIMGOT EA500LM Review: Make It Fun, Make It Different!
Pros: Premium Build
Comfortable Fit
Tuning Nozzles for moddability
Fun, bright sound signature
Solid bass depth
Energetic vocals
Sparkly, well-extended treble
Superb separation and layering
Very resolving for the price
Cons: Scratch prone shell
Inclusions might be lacking compared to the competition
Not the most stable fit
Not an “upgrade” from the EA500’s sound
Midbass might be too lean for some
Might come across too bright and shouty

SIMGOT EA500LM Review: Make It Fun, Make It Different!​


PRICE: $89​


  • Premium Build
  • Comfortable Fit
  • Tuning Nozzles for moddability
  • Fun, bright sound signature
  • Solid bass depth
  • Energetic vocals
  • Sparkly, well-extended treble
  • Superb separation and layering
  • Very resolving for the price


  • Scratch prone shell
  • Inclusions might be lacking compared to the competition
  • Not the most stable fit
  • Not an “upgrade” from the EA500’s sound
  • Midbass might be too lean for some
  • Might come across too bright and shouty


  • People who are looking to upgrade from the EW200
  • People who like the U-Shaped bright Simgot sound
  • People who want an insanely resolving and technically capable set
  • Trebleheads
  • People who want a very energetic and nuanced upper midrange


  • Treble sensitives
  • People looking for an upgrade for the EA500
  • People who want a thick, weighty midrange
  • People who want a set they can just throw around without running the aesthetics
  • People who don’t want gimmicky tuning options


  • Vocal-pop
  • Jazz
  • Instrumental


The EA500LM marks a strong start for Simgot thanks to its superb technical ability that surpasses its predecessors and honestly many in its price range. It’s not quite the EA500 upgrade that people, including me, have been hoping for. Instead, this progresses the bright and fun sound that Simgot has cemented in the past few months and I’m all for it! Just remember, Simgot ain’t for treble sensitives. RECOMMENDED WITH CAVEATS!


2023 was undoubtedly Simgot’s year. From budget bangers to lower midrange hits, they had it in the bag by creating some of the stand-out sets of the year. But the new year means they have to keep that energy if they want to stay competitive in this ever-shifting market. So what do they have in store?

Well, a lot. If you’ve seen the leaks of Simgot’s 2024 release, you know they won’t be sitting pretty this year. From sources to TOTLs, they’ve got it all planned. Today, we’ll be talking about their update to arguably their most famous and the set that got people talking about Simgot. Let’s talk about the Simgot EA500LM!

DISCLAIMER: This product was sent over by Simgot in exchange for my honest impressions. I was not paid. Rest assured, my thoughts and opinions on this product will be my own honest opinions and will not be affected by the facts beforehand.

Audio is a very subjective hobby and as much as I try to objectively explain my thoughts and opinions, your mileage will vary. My preferences will also affect how I perceive the gear that I review. Sources and other accessories will also modify your experience. Lastly, my reviews should always be used only as a guide and not as the definitive bible. Trust your ears to know what’s good.


2023 should be synonymous with Simgot absolutely dominating the market. EW200, EM6L, EA1000 and EA500 all blew up and put Simgot in a spot they’ve never been before. And it’s all thanks to the EA500’s entry early in 2023 that got people talking. It was a fantastic set, one of my favorites even a year after it’s been out. So when I saw the teasers for the upcoming Simgot sets and saw the EA500LM, you bet I jumped from my seat in excitement.

But that could only mean that the EA500LM has an extremely high bar to surpass. So now the question I am to answer is whether its existence is justified, especially being priced $10 more than the OG. Does it deserve to exist? What does it offer that the OG doesn’t? And does it live up to the EA500 name? Let’s find out!



Part fantastic and part disappointing. The Simgot EA500LM comes in arguably one of, if not, the most beautiful box that I’ve seen an IEM live in. Such intricate, space-themed designs with a chromatic, pearlescent finish that looks more like an art piece that you’d find in a gallery than from a box of a pair of earphones.


The rest is large the same in terms of Simgot affairs. Graphs at the back, clean sides. Nothing special besides that beautiful front.


The unboxing experience itself is also very Simgot with the same slide to the left mechanic, IEM sitting up top on their foam throne and the accessories found below and below the IEM. Don’t forget the Blaise Pascal quote! Always motivational, dear sir.

Here’s a full list of the inclusions:
  • 1x SIMGOT EA500 LM IEM
  • 1x Detachable Cable
  • 3 Pairs Interchangable Nozzles
  • 3x Pair of Silicon Eartips

Now I have to talk about the elephant in the room. Yes, this is $89 worth of earphones and it only comes with a single SML set, their basic (but good) pleather case and that’s it? One part justified due to their advancement in the sound department, one part disappointed because so many companies nowadays strive for the full package and Simgot’s out here giving the bare minimum.


But again, don’t get me wrong, the accessories are adequate. The tips are 07 style, a little bit more narrow than the KBEar/NiceHCK variants but probably for the better. The pleather case can literally fit the DEW4X inside along with its cable, so you literally have the full package with that case. And that’s it. That’s all that came.


Overall, they could’ve provided more stuff. A cleaning tool to wipe your greasy fingerprints, foam tips for treble sensitives, and maybe even more varied silicone tips for those who want a bassier or more treble-centric sound. Nonetheless, it’s better than having none.


Simgot touts, no, flexes their new tech in the EA500LM so much that it’s literally in the name. But what exactly did they do differently with the Simgot EA500LM? Let’s first talk about that LM at the end.


The EA500LM features their latest, high-end second-generation Lithium-Magnesium Dome Diaphragm along with their second-generation Dual-Magnetic & Dual-Cavity Dynamic Driver. Simgot doesn’t shy away from hyper-long names for their tech, but sometimes it’s purely justified like in the case of the EA1000. Anyways, let’s talk about that Lithium-Magnesium


Reading up Simgot’s official promotional material for the EA500LM, they describe the LM as a dome diaphragm [that], “combines a flexible suspension system, offering both lightness and stiffness.”. They flex that this is lighter than pure beryllium but mimics its acoustic properties. In non-marketing terms, it means that it might sound like what a beryllium driver would. And whether that matters to you or not, doesn’t matter. Because they are so proud of their lithium-magnesium dome diaphragm that it’s literally in the name.


But moving unto its externals, the EA500LM is more familiar with the IEM itself being an almost perfect replica of the EA500 in shape. It’s the same rounded, smooth-edged, and flowing design that it genuinely some of the prettiest I’ve seen.

This time however, it features a darker color with a gun metal coloration with the LM logo featured on the left ear. They are REALLY proud of that LM, I wonder if it would mean anything for the sound?

Build quality is also exactly the same. It’s your full metal, sturdy and high quality build with tuning nozzles. This time around, it comes with 3 nozzles, 1 gold nozzle-red ring pre-applied and the other two akin to the red ring and black ring of the EA500. Very premium feeling, can’t deny that. But I really wish they’d opted for a matte option coming into the second coming of the EA500. You can’t deny that its achilles heel is its scratch and fingerprint prone-quality.


As for fit, again, it shares a similar story with the EA500 which means it’s good if you find good tips. I found that the stock tips were fine, but I always opt for Final E tips when running Simgot IEMs in terms of fit and sound. It’s just better that way. I didn’t experience any pressure build up inside or outside the ear and stability was so-so, but good enough for walking about. Seal was also just about alright, nothing that’ll make you cut out the world but enough to block the essentials.



As for the cable, they took the EM6L cable, changed it from QDC to 2-pin and called it a day. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good cable and the colorway fits darker IEMs. But it’s your usual, somewhat thin 2-strand cable with the main difference being the interface made out of metal instead of plastic compared to the EM6L. It’s a functional cable, nothing fancy but does everything right. It’s not the cable you’d flex your EA500LM with, that’s saved for something that enhances the looks better. And that’s just not the stock cable.

Overall, it’s a very familiar experience with the only difference being the slightly different coloration and aesthetics of both the cables. It’s good, but don’t expect top-tier inclusions. That’s not why you buy Simgot IEMs, after all.


And speaking of why you’d buy a Simgot IEM, let’s talk about the sound of the EA500LM. As the EA500LM features 3 different tuning nozzles, I’ll talk about the stock gold nozzle red ring first and compare it to the other nozzles later on.

Sound Signature:​


A shift from the OG, the EA500LM features a U-shaped sound signature with emphasis on the treble. Bass is present and rumbles when it calls for, but has a distinct lack of midbass energy compared to its predecessor. The mids are clean, open, and free from unnecessary coloration but might end up sounding thinner on certain mixes due to the upper midrange emphasis. Treble is still the highlight and is very sparkly, airy, and crisp.

Timbre is on the thinner and brighter side but is still impeccably natural sounding for a bright-leaning IEM.


The EA500LM is expectedly quite easy to drive with its 21ohm impedance and sensitivity of 123-125db based on the nozzle. This means that using this out of a smartphone can get loud enough to enjoy. However, it greatly decreases the potential of the EA500LM as it scales VERY well with sources. Less clean sources might overemphasize the upper mids to treble region and decrease the dynamics drastically, so at least a dongle DAC is recommended


35-40/100 on HiBy R3 II


This is either the biggest improvement or biggest downgrade on the EA500LM, depending on what your preferences on bass are. The bass of the EA500LM is well extended, deep reaching but clean without bloat or bleed It’s the Simgot way of doing bass, and many love that kind of bass. The sub-bass emphasis gives enough fun while the tamer mid to upper bass is present without overly emphasizing this region.

Think of tracks like Send It by D’Angelo. That bassline accompanying the entire sound is present with good note definition without intruding on the silky vocals or instruments in the mix. It’s placed generously without sounding overly boosted.

However, what I loved about the EA500 was the thick and meaty midbass which the EA500LM lacks. Using the same track, the distinct thicker texture of the bass guitar just isn’t as rich and nuanced as I’d like. Don’t get me wrong, the texture is fantastic, especially for what it emphasizes. But it’s just not quite as weighty as I prefer it to be.

But again, this has the effect of making sure the midrange sounds clean and open to which, let’s talk about it!


The mids of Simgot IEMs have always been this somewhat debated topic whether the more open but thinner presentation is for the better or worse. The overall midrange presentation is undoubtedly on the thinner side on the EA500LM, but it still gives vocals a decent sense of note weight and presence which means that the mids aren’t overly recessed. However, lower mids are on the more distant level that might come across just a little bit recessed on certain mixes.

YeYe’s はみ出て!, on top of being an amazing track to test the bass on and I really should’ve used this as an example as well, has a rather well-bodied midrange that pairs really well with the EA500LM. I absolutely adored the thicker mix that allowed the EA500LM to really excel on this track. YeYe’s vocals are especially nice on the EA500LM as it adds a much-needed sparkle and crispness that the mix doesn’t usually provide.

But on a track like Dreams by Fleetwood Mac, the EA500LM starts to rear its fangs a little bit as the mids can sound a little stale, leaving the vocals sounding a little bit thin and over-emphasizing the upper midrange instruments. It just means that the EA500LM brings open a more energetic and nuanced upper midrange at the cost of lower midrange weight and nuance.

The upper mids are generous, at least to say. They bring out upper-frequency instruments nicely like on Fleetwood’s Dreams and the attack-decay is almost perfect. It’s snappy but lingers on long enough to sound natural compared to hybrid sets. It can definitely be a little shouty depending on your tolerance to shout, but I didn’t find it shouty despite the contrast in the lower mids. However, it was definitely getting there and pushing the volume just a tad bit can start getting a little hot.


The highlight of the EA series of IEM, the EA500LM keeps up the energy and keeps the treble real sparkly and bright. Microdetails are superb, especially when it comes to the intricate details in percussive instruments or higher frequency strings and air instruments. Undoubtedly one of the best treble presentations under $100, but a risky one at that. This is a set that’s not for treble-sensitives, but let’s be real Simgot really isn’t a brand for treble-sensitives from the get-go. It’s very sparkly with really good airiness and crispness on every note, but the lower mids not having enough emphasis may puts the treble a little too far up for comfort in certain mixes.

I LOVED the treble of the EA500LM. Absolutely. Listening to a track like Game of Love by Daft Punk and hearing those percussive instruments as well as the small details in the guitar was an absolute treat that you don’t usually find in sets around this price. The amount of treble energy is just perfect for the entire album, honestly.

But like I said, thinner/dry mixes might push this to uncomfortable levels. Fantasy by Earth, Wind & Fire comes to mind as the treble emphasis on that track is almost ludicrous that the LM breaches harshness territory. However, this is more of a fringe case for those who listen to bright-leaning mixes because even in that same track, the treble is so clean and well-controlled that the harshness only comes in when I push the volumes to uncomfortable levels to compensate for the bass. Otherwise, the instruments in this track sound wonderful on the EA500LM


And this is where the EA lineup continues the trend of insanely technical sets on a budget. The LM’s technical ability is even better than the OG due to the cleaner midrange and smoother treble. This allows for separation and layering to be more crisp, especially in the treble and the head stage to be more expansive due to the mids being tuned to be more open. Imaging is probably the least fantastic thing about its technical ability, but most IEMs don’t do imaging that well anyway. It’s adequately good but plays to complement the superb separation and layering.

Let’s talk about dynamics real quick as, despite being clearly an improvement from the EA500’s slower driver, the EA500LM also feels like a slight downgrade as the midbass emphasis also gets taken away. It’s not overly smoothened, on the contrary even. But the emphasis to note weight was just lessened so midbass sounds less dynamic and rich sounding and more tight and snappy. This, however, translates better to the treble as the response is snappier and more controlled. Okay, I know I’m comparing it already to the EA500 but this was really the best way I could describe the dynamics of the LM. It’s very snappy but natural but I really would like a little bit more richness and contrast.


VS Red Ring, Silver Nozzle​


The Red ring, silver nozzle is based on the Harman 2019 target which tilts the balance slightly to be a little warmer and closer to how the OG EA500 sounded, but not quite as bodied or weighty as the EA500 on its own red ring. I’ll be real however when I say that the difference between the Red Rings is very small and is more of a small tweak to the tilt ever so slightly. Like seriously, it’s almost a QC difference between the two.

Vs Black Ring, Silver Nozzle​


This is where the difference is most evident as the upper mids are emphasized considerably more and the bass even tigther. Treble and shout sensitives, close you ears as these take the already bright EA500LM and make them even brighter sounding. These also make the upper mids a little bit more congested and takes a slight hit in separation and layering ability. I really enjoyed how these sound in this nozzle, however, as this turns the EA500LM into a fully-fledged balls-to-the-wall bright set. I still prefer the tamer, warmer sound of the Gold Nozzle but these are definitely a close second as these shift the sound to be a certified bright boi.


Casual Use:​

Despite being all metal, the EA500LM is an insanely comfortable IEM to wear for casual use. From browsing to binging, the EA500LM served me well in terms of comfort. It was also stable enough to move about and the seal was adequate enough to block out sounds without making me completely deaf to my surroundings, which is always a win in my book. The thing I’m more concerned about that left me not wanting to use this more is the finish. I usually use IEMs that would be fine when scratched due to their finish and the LM just scares me every time I use it. The cable also scares me a little bit as my EA500’s ear hooks have gone yellow after a year and I just know that that’ll do the same. But nonetheless, it’s a fantastic experience in terms of sound production and comfort that I’ve come to expect from Simgot IEMs.

Gaming Use:​

Now gaming was a slightly different story. The OG EA500 was fantastic for gaming due to the midbass emphasis bringing out lower midrange sounds like footsteps and ruffles while the upper mids to treble brought out the tiny details nicely. The LM shifts the balance more to a more song-first, game-later style due to the sub bass emphasis and smoother upper mids. I found that shoutier IEMs fare better on FPS games like Valorant, to which the EA500LM tames it down and cleans up the mix. I didn’t like it for Valorant nearly as much as the OG due to the lack of midbass, but it did it well enough not to sound overly thin thanks to the clean treble presentation. I never found skins like Prime or Cryostasis to sound piercing which is nice.


Vs Simgot EA500​


Let’s stop beating around the bush here and finally compare it to the EA500. Many of you may know I shill the EA500 completely due to it being basically the reincarnation of the Heart Mirror. Linear, midbass centric slightly warm but bright sound that gives me so much joy every time I listen to it.

The LM, in contrast, is “better” for those who found the EA500LM lacking subbass and being too bright. Well, the latter might be debatable depending on how you found the mids and treble of the LM. But regardless, I cannot deny that the EA500LM is a technically better IEM compared to the EA500.

However, I also can’t shake the feeling that the EA500LM feels more like an upgraded EW200 rather than EA500 pt.2.

To give a short explanation of what separates the EW series from EA, the EW is more u-shaped, fun-sounding series while EA falls closer to a bright-neutral kind of sound catered to trebleheads.

Its DNA feels closer to the EW series of IEMs that the EA, and I honestly think it would’ve probably fit the EW moniker than the EA. At the same time, I also found vocals to sound more natural on the EA500 than the EA500LM, a similar quality to the EW200 where the mids had the tendency to sound a little bit pulled back.

The midbass punch and texture are sorely lacking compared to the OG EA500 and even the EA1000 while the mids are closer to the EW200 in presentation. The treble is still definitely EA, but it does things more like an EW.

Anyway, I’m rambling at this point. The LM is made for those who want a better extended EA500 but not those who want an improvement from the EA500 sound. A side grade, maybe. But it’s fundamentally a different flavor from the OG

Vs Simgot EW200​


A more fitting comparison, the EW200 is a step down from the EA500LM in my opinion. EA500LM has better bass dynamics, cleaner mids, and especially cleaner treble. Technicalities are also overall better than the EW200, so it’s almost the perfect upgrade for those who loved the EW200. There’s really not much to say besides the fact that I genuinely think that the EA500LM is worth twice the price of the EW200 if you’re looking for a proper upgrade while keeping a similar sound to the EW200.

Vs Simgot EM6L​


One of the most highly requested comparisons, the EM6L seems to occupy a very similar sound to the EA500LM. However, their presentation is quite different from each other. The EM6L is a smoother overall sound with a softer bass presentation and a generally smoother upper mids to treble presentation.

Essentially, the EM6L is a tamer version of the usual Simgot house sound that even the likes of the EA500LM occupy. However, the EA500LM has a more technical and dynamic presentation that makes music sound more alive and nuanced compared to the EM6L. So the choice now ends up between wanting a more dynamic and more sparkly kind of sound or a smoother, more balanced sound.

Vs Muse HiFi The East 6​


While it might seem unfair at first, the East 6 is essentially the polar opposite to the EA500LM in every way. The midbass focused, upper midrange forward and treble tame East 6 contrasts the brighter, more extended EA500LM. However, the EA500LM essentially highlights the East 6’s biggest flaw of sounding nearly half the price of the EA500LM. Details are sorely smoothened out on the East 6 compared to the EA500LM, the sound is faster and snappier but still keeps a very organic sound.

The East 6 essentially lives to be the treble-sensitives option for Simgot IEMs. Those who like that vocal-centric, rich, and well-balanced sound without the crazy treble. But if you’re looking for the more technical set, the EA500LM is better nearly 10-fold.

Vs Simgot EA1000​


And finally, let’s compare it to its bigger sibling. The EA1000 was being compared to the EA500LM which I thought was funny as the EA500LM was nearly 3 times cheaper than the EA1000. But the burning question now is whether the EA1000 3 times better than the EA500LM. To which I say, probably not. But the EA1000 also follows the EA DNA better than the EA500LM, so again it would be a different kind of sound that you’d expect from both sets. The bass is meatier, and more textured but tighter than the EA500LM and is just more technically capable on the EA1000 overall.


I asked early in this review the question of whether the existence of the EA500LM is justified. To which, I say yes with a whole heart. The EA500LM marks as another solid release from Simgot that continues to push the boundaries of how good sound can get for the budget. Them flexing the LM is definitely not just a marketing ploy as there is a clear technical improvement from the EA500.

However, I also noted that the DNA of the EA500LM falls closer to the EW200. Fundamentally, the EA500LM follows a more fun, bright centric u-shaped sound that makes music sound more engaging but also less neutral compared to its predecessor The EA500 was closer to a more neutral tune to my ears compared to the EA500LM due to the subbass and treble emphasis of the latter. And this isn’t a bad thing, don’t get me wrong. The trajectory of Simgot IEMs in the past few releases has been moving away from the neutral bright sets like the EW100P and EA500 and moving to a more fun, engaging, and energetic U-shaped like the EW200 and EM6L. And I understand that this is honestly for the better. The demographic for neutral bright is admittedly much smaller than those who prefer a more fun sound. But as someone who loved the EA500 for following a more neutral, somewhat DF tuning, it does hurt my heart to see the beloved EA500LM follow a more generally likable tuning.

The EA500LM is a fundamentally good IEM with solid technical chops and a bright-leaning sound that trebleheads like me would love. Is it perfect? No. Inclusions could be better and I honestly wish that they offered different color/finish options. The midbass also feels a little bit lacking and puts lower mids a little bit on the thinner side, but I know people enjoy the more open-sounding midrange as a cause of that. But it shows that Simgot isn’t slowing down this 2024 with its awesome releases!


Thank you for checking out my full review of the Simgot EA500LM Big thanks Simgot for sending this over in exchange for my honest thoughts. If you would like to buy your own check out the non-affiliated link below:

If you have any questions or concerns, contact me on my Facebook page or at

Enjoy music and have a great day!
David Haworth
Really well explained review. Hats off. I'm auditioning it at the moment and have to agree with your conclusions. One variation is that I have tried it with Moondrop Kato silver nozzles and I think that's the sweet spot with the 500LM. The questionable aspects are smoothed over and it becomes a more capable performer.
Excellent review


New Head-Fier
The cheaper one is better?
Pros: 1. The overall sound quality is fantastic for the price!

2. My best under $100 pick as of now due to the overall offering

3. The cable supplied is really soft and supple

4. Great build quality

5. The bass compared to other simgot iem's is really good (Check my full review for the small mod I mention)

6. It beats out the more expensive EA1000 in my opinion

7. The case is fantastic, great for carrying your dongle DAC

8. Plays most genres very well!
Cons: 1. The iem is very very scratch prone

2. Lack of foam tips and maybe a different set of silicone tips should have been included (Probably a nitpick for the price point)


Simgot has done it again, I don’t know how they do this. Its the EA500LM today in for review today.

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

Before I start the review I want to say that these are a review unit from Simgot and a huge thanks to them, but all the thoughts and opinions are my own.

Buy it here (Unaffiliated Link) :-

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I will be as usual following my bullet style format for better readability for those who are dyslexic and in general find it hard to read long paragraphs. I follow this guide in general from the British Dyslexia Association.

Lets get started!


Build, Comfort and Accessories:-

1. The overall packaging is really good

2. I really like the outside box, it has this nice trippy art.

3. Inside the package it has the iem, the really good 2 pin cable, the fantastic case, 3 set of nozzles, spare silicon rings and one set of silicon tips.


4. I personally would have liked a set of foam tips.

5. There is no driver flex here

6. There are really comfortable and I can wear them for hours without any issues.

7. The iem has this mirrored finish which gets scratched really easily and although it looks nice and premium I don’t like it.

Sound Impressions:-

1. The overall sound signature is quite harman where in the upper mids and mid-treble is subdued a bit

2. While also giving the mid-bass a bit of an oomph

3. I really like the stock sound coming out of this.


4. I will be using the stock gold nozzle when it comes to these, but I will be suggesting a small mod for these.

5. I would suggest that you take the foam of from the silver/black nozzle and put it inside the gold nozzle.

6. Compact the initial foam inside the nozzle a bit and then shove this foam

7. This way the treble which can get a bit peaky in some songs is subdued a bit and the bass sounds more in tone with the treble here.

8. This free mod is really quite easy to do and changes the stock sound by a tad bit.

9. I will be using all the stock accessories for my review, except the minor mod I did

10. Also I have used my usual set of dacs for my review.

11. These also play really well as a low volume set, which is a thing I like.


1. The overall bass is really good!

2. The sub-bass is really good and has sense of rumble and texture over here

3. When listening to crack crack crackle by classy it has the right amount of bass texture and quantity

4. The bass feels really clean and detailed here

5. The mid-bass too performs really well in tandem with the sub-bass

6. The Mid-bass though in some songs could be bit lifeless, this is specially apparent when listening to the OST from Ping Pong anime.

7. But the overall bass response is really good



1. The instruments form the 1985 live album by cassiopea is done really well

2. It has this touch of thickness which is basically the oomph in mid-bass I mentioned previously

3. The instruments sounds good and has the correct tone and timbre

4. Now coming to male vocals they sound a bit behind the overall sound, although for the price they are quite good

5. Male vocals like Chris Cornell and Bill Withers while they don’t sound the absolute best, they are still quite apt.

6. The Female vocals is where it is done perfectly! They are not too shouty at all but they still sound very lively

7. Songs like Hanawa Sakura by ikkimonogakari sound very well controlled while giving me the lively feeling of the female vocals


1. The overall treble is much much better than the simgot house sound here

2. I think so simgot listened here to the feedback and they cut back on the peaky harsh treble they had on their previous iem’s

3. There is a decent amount of treble extension here

4. The treble for me has the perfect amount of airiness and it performs really well.


Soundstage, Technicalities and Imaging:-

The soundstage of the ea500lm is fantastic! I am surprised how an under $100 iem can perform so well. Listening to live songs was a really nice treat over here. The Soundstage has equal amounts of depth and width

It has very good technicalities it hits way above its price point. I could call this a benchmark for the under $100 or even Under $150

Imaging too is really good and it performs really with the exceptional soundstage. The right to left and vice versa transition was really good!

Gaming Test:-

Well it having a fantastic soundstage and imaging fares really well for it being a gaming iem. Even in a situation where lot is happening it maintains its composure and everything sounds well under controlled!


Comparison and Recommendation:-

1. v/s The Geekwold Gk20 – The Gk20 is a lean sounding iem and the ea500lm is an all rounder iem. I think so for most people the ea500lm is the better deal, although if you want a better treble then the GK20 is better

2. v/s Simgot EM6L – Well I think so the ea500lm clearly wins it here, because the bass in em6l is a bit blunt and flabby while in ea500lm it is very tactile and punchy. Also the dynamic presentation of the EA500LM comes across really well than the em6l

3. v/s Simgot EA1000 – Now this is the surprising part. In Every aspect I feel that the Ea500LM is much better than the EA1000. EA1000 is tad bit better than the EA500LM in terms of treble. But is it worth the double the price? No! Also surprisingly the soundstage and imaging is much better here in the cheaper and younger EA500LM than in the EA1000!

4. v/s Simgot EW200 – Well what can I say, this is an upgrade in every sense. So If you are planning to buy the EW200 or are looking for iems around the $50 range, I suggest saving a bit and buying the EA500LM instead.

4. So what do I think of the EA500LM, well I think simgot has done a fantastic job and for the price I think its one of the default recommendation

5. If you do get it, please do try the simple free mod I suggested. That really helps the overall signature a lot

6. I think so with the IFI Go Blu and EA500LM makes fantastic pair!

7. Another fantastic pair I can think of is the Simgot DEW4X which sounds really good!

8. Sorry for gushing about this, as I think these sound really good and I was surprised that these sounded even better than the EA1000 which is double the price.

9. So that is my review of the Simgot EA500LM, If you have any question please do comment below. I hope you have a great day ahead, Thanks for stopping by!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to Simgot for making this review possible.

Have a great day ahead, Bye :)