Penon Liqueur Series Silicone Eartips


New Head-Fier
Liqueur Kicks In
Pros: Great seal & isolation, value for money.
Cons: None at the price point
Liqueur eartips come in two varieties – orange and black. Both are similarly shaped but the black ones have thicker walls. Which means the Black Liqueurs provide a stronger seal and better noise isolation, they come in 4 Sizes ,
The USP of these tips is the unique shiny & sticky surface which helps in getting a great seal without being uncomfortable as they are quite supple , isolation is perfect.
Bore is open & spacious which helps in having a good sound stage with good perception of imaging .
In a market filled with endless options for Ear tips the innovative PENON liqueur tips offer a better value at price point that cannot be matched by competitors .
Penon Audiophiles Reviews We Team members from the Audio Geek "Brother_Hood of Audiophiles" thank Mr Chi Kong Hui for making this Liqueur Tips they are by far the best tips I have come accross.
These get 💯 safe recommendation, whether you are a tip roller or not .


New Head-Fier
Penon Liqueur - The must have eartips
Pros: 1. Comfort
2. Sound
3. Seal
4. Affordable
Cons: None
Nowadays, the market is flooded with a lot of eartips brands. Some of them are good, and most of them are just mediocre. However, the Penon Liqueur Orange and Black are among the top and are easy recommendations to anyone. Their unique glossy/sticky surface provides the best seal with comfort. Also, the Orange and Black are not just different colors; they have different wall thicknesses. The walls of Black eartips are slightly thicker, and the stem is harder compared to orange eartips. This gives unique choices to consumers according to their preferred sound signature. So, I am splitting the review for Orange and Black.

Penon Liqueur Orange – The Orange color gives them a unique and funky identity. In terms of sound, I experienced the following:


• Sub-bass – As per advertisement, the Penon Liqueur eartips improve the low end noticeably, giving sub-bass fuller definition.

• Mid-bass – I observed that there is no coloration in the mid-bass, but these eartips provide cleanliness to the kick drums and bass guitars. Due to this, mid-bass does not bleed into the mids.


• Lower Midrange – Straight away, clear male vocals. I felt it is not just clear but opened lower midrange. If you like snare drums, then you’ll be definitely amazed.

• Upper Midrange – Guitar notes, female vocals, cymbals are noticeably clearer than stock eartips. There is no added sibilance to the vocals. Definitely the best point for these eartips.


• I observed airy treble and improved definition to notes, giving more room for sound. There is no harshness in the treble area.


Penon Liqueur Black – The Black color gives them a subtle identity. In terms of sound, I experienced the following:


• Sub-bass – Rich details in the sub-bass, providing fuller depth.

• Mid-bass – There is coloration in the mid-bass, making kick drums and bass guitars more fun to listen to. But I observed slight mid-bass bleeding into the mids.


• Lower Midrange – There is no coloration in the lower midrange. Lower midrange sounds the same as the Orange eartips.

• Upper Midrange – No sibilance in the vocals. Guitar notes, female vocals, cymbals.


• The best part of the Penon Liqueur Black is the treble improvement compared to orange. The treble feels more extended and more open. The notes are well defined, making the sound engaging. The notes of instruments like violin and flute feel more engaging.



In conclusion, the Penon Liqueur Orange and Black eartips offer distinct sonic experiences, each catering to different preferences. The Orange variant provides a clear and open midrange with enhanced vocal clarity and instrument definition, making it ideal for those who prioritize detail and precision in their audio. On the other hand, the Black eartips offer rich sub-bass details and a more engaging mid-bass, perfect for listeners seeking a dynamic and immersive soundstage. Moreover, both variants boast improvements in treble extension and definition, contributing to a more enjoyable listening experience overall. Whether you lean towards the vibrant identity of the Orange eartips or prefer the subtlety of the Black, both options deliver exceptional performance and comfort. With their unique design features and tailored sound signatures, the Penon Liqueur Orange and Black eartips stand out as top contenders in the market, offering audiophiles and music enthusiasts alike an enticing choice to enhance their listening pleasure.


Headphoneus Supremus
Liqueur - something your eartip collection is missing?
Pros: Superb isolation & very reasonably priced
Cons: Comfortable, but softer alternatives exist
Earphone fit & comfort is critical for listening enjoyment – but you probably knew that already.

What you mightn't know is how many brands of eartips are out there, how wildly they vary in shape, material and construction, and how dramatically those differences can affect what you hear!

Being in the hobby for ages means you’ll probably wind up with a large eartip collection - they’re cheap enough to be great impulse buys with minimal post-purchase guilt, yet their sonic benefits can be huge.

I’ve tried all the popular brands, but for the past year have settled on Spinfit W1s as my tips of choice. So I was keen when Penon offered to send me their new Liqueur eartips in exchange for a review but sceptical they’d replace W1s as my favourites.

However upon arrival the Liqueurs at once stood out as being different... read on to learn how.



Penon Liqueur eartips come in two varieties – orange and black. Both are similarly shaped but the black ones have thicker walls. Which means the Black Liqueurs provide a stronger seal and better noise isolation, at the cost of being more rigid & slightly less comfortable.

There’s four sizes, and the largest is massive. If you’re someone who struggles to find tips large enough the Size XL Liqueurs may be the solution, given they’re way bigger than the largest tips of most brands.


The Liqueurs' secret sauce is their slightly tacky/sticky texture which helps form a stronger seal. If you’ve tried Azla Sedna Xelastec tips you know the kind I mean, but thankfully the Liqueurs dial down the effect – adding just enough tackiness to seal strongly without impacting comfort as much as the Xelastecs do.

Eartip fit is very personal, I find the Liqueurs comfortable for extended listening with fairly soft & yielding silicone. The Orange tips are slightly squishier than the Blacks but the difference is quite minor.

Sound Impressions


The Liqueurs' spacious open bores project airy high frequencies, and particularly the larger size tips are quite wide at the base to create a strong seal that gives low frequencies plenty of rumble.

The Orange Liqueurs are sonically well balanced, with a strong seal creating a wide soundstage & good perception of imaging. Midbass and upper midrange are emphasised, with treble quite extended. However the Liqueurs seal too tightly to sound as open & airy as other eartips, if that's what you prefer.

The Black Liqueurs seal even more strongly for very powerful isolation, but aren’t as comfortable. Their soundstage isn't as wide due to the stronger seal, instead they sound darker with emphasised lower midrange. Midbass is also strong, and they feel more bass dominant than the Orange tips.

Eartip Comparisons


Spinfit W1 (USD $8.99 per pair)

The W1s project the deepest sub bass of any tips I’ve tried, but despite sealing well sound very open with airy treble - sonically they're quite V-shaped, and close to the most comfortable tips I’ve tried.

The Orange Liqueurs are slightly firmer with comfort a small step down, with a similarly wide stage but less emphasised sub bass & treble. The Black Liqueurs seal more tightly and isolate better than the W1s, leading to a more intimate stage with greater midbass but less sub bass rumble.

Divinus Velvet (USD $18.99 for 3 pairs)

The Velvets seal slightly stronger than the W1s but aren’t quite as soft or comfortable, with a more intimate soundstage, less sub bass & treble emphasis but more lower midrange presence.

They’re reminiscent of the Black Liqueurs but are slightly more comfortable as they aren’t quite as thick, yet they don’t seal as strongly so isolation is lower but they sound slightly more open.



At $9.90 for 3 pairs the Penon Liqueur eartips are a no-brainer for earphone fanatics.

Especially the Black versions.

The Orange tips are slightly softer and for $9.90 it’s probably worth trying both… but the Black Liqueurs provide superb isolation, as good as any tips I’ve tried – without being as uncomfortable as Xelastecs.

For long plane & train trips the Black Liqueurs are now my first choice.

Eartips are like cables, you can never have too many and synergy is key. W1s remain my preference at home for their peerless comfort, the Black Liqueurs let me sacrifice some of that softness to block out extra noise when it bothers me. The Oranges are softer but I prefer max comfort or max isolation.

I love how spoiled for choice we are these days - it makes being super picky feel completely justified!


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Formulated to bring out the best when combined with a personal audio system
Provides not only physical fitment, but also you have a choice or Orange or Black sidewall material and/or physical thickness?
Black enhances the lower midrange and smooths out the top response
Orange increases the perception of resolution and creates a slightly faster stage response
Together they offer the both perfect union of technicalities and well-roundedness, in choice
Absolutely different than I have ever come across, both in shape and material used in both
Black is thicker and offering a bass kick to the signal and enhanced lower midrange
Orange is slightly thinner material making for a higher resolution signal and larger more nimbal stage
Yet both have a nozzle tube of diameter of 4.5mm across every size and color
S :11mm M : 12.5mm L : 14mm XL : 15.5mm
Height: 9.2mm
Can possibly find fitment with multiple sizes thus having control over bass wave maturity inside your ear canal
Cons: They don't come free with any model of IEM that I am familiar with

Redcarmoose Labs February 21, 2024

Penon started getting internet fame around 2013 with their retail set-up called Penon Audio, a place with hundreds of personal audio items for sale. At first Penon made cables only, yet in a short time they were making and selling their very own IEMs. Using additional IEM accessories like ear-tips to enhance sound into a new direction can be tricky as everyone has their own ideas as to what a perfect sound signature is. But beyond that we are taking a foreign object and joining in to the human body. Each human has a slightly different ear-hole shape, yet they are closer to the same person by person than the outer pinna area of the ear, which is photographed and used to identify people just like fingerprints.


Little if ever do people speculate on this, but in fact there are many sound tubes and nozzles internally inside your IEM. The shapes and curves and sonic resonant chambers are all very convoluted and hidden from plain sight, yet the end results are really the most important here............the final nozzle (at the end) and the blossoming of frequencies which takes place at that final destination point.

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One thing is certain…….ear-tips affect sound quality. But beyond that this ear-tip selection rabbit hole is quite deep and convoluted. Yep, it goes on forever with Head-fi being the place to go to learn about the latest ear-tips. You see that is one of the most valuable aspects of Head-Fi, learning about a new product and getting it to perform just like (another human) you read about on-line. You see that saves money and footwork trying to understand the value of a product that deals with sound...........sound that we can only verify by listening to (the product in question) ourselves. Yet when these parallel results start to surface…….then another, then another….a reality is found. There is maybe truth to be found if experienced by a number of listeners, that has been the key to Head-Fi success ever since day one around this place.

It is safe to say not all ear-tips are created equal. I mean this understanding is really a learning curve, but also it's filled with personal biases. Personal bias as often we disregard a style of ear-tip that came with an IEM because “we don’t like wide-bores”. Or maybe we only use expensive ear-tips because expensive is 100% always better……right? Wrong! This psychology in ear-tips goes on forever.........even forming opinions inside our mind as we proclaim the reality of results upon listening. Yep, we can gravitate towards using a specific style of ear-tip.............and just like your favorite jeans or shirt…….they go with everything………we make them go with everything……….even if they don’t go. With that said there has always been aftermarket ear-tips, yet as of late the technology and use of ear-tip technology has blossomed into a new roaring sub-business (offered-up) for IEM lovers. And in the end this concentration on the ideas of ear-tips changing sound is further developed with more designer ear-tips arriving to market monthly. Head-Fi is filled with these ear-tips stories on a daily basis.

The ear:
Probably the most confusing thing about trying a new IEM is even when we think we have the best fit, we don’t. That occurs because we have never truly heard the IEM before and don’t realize its sonic potential. Imagine we never heard a new IEM correctly, yet we don't even know it yet. Yep, we think we have the best fit, yet an hour later and with the 4th ear-tip we say WOW, to ourselves. Why, well that can be from many factors, one is that folks (even at rare times) enjoy a semi-fit as a way to diminish bass. And the small Orange and Black ear-tips allow that kind of fitment with me.

But getting back on track here. An air-tight fit is what most are looking for, now that is achieved by having pressure of the material pushing out, on the inside of the ear canal. If uniform then a fit starts to take place. Yet we are still not out of the woods yet. Why? Because bass is determined by the sound waves maturing inside the ear canal with the IEM in place, yet every brand of ear-tip positions the IEM nozzle at a different distance from the ear drum. As some ear-tips seem to use an exceptionally long shape combined with a special style of silicone to really get an airtight fitment. Yet the other factor here is ear-tip inner circumference, the size of the ear-tip nozzle port. And not only the size but the shape of the port. Some are like trumpets, others get narrower and so on. Yet one simple thing we can all argue about, sorry…….I mean agree upon is that wide-bores open the stage and narrow bore close in the stage and add bass.

The physical fitment:
So it is a rabbit hole that when success is reached we seem to know it. The next component of this adventure deals with IEM placement outside the ear. Meaning there is a physical relationship between the foreign (object) IEM and the human. As such the IEM can be positioned too far outside the ear and move around, or can be positioned too close to not work due to being in the wrong position to get the ear-tip to lodge in place. What this means is we are concentrating on the inner ear canal air-tight fit, and the distance the IEM is sitting in the end. Where too far out and the fit is not consistent, or too far in and we lose airtight fit too. Remember the make and construction of the ear-tip must be both soft enough to find air-tight fit, but firm enough to possibly be put into use to hold the IEM in place. Now when I say hold, the IEM needs to be correctly positioned at times so the outer ear holds it partially, and there is a little ear canal holding due to material coming into play. So it is a blend, but one of the main reasons those throw away ear-tips that come with your IEM are thrown away is the walls are too thin and change form into a non air-tight fitment when attempting to be used. This is sad to me because typically new folks will try and put these cheap tips into use with their new IEM and never really hear the IEM in the first place. This results in not knowing you have or don't have perfect fit, thus they mistakenly complain about the iEM, or EQ the Schiit out of it........with the worst part being they never achieve soundstage. Soudstage is 100% dependent on IEM fitment, and secondary imaging......ect,ect. Yet the most common negative effect is lack of bass.

Nozzle shape and size:
The actual nozzle (of a specific IEM) has its own singular diameter and nozzle length which affects fitment. Yep, there can be pressure lost from escape around the nozzle between the ear-tip and nozzle, rare but it can happen. There is also the way some ear-tips seem to lock into place (seemingly joined to the nozzle) and some are slide-prone to find a new position every time you use an IEM. Though some folks get an advantage with this IEM slide...........and use it every time, to find the sweet spot where the IEM sits outside your ear. So there are not always right ways or wrong ways, as it is totally individual, as ear-tips should be.

So there are lots of choices:
There are a lot of personal results to be found, yet we do know one thing. There are better ear-tips which get regarded by the masses as better and the throwaways. Yet one other factor is materials and the combinations of materials. So foam has been used, and multiple styles of silicone offering dual density even in one IEM, and there are as many different styles of silicone as there are fingers and toes on your body……(maybe) more as it is a specific formula where sound is altered by a union of formula and shape/design. There is also size to be chosen, and surprisingly with these Penon tips, they fit so well I have a choice of three different sizes that seem to fit. That means I can go slightly deep (with the bigger size). Or way deep with the (medium) size, also noted is how the smaller size fits more firm. Why, it is more firm because it is farther inside your ear canal thus grabbing more support by a larger contact area.


Penon LIQUEUR silicone ear-tips:
As such you have a choice of two flavors Orange or Black, and you can get one or the other or both colors. The noticeable thing here is you get a case and a wide selection, with three pairs that are regularly found in size and one pair that takes the cake as the largest ear-tip I have ever seen. Yet for me I can fit the largest and the second to largest, maybe even the third to largest. I mean just look at them, don’t they look unique…..they are unique because of material and shape…….but most importantly the walls are extremely thick yet soft, so they really find fitment in a slightly macho way........even the Orange ones are macho. We are not messing around here, and audio success is a science, and Penon applies that science to shift the outcome paradigm.

Materials: Silicone
Tube diameter: 4.5mm
Height: 9.2mm
S/M/L/XL Diameter :
S :11mm
M : 12.5mm
L : 14mm
XL : 15.5mm

The other brand ear-tips:
The thing is once you travel down the ear-tip rabbit hole these new GUCCI designer ear-tips seem to be priced terribly expensive? At times up to $50.00 for a two pair ear-tips. It’s like they think that their ear-tips are made of gold or something, that or they know audiophiles will pay as these ear-tips are unique, often being one of a kind. Still Penon supplies a nice reusable case which snaps closed, just like this review!

3 Pairs of 4.5mm Penon Liqueur Series Silicone Eartips

Penon Liqueur O (Orange color)
Enhanced low-frequency atmosphere, clean background, clearer vocal, reduce the sibilance,high resolution.

Penon Liqueur B (Black color)

Rich details of low frequency, high frequency is transparent, clean background, the vocal is clear, and reduce the sibilance

Here is the deal:
The two colors are totally different in sidewall construction, and or material. I'm not privy the material differences, except in your hand (and between your fingers) they are somewhat different with the Black holding genuinely more tactile resistance, then the Orange which go to display a thinner more dexterous stature. These physical attributes are real and go to set the two ideas of sound responses apart, allowing each color to gently position your tonal response into an avenue of town, while subtly the same, also genuinely different. :)


The difference between Orange and Black:
Probably the very first thing is to notice the texture of the ear-tip in hand. Now of course the Blacks are thicker walled, but most likely also a slightly different material, though because they are in truth different’s hard to tell if the stability they offer is only from the thicker walls, as it could in fact be different materials here? As all the ear-tips here today have the exact same center diameter regardless of size, this 4.5mm inner tube placement is uniform.

Where you want to concentrate on is the actual feel of Orange to Black, as even with your eyes closed the Black is noticeably more tough to move the walls inward with your finger, the Orange offering a more flexible stance. What all this means is the Orange are a little higher in resolution because of their makeup, and the Black are actually reducing slightly the treble energy in the highs.........probably absorbing the energy? This also takes place even if you compare both side-by-side as the Orange (can) go in slightly deeper to engage more treble and reduce the bass wave maturity.

I mean sure the Orange walls are thinner, and the Black are actually incredibly macho…..yet usable and strangely comfortable due to enhanced tactile feedback from the walls. Yet they are so soft, nothing is too intrusive. Though I have to say with further testing the Black are strangely well fitting, in that I could easily get the XL, L and medium tips to find perfect air-tight fit, a first here at Redcarmoose Labs. As a result the bass wave maturity was altered with the farthest back being the XL, and the closest distance from the nozzle end to my ear drum being the Medium, creating a wonderful choice of tones and textures. The small Black did fit, but offered a non air-tight fitment, which made the bass even faster, except the stage and imaging suffered as well.

This style of replay change is as real as it gets and may be some folks' ultimate way of understanding the best from their IEM purchases. Though remember the inclusive results affect both sound and physical fit. As such it may come down to resulting in only less adjustment on the listeners part, in addition to the sonic benefits.

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The Results:
I don’t want to say it would be a make it or break an IEM's tonal difference, only you are enhancing a direction that was first established by the song file choice, then the DAP, then the cable……….only to be polished off by the ear-tip. That or of course if a problem arises where the tone is somehow not as desired, a certain ear-tip can come about a fix, and alignment into what your sonic expectations are/were. The other really important thing is the Blacks can offer maybe (for most) the tightest fit (as they are pushing back the hardest) which for many would be an added benefit for TWS sports IEM, seemingly getting the most noise occlusion out and about from the well fitting union of IEM and ear, plus getting deeper low end which drowns out any outside distractions. Plus the bore circumference enables a tight lock on your IEM nozzle enabling only a separation at will and not by happenstance when involved with activity other than the Lazy Boy recliner.




Are the Penon LIQUEUR silicone ear-tips for you? If you use IEMs they most probably are. As this is very different from IEM reviews, and different from many other ear-tips. Why? Well they give you an option of more resolution with the
Orange and a more meaty lower midrange and bass with the Black. Then the next level is they offer different sizes that enable a choice of insertion depth…….how cool is that? I’m not you so I can’t guarantee you will ridiculously find three sizes to work, but I can almost guarantee at least one size will work. The sonic results here may be the differences from DAPs, where one is more forgiving and reduces sibilance, where the other is coercing brighter tones. Yet when I say there are differences depending on the IEM, it’s not that much, not night and day, except you knew that. But it is noticeable. Lucky we are here on the retail side of this venture in sound, and not inside the factory with the development of the LIQUEUR ear-tips. You see this LIQUEUR development curve wasn’t an easy thing to do. Somehow it was complicated to get to the place we are now, with many prototype tips made and sent out, finally arriving at what we now have in our mitts. So even though you can get them relatively fast now, I advise you to slow down once you get them…… try and listen and not make judgments right off. As what shows up in the package is very different from anything you have probably come across. And interfacing with each IEM they seem to be defined to use Black for brighter IEMs, and Orange for darker IEMs……….of course nothing is writen in stone as far as ear-tips go. Truly the only way to learn is to forget your biases and take the tips one day at a time, like the first moment you ever used IEMs, as at times playing stupid in life is the fastest way to learning something.


I want to thank Penon Audio for their love and the LIQUEUR Orange and Black Ear-tips review samples.

These are one person's ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony TA-ZH1ES DAC/AMP Firmware 1.03
Electra Glide Audio Reference Glide-Reference Standard "Fatboy" Power Cord
Sony Walkman Cradle BCR-NWH10
AudioQuest Carbon USB
HiBy R3 II DAP in 4.4mm balanced output
Penon Tail Dongle in 4.4mm balanced output

Currently Penon/ISN manufactures and sells.
ISN Audio Cable Products:
1) AG8 Cable
2) C16 Cable
3) C2 Cable
4) C4 Cable
5) CU4 Cable
6) CS02 Cable
7) G4 Cable
8) GC4 Cable
9) GD4 Cable
10) GS4 Cable
11) H16 Cable
12) H2 Cable
13) H8 Cable
14) H8Plus Cable
15) 8 Core Cable
16) S16 Cable
17) S2 Cable
18) S4 Cable
19) S8 Cable
20) SC4 Cable
21) Solar Cable
22) Type C Audio Adapter

ISN Audio IEM Products/Earbud products
23) D02 IEM
24) D10 IEM
25) EST50 IEM
26) H30 IEM
27) H40 IEM
28) H50 IEM
29) Neo 5 IEM
30) Neo 3 IEM
31) Neo 1 IEM
32) Rambo Earbuds
33) Rambo II Earbuds

Penon Audio Cable Products
34) Bass Cable
35) CS819 Cable
36) Fiery Cable
37) Flow Cable
38) GD848 Cable
39) HiFi Balanced Adapter
40) Penon Impact Cable
41) Leo Cable
42) Leo Plus Cable
43) Mix Cable
44) Neo Cable
45) Obsidian Cable
46) Orbit Cable
47) OS133 Cable
48) OS133 Adapter
49) OS849 Cable
50) OSG Cable
51) Space Cable
52) Storm Cable
53) Totem Cable
54) Totem Adapter Cable
55) Totem Adapter Type-C DAC/Amp
56) OS133 Type-C/Lightening DAC/Amp
57) Vocal Cable
58) ASOS Cable
59) RENATA Cable
60) Rhodium Plug
61) Purple Plug
62) OFC Copper Plug

Penon Audio IEM Products
63) Penon IEM
64) Impact IEM
65) Legend IEM
66) Globe IEM
67) Serial IEM
68) Sphere IEM
69) Volt IEM
70) Vortex IEM
71) Turbo IEM
73) Quattro IEM
:slot_machine: Possible new TOTL Voltage:slot_machine:
75) Penon Tail Dongle

Almost 75 individual personal audio products.

Last edited:
Wes S
Wes S
Unfortunately, those tips don't work for everyone. I just tried every size in Black and Orange and could not get a seal. My iem (Quattro) sounded anemic and holo.
Reads like Penon ad/inventory compilation.
The question to HeadFi moderators/officials - where would be the boundary between "reviewers" and obvious (if not blatant) mass advertisrers? Why would not these advertisers be identified as "members of the trade" (or mass reviewers) to minimize deceit and confusion to less experienced members of the community.
I learned my lessons hard way with my money, so I really wish it would be easier for new Head-Fiers.
$9.90 always better than $99.90 - though soon I'm sure that will be reality the way canfi and IEMfi is going.