Penon Globe 2BA + Dynamic Driver Hybrid 2Pin 0.78mm HiFi Audiophile IEM


Headphoneus Supremus
Dessert for Your Ears
Pros: Well-rounded ability, optimized for use with any source, file or music genre
One Knowles treble BA, One Sonion midrange BA and One 10mm dynamic, all in a medium-small shell
Full-bodied, smooth and complete
Rich and spacious playback
Balanced whole spectrum sound
Not a "V" signature or bass focused, but an even W type signature showing everything
Lower mid-fi price/TOTL sound
Truly amazing soundstage, while not the widest, offers forward, back and spacial charms
Your choice of 2.5mm, 4.4mm balanced or 3.5mm single ended termination
Cons: Layers of information, yet not the most detailed or technical for the money
one three two.jpeg

The Penon Globe is a mid-priced IEM with a big sound. Not only is the sound large, but it's inviting and somewhat romantic. Romance takes place due to (the sound) having a special listenability and charm. This sound is created by only only three drivers, yet those drivers are so well chosen, nothing is left out! Such a design results in the ultimate form-factor, neither big in size, or heavy in weight, the Globe goes about its business in the most pleasant and competent of ways!

A lot has happened to mid-range IEM sound in the last 2 or 3 years. What was only acceptable and adequate, has been replaced with dramatic and moving. Truly I don't know how else to describe the Penon Globe? The sound is incredibly big and even bigger due to the way the bass is parlayed. Such joys were absolutely non-exsistant in 2019, I know because I was out traveling and listening to all kinds of gear. It's not only that they have a special dialed-in sound, but it's complete, even and correct..........though not totally linear. The Globe offers a color, we bask in such color..............rejoice in the inclusion of it. Just like a heavy after-dinner dessert, they have a provocative weight and smoothness. Such attractions are my personal taste in sound, nothing is missed and nothing more wanted. These are thick sounding, but not bass heavy, just layered and midrange-full, but not bright. Such results end-up inviting, due to the sheer movement of size, also the dexterity in pace. Quite frankly, the Globe has it all, alI you could ask for! Today we will put the Globe through the tests, to verify the response and prove validity of such talk. Won't you join me on another adventure, and adventure into the heart of the Penon Globe.

The Penon Globe:
There is just a lot to like about the Globe. For starters the shape is slightly different being the faceplate is not that big, but the Globe is slightly deep shaped (as noted in the photos here). Why more IEMs aren't this shape I don't know, because it's one of the most comfortable IEMs there is. If you were wondering which IEM I newly heard that offers a combination thickness/richness and provocative pace and bounce, this is it! So how do those concepts intertwine? Because at first glance it appear they couldn’t coexist?

Take a look at your music library. You have favorites that you listen to more frequently................because they are your favorites. But what if you could find an IEM that opened-up the curtain into making you fall-in-love with the rest of your less-listened-to collection. Now this would be a miracle, wouldn’t you agree? I am exaggerating a little, but you get my point. I first noticed this only by random, in that there were songs that I use and they are right-next to a song I don't find interesting. Somehow when I sampled them, I found them incredibly listenable. Not everything of course, but truly more music than I would have guessed. You're basically able to both listen to more lesser known musical pieces and find them interesting. Just like the time when you went to a friends house and he played that new stereo he just bought and the music had you spellbound.......even though it wasn’t really your style of music. What happened was you became infatuated with sound in general. So it wasn’t the actual choice of music, but your personal enjoyment of the sounds..........the actual sounds themselves. It was the interesting tone of the instruments, it could have been any instrument, and you would have found it interesting and audiophile. That’s what we have here in a nut-shell. The procurement of tones that are both incredibly listenable and relaxed in a highly layered way. Such an ability is two fold, it takes place due to the frequency response character of the drivers (together) and the individual characteristics of the actual drivers used. Their personality is like the personality of anything that has the possibility of being different from one another. Only here they are also grouped together and matched due to individual character of response. So simply Penon Audio is choosing a grouping of individual drivers, but that’s the magic, that grouping is special. Would it only be special if you personally related with the FR? Ahh, well yes, but this tune is so accessible that I can pretty much guarantee you will find it special. It’s listenable in the most profoundly musical of ways. Again this is two fold, it’s the fact that it’s smooth and the fact that you can listen to detailed segments of music, to still find it interesting. So this takes place first by the tune.


Here is the frequency response curve:
The next reality occurring is the personality of each individual driver used, as often that’s not totally measurable. This results in the 1 Sonion BA for midrange, 1 Knowles for treble and the 10mm dynamic for bass. Such a simple set-up could be looked at a rudimentary, yet less drivers actually promote a clarity and singularity of purpose. As long as the sound output in even, correct and complete, we are fine, and better than fine if you agree with the way Penon tuned the Globe. Frequency Range is probably 80% of reason why someone likes an earphone. This is my first experience with a Penon earphone. And word on the street is Penon is somewhat continuous in sound style. Meaning their tuning is always (a little) the same, yet driver variation (personality) and driver arraignment provide the variation in sound per model. So Penon is coming-up close to their sound on every IEM release, yet it’s the driver configuration which ends adding variations. The Globe is another take on the exact house sound Penon always provides. The sound included is slightly colored as the existence of an added room response. Room response is added to IEMs and headphones due to emulating the response of speakers in a room. Such frequencies bounce around inside the speaker cabinet and exit the rear walls of the speaker and side-walls of the speaker. Such renegade frequencies then bounce off the rear and side-walls of the listening room and add a few dB of bass thickness in addition to the full-frequency frontal sound response flowing out the front of the speaker. This is not a theory but common knowledge of how speakers in a room are different from headphones or IEMs. Even in nightclubs when live music is performed there is always extra bass energy accumulated and perceived, which goes to add extra body to live sounds heard in such places.

Is this Redcarmoose’s sound.........laughingly it is 100% my sound! I will promote and defend this style of response due to the easy going nature it contains, it also seems more correctly emulating speakers in a room! While this W tune does offer extra-bass, it's done in such a polite and sophisticated manner, resulting in listenability.

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First Take!
All first impressions take on a level of importance when judging an IEM. Why? It’s your own ideas of sound reproduction reflecting off a new mirror. Inside that mirror can be found your ideal sound response or lesser. Such judgments are retrieving references to everything you have ever heard, both on headphones and real musical playback. There are a list of critical realities in response, only at times our mental perception can’t take in the whole picture. This is primarily due to two reasons, one, we need more genres, file qualities and sources. And two, we are not able to fully perceive the 100% sound response due to favoritism. Such favoritism exists in small areas we have grown accustomed to enjoying. These areas of response cloud our perceptions, pulling mental focus from areas of possible inadequacy, creating misjudgments, partially due to our subjective sound signature preferences.

There are no examples of a perfect tonal response, but better and lesser examples of IEM tuning practice. Upon new IEM audio introductions, (much like meeting people) your first impressions are normally instinctual, far from the math and science references commonly used in daily analysis. This is where the subtle aspects of both placebo and the subconscious interpretations can askew our judgement calls. We must accept the fickleness in such endeavors.


Impressions of the Globe IEM:
I have to quote Dsnuts here due to his complete understanding of Globe balance.

“The balanced tuning
In doing my share of earphone reviews. I have seen other manufacturers tune differently with each model they make. Not so much Penon. Penon tunes with the best ability of each driver that is used in an earphone and with balance in mind. Generally sound balancing for each of their earphones are identical with the real changes to the sound coming from added drivers to that tuning. Sound balancing also is a house sound trait and is expertly crafted in the Globe with dynamism in mind. All parts of the sound is equally present here and when called on, treble mids and bass ends all come to life in a larger spacious headstage for earphones. These are clearly colored and more of a W shaped sound design with a slight uplift toward the lower bass region.
End quote:

I’ve included this quote as it will help get my following points across. My personal nonsense will arrive with enhanced clarity, and for his knowledge I am grateful!

This Globe color first comes off skewed, but quickly midrange and treble formations enable a double take. So the slight darkness is perceived along with sexy BA rendition of midrange and treble elements. Such characteristics are due to both the driver frequency response and individual (driver-tone) characteristics. Such profound joy is leaning there are many ways to do something, there are many ways to achieve a goal. And this balance has been imagined by Penon as an artful tuning in relation to the continued reinforcement of the Penon sound “tune”. This frequency response became incredibly easy for me to identify with and relate to...........hopefully your perception will be parallel? We are presented a fairly large soundstage encompassed by width, height and thickness. Such places are the canvas and essential to imaging. In the lower frequencies we delight in how the midrange and treble find placement. Yet there is an overall stance of liquidity and smoothness, that forms the music in the most digestible of ways.


Due to the well-roundness found I can now choose any file existing in my library to do a sound performance test. While some files of course are better examples of a particular character of response, like the concept stated above, I’m purely enamored by sound quality alone, and would like any file. Obviously due to it individual recording qualities we in-turn experience sound performance variables, but never is needed a correct “file” to somehow enhance the Globe’s abilities or subdue some off attribute. Am I saying the Globe is perfect? Such a paradigm does not exist, yet there are departures arriving in that direction.


Daft Punk
Tron Legacy OST
"Sea of Simulation"

44.1 kHz - 24 bit


Such an attribute bestows more detail than you would imagine. As maybe that’s the answer to the Penon tune-riddle? How to we approach the detail question with-out added treble frequency? We do it with layering, splendidly. This Sea of Simulation brings the layering goods to the table. Showing the Globe’s abilities with a less watered down song. Instead we are approached with warm analog-synth sequencing and brilliantly round sub-bass revelations. Yes, I would call this instant, this moment in time, perfect. The Globe parlays a softness and warmth all the while providing the layering that propels this song forward. Such bass is deep and impactful, without getting in the way of the pace or upper synthesizer top-offs. There is a phenomenon where astute imaging can trick us into believing there is slightly more soundstage than there is. This takes place due to how each individual element is found in relief against its fellow musical compadres.


"All In Good Time"

44.1 kHz - 24 bit

This song on the Globe made me break-out the IER-Z1R. Reason being, I wondered how the two differed in bass personality. First-off the Globe is noticeably easier to drive. The Z1R was just ever so slightly more intense, offering an only slightly clearer view of everything. But I know why I wanted to hear the IER-Z1R, because the Globe and IER approach music the exactly same way. Where only a slight (soundstage) size difference and an ever so slight detail rendition was accomplished in IER-Z1R playback. So if someone wanted the IER, but the fit of the IER, or budget restraints kept you from it, here you go! You can get 90% of the sound with the Globe. I will do a rudimentary side-by-side comparison test in the next section.

This is a simplistic song really, it’s slow and incredibly textured, not only with Brendan Perry’s voice textures but the bass has a distinct tone and characteristic too.

All your ships
Have left their moorings
Cast adrift
On the Sargasso Sea
Waiting for the wind
To set your sails free
When you reach
The end of your rainbow
Chasing shadows
And down on your luck
Look for the sign
Look for a sign
As you rise to the very top
Of your mountain
Just remember those
Poor lost souls
On their way down
You taught me patience
Was a virtue
I took my time
Let Nature take her cause
All was revealed
All in good time
Turn back your clocks
Open up your memories
Beneath the veil
Where time stands still
You showed me a sign

You showed me the sign

This is the last song on the album; often artists will place a slower dramatic song at the end. We are first me with a cycle of two elements; the bass and this returning synth sound. Both instruments are relaxing and make the vibe here. There is no better song to prove the human voice is by far more detailed and finessed than the bass. Instantly we come to realize the bass here is only utilitarian to the emotional and alive singing. Brendan Perry’s voice has both a vibrato and a rough tinge in places. It’s so clear in that like the Sony IER-Z1R, the Globe does both alive bass and amazing male vocals. A segue from the bass rhythm to the actual beat of the song takes place at 1 minute 50 seconds, such a tone is in-between a bass note and a drum. It is a drum though, and finds itself of a higher pitch than the bass in the beginning……finally they intertwine together. At the 4 minute 35 seconds a giant wash of composite synth sounds take over, which sign a a dramatic forwardness for the song. Such instrumental breaks also signal the song’s ending. Still in memory this (last instrumental break) wasn’t the climax of the song, but the fact that Brendan Perry’s voice was the star of this show. Few voices can compete with the emotion and detail of his vocal renditions. There is a reverb, a multitracking to the echos, and the Globe does it all. The intimacy displayed among the alternating textures of his voice. To be honest the IER-Z1R does it better, but the difference between the two IEMs is marginal. To me it’s the physical weight and size, along with the form-shape of the globes that make them so wearable, and more wearable than the IER-Z1R. Even though the IER-Z1R fits me fine, I would never leave the house with it, but the Globe I would travel with, even going on a trip of weeks…..into the unknown and unplanned……..the Globe by my side.



44.1 kHz - 24 bit

The beginning firmly represents a Science Fiction vibe, such a display in sound-design talent. At 27 seconds a sequenced passage of notes takes us by surprise, only to be rhythmically fastened to the following drum beats to come at 42 seconds. The incredible dynamic contrasts here, the authority of the bass...........interlocked with the sequenced circling-synths. Somehow the guitar makes it into this song in a way only KMFDM can do. And not only do they use rhythm guitar, they are free to explore a type of enhanced James Bond theme…… at the 2 minute 7 second mark comes a clean reverberated clean picked-guitar! The Globe locks onto such harmonic embellishments and delivers with-out fault. The vocoder vocals are slightly set-back where they find both electronic vocals and vocals simultaneously! Such drum panning, and drum breaks make for an enchanted evening, this song is so full of fireworks. Colorful and dramatic, but never too much with the Globe. It’s the pace that is taken care of for us. The heavy electrons placed on-beat with a drum machine are polished and served up with accessibility. This must be German music as I feel the Germany? At 3 minutes 59 seconds higher pitched drum accents travel across edges of the stage.........a style of conclusion only KMFDM could get away with! Such responsiveness to rhythm……..the Globe does it all. The prior song shows intimacy and texture......but this song shows bright energy and switch-backs! Truly we are in the presence of an IEM that can proficiently do it all!


Hans Zimmer
"Ripples in the Sand"

48 kHz - 24 bit

I’m always learning about this song, as every time I hear it shows a new sound dimension. While technically (for IEMs) this song is more difficult than you would first guess. The trick here is bass placement........positioning the deep bass is crucial to the total experience, as too much bass will interfere with the rest of the songs elements. When done exactly right (like with the Penon Globe ) the song shows itself to hold a symphony of details, normally left under the proposed sonic-mud. Yet the details can be unearthed, as they are there! Such is the balance of the whole, the finite balance the Globe shows us. When done right this song is like looking out across a field, the ripples in the sand..........I can view them sonically. Every element here has a function and job to do. In reality the bass is actually not forward but sits behind, the Globe knows this. The drums are also positioned correctly. At 1 minute 10 the single vocal embellishment takes place. The (vocal) central theme, both sonically and spiritually. As her voice is used as a backdrop and further enhanced into a style a flatness, finding itself behind the instrumentation, it’s still there and somehow holds the entire song with it’s understated presence? At 3 minutes 40 seconds the vocals (maybe) are sampled (to be replayed) lower, as an introduction to the song’s climax. At the 3 minute 47 second mark we still hear her voice, yet buried, as buried as it could be and still be heard! Somehow the Globe makes sense of all this, not only is the song deciphered, but shows all it contains.

The IER-ZIR vs The Penon Audio Globe:

First off I didn't plan this comparison. It's not ridiculous, only I didn't schedule such an event. When DCD's "All In Good Time" (the second test song here) was played I focused in on the bass in the beginning, then Brendan Perry's voice. There was an intimacy that was special, probably due to the Globe doing both bass and vocals well? There was this clarity where you could hear the vibrato in his voice in crucial places (like when he says the word rainbows). Such dynamics got my curiosity brewing, as I thought if this bass and these vocals are so good, what would happen if I did a comparison with the IER-Z1R? How would they differ and how would they compete to be closer to the same? Needless to say the IER-Z1R was better, but I also was I was correct. Both the Globe and the IER-Z1R had parallel ways at which they handle tone. Not only were the two similar, but shared the same over-all vibe. While the IER-Z1R went and projected Brendan Perry's voice slightly more forward enabling a greater relief. The IER just sculpted more.......creating more details and resolve. Still it was uncanny how these two were painting with the same color palette and living as neighbors next-door from one another. The IER bass was slightly larger than the Globe, yet the tone was the same. More than that, they both created the same after-effects in emotion. Such clues circumvent any scientific curiosities, and so, in the world of feelings; a place separate from science.

Treble energies are served-up slightly reserved yet never boring. They show sparkle when called upon, except due to the 7Khz (anti-sibilance) dip, we end with a treble that's more pronounced in the lower and upper treble areas. Such individual character of replay tone may be the name brand Knowles Balanced Armature, maybe it's the crossover placement, maybe the interaction of both? Such a special treble placement makes you wonder why only one BA is not always used? Without a doubt we are gifted with a focused treble installation, gone are those extra frequencies scattered by extra driver count. I can't help hear these as offering the perfect balance of technicality and tone. Not as airy as the the most airiness in replay, but that's not the sound Penon was going for, and I commend them for such tune choices. While spatially extended into high-frequency imaging, just as much emphasis (or more) takes place in the lows and the mid soundstage, which is part of the thickness at hand.

There is a definite Sonion feeling I get from the BA driver. More so too, because of the limited use of drivers here, so whatever (character) I'm hearing is more direct and vibrant. More than that, there is less (buzzy) technical issues. What I'm saying is there is something to using a single driver (for the midrange), as it's by no way weak or responding dull or set-back. Such abilities are in the forefront making the vocals placed in such a way, as to never need extra volume to hear them. Go ahead and listen to male or female vocals and enjoy them at any volume you choose. Such stature also acts as a buffer, meaning this IEM sounds relatively the same at different volume levels? Such consistent reproduction is possibly connected with doing all musical genres correct? Also such abilities possibly enable the playback of many different levels of file quality. As such better files sound better, but inferior files don't sound (at all) bad. Any source sounded good too, being the Globe is easy to drive, and easy to access midrange/bass authority. The midrange offers instrument texture when present, and shifts transient gears quick, as only BAs can do.

The pinpoint placement of elements seemed to even be more accurately positioned due to a single BA driver maybe? Thus a realism and clarity found, being the method-of-operation was simpler and more direct. I'm actually surprised at just how big this single driver sounds? Any off-timbre (and believe me I know) seems to be minimized? There was some obviously, but the more I listened the more it seemed to vanish?

I'm going to list this as having both sub-bass and a firm middle bass presence. Though the sub-bass is curtailed in the most provocative of ways, meaning it's not always as prominent or as emphasized. The sub-bass becomes heard as a natural extension of the regular bass. Such a focus is better (to me) than IEMs that offer only sub-bass ability. This means that the sub-bass acts as an embellishment, thus complete and the way it should be. Such avenues offer good speed yet not always the clearest heard. Remember these are thick sounding, but not from a lower bass emphasis, thus a dialed-in pace and bounce. Such a bass is not the tightest, yet it rides the borderline to kinda be all things to all people. It's relatively fast but not the fastest, enough (bass) to satisfy bassheads yet not totally overbearing and extreme. It's this ultimate mix of agility with bass ability. I literally can't figure out how or why this works out so well, but it does? At times it's better to leave-off with the investigation, and not question as to the reason why, but just enjoy things as they are. As somehow, even the bass offers-up an example of an endearing and unique tone, despite not being the clearest on the block.

This is what Penon Audio they say about themselves:

About Us
"PenonAudio online shop ( was born in 2013 and our main goal is to sell the best selected audio products at the most affordable prices for both the audiophiles and business users. Many internet retailers sell thousands of products and provide you with nothing more than a generic description and a "Buy" button. We're different. We specialize in audio and head-fi gears, so our sales staff are fully trained on our products and are capable of answering detailed questions and making recommendations. When shopping for audio and head-fi gears online, consumers often face a dilemma: buy from a reputable site and pay more, or risk buying from a not-so-trustworthy site to get the lowest price. With PenonAudio, you don't have to choose between low prices and a safe, high-quality shopping experience. You can have it all when you shop with us."

Penon Audio:
So the difference here is not only do they sell IEMs, they make lEMs. This means that when you purchase your buying factory direct, yet you still have all the service of a retailer. So.....the reason the Penon Globe sounds like more than a $339.00 IEM is because it is more. It’s a wildly more expensive IEM which is sold factory-direct to save costs. There is no middleman. The owner of Penon Audio is a music lover. That means that even if he didn’t make cables and IEMs, he would still be involved with music in some capacity. Each IEM’s sound shows a connection to music reproduction which is operating on a slightly different level than most IEM companies. Thus their vision is room response, whether it’s an IEM’s replication of speakers playing in a room or a room reflecting the sound of a live band, the tonal response will always show this connection. A connection with with the Penon line of IEMs shows variations of a central theme. The theme reflects a deeper understanding and insight which is proof positive that the builder/designer is a music enthusiast. The Globe comes-in as IEM number 7 in the historic line-up. The Vortex DD is the newest creation out their output.

The box opening experience:



Finally the top comes off to find a beautiful zippered case. Note the protective plastic coating protecting the zipper-clasp.


In addition to the blue case comes a small pouch holding both a cleaning tool and shirt-clip. Finally we come to the very bottom of the Penon box. Some don't like the velcro-cable clasp, due to all the small hooks it contains, so they leave it at the bottom. They also include a regular (buttoned) cable tie.


A full-set of E-Pro horn-tips.

Included with the Penon Globe is a full nine sets of ear-tips. The orange core fit perfect. Included is a double inner pouch case, shirt clip. cleaning tool and 2 Pin Silver Plated Copper 8 core cable. Note the button-fastened cable-tie, which in included in the pouch, along with 6 of the full 9 sets of ear-tips. The IEMs themselves are protected in individual plastic ziplock bags, while fully connected to the cable.

Penon Globe 2BA + Dynamic Driver Hybrid 2Pin 0.78mm HiFi Audiophile IEM


2BA+Dynamic Driver Hybrid 2Pin 0.78mm Detachable Audiophile IEMS
The use of medical grade resin material, light and beautiful, comfortable to wear, no strange feeling in contact with the skin.

Made by hand, the earphone shell is solid and more durable.

Driver: 2BA + 10mm dynamic
Balanced armature: Knowles high frequency, Sonion middle frequency
Dynamic driver : 10mm Bass
Frequency reponse:20Hz-20kHz
Impedance: 10ohm@1khz
Sensitivity: 116db@1khz@1mw
Connector: 2Pin 0.78mm
Cable length: 1.2M

Penon Globe
3 pairs of Epro EP00 silicone eartips (SML)
3 pairs of gray-orange silicone eartips (SML)
3 pairs of gray-green silicone eartips (SML)
1 pairs of double flange silicone eartips
Earphone case


Such attention to detail shows a flush mount receptor for the 2 pin plugs, a small vent-off for the DD and a sculpted nozzle tip holder.


As shown the Penon Globe comes stock with your choice of 2.5mm balanced or 3.5mm single end terminations.

Edit: While I did the review with an adapter from 2.5mm to 4.4mm balanced, Penon just informed me they offer all three, 3.5mm single ended, 2.5mm and 4.4mm balanced now.

Penon has taken the conservative approach here. They didn't reinvent the wheel, they simply progressed it further. Polishing the basics, they improved the fundamentals. Making only three drivers sound like more, making a smaller midsized shell sound somehow grander in size? This IEM is so darn fun! Such a sway and swagger goes to show you the pace your music! The Globe plays everything well though there is no one single ability that you could say the Globe excels at. Take your thinnest file, it enhances it, take any genre of music and the Globe somehow finds the musicality present. Use any source bright, or dark and the Globe finds balance. I don't know the how's or why's but this is not always the case with other IEMs?

Great size/weight and the perfect fit. The small form factor has a chance of fiting more people, add to that the semi-custom shape means fit is pretty much guaranteed. How do I know this? Because I tried 8 different styles of ear-tips and all of them worked. This phenomena takes place due to not actually using the tips to get fitment. The IEM fits anyway, the ear-tips take the IEM and make it air-tight in union. I was even able to use my special wide-bore tips which have thinner silicone walls.

With Penon Audio the manufacture and the retailer you're buying factory direct, there is no middleman. That's why this sounds like a $600 ear-phone. If it is truly the sound you're looking for it's priceless! I can't give more than 5 stars because there is no more room, but believe me in this case if there was a 6 star system, I would give the Globe all 6 stars. No one informed the Globe it needed to sound like a $339.00 IEM, it doesn't, in fact being so well rounded, I would be happy taking the Globe on vacation as it truly holds all I'm looking for in an IEM. This review has been an absolute pleasure to prepare for you! What more can I say?
Buy them, you won't be sorry! Such progress is the natural conclusion to our investigation, simply take the next step and don't look back!

Get them here for just $329.00

These thoughts and ideas are of one individual, your results may vary.

I would like to thank Penon Audio for auditioning the Penon Globe IEM.

Equipment Used:

MeeAudio 2.5mm balanced/4.4mm Adapter
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony TA-ZH1ES DAC/AMP Firmware 1.03
Electra Glide Audio Reference Glide-Reference Standard "Fatboy" Power Cord
Sony Walkman Cradle BCR-NWH10
AudioQuest Carbon USB
UA3 Dongle DAC/Amplifier 4.4mm
Last edited:
That is literally one of the best questions you could ever come-up with. Penon is slightly more focused on the midrange embellishments, where ISN is just slightly more focused on bass detail and definition. Other than that they are very much on the same playing field, offering a TOTL sound experience at a bargain price bracket. When you fold-in the lightweight and fitting form-factor of the H50 or Globe, the value starts to approach surrealism! Cheers!

I have done a series of side by sides with the H50 using stock S8 cable and Globe using stock 2.5mm with MeeAudio 4.4mm adapter. The sound quality is slightly more immersive due to soundstage grandeur with the Globe. Such a display is due to the world-class mids, where somehow it’s also not maybe soundstage just because of FR, but just bigger always. The bass is in many ways close to comparable between the two, though because of the total midrange soundstage of the Globe, the focus lessens on the bass, but it’s still there none the less. Truly they are equally great to me thus difficult to choose. But if you like more imaging out farther into the stage take the Globe. The Globe may be a hair louder (at same volume), but it could just be the presentation too?
Just got the Globe last night and had a very intense listening session on my desktop. I think the bass changed my DNA last night....These IEMs have really taken my breath away, absolutly great! Honeymoon!


1000+ Head-Fier
The Globe Pulls Us Into Its Atmosphere…
Pros: Uniquely rich and atmospheric tonality, complementing and enhancing a wide variety of genres
Superbly expansive and well-proportioned soundstage
Solid technicalities across the board
Powerful, well-controlled bass
Lush and detailed midrange with absolutely outstanding timbre
Perfectly tuned treble with just the right amount of sparkle and clarity
Very comfortable
Very good isolation
Available with balanced cable at no additional cost
Cons: Bass note weight can be a little thick with most tips
Colored sound is not for tonal purists, and may not suit every track or genre
Quality of included accessories is merely adequate
Typography on the shells is inexplicably bad, distracting the OCD audiophile whilst he puts on these beautiful-sounding IEMs
Introduction: Penon Audio, having only recently begun producing IEMs of their own, has already received widespread accolades for their mid-fi efforts. The highest praise has been heaped on their flagship the Volt, but enthusiasm for their Orb has no lagged far behind. The Orb is a unique example of hybrid engineering in that its single BA is full-frequency, working in parallel with the dynamic driver rather than being divided by a crossover. Now for an approximately $100 premium over the Orb, Penon is bringing us the Globe (MSRP $339 USD), a more traditional hybrid design with a 10mm dynamic driver for the bass, a Sonion BA for the midrange, and a Knowles BA for the treble. Will this more traditional setup bring an improvement in its ability to present for our listening pleasure Penon’s unique house sound?

Please note that Penon kindly offered a modest discount in exchange for an honest review. The Globe can be purchased here.


Accessories: The Globe comes with a fair number of accessories, as expected for the price point. There is a zippered hard case (spacious, with slots sewn into both sides of the interior to hold accessories), as well as a felt pouch for the IEMs and a smaller felt pouch presumably for tips. Speaking of the tips, Penon includes two sets of standard silicon tips in three sizes, one pair of double-flanged tips, and one pair of foam tips. Also in the package is a cleaning brush with clip. The 2-pin cable is 8-core SPC, and is remarkably light, soft and supple with no microphonics and very comfortable ear guides. However it is fairly thin for an 8-core cable, and surprisingly is also on the short side as well. Nevertheless it is perfectly serviceable, even if nothing particularly special.


Build & Comfort: Penon continues to employ medical-grade resin for the housing of the IEMs, resulting in shells that are extremely light and comfortable. Though beautiful, they are sadly marred by various inexplicable typography choices which, shall we say, leave something to be desired.

The connectors are flush 2-pins. Nozzles are on the short side, resulting in my use of larger tip sizes than on most of my other IEMs in order to achieve good seal. I experienced no driver flex whatsoever, no matter what tips I rolled. Though the DD is vented, isolation is quite good due to the IEM fitting my medium-small ear cavity almost perfectly. A substantial portion of the IEMS protrude outwards however, meaning side sleeping is not an option here.

The Globes stayed securely in my ears without causing fatigue even over long listening sessions (which is good news, since the Globe is quite likely to induce long listening sessions!).


Initial Impressions: The Globe represents my introduction to Penon’s house sound, which beyond any doubt is unique in today’s ChiFi landscape. Immediately I was struck by the richness expressed throughout the entire tonal range: the Globe is one of the most exquisitely musical IEMs I have yet had the pleasure of experiencing. It has a dynamic and expansive signature, with an unmistakeable euphonic coloration to the midrange — especially the lower mids. What is remarkable, however, is that this coloration is accomplished with a restraint, balance and maturity that enables the Globe’s atmospheric quality to enhance (rather than obscure) the innate qualities of a wide variety of music. This is due in no small part to the large, well-proportioned soundstage, as well as to the Globe’s other ample technical abilities. Nevertheless, this is by no means an analytical IEM; the technicalities exist solely to support the rich musicality on offer here. The summation of this is that the Globe has the power to effortlessly draw me, as if by gravity, into the heart of the music.

It must be said that during my initial hours of listening, it at first seemed to me that this rich and atmospheric tonality did not suit absolutely every track, especially if the mix was busy and/or was heavily weighted towards the low end; in such cases the Globe could sometimes sound a bit too thick or the layering a bit too congested. However, burn-in (whether of the DD or the brain) made quite a noticeable improvement in this area, and the overall presentation gradually became much more balanced and versatile (though certainly not neutral). Tip selection is also important with this IEM, as I found the Globe to be fairly tip-sensitive (wide bore worked best for me). Synergistic considerations should likewise not be neglected: the Globe is like a great vintage tube amp, and if the source also skews warm and analog the combined effect may be too much. In my opinion the Globe is best suited for neutral sources (or analytical ones, though I do not possess any of those myself).

Signature: The Globe is quite difficult to pigeonhole in terms of a standard sound signature. I consider it to have a clearly mid-centric tuning, although the bass is undoubtedly boosted and the treble also is not exactly shy. It could possibly be called a warm mild U-shape, though the bass is definitely favored more than the treble. By alphabetic and linguistic contortion it might perhaps be most accurately called a warm reverse mild J-shape.

Dubious attempts at classification aside, the Penon house sound has been spoken of by others as being defined by the musical warmth breathed into the lower mids, and I certainly found that the be the case here. This warmth proceeds organically from the powerful and authoritative bass, and is accentuated by the crystal-clear shimmering of the treble. Note weight starts out on the thick side in the lower regions, and gradually returns to neutrality by the upper mids and lower treble. The overall package is surprisingly coherent and exquisitely unique, and the only caveat to its tuning success is that it is far enough from neutrality to perhaps not be truly universal in its suitability.

Bass: Though the bass has a significant boost and would perhaps even come close to satisfying bassheads (I am not at all one myself), the low end is not in my opinion meant to be the star of the show. Rather, its powerful weight and authority serves as the foundation of the Globe’s rich tonality, the gravity by which it draws one into its atmosphere.

It has convincing physicality and reaches extremely deep, being just ever so slightly biased toward the sub-bass to my ear. I would describe it as neither tight nor loose, but instead as having a firmly-defined roundness to it. Despite its heft, it is also fairly agile and for the most part remains well-controlled (though prior to burn-in it did have the tendency to sound boomy). Texture out of box was likewise relatively lacking (especially as compared to the rich timbre of the midrange), but after burn-in it has become quite good as well.

My main complaint is that note weight in the mid-bass is at times a little too thick for my taste, and combined with its strong presence and slower decay this means that there are still certain tracks where the bass does come across as more heavy-handed than is my preference. Edit: ePro Horn tips basically completely solve this issue for me, though the at the cost of a bit of physicality.

Mids: Rich yet clear. Smooth yet detailed. Full yet open. Forward yet balanced. This midrange is absolutely splendid in every way. Instrumentation as well as both male and female vocals are an absolutely joy. The midrange (especially the lower midrange) is certainly colored with warmth, but it is done with a maturity and refinement that adds an atmosphere rather than obscures the character and qualities of the music itself. Again, it is very much like a vintage tube amp in that way.

I especially enjoy the Globe for sparser arrangements, especially minimalist composers and singer-songwriters. It is extremely adept at bringing out all the depths of the musical nuances of each voice and instrument, and this ability is at its best when fewer elements vie for our attention. Nevertheless, do not understand this to mean that the Globe is not also quite adept at portraying vaster soundscapes in a properly grand and eloquent manner — it most certainly is. My preference for sparser arrangements with this IEM is, as so many things in this hobby, merely a matter of my personal preference.

Highs: Although the Globe’s treble is the least jealous of our attention, nevertheless I believe that it is absolutely essential to Penon’s success with this IEM. There is plenty of sparkle, air and detail in the treble, and the upper treble in particular is perhaps just ever so slightly bright (though never harsh or peaky), thus providing much-needed counterbalance to the gravitational pull of the low end.

This is in marked contrast to the Orb, whose one common criticism was an overly polite or rolled-off treble region - clearly Penon has been listening, because this accusation holds absolutely no water against the Globe. There is definitely a good amount of bite and energy when such is called for — yet it always shies away from the point of being piercing or fatiguing.

I believe that Penon has tuned the highs in an absolutely masterful fashion for the task at hand, with the shimmering and vibrant treble providing the perfect companionship for the full, weighty low end and the real star of the show: the rich and musical midrange. I have absolutely no complaints here.

Soundstage & Technicalities: Being such a musical IEM, the Globe never comes close to presenting itself as a technicality monster. Nevertheless, upon closer examination it is indeed highly capable in almost every area. The stage in particular is extremely expansive and well-proportioned for an IEM, having tremendous width, quite a bit of height, and even a decent amount of depth. Imaging is well-defined, and though the tonal choices mean that layering and separation can be an inherent challenge on busier tracks, the Globe nevertheless acquits itself well in nearly every instance, weaving an organic, cohesive tapestry out of the various musical voices.

Straight out of the box I detected some BA timbre in the upper registers, though as my listening time went on this largely disappeared and I was afterward rarely bothered by it — even though timbre is one of my most prized characteristics in an earphone and so I am perhaps more sensitive to it than others. As for the midrange timbre, it is simply outstanding; the Sonion BA in the hands of Penon’s tuning yields a truly impressive result here even compared to good DDs. Horns, strings, and pianos all sound outstanding to my ear.

Again, while this is by no means an analytical IEM, nevertheless it clearly has the considerable technical chops needed to pull off Penon’s ambitious tonal goal of achieving warmth and richness without sacrificing detail or clarity.

Conclusion: The Globe is beyond doubt aptly named. It has a large and expansive sound, well-rounded in every respect, and pulls those who enter its orbit into a rich euphonic atmosphere — and let me tell you, it is quite difficult to pull oneself away from its gravitational pull, and these IEMs have been in my ears almost continuously since they arrived. The superb tonality layered on top of a solid technical foundation will add a certain Je ne sais quoi to almost anyone’s collection, and the maturity of this effort has certainly cemented my interest in Penon as one of the most unique voices of the ChiFi revolution.

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@szore Funny you mentioned it, I had tried a lot of tips before writing the review but just yesterday put on the ePro Horn tips and it madeca huge positive difference, bass is now full rather than thick, extremely cohesive with the mids and much better overall tonal balance. Texture is now more apparent as well.
This is a stunning review. Articulate, eloquent, and astute. Thank you!
An excellent review! Mine is on the way and the descriptions here got me excited even more. Thanks!


Headphoneus Supremus
Penon Globe
Pros: A well made, solid ergonomic universal design utilizing 3 premium drivers. 1 Sonion+ 1 Knowles and 1 10mm dynamic in an all resign semi custom shell in 2 pin. One of the most musical, rich, organic and spacious dynamic presentations for earphones at any price. Smallish medium shell design means they are very comfortable to use for hours with excellent above average isolation on the go. Penon tuning in full effect. Easy to drive and plays well across all my sources tested.
Cons: Not the most detailed or technical in the price range. Comes with an average thinner 8 cored SPC cable that is prone to tangle. Neutral heads may not apply.
Penon Globe
I am sure by now folks reading this will know who Penon is. Penon has built a reputation among enthusiasts around the world for their goods be it their boutique cables to their earphones. Penon is not a company that makes a lot of earphones under the Penon brand in fact counting the FAN they only have 6 models and a few earbuds under their belt but they certainly are not new to a well designed earphone. Their newest hybrid called the Globe being sold at $339 mark HERE.,represents the lower budget spectrum of mid fi category of earphones and the one thing the consumer should know about Penon products. These are all made with a “Penon tuning.” In mind.

Penon house sound does not tune for neutrality nore on the other spectrum, bombastic sounding earphones. If that is the type of sound you're looking for, then it will be advisable to look elsewhere. However for the enthusiast that actually listens to their music vs analyzing parts of it. This is what Penon achieves with their house tuning a certain type of musicality to the point where there is a connection to the music you're listening to. The Globe represents yet another earphone that is a prime example of their tuning philosophy. Sound that is always presented with a spacious dynamism, fluid richness in tone with cohesion, well balanced and always dimensional.
The sole reason why we spend our hard earned cash is so we hear the best renditions of our favorites and here the Globe has all the hallmarks of what makes a Penon made earphone unique and engaging for the serious music listener.
I have had the opportunity to review most of Penons earphones and in that time I have gotten to know the progression of Penon sound through their earphones. This review represents their newest creation, the Penon Globes.

The Globes was purchased and was not a review sample this time. I did get in on the early purchasers discount which Penon graciously gives out to folks that pay attention to their work. I am all about what Penon does for earphones and naturally I had to have their newest. The smaller mid sized box you get includes their standard zip up square blue case. 2 pouches. 2 pin SPC 8 core cable that was also included with their Orbs in any termination you want when ordering. 2 sets of symbio like silicones in green and orange. A set of foams and a set of medium double flange tips. A cleaning tool and a clip.
The cable that is included with the Globe is for Penon, standard fare a thinner 8 cored silver plated copper variety. The included cable is a bit on the thin for an 8 core SPC cable and is a bit prone to tangle but is very much in line with the sound tuning of the Globe. If you plan on upgrading your cable, get yourself an upgraded SPC or silver plated copper variety of cables which retain that house tuning and what Penon has in mind for the sound.
The Globe is a continuation of their Orbs all resin design but this time it is housing an extra Knowles BA that does the treble duties. Just based on tonality the mids BA seems to be the same Sonion BA that was used for the Orbs and the dynamic while no mention of what it is as there is no mention of the type of dynamic I will also assume it is using the same dynamic driver as used in the Orb and the Volts, a graphite fiber silk paper dome 10mm driver. I did get confirmation that the Globe is using the same two drivers that are in the Orbs.

The Globe is a semi custom all resin solid design with a small 2mm vent out back for the dynamic to breathe. The housing is roughly smaller medium in size with a very good ergonomic universal shape. Due to the all resin design, the Globes have above average isolation. While the contact side of the housing is almost a smaller design the girth of the housing is thicker than average protruding out of your ears a touch but this design adds to the spacious nature of the sound. The color scheme this time is not all clear like the Orbs but is using a dark resin with what looks like a marble type faceplate with speckles in them. They have an understated elegant look to them.Just like the added BA that adds some sparkle so does the face plate. One thing I have discovered about a Penon designed earphone is everything is done for a reason. So far as comfort and usability goes, I have yet to have an uncomfortable experience with a Penon made iem. Comfort level of the earphones are very high and with that excellent ability to isolate on the go. You're getting a true personal audio experience.
Sound analysis was done using my DAPs Fiio M15, Shanling M6pro, M5s, M3s,Ibasso DX160, ZX300, Pioneer DXP30R, AMPs IFI Black Label, Ibasso PB3, Fiio E12a

First impressions is always important when listening to a new IEM and the takeaway from my first time hearing the Globe is an immediate recognition of a rich tone presented in a spacious sound. It is an unmistakable Penon trait as their earphones use high quality Sonion BAs for the very important mid bands. All of them that use BAs actually. I am hearing some qualities of their flagship Volts, the richness of the Orbs and even the sound balancing of the spheres. It is all there. A natural next level of the Orbs design, the sound tuning is likewise how one would expect after adding a Knowles BA to do the treble. I was not the only person asking for a bit more treble extension and presence hence we get that with the Globe. But the greater part of the whole design sees more than just added treble. The Sound has entered a new level.

Space for your sonics.
Globe now incorporates a Knowles driver to do the important treble duties but all incorporated within a housing that gives out a spacious dimensional sound. This spacious sound presentation is another key aspect of Penon tuning and here you can clearly make out layers of your music in a large dimensional sound field. All of Penons earphones have a spacious tuning, some more than others and the Globe is only 2nd to the Volts in this regard. In fact this aspect of the spacious sound is so prevalent on all Penon earphones. This seems to be yet another house sound trait. Soundstage is wide, deep and fairly tall. Sound design takes full advantage of the roomy portrait of sound the Globe throws out and your gonna hear layers of sound much better than most earphones.
The balanced tuning.
In doing my share of earphone reviews. I have seen other manufacturers tune differently with each model they make. Not so much Penon. Penon tunes with the best ability of each driver that is used in an earphone and with balance in mind. Generally sound balancing for each of their earphones are identical with the real changes to the sound coming from added drivers to that tuning. Sound balancing also is a house sound trait and is expertly crafted in the Globe with dynamism in mind. All parts of the sound is equally present here and when called on, treble mids and bass ends all come to life in a larger spacious headstage for earphones. These are clearly colored and more of a W shaped sound design with a slight uplift toward the lower bass region.

We aren’t talking about neutrally balanced here. There is nothing neutral about a Penon earphone but if you actually listen to music. Bass infused music for example needs a good 10dbs plus of bass boost to sound natural in my opinion. My point is when have you gone to your large church, a theatre or a concert and actually heard neutral amounts of bass? Without bass boost your music is lifeless. Don't take offence if this goes against what you believe is a proper balance but go listen to some live music to figure this one out. Mids if it is the mainstay of your tune. Vocals and instrumental tracks for example. You want that focus to be upfront and center. Globes has a natural warmth to the tuning due to the slight forward mid ranges. Vocals comes in clear and detailed but also has very good depth. Instruments has its own space to work with and layers of your music are clearly defined.
And now with that added Knowles BA. We have a treble presence that was somewhat reserved from the previous Orbs. Orb treble quality I felt was very good for a single full range BA to do but it was lacking a bit of presence and extension a dedicated driver could perform and that is what we got with this added BA. Never heard a harsh sounding, peaky treble infused Penon IEM and the Globes treble maintains excellent quality with a tonality that leans more toward crisp clear and accurate more than being overly exaggerated for the sake of fidelity. Treble is focused more on lower and upper treble frequencies with an anti silblance dip at 7Khz. Trebles was tuned to add to the mid bands and not to be too much of a stand out. Yet at the same time has plenty of sparkle and shimmer when called for. There are some BA treble timbral tendencies but nothing that distracts from the overall euphoric rich sound presentation of the Globes.

You're not getting a deep V shaped sound tuning or an overly treble or bass focussed tuning here. If your music has all parts of the sound spectrum that need to be equal in presence and ability. You get that with the Globe. If your tracks call for bass infused Trance, accurate jazz renditions to slower RnB tracks Globes will more than accommodate, it will excel. The best aspect of a well balanced sound tuning is its versatility. Sound design bodes well with any source you plug the Globe to. Some earphones are more finicky than others when it comes to source matching. Not so much the Globes. Though with higher end DAPs and amplification the Globes take on yet another level of sonics.
Bold, rich, smooth, dynamic, full bodied and euphoric is a good sound descriptor of the Globes sound. There are certainly other in ears that do detail with speedier transients and better timbral accuracy to a greater extent, however the trade off is one of the most engaging roomy sounds you will hear for earphones. A bit unique to the imaging of the Globes is that due to its larger dimensional sound presentation you get imaging that can float in mid air from the far left to the far right, behind or forward in space that seems outside of the headspace. That my friends is musical immersion.

Globes has all the Penon traits including a full on bass end. It is a distinctly colored sound but one that is made for enjoying your music. Nothing on the sound is dry, not the treble not the bass and certainly not the lush mid bands.

Bass has a rich boldness and is well defined when called upon. Here the bass end is very similar to the Orbs and even somewhat close to their Volts. The quality of the bass end is superb using this 10mm dynamic driver. Punchy and tight with decent speed but it is the detailed rich tone of the bass that is a hallmark of Penon bass. These things have a realistic rumble and a deep low hitting sub bass that no BA can match. Bass decay is very natural and lingers a touch and here is where the sub bass tonality is ideal. With the right tip, you can get the bass to be more frontal in balancing or lesser for how you like your bass. Tip rolling is highly recommended for best results for you.
In the end the Globe is yet another success. This is a case where less is more as each driver is clearly taking a role in the sound design. Your uncle may be rich but the Globe sound is richer. With the driver wars that are rampant on the interwebs. Penon tuning and their meticulous sound design is what makes the Globe sounds so engaging and not because it is housing more drivers than the next guy. I own earphones with 14 drivers in them and cost 3X more and those might have the detail won over the Globes but it can’t match the one aspect the Globes clearly has and that is musicality for days. Many folks have said the Globe sounds more analogue. And I ask you what the heck is wrong with that? Listen to your well recorded older tracks with these and your gonna be struck by how holographic and dynamic they sound. Penon house sound is in full force and if you have never heard a Penon made earphone before. At less than half the price of their flagship the Volts. These are going to be worth every penny you spend on a set. They get you into your music with an engaging sound presentation and isn’t that what personal audio should be about?

Comparos, cus curious minds want to know.
Orbs vs Globes.
Orbs is what can be achieved with one quality full range BA and one excellent 10mm dynamic. Orbs have that classic Penon smooth warm full bodied sound with ample bass performance. The best of the Orbs is with a pure silver cable. If you thought the treble was a touch reserved here try a pure silver cable which brings better balance as the treble will come out more so with a silver cable. Against the Globes. Ironically the Orbs with a pure silver cable mimics what the Globe sounds like however it is missing that last bit of treble detail and presence of a dedicated treble driver that the Globes now has. You can’t just throw in an added driver and call it good. I can tell the mind focus of the mids BA is now strutting what it was clearly made for and dedicates itself for that lush smooth rich sound of the Globes. Better stage, better imaging and better expansion of sonic is the advancement from the Orbs. If you loved the Orbs sound the natural step up would be the Globes.

H40 vs Globes
A few folks was asking what would be an upgrade on one of ISNs best seller the H40. The ISN H40 is still to this day one of the best bang for buck hybrids in the market and again the H40 gets better with a cable upgrade but based on stock sound the Globe is a straight upgrade on what you love about the H40. Think H40 but more refined. I can tell the drivers used on the Globes are of a higher grade meaning your getting more than the standard drivers that are in the H40. Sound pedigree/ DNA is similar. That large warm smooth dimensional presentation is a descriptor for both IEMs but here the Globe takes that sound into another tier in quality. Bass has better definition, overall better quality for bass. The single BA being used on the Globe takes that smooth tonality of the H40 into a richness the H40 is not able to quite do. Globe sounds even more dimensional than the H40. Treble on the Globe is tuned better as it is cleaner sounding with similar extension and is less peaky vs the H40 treble. For folks that enjoyed your H40 and are wondering if the Globe will be a step up. I am telling you it is a step up.

Fiio FD5 vs Globe.
Here we have two juggernauts in the price range. Both having some very good dynamics with impactful sounds. Both these earphones can go toe to toe in the stage department. Quite the feat for the Fiio FD5 to pull off one of the best realized sound stages for a single dynamic earphone but that is where the similarities ends. Well both having some outstanding emphasized bass as well. The FD5 has more of a neutral lower mids emphasis with plenty of bass and treble so you get a more distinct V shaped sound signature vs Globes more W shaped signature. As you can guess it is the mids and the treble where these two separate ways. Technicalities of the FD5 are actually superb but again with the right cable and sources. Much more finicky of source pairings the FD5 needs just the right synergy to truly shine. Globes are more consistent in how it performs across all sources. FD5 dynamics is what makes them sound engaging. The Globes not only matches the FD5 for dynamics but has lush full bodied mids on top of them dynamics. Treble also gets the nod to the Globe, FD5 has more presence and is a bit peaky for treble for some folks a bit much at times again depending on your sources. Both earphones are very good in their price bracket but I would consider what type of sound you're going for before choosing which one to go with. Rock and metal goes to the FD5 while vocals instrumentals goes to the Globes. Both do bass genres excellently. The advantage of the FD5 is that it does have a 2ndary nozzle that allows for more tuning options for the FD5.

Moondrop Blessing 2 vs Globe.
Now this is an interesting comparison. Blessing 2 has been well regarded among enthusiasts and have been popular here at headfi ever since their introduction. So much so it garnered a newer version with some sound tweaks in the dusk version. The one I have is the old B2. B2 has some really good stage for in ears but it should as the phones use one of the larger housings for hybrids that I own. It actually might be the largest housing for hybrids. No question comfort will go to the Globes. Globes don’t feel like your ears are being probed. It is tough to hear the B2 after using the Globes because you have to adjust to moondrops version of the Harmon tuning which is all bout the upper mids with treble emphasis a fairly linear smooth mid range and for the blessing 2 a very weak almost neutral bass end. This was supposedly fixed on the dusk version. Bass end of the B2 is not terrible; it does have some deep extension with decent rumble but is nowhere close to the authority of the Globes in the region. Mids is another aspect that you have to adjust to. Blessing 2 don't sound flat per se but after the Globes it don’t come near the dimensional layering of the Globes mid bands.To my ears the B2 has more upper mids emphasis and treble making it have a cool tonality overall. The Globe has more of a natural warmth with ample bass and more forward lower mids with less upper mid range in comparison. Instrument separation, detail is slightly better on the Blessing2 but that is due to the wide open mid bands of the B2 with not much bass coloration. As far as dynamism. Forgetabout it. B2 looses miserably there. B2 is more closer to a neural presentation and therefore it will come down to how you like your tunings. These two are actually complimentary sound signatures as they are completely different sounding. B2 also benefits from upgraded cables with higher end DAPs.

Sony Z5 vs the Globe.
Ya now we are talking dual dynamo. Sony Z5 was Sony's flagship hybrid that has been replaced with the newer IER Z1R but it had its place in Sony's royalty as it garnered huge fan fare around the Globe. These two actually has some commonalities. The Z5 was Sony's house sound to a T back in the days and the Globe is very much representative of the Penon house tuning. I feel this is a fair comparo since it is common to see an old used Z5 for around the same price. Z5 has a large stage one of the largest in the industry and has some outstanding dynamics with fairly laid back mid range and a smooth treble end. The problem with the Z5 is that their fitment isn’t great for a universal design. It has a very musical smooth refined sound and still has one of the all time great bass presentations in the industry. However you need a proper source for the Z5 to truly make them sound spectacular. Balanced with some juice. Globes sound like the best of what the Z5 can do out of a weak source. If you're using the Globe in balance on the same source I think the old Z5 has met its match for musicality. The mids are not as dimensional nor forward sounding for the Z5. It is the mids and treble which sound a bit reserved at times which gives the Z5 its trademark darker tonality vs the frontal forward more natural sounding Globes. Z5 wins the bass department with a bit more authority and overall bass definition but what will surprise Z5 fans is how good the quality of the Globes bass end is even though it is using a smaller driver. Globes bass end can hang easily with Sony's former flagship. Treble is smoother and a bit more organic in tone vs the slightly more crisp and sparky treble of the Globes.
alexandros a
alexandros a
Well..... Finally preferred to go for Aladdin, mainly due to your recent review, which I read and given the fact that you re saying there that "when the bass is lacking from an iem you simply do not recommend that iem at all" Besides that, I own the ORBS and I simply adore them, I do not find anything missing there, anything at all (using a pure silver cable that is) so another "copy" of the ORBS wouldn't be necessary to me....
Globes and Orbs share more than a few aspects of their designs. I do prefer using pure silver on the Orbs which makes them sound fairly close to the Globes so the Aladdin will be something completely new for you. Was a good choice.
alexandros a
alexandros a
"Your uncle may be rich but the Globe sound is richer'.. man you nailed it !!!!!!! i am so going for the Globes this time...


1000+ Head-Fier
Sunset Boulevard
Pros: Warm, yet rich tuning in all bands.
- The epitome of Penon Audio sound.
- Huge bass.
- Superior midrange, lush, balanced, homogeneous, euphonic, passionate, organic and present.
- Treble tuned to be the icing on the cake, extended and linear.
- Specialists for macro detail, long but intense listening, thanks to their dense and vivid sound.
- Great ergonomics, very low weight.
- Very good set of accessories.
- Remarkable price/performance ratio.
- Very easy to move.
Cons: Somewhat limited air area.
- The sound is melodious and analogue, but far from analytical.
- Both micro detail and separation are notable, though not superior.
- The presence and density of each range prevent a more expansive, ethereal, three-dimensional scene.

Once again, I have the honour of reviewing another model designed by Penon Audio. By now, many will have been able to discover what the Penon house sound is like. It is a profile well endowed in bass, warm mids and smooth highs, subtle sparkle, but detailed and rich. This is IEMS for long hours of enjoyment, if you are one of those who enjoy full bass and shy away from exciting mid-highs. Well, in this sense, the Penon Globes more than live up to all those attributes. They are hybrid IEMS, with the classic 2BA + 1DD configuration. One of the great attractions of the BA driver configuration is that it mixes Sonion for the mid frequencies and Knowles for the high frequencies. For the low frequencies a 10mm dynamic driver is used. The capsule is made of resin and has a slim, but slightly thick, semi-custom shape. Its outer face is very attractive and a kind of glitter pattern in different, bright colours can be seen, while the brand name and model name is inscribed on each capsule in gold capital letters. To continue, the Globes use an 8-strand SPC cable, which can be chosen with either a 3.5mm SE or 2.5mm BAL plug. And finally, Penon accompanies this model with the usual range of accessories, plus ePro EP00 silicone tips in sizes SxMxL. At the time of writing this review, this model can be purchased for $339, a price that places it in the mid-range, but with a great quality/price ratio. We'll look at why this is the case below.

Penon Globe 01_r.jpgPenon Globe 02_r.jpg


  • Driver Type: 1DDD 10mm + 1BA Sonion for mid frequencies + 1BA Knowles for high frequencies.
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz-20kHz.
  • Sensitivity: 116dB@1kHz@1mW.
  • Impedance: 10Ω @1kHz.
  • Jack Connector: Choice of 3.5mm SE or 2.5mm BAL
  • Capsule connection type: 2Pin 0.78mm
  • Cable length: 1.2m
  • Cable Type: 8-strand SPC.

Penon Globe 03_r.jpgPenon Globe 04_r.jpg


It is true that Penon does not usually vary much in its presentation, nor in its accessories. But I will never be the one to criticise this fact, when those who read me know how square my reviews are, always written with a fixed structure, which does not break. In this sense, I totally justify Penon's presentation: I would do the same. My product is not sold by the attractiveness of its presentation, it is sold by the content. And that's how the quality of the accessories is prioritised over the design of a flashier box. The Penon Globe box is eminently yellow, clean. Its dimensions are 130x103x61mm, a compact size. On the main side, the brand logo in the upper left corner. In the centre, a realistic photo of the capsules, bottom right, the product description. On the back side, only the brand's markings can be read, in the lower right corner, as well as the logos of the regulations it complies with. Once the outer cardboard has been removed, the box is bare and smooth, in two colours: maroon on the sides, violet on the opposite sides. Penon in gold on the main side, a presentation of the brand, the specifications of the model and the brand's (again) contact details on the back. Inside, a bunch of little zip pouches protecting all the contents and the brand's trademark pair of cases. In a nutshell:

  • A blue zipped case with the logo inscribed in gold on the lid. It is rectangular and tall.
  • A leather envelope with clip closure, light brown in colour.
  • Globe capsules.
  • One cable with 2.5mm SE plug, 8-strand SPC.
  • 3 pairs of grey silicone tips with orange core, sizes SxMxL.
  • 3 pairs of grey silicone tips with green core, sizes SxMxL.
  • 1 pair of bi-flange tips, single size.
  • One metal clamp.
  • One cleaning tool, with brush and mini fork.
  • One green velcro strap, with brand logo.
  • 3 pairs of ePro EP00 silicone tips, sizes SxMxL.

The cable is available in 3.5mm SE and 2.5mm BAL.

There is little left to say about the presentation of this Penon product, as it is very similar to other products already reviewed. So I repeat myself: Simple, effective and quality.
The included ePro EP00 silicone tips are designed to improve the timbre, sound quality, maintain the treble, sparkle and liveliness, without negatively altering the rest of the frequencies.

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Construction and Design

The capsules are made of medical grade resin. They are dark, but slightly translucent. Their shape is semi-custom, stylised on the outside, shaped like an African continent, but slimmed down in the southern part. The profile of the capsule is thick and on the short side you can see a ventilation hole protected by a white grille. The inner side is smooth, with a subtle shape that matches the edges of our ears. The mouthpieces are short, with a slight indentation at their base, which separates them from the inner side. There are two holes at the flat end, where the sound comes out. The connection is 2Pin 0.78mm gold-plated, fully integrated into the capsule. The outer side has a pattern of different bright colours, as if there is glitter mixed with black droplets inside. The right capsule reads Globe in gold and capital letters, while the left capsule reads Penon.
The cable consists of 8 SPC strands. The connector sleeve is an irregular cylinder, thinned at the output end and rounded in the middle. It is silver, metallic and the brand logo can be read on it in white letters. The splitter piece is smaller and is a bevelled cylinder at its ends, rounded in the centre. Same composition as the connector. The pin is a hard, transparent plastic ball with a hole in the middle. The gold-plated 2Pin connectors are mounted on two cylinders matching the rest of the metal parts of the cable, but this time they are more regular and smooth. White R and L letters can be read, to differentiate the channel. There are guides on semi-rigid plastic ears.
The size of the capsules is average, despite their high thickness. The weight is ultra-light and the external pattern is subtle, elegant, pleasant and eye-catching: it catches the eye in just the right place for controlled beauty.

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Adjustment and Ergonomics

It is true that the shape is no different from other Penon models, but what does it matter when the result is excellent. The Globe has a semi-custum shape and its medical grade resin construction ensures a very good fit and stellar ergonomics. Their very light weight and smooth surface, as well as the adapted shape of the inner side, provide a huge comfort that will last for hours. The body is still stubby, but the outer face is not very large, so the medium size also facilitates both fit and ergonomics.
The fit is shallow and could be medium with the biflange tips. But, for my usual large tips, the insertion is shallow. The inner side is smooth and there is hardly any contact with the parts of the ear. The rotation on the inside is minimal and the fit durable, suitable for everyday life and outdoors.
Again, the cable has over-ear guides, but I prefer them. Their friction is subtle and the shape adopted is respectful and they don't get in the way. It is a pleasure to wear Penon on the ears.

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Penon continues to insist on the warm profile, similar to a tiny, diminishing W. This time, though, the peaks are increasingly soft and smooth. However, on this occasion, the peaks are increasingly softer and smoother, with the sub-bass being the most emphasised section of the spectrum. This generates a sound that is boosted in the low end, with a physical and full-bodied first midrange, smooth mid-highs and flat, controlled highs, but well extended towards the air.
There is a clear warm balance as most of the sound moves in a narrow dB range, giving an idea of the tonal balance the Globes possess, even though their profile is not neutral.
On the other hand, at 10Ω and 116dB sensitivity, the Penon Globes are extremely easy to move and very little power is needed to drive them fully.

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The lower zone is extensive, rich, full, complete, deep and physical. Its sonority is warm and keeps a certain level of darkness. Its punch is powerful, starts from very low and is completed as a dense and compact wall, generously well cemented from the sub-bass. Bass-lovers have to put the accent here and understand that the Globes are the paradigm of the Penon sound, with a bass that is not politically correct. There is no neutrality in this range, it is a blatant mix of power, punch and physicality. These IEMS are not just for bass-heads, the Globes are much more. But neither are they canonical or audiophile basses. The colour is very characteristic and its technical capabilities are remarkable, but it's not a completely tight bass, it's not the fastest, it's not dry, it's not completely defined. It is vigorous, moves a great deal of air and has a deep, dark, hazy roughness, with a moderately fast decay, but with a aftertaste that broadens its physicality, its body and its impact on the sound. The lower zone has a magmatic, sweeping character that advances irremediably, without being able to be stopped. It is a force of nature that breaks through the sound, flooding it. But they also have excellent control, because the Globe is not only about bass. In this sense, these Penon's have a great agility to deliver heavy, unfiltered bass and turn it into a party that never loses its composure, with quite absolute mastery of the situation. Their technical ability proves that power without control is useless and this is not the case. The Globe possess an intimidating ability that goes beyond their power and is demonstrated in complex passages, being able to move and respond with speed, agility and vigour, generating planes and raising instant walls, as well as producing lighter, well-structured layers. To discover and enjoy.

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One might think that with such a low zone the mids would lose prominence. Not at all, my idea is that the mids are the real magic of the Globe. And they are because the great control of the lows allows their exposure to be stellar, even predominant in many occasions. From the low end creeps warmth and a faintly dark afterglow, that half-light that brings physicality to vocals and density to instruments. Again, there is no neutrality in this sound and that sense of warmth persists, giving colour like a haze, like a continuum. But don't take this as a softness without detail, because it is not. This is a signature tonality, which becomes very apparent in the Globe. Be warned: if you're looking for a fully light-exposed midrange, you'd be wrong to choose this model. The central range is completely steeped in romanticism, it has soul, passion, sweetness and a captivating presence. It is a colour that permeates the sound, that sticks in our ears, in our memory. It is an almost analogue sound, valvular, organic, with a transparency seen in candlelight, close to fire and passion, to sensations, straight to the heart. You have to get into the Penon sound and once inside let yourself go, abandon any critical listening and understand the sound as a pure pleasure, get into a midrange created in the evening light, but remarkably rich, detailed and intoxicating, close and immersive. This is the way to prepare your brain for the Globe sound. Once you get to this point is when the innate quality of that Sonion BA driver blossoms, loaded with tremendous musicality and delicate detail. You'd never think a BA driver could have so much soul and reproduce notes with so much texture, nuance and a perfect marriage of technical skill and descriptive ability. It is a unique sound, completely characteristic and special. I know it can't be to everyone's taste, but once inside, the result is extremely captivating and eloquent. And this translates to both the male and female vocals, as well as the instruments. Their recreation and conjunction is close, exposed and broad, but also full of capacity and very well structured. The details are delicate and perceptible, simply visible and easily observable, without being analytical in sound, but purely rich and revealing, both in nuance and harmonics. The only drawback in this respect is that the micro-detail, although present, is not entirely complete, being ambiguous at times.
Treating the central range as an independent band, we can highlight its balance, there are no valleys or big peaks, everything is smoothed and moves in a few dB range. Thus, it is a full band, present, very well balanced and complex. There is no sibilance or extremes, which improves the balance of the range despite its very special colour.

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The Globe's treble remains balanced and adheres to a controlled but extended emphasis. Their linearity and range reaches up to the air zone, where they begin to decay. But until then, their content is quite full and descriptive. Again, the zone bears the hallmark of the house: it is all about maximum treble expressiveness and efficiency, but without losing control or smoothness. In this respect, Penon goes one step further by following that guideline and manages to perfect the upper range, thanks to the addition of a Knowles BA driver, exclusively for the high end. The treble is there, both for its own sake, for its own particular brilliance, as well as to support the rest of the band. One could even say that the high band feels like a protagonist, because its presence is fully integrated into the overall balance and equilibrium of the sound, but without standing out individually more than the other strips. This is what has been achieved with this triple driver, that each band is the protagonist in its own way, but without losing the musicality, the smoothness, the tonal balance or the balance. This is how sparkle, flare, excitement and brilliance are redefined in pursuit of an organic and delicate musicality. All of this exists and is obtained in the upper range, but in a smooth and controlled, yet evident way. On this occasion, the treble is neither hidden nor avoided, the range is linear, as is its presence. Only the air area suffers, while the first half is vibrant, even crisp, but fully proportioned and integrated into the sound signature. In this way, the sound becomes even richer, filling the rest of the notes with harmonics, details and nuances. I would only have liked a larger amount of air to make the sonority more complete.

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Soundstage, Separation

One of the outstanding properties of the recreation of the scenery generated by the Penon Globe is the space it occupies. The image is large, oval, dense and with a clear three-dimensional volume. The sound is wide in width and height, with good depth, but perhaps a little too front and close, because of the great balance between the three bands and their individual prominence. This means that the depth is not as pronounced, hence the oval shape of the soundstage. Another reason is the limitation of air, something that prevents the recreation from being more ethereal or gauzy, and makes it appear more tight, organic and analogue. The micro detail is not completely explicit and despite the richness of nuance, the separation is not so obvious. The great musicality and smoothness of the ensemble produces a euphonic sound with a more subdued and continuous light, which prevents a more separated, defined and higher resolution sound. The background is not overtly visible and the silences are not cut with a knife. Perhaps this is the other side of the coin of a warm, musical and totally passionate sound.

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Penon ORB

Starting at the end, the Globe is the evolution of the ORB. The addition of one more driver enhances the sound, although the tuning is not exactly the same. The slight excitation of the high mids of the ORBs and the fact that they have one less driver gives a slightly cleaner, less full, less dense, not quite as compact sound. The Globe's wall-of-sound feel, its greater physicality starts from the lows all the way to the high end. The Globe's sound is richer in many ways. But, at times, the simpler sound of the ORBs facilitates a lighter and somewhat more vivid listening experience. I have the feeling that both bass drivers are the same, but tuned subtly different and because of that lower density, the bass sounds a bit more compact, dry and tight on the ORBs. It is a personal feeling or maybe the higher emphasis on the lower end and a bit lighter in the mid-bass helps this situation.
In the midrange the physicality and body feel of the Globes distances a fuller range, being, comparatively, a bit easier on the ORBs. The mids are very good on the ORBs, but when compared to the Globes and their less neutral and passionate tuning, the differences are obvious. It is at this point that the informative and descriptive level provided by a range-specific driver comes to the fore. The same translates to the high end, but in an even more pronounced way. While the work of the full-range BA driver is very good, it is not up to the level of a specialised mid and treble driver, however appropriate the tuning. And that's the difference, in this case, more drivers, more sound, more richness, more information, more extension, more density, better musicality and musical complexity.
The sound is bigger in the Globes, but the comparative simplicity of the ORBs creates a cleaner feel that makes the sound appear crisper, clearer, even more open. The lower density also contributes to a more volatile, even more separated sound in the ORBs.

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JH Audio TriFi 10th Anniversary

For some reason, when reviewing Globe I thought of this classic model that I own. This is a commemorative limited edition to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the popular Triple Fi 10. This TriFi is a universal 3-way, 3-driver IEM. Jerry Harvey was involved in the development and redesigned the drivers just for the TriFi. It features JHA's FreqPhase technology.
In a way, the TriFi is the epitome of extreme warmth, of a sound that borders on darkness, slightly unbalanced by its great mid-bass response. There is a similar hint of passion in the mids, albeit more distant, sunken and dark. It is, without a doubt, a passion of other times. The low bass intrudes into the midrange and although it favours male voices, it has a recessed upper-midrange (who would think that now). However, the upper range has good linearity, presence and extension, although the air range suffers greatly. Memories are fuzzy and a quick switch to the Globes is like walking into a room and turning on the light. The difference with a model that was expensive a few years ago is not sustained by the TriFi's tuning, which was already risky and warm in its time. Not that the Globes are a completely current model either, but the comparison becomes odious.
In the low end, the TriFi's have plenty of texture, despite coming from a BA driver, as well as a strong emphasis on the mid-bass. But the physicality, power, definition and technical ability of the Globe's dynamic driver is far superior, not to mention its structural recreation and depth.
The TriFi mids are a strange mix, where the first half is clearly emancipated and the second half retracted, just the opposite of current tunings. What I like about the Globe is that it eschews this trend of excited mid-highs and finds a very balanced tuning in the middle range. It retains the warmth and passion of that past, but revised and updated with great success. The result is obvious and the comparison is unparalleled.
In the upper range the competition is a little more even, but what the TriFi cannot do, at this stage, is reach the level of the Globe. Time does not pass in vain and it shows, neither the resolution, nor the definition, nor the technical ability is similar. The result is a much more realistic brightness, despite the overall softness of the Penon.
The TriFi's are not able to recreate the music as well as the Globe's and everything is smaller and more congested on them. The darkness of the JHs contributes to a smaller, more intimate soundstage.
The JH Audio TriFi's are classics and that is why I keep them in my collection. They were left to me years ago and I don't know what happened then. I bought them third or fourth hand, not very expensive and when I had them I thought they were not what I had heard before... As a collector's item they are worth... But they don't stand up to a comparison with a model whose price is currently half of what the TriFi used to cost. What will happen to my headphone collection in 5 years?

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I think the Globes are one of the best exponents to get into the sound that Penon Audio is looking for.
The bass is full, complete, wide, deep, physical, but very expressive. Dedicated to bass-lovers.
The midrange requires getting into the lap of that Penon sound I'm talking about. It's a warm, euphonic range, which may seem a little more subdued if you're coming from IEMS with more excited mid-highs. But, in fact, it's like lighting up the sunset, it's the best light of the day, the best atmosphere to enjoy the music, it's the light of the soul, of romanticism, of passion. I think it is the light that Penon is looking for. And this half-light is not unique, but receives the refined flashes of a soft, yet detailed, defined and well extended treble, to fill the mid-range with sweetness and nuances, breathing the necessary air to separate and elevate them.
I invite you to enter... through the big door, to this sound, by the hand of the Penon Globe.

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Sources Used During the Analysis

  • S.M.S.L Sanskrit 10th MKII + iFi ZEN CAN.
  • Hidizs AP80 PRO-X.
  • HiBy R3 Pro.
  • Earmen Colibri.
  • Earmen Sparrow.
  • xDuoo Link2 BAL.
  • Tempotec V1-A + Hidizs DH80S.
  • Tempotec Sonata E44.
  • Hidizs S9 Pro.

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  • Construction and Design: 91
  • Adjustment/Ergonomics: 95
  • Accessories: 87
  • Bass: 93
  • Mids: 93
  • Treble: 89
  • Separation: 86
  • Soundstage: 89
  • Quality/Price: 90

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Penon Audio Store, offered me this model, in exchange for writing an honest review. I want to make it clear that all my opinions written in this review have not been conditioned by this fact, nor will I ever write anything that I do not really think or feel here. I will only write about my personal opinion in relation to the revised product.

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Purchase Link

You can read the full review in Spanish here

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Sorry, I don't have Fan 2.
Marcos, i think you want the Globe for Metal (or anything). i didnt care for the Fan2 at all. Supposed to be 'neutral' but to me it sounded wooden. The Globes are really underrated. The Globes tend a tad towards 'darkish' tho, they like silver cables. If you need extra treble at the expense of bass slam and volume, then perhaps the Fan2 is for you. To me the Globes are lush sounding with killer bass. Excellent all rounder.
marcos antônio
marcos antônio
Szore ,thanks for the clarification, I have read many reviews speaking very highly of both and both seem to meet my needs well so I was in doubt, but it seems that the Globe looks better for my taste.
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Headphoneus Supremus
The Head And The Heart?
Pros: Rich & organic midrange with excellent timbre
Very comfortable fit
Great technicalities
Excellent male vocals, good female vocals
Cons: Bass texture & detail could be better
Driver configuration:

10mm dynamic driver – bass

Sonion BA driver – mids

Knowles BA driver – treble

20Hz-20kHz, 116dB sensitivity, 10ohm impedance

Source: Shanling M8 (3.5mm PO mode, low gain)

Burn-in: circa 100 hours

Cable: stock (silver-plated copper) / Tips: stock gray-green silicone eartips

Genres tested: world music, jazz, classical, electronic, ambient, folk, hip hop, pop, metal

The Penon Globe can be purchased here from Penon Audio for $339. This unit was provided for the purpose of review, however all opinions are my own. Penon have not had sight of this review prior to publication.


For a long time now I’ve been very keen to hear an IEM from Penon. They have established a strong reputation of offering value for money, with a variety of driver configurations at various price points to suit the buyer, from the single DD ‘Fan’ to the tribrid ‘Volt’. They have also garnered a following for their ‘house sound’, which from my impression of the general consensus is one that puts midrange centre stage with warmth and musicality.

The ‘Globe’ sits in the middle-of-the-road in terms of pricing, sporting a 10mm dynamic driver and two BA drivers. A Sonion BA handling the mids and a Knowles BA for the treble. Having heard Sonion mids before, I knew that if this was executed right, the Globe could be a hybrid right up my street.

For some context to this review my origin in the audiophile hobby were headphones primarily powered by tube (or hybrid tube) amplifiers. Moving into the IEM (& earbud) world for the convenience of portability I’ve also since invested in smaller, portable or transportable tube options to power my IEMs. My tastes fall between neutral-warm to warm tonality and a smoother presentation – something that, traditionally, tubes have provided for me.

Additionally, my choice of IEM largely depends on a tuning & driver configuration that delivers a great/excellent midrange representation. One with sufficient body, detail and room to breathe. When I want to listen with my heart, I prefer something that is further away from the dry and cold side of the spectrum, even if that is at the expense of some detail. I want it organic and smooth with enough character to keep me engaged.

Read on to find out if the Globe suited my preferences and whether it could suit yours…

Accessories & Packaging

The Globes are presented in a blue hardcase that itself sits within in a swanky looking, colourful box. Also included is a small carry bag that hides a cleaning brush (these are very useful!), a cable tie, cable clip and two sets of S, M and L silicone ear tips. The one negative is the included cable which is a thin gauge 8 core SPC cable. I feel there’s a bit of a mismatch between the quality and design of the Globe and the quality of the stock cable. It doesn’t have the weight I like in my cables and can get tangled quite easily. A positive is that the SPC certainly suits the tuning of this IEM and the cable itself is very lightweight. Overlooking the physical and focusing on the purely sonic characteristics, the included cable is not bad at all. Overall, I’m satisfied with the accessories and packaging.


Design, Build, Fit and Comfort

The Globes are made from a medical-grade resin shell with a 0.78mm 2pin connector. The body of the IEM is black in colour and is slightly transparent with the drivers visible when holding it up to light. The nozzle is a continuation of the resin shell with a narrowing at the neck to hold the tips. The nozzle itself is quite shallow (about 3mm in length and 5mm in diameter), allowing for a deeper-seated fit of the body into the concha bowls of the ear. There are no sharp edges. At the rear of the shell on the body itself is a vent for airing the dynamic driver. The depth/width of the body itself is on the smaller side compared to my other IEMs.

The faceplate is a wonderful Nacre/’Mother of Pearl’-style colouration with a black stippling effect on top. It catches the light really well but is quite hard to capture in a photo. The black stippling means it’s not over-stated at all. There is the usual gold-amber Penon font with ‘PENON’ on the left and ‘Globe’ on the right earpiece. I actually quite like this font – it’s almost emblematic of Penon at this point!

The comfort and fit is a home-run in my small to average size ears. The most comfortable IEM I’ve experienced yet as a matter of fact.





Bass – sub-bass leaning, excellent rumble, high impact, dense, responsive, lacks some finer textures

Comments –

The bass has a great balance of thump, rumble and punch. It its very agile and conveys speedy passages with ease. Importantly it can moonlight across genres well enough for my tastes, handling instrumental and electronic music and making them both as equally ‘fun’ and not overwhelming the lower midrange. There is some slight sacrifice to texture in the bass, whether by innate limitations of the driver or it’s implementation and tuning which means this wouldn’t be the IEM I would pick up for purely critical listening. Your mileage here will vary dependent upon how ‘critical’ you are and how much enjoyment you derive from the minutiae of your music. This is most notable in acoustic bass instruments, harp etc. What the bass tuning does create is a physicality, especially to lower midrange, to give male voices the body and authority that some of my other IEMs lack.

I have to praise the Globe here for the most engaging presentation of ‘Infected Mushroom’ (electronica / psytrance) to date. The quality and quantity of the bass here is perfect. It excites and conveys dynamic swings well, never become fatiguing. Another strong suite is conveying the impact and authority of various families of drums, even reaching way down low to capture the resonance of the larger bass drum. It does it with great tonal accuracy to my ear and reasonably accurate decay.

Midrange – warm but detailed, accurate instrument timbre, vocal placed forward, no sibilance, good mid bite

Comments –

The selling point for me (and as it turns out, many others) – Penon mids.

If you prefer a warm-leaning midrange that doesn’t feel stuffy or lacking in detail this is it. The balance of transparency to physicality and space to intimacy is just to my tastes. The organic sound from the Sonion BA complimented by the overall tonal balance makes the midrange very romantic. It is coloured but coloured with humanity.

The Globes are my favourite presentation of male and female vocals in my current IEM stable. The Aladdin, while just as smooth, has a colder overall tonality and Isabellae is slightly cooler and brighter. Vocals are emotive and from the heart but can lack the outright detail / breathe-like quality that some people may crave. The stage provides vocals with a very pleasant ‘just-on-the-cusps’ of the ear presentation. It is not invasive, nor recessed or distant.

Instruments are captured well top to bottom with harmonic detail and good note weight and tactility.

Treble – good extension, non-fatiguing, balanced, some may prefer more upper treble air

Comments –

There is enough treble extension here to complete the picture and provide definition. Air is subtle and some may prefer more. I think the tuning here compliments the stars of the show, the bass and midrange, really well. It adds to intimacy and physicality of the overall signature, keeping the listener grounded and engaged.


Soundstage – good lateral extension, lots of height, spherical in shape

Perfect for my tastes. Reminders of small venues (pre-COVID!) but with the listener placed centre stage.

Imaging and Instrument Separation

Very effective imaging with clear depth and position and smooth left-right / front-back gradation when sound is in motion. Very enjoyable for ambient / soundscapes. Instrument separation could be better in busy orchestral pieces but is unlikely to detract from enjoyment.


Excellent layering, track mixing is easy to appreciate and full of nuance.


Yanyin Aladdin –

A 1DD+3BA hybrid, in similar price range, that has seen a lot of attention recently and that I reviewed and praised for its versatility and balance. The best way I can summarise the difference here is with more descriptors. In some places these differences are more marked than others (those marked with a *) and a lot of this is heavily subjective and all down to preference.

BassWet, less textured, quicker
Greater rumble
Greater impact
Attack/decay & presentation suited to dynamic synthetic tones
Dry, more textured, slower
Lighter impact
Attack/decay & presentation suited to acoustic instruments
Mids*Less transparent
More transparent
Analytic but not lacking emotion
Treble*Less extension but retains detail
Less air
Greater definition & extension
More air
SoundstageLaterally smaller more spherical
‘Smokey jazz lounge’
Laterally larger, more flat
‘Well ventilated small-medium concert hall’
Tonality*Warm, smoothNeutral-warm
TimbreLess accurateMore accurate
Resolution / Detail retrievalLesserGreater
Genre strengthsElectronic*, Ambient, Soundscape, Folk, Male vocals, Female vocalists, Hip Hop, Metal, PopJazz*, Classical*, Female vocalists (NB strength of both in my opinion), World music
Listening sessionsLonger sessionsShorter sessions (just by virtue of the detail that grabs my attention, not sibilance or tonal fatigue).
Listening attentionSuited for passive listening and enjoyment derived from warmth and musicality.Suited for active / critical listening and enjoyment derived from detail appreciation.


The Globe does exactly what I wanted it to and has earnt a position in my collection for the long haul. It sits closer to my heart than it does my head. It appeals to the part of me that wants to let go of the constant critiquing and fall into the experience of music itself. It gives me the detail but not with a digital sheen or grain. It reminds me that I’m as much a part of the music too.

If any of this verbosity strikes home – give the Globe a go, I doubt you will regret it.


Tips for your Tips

Go for as wide a bore tip as possible on this one to capture as much treble air and bring out as much bass texture.
Last edited:
Dig the chart! Great review.
I really enjoyed your review!
Moreover, to the comparison with the Aladdin.
You said that Aladdin is for shorter sessions but almost in every espect Aladdin is might seem as better. So how come it doesn't suits for longer sessions? Is it because it has peaks and it's tiring more tyan the Globe?
@Laleo. Not peaky at all, its more neutral signature just encourages me to listen critically that I typically only sustain for shorter sessions. Aladdin is not at all fatiguing sonically.
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100+ Head-Fier
Penon Globe - Just enjoy the music!
Pros: ● Solid Build Quality
● Fit and Comfort
● Musical and Engaging
Cons: ● Slight BA Timbre at high frequency
● Need wide bore eartips which not provided in default accessories
Penon Globe can be bought from Penon Audio ( Big thanks to Penon Audio for great service and fast delivery. Review 100% based on my experience using Penon Globe for ± 100 hours..

Sneak-Peek Penon Globe
MSRP: $339
Tuning Style : U-shaped, warm, musical, Poison Female Vocal, Lifelike String Performance
Frequency Distribution (Total 10): Low (3.6) – Mid (3.2) – High (3.2)
Suitable Genre : All-rounder with Female vocal as its strongest point
Wear Comfort : Excellent / Good / Normal / Poor
Build Quality : Excellent / Good / Normal / Poor
Isolation. : Excellent / Good / Normal / Poor
Microphonic : None / Minor / Normal / Poor
Analytic Level : Excellent / Good / Normal / Poor
Mic : None
Balanced Cable : 2.5 TRRS (Optional
Detachable : 2-Pin 0.78mm

Frequency Graph (Provided by Penon):

Brief Introduction to Penon Globe
Penon Audio, one of the well-known audio retailer based on Hong Kong, also known as retailer that brings “unknown” brand to international market.
Penon Globe should be the fourth IEM i tried(after Penon Sphere, Fan and Orb) from Penon Audio, using 10mm Dynamic Driver handles low frequency, 1 Sonion BA handles midrange and 1 Knowles BA handles high frequency with impedance 10 Ω so it’s supposed to be easy to drive using your phone. Globe using dark shell with colourfull marble pattern faceplate.
Penon Globe equipped with lot of accessories such as 7 pairs eartips (3 pairs S-M-L green silicone eartips and 3 pairs S-M-L orange silicon eartips and 1 pair double flange eartips), 2 Velour Pouch and Big Blue case and lastly 8-core SPC silver cable.

Sound Quality Evaluation
This Review using Quloos QA390, YinLuMei A1S and F.Audio FA2 as source and make sure use wide bore eartips!

High Frequency
Sparkling, airy, good detail, non-fatigue, there is slight BA timbre which some instrument can sound a bit plasticky at some track, has good enough energy to make the treble engaging

Mid Frequency
Should be the main star for Penon Globe, Poisonous Female Vocal which has good weight and imaging, Male vocal has nice weight not as charming as Female vocal but still good one. Detail is good in midrange, life-like string instrument presentation

Low Frequency
Deep bass, impactfull mid-bass, well-controlled, really good atmospheric presentation, authority bass.

Separation, Soundstage & Resolution:
Soundstage width is good, while the depth and height is excellent in Penon Globe. Instrument separation is good enough. For resolution it lacks a bit in micro-detail compared to the competitor.


Comparison (vs Blessing 1 and Reecho Insect Awaken)

Build Quality
Penon Globe has the smallest faceplate, for the body it's the second biggest. Blessing don't have stopper so it's quite picky at eartips (not all eartips can be used at Blessing). Reecho definitely has the nicest design since it's not only the faceplate but also the shell has nice glittery pattern but it's the biggest form factor

Design: Reecho Insect Awaken > Penon Globe > Moondrop Blessing
Fitting: Penon Globe > Moondrop Blessing = Reecho Insect Awaken

Low Frequency
Globe obviously has the proper DD bass, which speak a lot in quantity and quality, has the best impact and rumble which obviously at the cost of speed, Globe bass is not slow but between the three IEMs it's the slowest. It's the most atmospheric.
Blessing using DD but almost the same as BA sound, it has weak impact but still better than BA, it's fast
Insect Awaken using BA in low Frequency, while it definitely fast, it lacks authority compared to the others.

Low Frequency Quality : Penon Globe > Moondrop Blessing > Reecho Insect Awaken
Low Frequency Quantity : Penon Globe > Reecho Insect Awaken > Moondrop Blessing

Mid Frequency
Globe midrange is charming especially for Female Vocal and String instrument, has really good weight
Blessing is the thinnest and boasting lot of clarity, it's the cleanest at the cost instrument can sound weightless
Insect Awaken is the most V-shaped in this comparison, while it's clean but the vocal can sound very recessed

Mid Frequency Quality : Moondrop Blessing = Penon Globe > Reecho Insect Awaken
Mid Frequency Quantity : Penon Globe > Moondrop Blessing = Reecho Insect Awaken

High Frequency
Globe surprisingly has the most pronounced treble out of three IEMs, it's also the most aggresive treble, both the three has nice extension with Insect Awaken should be the first one to roll-off
Blessing Treble could be said more laidback compared to globe and works well with lack of note weight of blessing, it does the most airy and clean sounding
Insect Awaken the first one to roll-off and it's the darkest compared to others

High Frequency Quality : Penon Globe = Moondrop Blessing > Reecho Insect Awaken
High Frequency Quantity : Penon Globe = Moondrop Blessing > Reecho Insect Awaken

Separation, Soundstage & Resolution
Globe has the best height and depth compared to the three, but has the least width (only slight differences)
for the resolution Moondrop Blessing has the upper hand here, followed by Insect Awaken just a bit better than Penon Globe. Separation should be the same, it just globe has more note weight which can be perceived it's the worst, but after listening thoroughly i didn't find it lack any separation compared to others.

Personal Comment
Penon Globe definitely surprises me, it's not following the Harman-Neutral Target trend which pretty much hyped now, yet it's the most successfull IEM sub $400 that I spend lot of time. FYI i have around 20+ IEMs with around 10+ is more expensive than Globe, and i also borrow some IEMs from local seller (including UM Mest Mk2), in the end I spend more time listening to Penon Globe over everything else.

Sure, other cans can perform better in almost every area, but Penon Globe puts the music together in a way that lets you ignore those performance lossess. It definitely the one which let you to enjoy your music.

Should I buy Penon Globe?
Definitely it's one of top my recommendation list for IEMs sub $500 for musical, don't go for Globe if you like analytical with sheer of detail, but if you looking for IEM to connect to the music, I think this Globe will sufficient for long run.

That’s all my review of Penon Globe, hope it helps, Cheers~
thanks for the FR chart, looks like Dusk's 3khz tuning with Yume's 6khz dip and 2BA+1DD composition.
Great review! I love the Globe. Definitely the best sub $500 IEM I’ve listened to yet.
alexandros a
alexandros a
Great efforts man.!!
I ve been puzzled between this and Dunu EST112, finally purchased the Dunus..
But... Owning also the ORBS I will certainly give the globes a chance.....
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Headphoneus Supremus
Terrific budget all-rounders with that signature Penon midrange magic.
What does it take to get your attention?

I asked myself this recently when surprised by Penon Audio with an invitation to review another set of earphones, having previously been impressed by their Impacts and 10th Anniversary.

It was during the tail end of completing my recent IEM Cable Shootout (best described as 'torturous' for the reviewer, hopefully not the reader!) and the signs of PTSD were everywhere - after dreams filled with cotton vs linen bedsheet comparisons I'd wake up in cold sweats and begin A/Big pillows.

Determined to take a break after the shootout likely shaved several years off my life, Penon convinced me otherwise with that magic combination of syllables.... "we would like to give you" and "free".


Interestingly the Globes were never on my radar before arriving in the mail, and though Penon have a cult following among IEM collectors I get the impression the Globes haven't grabbed as much attention as some of their other options.

This may be explained by a few things - at $329 they're neither expensive enough to demand comparisons with IEMs worth thousands of dollars, nor are they cheap enough to be purchased en masse by those new to the hobby. Similarly their 1x DD, 2x BA driver configuration isn't flashy enough to grab headlines (no sexy EST or BCD drivers!) so there's no inherent promise of breaking new ground or taking the hobby in a radical new direction.

What I'm more concerned with is how do they sound, what sort of value do they offer, and how guilty am I going to feel for ignoring them?



As was the case with previous Penon IEMs the Globes arrive in a small cardboard box, inside of which is a leather carry case containing the IEMs.

Along with a smaller leather accessories case, no less than four sets of eartips in three sizes are supplied, along with a cleaning tool & shirt clip. The overall package is fairly commensurate with the Globes' pricepoint though you may prefer a more lavish unboxing experience.

The stock cable is a very comfortable 8 wire silver-plated copper affair, in your choice of 4.4mm, 3.5mm or 2.5mm terminations.



Physically the Globes are perhaps as close as a hybrid DD/BA earphone can realistically hope to match the size of a single-DD IEM. They're very small by modern hybrid standards, owing largely to their modest complement of just one DD and two BA drivers.

They do protrude a little but are so thin as to nestle in my ears very comfortably, and I can keep there for hours without the urge to re-seat them - aiding that comfort is their extremely smooth medical-grade resin shells. Also deserving of special mention are their gorgeous faceplates which glisten in the light with flecks of glittering aquamarine, an effect difficult to replicate in still photos.

The Globes' stock cable is extremely lightweight and flexible, but sporting fairly utilitarian hardware. Penon have added heatshrink earhooks to this particular cable unlike many in their range, and it must be said I do prefer the ergonomics of those without by a small margin.

Sound Impressions​

I've used the Globes primarily with a Cayin N8ii DAP (in solid state mode with P+ enabled) using local files stored on a 1TB i400 Micron micro-SD card with my preferred Spinfit W1 tips. It should be noted the N8ii is tuned to emphasise treble & sub bass, so please factor that into account.

There are a few things I immediately notice when listening to the Globes. First off they're very easy to drive, requiring a volume between 14-16 on the N8ii as opposed to the 16-20 I'd typically set for other IEMs in my collection. That's great news for anyone who's audio source may not have the beefiest amplification - dongle users in particular may benefit here.

Then there's the tremendous cohesion. Perhaps that's due to the Globes containing just three drivers, and they work in conjunction harmoniously. The other standout is their midrange. I'm not sure how Penon accomplish this, but every Penon IEM I've heard seems to fix my attention on the lavish midrange experience that's essentially their hallmark. Difficult to verbalise, a good attempt I heard from one of the staff members at Addicted to Audio in Melbourne described the Globe midrange as "hyper real".


Bass quantity is moderately above neutral, and they deliver a very solid bass performance with an even balance between midbass and sub bass emphasis. You'll also be reassured to learn speed has not been sacrificed to produce this capable low end, with the Globe DDs being surprisingly responsive in keeping up with busy passages.
Perhaps the downside is bass can occasionally feel a touch pillowy and thus greater slam & texture would be desirable, which perhaps marks the Globes as capable all-rounders rather than basshead specialists like the ISN EST50s.

Midrange presence is a great strength of the Globes, with vocalists readily commanding your attention. There's a slight bias towards the upper rather than lower midrange, though I'm not sure if this explains why male vocals feel more satisfyingly convincing than female.
With no hint of recession in this area, instruments like electric guitars feel viscerally raw and forward, though I prefer the Globes with a copper cable to add extra warmth for genres like Rock music where additional coloration is desirable.

Treble is more than adequate on the Globes and there isn't an excessive amount of sparkle if you happen to be treble sensitive. However upper treble isn't quite as abundant as you may find on more expensive earphones, and this is where the EST drivers in physically-larger hybrids often do the heavy lifting.
With just one DD & two BAs, the Globes cover the entire frequency spectrum capably but I find there's a missing sense of overlapping abundance present in hybrids with much larger driver counts, particularly those costing thousands of dollars. The flipside is the low driver count is likely responsible for the Globes' admirable cohesion, and area other hybrids can fall short in.


Technical Performance​

To begin with the Globes' strength, resolution is commendable given their relatively modest price and low driver count. At no point listening with them do I ever feel like essential information extracted by more expensive earphones is being excluded or obscured. The Globes' very detailed, forward midrange really helps in this regard, though it can feel like details are being pushed towards me with a hint of grain in a manner IEMs with EST drivers can deliver more effortlessly.

On other fronts the Globes are adequate but perhaps not exceptional among IEMs under the $500 mark. Their soundstage is of middling width but depth is unfortunately quite poor. This can be improved by swapping to a more expensive cable but only to a limited extent. The stage never feels claustrophobic, but seems to exist mostly in front of me rather than wrapping around the sides of my head.

Imaging, separation and dynamics are similarly average, rarely calling attention to themselves in either a positive or negative fashion. The Globes' technical chops aren't pronounced enough to enhance my musical enjoyment, nor do they impede it.


IEM Comparisons​

So how do the Globes stack up against similarly priced competition? I compared them with several IEMs on hand to answer that...


Kiwi Ears Orchestra Lite - 8xBA (USD $249)

The Orchestra Lites are quite large & surprisingly heavy considering they lack a dynamic driver, but those larger dimensions perhaps contribute to the excellent seal I'm able to obtain with them and the impressive isolation they provide.

Requiring a volume of 20 on the N8ii with high-gain, as opposed to 16 for the Globes suggests they're slightly more difficult to drive. More difficult still to accept is the Orchestra Lite's claustrophobic soundstage, which despite not being dramatically narrow feels more 'in my head' than usual, with sounds projecting more to the rear of my skull than in front of it.

The Orchestra Lites have the virtue of being extremely fast and responsive as you might expect from an all-BA earphone, but although bass quantity is sufficient, as expected texture is lacking. By comparison treble is quite prominent and zingy, and the presentation feels weighted more heavily towards upper rather than lower midrange. The Orchestra Lites deliver a slightly greater perception of detail than the Globes, but their plasticky tonality and mediocre bass reproduction doesn't seem worth the tradeoff.


ISN EST50 – 1xDD, 2xBA, 2xEST (USD $449)

Marginally larger than the Globes and similarly easy to drive (volume 16 on the N8ii) the EST50s don’t feel quite as snug in the ear and jut out a bit further.

Despite the Globes having no lack of bass heft, immediately noticeable is how much deeper & more impactful bass is felt on the EST50s, with superior texture to boot. The soundstage is also wider and slightly deeper, and though I've commented previously that the EST50s are rather excitable they're surprisingly less so than the Globes, which feel even more upfront.

Resolution is slightly higher on the EST50s -perhaps thanks to their EST drivers- and vocals are more refined yet lack the body & presence of the Globes, sounding further away from the listener. Treble is a little smoother yet more detailed. The EST50s have a more effortless, wider V-shaped presentation overall with thunderous bass the standout.


Penon 10th Anniversary - 2xDD, 2xBA, 2xEST (USD $499)

Requiring Vol 19 on the N8ii the 10th Anniversaries are slightly harder to drive than the Globes, and their shells quite a bit larger. I do find the Globes more comfortable for multi-hour listening sessions but this isn't enough to dissuade me against the 10th Anniversaries.

With a slightly wider & deeper stage the 10th Anniversaries also boast superior bass texture, though I perceive that bass to be slower which is perhaps a result of not one but two DDs producing it, and midbass feels emphasised over sub bass.

The 10th Anniversary midrange boasts higher resolution & superior imaging, yet bafflingly there's a sense of diffuseness suggesting a lack of cohesion, with perhaps the two DDs again being the culprit. However instruments feel larger, and the background blacker. The 10th Anniversaries undoubtedly feature a smoother, more refined tonality with effortless resolution provided by the EST drivers.

Additional IEM Comparisons​

Not content with comparing the Globes to earphones close to hand, I paid a visit to Addicted to Audio in Melbourne with the intent of testing them against popular IEMs with similar prices.

Do bear in mind these impressions were gathered in a rather noisy environment, as they were busy that morning with much background chatter from customers so only general differences will be noted here.


Dunu SA6 MK2 – 6xBA (USD $579)

Immensely larger with geometry more rigorously sculpted to the ear, the SA6 MK2s also isolate more effectively than the Globes but are heavier and less comfortable overall.

Bass is surprisingly satisfying given they lack a DD, yet there's no mistaking that BA-bass texture which lags behind the Globes' more gratifying slam. Similarly easy to drive from the N8ii, the SA6 MK2s feature a wider, flatter stage and a smooth character.

Vocals are set further back from the listener and lack the Globes' richness & presence, but instead come across as less excited & more refined. Dynamics are also lacking, and transients feel softened which prevents detail jumping out quite as much.


FiiO FD7 - 1xDD (USD $579)

The FD7's metal shells are heavy, but quite small given their single driver configuration so I have trouble obtaining a good seal. Requiring 26 on the N8ii they're surprisingly difficult to drive and that's not where the bad news ends.

The sluggish speed of the FD7's DD drivers are immediately apparent, and their soundstage is very flat and narrow. Bass quantity is similar to that of the Globes and tends to favour midbass but is nonetheless impressive, and vocals have good presence.

This is a clearcut example of where I believe hybrid IEMs have surpassed their single-DD counterparts, as although the Globes are considerably cheaper their technical performance is far ahead of the FD7s to the extent I unhesitatingly favour the Globes and the result isn't even close.


Letshoer EJ07M - 1xDD, 2xBA, 1xEST (USD $669)

Surprisingly smaller than the Globes without being moulded to the ear quite as much, the EJ07M's steel shells have a very smooth finish and are extremely comfortable despite their significant weight.

Requiring 22 on the N8ii, the EJ07Ms feature similarly competent bass texture to the Globes, with a wider more open stage, but lack the addictive midrange magic of the Globes. Where the EJ07Ms pull ahead is in the responsiveness of their DD which make that of the Globes feel sluggish - something not obvious without comparing them side-by-side.

The EJ07Ms also boast higher quality treble that generates appreciably greater resolution, yet they maintain a fantastic sense of coherence. Indeed I've been extremely impressed by them, though their price premium over the Globes is significant.


Thieaudio Monarch MKII - 1xDD, 6xBA, 2xEST (USD $999)

Physically much larger than the Globes but not too uncomfortable, the Monarchs require a massive 30 on the N8ii suggesting they pair best with powerful sources.

What's immediately apparently is how flatly they're tuned, with a very unexciting presentation I don't particularly care for - the Globes are much more engaging & lively. Bass quality & texture is also a weakness of the Monarchs, another area the Globes have them covered.

Technical performance is where the Monarchs shine, with a wider & deeper stage than the Globes, sharper imaging, and higher midrange resolution despite their lack of warmth. The tradeoff is how uninvolved the Monarchs leave me feeling, though conceivably this may suit certain genres & listeners.


Cable Comparisons​

As an unashamed cable aficionado, naturally I can't resist learning how effectively the Globes scale with fancy expensive cables.

Globe Stock Cable

This relatively slender silver-plated 8 wire cable is very comfortable to use. It pushes the midrange forward yet imaging feels a touch congested. Bass is also a weakness, which comes across a tad mushy on the stock cable.

Treble is emphasised as this cable is bright by nature, but there's a lack of note weight which curbs the Globes' performance with genres like rock. Though adequate it feels like there's room for improvement.

ISN S8 (USD $32.50)

Dynamics are immediately improved by swapping to the S8 and the stage grows in width, though depth is slightly shallower than stock. There's extra treble sheen which you may or may not want.

I do prefer pairing the Globes with copper cables, which seem to provide that extra bit of midbass punch needed to flesh out their presentation.

Penon CS819 (USD $49)

In this very impressive pairing, the Globes' stage is both wider and deeper with instruments given more room to breathe, and even midrage clarity seems to have improved with vocals sounding more natural - though not quite as impressive as the Penon Vocal cable in that regard.

Bass is also more impactful, though similar in quantity to that of the stock cable. CS819 generates a more organic, less "digital" sound that's a surprisingly large improvement over the stock cable.

Penon Vocal (USD $69)

As the name suggests, Vocal adds greater articulation & resolution to the Globes midrange, and a greater impression of refinement & sophistication. Considering the midrange is already a strength of the Globes this nudges them towards becoming a vocal specialist.

The soundstage is deepened slightly but width remains similar, dynamics are moderately increased and bass feels deeper as well. I do prefer the CS819 pair up for multi-genre listening, unless you choose to prioritise vocal-centric music.

Effect Audio Ares S 4 Wire (USD $179)

The Globe midrange immediately sounds more meaty with improved resolution and presence, and dynamics & bass texture are similarly boosted.

Similar to CS819, the Ares S stage doesn’t necessarily feel much larger yet somehow instruments seem like they have more room to breathe. I do prefer the CS819 pair up which has slightly better dynamics and less bottom end emphasis, delivering a more even sonic balance.

Penon Leo Plus (USD $249)

One again I'm slightly disappointed with the Leo Plus cable in this pairing.

Soundstage depth is improved impressively, but treble is boosted to such an extent sounds like cymbals are far more intrusive, and with that comes a whispy tonality I don't particularly care for.

Liquid Links Martini (USD $349)

As the only larger 8 wire cable in this comparison, Martini delivers the substantially boosted dynamics, improved bass and wider & deeper stage dimensions you'd expect from such a weighty cable.

Speaking of heft even note weight is improved, ably fleshing out any perception of thinness in the Globes' presentation. As such I enjoy this pairing even more than using the CS819, though the price difference is almost as significant as the cost of the Globes themselves.

Cardas Clear (USD $320 parts cost) / PW Audio 1950s (USD $2149)

To my complete lack of surprise, the Cardas Clear (DIY PWA 1950s clone) delivers the same superb performance with the Globes it demonstrated in my recent IEM cable shootout.

Dynamics are boosted significantly, bass feels more impactful, the stage is wider & deeper, and vocals are beautifully smooth & rich. Treble reproduction is terrific too, but without the feeling details are being shoved in one's face. Essentially this feels like a direct upgrade in most ways to the CS819 pairing, with a faultless balance of great tonality and superb technical performance.


Ah, you've made it to the end. Good, I was worried those cable comparisons might slow you down.

So what has this review taught us about the Globes? Perhaps the biggest takeaway is there is no big takeaway, no overwhelming attribute we can point to as the definitive reason to purchase or avoid them. Certainly they're small, comfortable, cohesive with a terrific midrange and commendable bass output which augurs strongly for the their value at this pricepoint.

Ironically some of the stiffest competition comes from Penon's own collection in the form of Turbo, 10th Anniversary, Fan 2, and Serial. Despite being great all-rounders, you may find the Globes lack a compelling reason to purchase them over one of those instead. That's the danger of products that are capable in most ways, but lack the dramatic strengths & weaknesses to support easy classification.

That may be why the Globes have been oft overlooked in a market saturated with capable performers, but crying out for distinctive offerings. However if you'd prefer to ignore the hype and choose an under-the-radar option, you'll probably enjoy the Globes as I have.


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: -lush bassy balanced tonality
-deep vibrant and chunky bass
-thunderous rumble and slam
-thick natural mids
-very beautiful female vocal free of sibilance or timbral imbalance
-smooth but not boring treble
-good note weight
-no BA timbre
-cohesive drivers implementation
-wide and tall soundstage
-excellent accessories including great balanced cable
Cons: -average technical performance
-not clean or well define bass separation
-overall dark resolution
-lack of treble sparkle, extension and air
-near basshead tuning not for everyone
-can't keep up with fast complex busy track
-not as competitively priced as ISN H40

TONALITY: 8.5/10


Penon is a well established audio distributor, cable maker and IEM maker. I have review multiple IEM from them in the past and Penon Serial as well as Penon Fan 2 are my favorite for now. Yet, none of them were bad and this explain why I always highly curious to review their products.

Today I will review the Penon Globe 2.

Priced 330$, the Globe is an hybrid IEM using a 10mm dynamic driver for bass, one Sonion balanced armature for mids and one Knowles BA for highs.

Entering a very competitive mid tier market (300-500$), let see what the Globe truely worth to my ears.




The construction of the Globe is good looking and feel sturdy. It's made of thick medical grade resin plastic that promise comfort and durability. I tend to prefer this type of housing over heavier metal one and while the housing is a bit chunky, the organic shape is very comfortable.
The 2 pin connector are sturdily embeded in the housing and don't have recessed connector, so all type of 2pin cable will be possible to use.
The nozzle is quite big and it most be noted their 2 holes that permit direct tubing the inner drivers, it's important to don't block them with ear tips that have too small nozzle hole.
All in all, while not mind blowing, the construction is more than OK.



As always with Penon, the packaging presentation is minimalist while accessories are maximalist. We have the big leather carring case, a small leather pouch for cable, 9 pairs of silicone eartips including the nice Horn shaped ePro, cleaning tool and leather cable holder. This time we have an 8 strands OCC silver plated cable which is thick, smooth and very sturdy looking, you can choose between 2.5mm and 4.4mm balanced or 3.5mm single ended, which is very appreciate.
Even if i begin to be use being spoil with great amount of good quality accessories, it still a big plus in overall price value of this IEM.



Believe me....i'm a bit fatigue to be that much of a Penon fan's really not my type to be like this and well, at least my critical listening grumpyness was able to blossom a bit with the Fan and ISN H30, but not to the point of delivering a harsh review, well, I sincerly dislike H30, but do find good the Fan, which have nothing to do with immense appreciation I have for FAN2 (the real deal with the Serial).

So, their come the Globe, which is another 1DD+2BA offering, but at even more expensive price than the marvelous FAN2.

So, let's try to be less of a fan boi even if again....I love those, which are the logical upgrade to the ISN H40.

But, these aren't for those seeking high technical sound benefit return since in that regard, it's notably inferior to the FAN2. But it's the polar opposite tonality wise too.

The Globe is all about musicality, lush warm and wide open one, near basshead one too, which will make run away stone cold audiophile purist that only swear on high fidelity restitution to the cost of listening to a cryogenic soul less musicality.

These are about sub bass and natural mid range first and foremost. Big warm slam that mix with the mids in an organic way, everything is smooth, creamy yet hefty in dynamic without loud peak, even how the bass hit doesn't really fatigue your hearing and yet, we don't have a boring bass response.

The tonality of the Globe is a warm, thick and rumbly W shape. Bass is dominant but feed the mid range instead of making it recessed or muddy. These are dark but not dull and the timbre is dense with extra low harmonic euphony that is highly appealing for emotional response and making the listener melt into it's favorite vocalist.

More it goes, more i feel their hella alot of type of tonal bass response we can expect from an IEM: plain sub bass or mid bass boost, lean or slight boost of one of those 2 section and this special wide bass boost where both sub and mid bass is boosted, again, with different balance within the 2.
The sweet spot for me it's when both is equaly boosted and well layered, but I don't even think it's possible unless perhaps using 2DD for bass section and doing genius tuning work.

Here the Globe nail my sweet spot with one DD, so it's sub bass dominant but well boosted in mid bass too, the kick drum doesn't sound thin but a hint darken warmer by sub bass transition. As well, we have good amount of high bass-lower mid range, so lower harmonic and fundamentals of instrument are fully covered.
This will favor tone and timbre density over it's texture or presence brightness, this mean that as a whole the Globe is warmed.
The guilty pleasure part come in when we try to go critical listener way and appreciate level of resolution and instrument separation. In lower range, as noted, kick drum will not be perfectly define and bass warmth will make separation with mids a bit blurry, but since the dynamic is very physical, we can perceive impact amplitude of this kick drum which get well layered, but not sharply define.
Simply say: the globe don't offer a clean bass presentation but keep it's layering (tx to hybrid property) well articulate and perceivable. The note weight is more emphasised than its definition which is everything but edgy.
The slam is vast, with big stereo headroom that embrace the listener. The rumble is vibrant, chunky with a stretched sustain and not alot of resonance due to lack of clean air. It's a physical and tactical bass presentation, muscular, hefty in slam and a hint more mellow in thumping. It's not a super fast and tight bass that permit you to enjoy fastest drummer of planet earth.

Juicy, generous and fun in a luscious way that can benefit mid range too, since yes their a bit of compromise due to lower mid range lift which the dynamic driver deal with too, to add cream to the Global cake.
So, while i would say their more quantity than quality, i can't overseen the flexibility of it's extension which make cello sound fully bodied and lush in tone, as well as offering this extremely appealing rumble that make soul, R&B, rap, house and not too complex EDM.

The mid range is another highlight of the Globe, but it's to be expected with Penon IEMs since none of them have plain thin or dull sounding mids. Penon seem to favor vocal over everything and the Globe is no exception, since we have plenty of lower mids warmth both male and female vocal sound full and natural, yet the female vocal tend to be more fowards, lush way. That's the thing, it's buttery smooth yet stretched in presence and softed in texture grain, so the female vocal are enveloping and have dense natural timbre free of sibilance or shoutyness. When it come to male vocal, it's a bit more darken by bass bleed shelf, why I say shelf? it's because the presence feel sticked on low harmonic, but all in a coherent and organic way, nothing sound off balance in term of driver cohesion with the Globe.
But these are warm mids too, so don't expect crisp and deeply open center stated, you aren't pull away from instrument or vocal but their a slight haze going on so definition edge is a bit blurry and instrument separation lack proper clean air between them. But the dynamic tend to compensate for this slight mids darkness, it have well felt note weight so piano drop is well perceive, just not sharply define nor boosted in texture and it cut a bit short in natural decay so it's fast and thumpy piano playing we can say, very enjoyable. Then both saxophone and violin sound very good, again tone and timbre is more focus than presence boost so fast playing will not have alot of sharp bite to it, yet you will get lost in violin lushness due to bigger than life presentation that magnify presence density over micro details of texture that can be distracting and even affect tone rightness, no lipsy vocal, no boosted details of the bow rubbing the strings too.

Then the treble sure have some trade off if all the attention is attire by bass and mids, but it doesn't mean it's complete darkness oblivion. Again Penon do some magic here by adding just a hint of crunch and snap in mid treble around 8khz section surely...but it's not a treble that extend far away up to 20khz, nor offer lot of definition sharpness, highs air and sparkle, just minimal bite and snap so acoustic guitar doesn't sound fully blunted or percussions lost in the mix.
I don't struggle to hear the snare, but some upper range percussions can feel a bit too distant which affect timing accuracy but at the same time will not distract you from main instruments or vocal of a song.
As said, acoustic guitar are a bit softed in brilliance, so the string pulling will lack sharp definition then the decay will cut short and we will have a bit of extra low harmonic thickness to some pitch between 6-10khz. It's more problematic for Harp, and clavichord, which sound a bit foggy and all about note weight with concentrate decay that warm sound enveloppe (hard to explain, but its similar to acoustic guitar low harmonic boost).
So, this is a smooth treble, thick as a whole and not very generous in micro details, attack lead lack bite too. The Globe are certainly not for treble head or those seeking crisp analytical sound, in that regard the Fan2 is superior.

Spatiality wise, i'm very impress by the wideness and tallness of the soundstage, it's an out of your head stretched presentation, but it's not the kind of spatiality you can dig very deep, the center stage feel at same level as stereo channel separation so its act like a big U shape wall of sound that surround and embrace the head of listener.

Imaging is quite average, not alot to write about said, it seem center stage is stretched and embrace you, so this mean their not alot of space between sound layers and the softed definition edge make it difficult to pin point the position of instrument. Yet, we have enough transparency in layering to permit an organic perception of each instrument, but their presence are stick togheter still, very wide. Unless the recording is very sharp in stereo separation, overall presentation will most likely sound mono.


The Globe are very easy to drive and in fact dislike high impedance output or too much amping gain. At 10ohm of impedance and 116db of sensitivity, these benefit clean source. For ex, I need to use low gain on Moondrop Dawn 4.4, if not, it will sound boomy and muddy, have more harmonic distortion etc.
The ear tips choice is extremely important too due to large nozzle with 2 hole instead of fully open mesh. Thankfully, the wide bore blue eartips included are excellent, but be sure to dont use an eartips with too small nozzle hole that could block one of iem nozzle hole.
Then what? Well, if like me your a ''cable believer'', i do think it's legitimate to try another one that the included one which seem to warm even more the tonality. I use mostly the Penon Fan2 cable (OSS133) cable that make the Globe a hint crisper sounding and more articulated in dynamic rendering.



What hit first is how more intimate and compressed sound the Lite, then it feel a bit more mid centric and slightly brighter as well as even thicker and more glued togheter in sound layers, which is unexpected for a multi BA.
The bass is very different with the Lite, which dig less deep, have less flexibility so it feel more boomy and less well rounded. Sub bass roll off is evident with the Lite and mid bass punch is more focus and dominant than more sub bass focus performance of the Globe, which is more bassy, have heavier slam with longer rumble and warmer sub and mid bass layering, so, while more excited and boomy, the Lite bass attack is faster and tighter.
The mids of both these IEMs is marvellous and the Lite offer richer but leaner mid range with superior sounds layers number, it's less warmed by bass bleed but not as wide in presence which feel a bit compressed. Vocal pop up more with the Globe and are more dense and lush, but they can shadow other instrument more, it hook your attention in a more colored way we can say.
Then the treble of both is a bit dark, yet the Lite is less well balanced and more spiky on top, which can lead to overly fowards percussions, which the Globe keep on line with rest of instrument, as well, lower treble is thinner and brighter with the Lite, making violin sound a bit off and metallic in timbre, the Globe treble sound more natural and refined, surely due to superior balanced armature used but again the number of micro details is higher with the Lite, even if in a rougher way.
The spatiality is notably wider and taller with the Globe, making the Lite sound a bit in your head. Imaging is about on par, but the sound layering is more articulate yet feel more compressed with the Lite.

All in all, technicalities wise they are about on par, but the Globe offer a more balanced and fun tonality with more natural and thick timbre, deeper rumblier bass and smoother treble. Their no doubt the Globe is the winner for me since the Orchestra Lite take dust.


The FAN2 is cleaner, crisper and more W shape, making the Globe feel even more warm U shape and dark on top. Its evident sub bass is more boosted and dominant with the Globe, and Fan2 is more neutral with extra mid bass punch boost. Mids are a notch brighter with Fan2, more open and crisp, with better resolution and spatial cue. Globe vocal are fuller and wider in presence, making the mids feel a bit compressed with the Fan2, timbre is thicker and more natural, less dry than too. The treble is faster, snappier, sparklier and more extended and airy, it dig more micro details in texture and overall sound info, making the Globe lacking a bit of fine details and definition edge.
The soundstage is notably wider with the Globe, which is unexpected since it's not as crisp and deep as the Fan2. So, the imaging is notably superior with Fan2, due to sharper instruments definition and separation, as well as thinner more transparent mids timbre.

All in all, these 2 complement each other perfectly and are near polar opposite the Globe being warmer, more bassy and fun and offering wider soundstage and thicker more pleasant yet less resolved mid range. The Fan2 sound more energic and technical, underlining that price range doesn't always translate in higher technical performance but a special kind of musicality.


So here, apart treble which is brighter on top, these 2 are a bit similar in the sens they got both bass slam and mids fullness, but thats about it in term of similarities.
The Hook is still slightly less bassy, yet offer a slam that is dominate by sub bass, its warm and punchy, less chunky, rounded and sustain in rumble than bassier Globe. The mids are just a hint brighter and thinner with the Hook, again, lusher female vocal with the Globe and wider presence, less grainy in texture too so more polished and organic, but it's darker too, we have less details in texture and background instrument that the Hook, which seem to have better attack control too. Then the treble is where the Hook is clearly superior and brighter, it extend further, offer faster snappier attack, it sound fuller too, crunchier and more open, it add extra dimension to the spatiality making the Globe a bit unidimentional.
This time, spatiality is both wider and deeper with the Hook. Imaging is better layered and more accurate and sharp in instrument separation too.

Here I would say that the Hook X is technicaly superior in everything but bass definition, extension and well rounded impact, as well as less natural in timbre due to infamous planar grain, and while both are fun sounding, the Globe is more about bass and Hook X more about treble and holographic musical fun.



Penon done it again and again and again, it truely seem they just can't release bad IEM, but this doesn't mean all of them offer same sound benefit return, in that regard the Globe isn't the most competitive even if far from plain underwhelming.
The Globe excell in bass and vocal department, both of them achieving heavy dynamic, fowards presence and a natural and thick timbre. If like me you favor lush female vocal that are free of sibilance or overboosted presence to the cost of thin or bright timbre, you'll be in for alot of joy with the Globe.

As well, even basshead will find something to love with those, since the sub bass slam is bigger than expected, wide and enveloping and deep and sustain in rumbel. This might be the guilty pleasure part, but it's well done and well layered enough too, thanks to hybrid drivers property.

Unless your a treble or neutral head, the Globe will most likelt become an highly addictive IEM and certainly worth the buy if you don't seek for highest technical performance in 300$ price range.



PS: I want to thanks Penon for sending me this review sample. As well, I want to thanks this audio distributor for giving me full freedom of mind when it come to subjective audio impressions. This is something rare and while i'm gratefull about this, it mean this review is 100% independant minded.

You can order the Globe for 330$ here:
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