I'm a game developer who loves music. I would not name myself an audiophile, but a music and electronics enthusiast. I love listening to all types of music, from classical to cabaret, rock, metal to electronic, trance and trap. Check out the games I'm working on at
I had bought Fiio E12A in addition to my Fiio X5 (now X5ii), which is my DAP, DAC and source of enjoyment.
I will post my impressions towards Fiio E12A used with fiio x5 as a DAC, through line out using the interconnect that came with E12A. I will be using Sennheiser ie8 and Ultrasone Dj One Pro as the main headphones I'm testing E12A with. In addition, I also bought Sennheiser ie800 in the meanwhile and I'll be adding my impression on the new combo.
E12a comes in a cardboard box, and it comes along with:
- Rubber bands X4
- Rubber feet X6
- Carry pouch (Fiio does not advice to use e12a inside the pouch, but rather carry it within. E12A can get hot as it cannot disperse heat well that way)
- Manual
- L shaped Interconnect
- Usb charging cable (The cable is a power only cable)
- The cardboard box can be used to carry it in the backpack (i actually use it this way)
Build quality:
Fiio e12a is made of metal, it's color is silver, it looks very nice. The surface has a metal texture and while it's turned off is cold to the touch. It is solid in hand, the volume knob feels really solid and firm, is not loose and you have to use just the right amount of force to turn it to feel right. High/Low gain settings is a nice thing to have, the button feels really nice, clicks in place and doesn't wobble. The on/off bass slider is also a very nice touch, feels really nice to touch, it is not loose, nor too tight,
Maybe that it is my opinion, but i really like it as a device, and the touches on it's looks.
It weights a little, and I probably wouldn't use a stack for jogging, but i use X5+E12A for walking, using a side bag. It works out for me, but the stack weights a little. You might get a few strange looks pulling out your stack in public, but that's part of the fun! There are stacking kits which you can use for E12A and X7 for example that make stacking a much easier job.
Main features:
- Best SQ for iems and easy to drive headphones i had tested so far at this price range and 3X the price range (more on this later)
- Bass slider for adding some bass on/off. This does not distort at all with my headphones, i was shocked how much i am using this thing
- Low/High Gain (i am using it only on low gain, i get more than enough volume for my full headphones and iems.
- Volume knob
- Line in, headphone out 3.5 jacks (i like the fact that the jacks are quite tight and have a )
- Power microusb port - used only for charging.
- 2 leds, one that confirms that it is on (blue), and one for low battery indicator(red).
- Reset pin hole.
Sound quality:
Bass is extremely clean, it works very good with techno tracks, metal and every other genre. It does not roll off, and is very transparent. Speed of attack is very good, it sounds very natural.
When i turn the bass slider on, the frequency response is not linear any more, but it adds some "meat" to the music. Everything sounded better with bass slider on with my Ultrasone dj one pro, but was overkill with sennheiser ie8. It remained very fast, transparent, the bass was just louder, but a very good quality bass, not bleeding into mids or distorting at all.
This is one strong point of E12A. I have been searching for such clean and crisp mids. It really makes male and female voices shine, and just every instrument has a much better texture. Imagine the vibration that comes from a guitar note, it is much more vivid using e12a, much more alive; Almost like you're able to hear the strings directly, not a recorded version of them. It made some of my acoustic tracks shine, like Bitter Ruin, i could really hear fingers run down on the strings of the acoustic guitar.
In "One more soul tot he call" and "Hell frozen rain" from Akira Yamaoka and Mary Elizabeth McGlynn i could really hear her catching breath at times, the emotion of the song is entirely true to the sound.
Word of caution, it is very revealing, you will hear most every little detail that was recorded (if the headphones can retrieve it).
In one word treble is well extended, but it is smooth. It is never harsh, nor sibilant. Some people really love treble this way, I sometimes add more 16Khz using X5's eq function. This is nice, because I like my music with a little more harsh treble, I want the cymbal crash to feel harsh and abrasive, where E12A reproduces it smooth, presenting them in a friendly way.
I had noticed no listening fatigue even after a few hours of listening using E12A.
+Soundstage / Separation / Micro Detail
This is probably the strongest point of E12A. The soundstage is amazing, it was way bigger than anything i had tested at it's price all the way up to 3X it's price. In fact, this was the major selling point for me, I really love the sensation that music comes from all around you. I'm a bit fan of Sennheiser HD800 and all I can say is that it makes ie8's soundstage extend much more than some full headphones I had tested. It also helps my Ultrasone Dj One Pro. Soundstage is so good that it happened to me to sit in the room, listening to certain tracks and hear sounds coming so vivid from a certain part of the room, that i had taken my headphones off and looked to that area, searching to what could had caused that sound. Quite the experience.
Part of the soundstage is the background noise, which is black. Pitch black. Not a single thing that was not in the recording. This is good for revealing details, and soundstage. In fact, I can compare the black background to some of the most expensive equipment i had tested.
Separation is very good, i am able to point to nuances of singular instruments in busy orchestral works.
+Driving power
In my tests it had no problems driving anything that was under 300OHM impedance. It drives with the same ease sennheiser ie8 at 16 OHM and Ultrasone dj one pro at 64OHM. There is absolutely no hiss with a sensitive IEM like ie8, and there is more than enough power for a power hungry headphone like Dj One Pro. E12A can also drive ie800 very well, making a perfect companion for both IEMs and full sized headphones
I had bought it for 210$ which I consider a fair value. It does better even than more expensive portable devices and it holds it's ground against desktop devices for driving in ear monitors and low impedance headphones.
I would advice anyone who wants a black background, one of the most expansive soundstages and very good detail retrieval, with zero distortion to go and test E12A. You will be pleased with what you hear.
The entire review and photos were taken while using Fiio X5 with a Fiio e12a stack.
Fine print : I had tested it against very expensive devices, and i still choose to buy E12A. I mean, devices 12X it's price. But i do not want to start an argue over this statement.

This is how i take the stack with me when i go outside to take a walk.

Impression after a long time of usage:
- I can say that most people would more than happy with it. It is mid and bass centric, so treble is smooth. Most people really love this feature. It makes music organic, natural and tube-amp-like. This is a pro and a con (I wanted more treble for example
- Battery life was very good, and did not degrade at all after one year of usage or so. If you forget the volume knob turned on, it will drain itself, so better watch out for this.
- I used to use it while charging without any problems.
- About portability, I also bought some other cables for interconnects, and, to my surprise, I was extremely happy with another Fiio interconnect, the straight one, L2. Using it on the street was not a problem by any means, and I also strapped it to smartphones, and Fiio X5II, and it would remain quite portable. I would not pocket the stack though, so using a side bag might be the most productive solution.
- Works extremely well with ie800 and I recommend E12A for TOTL IEMs.
I'm a game developer who loves music. I would not name myself an audiophile, but a music and electronics enthusiast. I love listening to all types of music, from classical to cabaret, rock, metal to electronic, trance and trap. Check out the games I'm working on at
I had bought Fiio E12A in addition to my Fiio X5 (now X5ii), which is my DAP, DAC and source of enjoyment.
I will post my impressions towards Fiio E12A used with fiio x5 as a DAC, through line out using the interconnect that came with E12A. I will be using Sennheiser ie8 and Ultrasone Dj One Pro as the main headphones I'm testing E12A with. In addition, I also bought Sennheiser ie800 in the meanwhile and I'll be adding my impression on the new combo.
E12a comes in a cardboard box, and it comes along with:
- Rubber bands X4
- Rubber feet X6
- Carry pouch (Fiio does not advice to use e12a inside the pouch, but rather carry it within. E12A can get hot as it cannot disperse heat well that way)
- Manual
- L shaped Interconnect
- Usb charging cable (The cable is a power only cable)
- The cardboard box can be used to carry it in the backpack (i actually use it this way)
Build quality:
Fiio e12a is made of metal, it's color is silver, it looks very nice. The surface has a metal texture and while it's turned off is cold to the touch. It is solid in hand, the volume knob feels really solid and firm, is not loose and you have to use just the right amount of force to turn it to feel right. High/Low gain settings is a nice thing to have, the button feels really nice, clicks in place and doesn't wobble. The on/off bass slider is also a very nice touch, feels really nice to touch, it is not loose, nor too tight,
Maybe that it is my opinion, but i really like it as a device, and the touches on it's looks.
It weights a little, and I probably wouldn't use a stack for jogging, but i use X5+E12A for walking, using a side bag. It works out for me, but the stack weights a little. You might get a few strange looks pulling out your stack in public, but that's part of the fun! There are stacking kits which you can use for E12A and X7 for example that make stacking a much easier job.
Main features:
- Best SQ for iems and easy to drive headphones i had tested so far at this price range and 3X the price range (more on this later)
- Bass slider for adding some bass on/off. This does not distort at all with my headphones, i was shocked how much i am using this thing
- Low/High Gain (i am using it only on low gain, i get more than enough volume for my full headphones and iems.
- Volume knob
- Line in, headphone out 3.5 jacks (i like the fact that the jacks are quite tight and have a )
- Power microusb port - used only for charging.
- 2 leds, one that confirms that it is on (blue), and one for low battery indicator(red).
- Reset pin hole.
Sound quality:
Bass is extremely clean, it works very good with techno tracks, metal and every other genre. It does not roll off, and is very transparent. Speed of attack is very good, it sounds very natural.
When i turn the bass slider on, the frequency response is not linear any more, but it adds some "meat" to the music. Everything sounded better with bass slider on with my Ultrasone dj one pro, but was overkill with sennheiser ie8. It remained very fast, transparent, the bass was just louder, but a very good quality bass, not bleeding into mids or distorting at all.
This is one strong point of E12A. I have been searching for such clean and crisp mids. It really makes male and female voices shine, and just every instrument has a much better texture. Imagine the vibration that comes from a guitar note, it is much more vivid using e12a, much more alive; Almost like you're able to hear the strings directly, not a recorded version of them. It made some of my acoustic tracks shine, like Bitter Ruin, i could really hear fingers run down on the strings of the acoustic guitar.
In "One more soul tot he call" and "Hell frozen rain" from Akira Yamaoka and Mary Elizabeth McGlynn i could really hear her catching breath at times, the emotion of the song is entirely true to the sound.
Word of caution, it is very revealing, you will hear most every little detail that was recorded (if the headphones can retrieve it).
In one word treble is well extended, but it is smooth. It is never harsh, nor sibilant. Some people really love treble this way, I sometimes add more 16Khz using X5's eq function. This is nice, because I like my music with a little more harsh treble, I want the cymbal crash to feel harsh and abrasive, where E12A reproduces it smooth, presenting them in a friendly way.
I had noticed no listening fatigue even after a few hours of listening using E12A.
+Soundstage / Separation / Micro Detail
This is probably the strongest point of E12A. The soundstage is amazing, it was way bigger than anything i had tested at it's price all the way up to 3X it's price. In fact, this was the major selling point for me, I really love the sensation that music comes from all around you. I'm a bit fan of Sennheiser HD800 and all I can say is that it makes ie8's soundstage extend much more than some full headphones I had tested. It also helps my Ultrasone Dj One Pro. Soundstage is so good that it happened to me to sit in the room, listening to certain tracks and hear sounds coming so vivid from a certain part of the room, that i had taken my headphones off and looked to that area, searching to what could had caused that sound. Quite the experience.
Part of the soundstage is the background noise, which is black. Pitch black. Not a single thing that was not in the recording. This is good for revealing details, and soundstage. In fact, I can compare the black background to some of the most expensive equipment i had tested.
Separation is very good, i am able to point to nuances of singular instruments in busy orchestral works.
+Driving power
In my tests it had no problems driving anything that was under 300OHM impedance. It drives with the same ease sennheiser ie8 at 16 OHM and Ultrasone dj one pro at 64OHM. There is absolutely no hiss with a sensitive IEM like ie8, and there is more than enough power for a power hungry headphone like Dj One Pro. E12A can also drive ie800 very well, making a perfect companion for both IEMs and full sized headphones
I had bought it for 210$ which I consider a fair value. It does better even than more expensive portable devices and it holds it's ground against desktop devices for driving in ear monitors and low impedance headphones.
I would advice anyone who wants a black background, one of the most expansive soundstages and very good detail retrieval, with zero distortion to go and test E12A. You will be pleased with what you hear.
The entire review and photos were taken while using Fiio X5 with a Fiio e12a stack.
Fine print : I had tested it against very expensive devices, and i still choose to buy E12A. I mean, devices 12X it's price. But i do not want to start an argue over this statement.

This is how i take the stack with me when i go outside to take a walk.

Impression after a long time of usage:
- I can say that most people would more than happy with it. It is mid and bass centric, so treble is smooth. Most people really love this feature. It makes music organic, natural and tube-amp-like. This is a pro and a con (I wanted more treble for example

- Battery life was very good, and did not degrade at all after one year of usage or so. If you forget the volume knob turned on, it will drain itself, so better watch out for this.
- I used to use it while charging without any problems.
- About portability, I also bought some other cables for interconnects, and, to my surprise, I was extremely happy with another Fiio interconnect, the straight one, L2. Using it on the street was not a problem by any means, and I also strapped it to smartphones, and Fiio X5II, and it would remain quite portable. I would not pocket the stack though, so using a side bag might be the most productive solution.
- Works extremely well with ie800 and I recommend E12A for TOTL IEMs.
Thanks a lot for a reply