Bellos Audio X4


Headphoneus Supremus
Bellos X4
Pros: > Excellent bass – robust, full-bodied and visceral… fantastic rumble and authoritative impact
> Mids have good clarity and body – warm but distinct with no real bias towards male or female vocals
> The treble extends well and sits in a ‘safe’ zone without being overly subdued
> Overall smooth tuning with good clarity
> Forgiving tuning works with any genre and older recordings
> Impressive technical capability with distinct imaging that falls short of ‘pristine’ – this however supports longer sessions with no fatigue
> Robust shells with subtle styling – designed to withstand regular use and I suspect can take quite a beating (I’ve not tested!)… plus, removable faceplates in the unlikely event a repair is needed
> ‘ATOM’ venting means absolutely no pressure build, yet using with foam tips I still find excellent isolation
> Stock cable has a soft rubber finish with minimal microphonics and a superb matching aesthetics to the shells
Cons: > Small nozzles on universal are tricky to get a secure fit – Comply F working best for me after rolling several 3rd party tips
> Not the last word in resolution if seeking to squeeze out those micro details (as I note in the review however, I don’t personally see this as a negative as such, more a choice depending on what you are looking for)
> Somewhat underwhelming unboxing experience for the price point
Bellos Audio X4
  • Configuration: 1x DD / 3x BA
  • RRP: $999
  • Purchase: HERE



The Bellos X4 first grabbed my attention when I saw a post in the Watercooler thread – it wasn’t even whatever was being said about them, and I can’t actually recall the comments – I was drawn to the minimal matt-black finish with a subtle but eye-catching logo. I had never heard of Bellos Audio before, but then established the link to Fir being a sub-brand that appears to focus more so on professional audio… curiosity spiked further, I proceeded to look up some reviews and the few that were out there in the wild were all incredibly positive. It would be fair to say that Fir Audio are well-loved and respected in this community, and I personally once-upon-a-time owned and loved the KR5, with all of this in-mind, I reached out to Bellos and spoke directly to Vlad who provided me a discount in exchange for a review.


A Bit About Me...

I worked in the consumer electronics industry for a large part of my career and have been passionate about music and technology for as long as I can remember. Even as a small child, I would ask my mum to put records on the turntable (Abba, Supertramp, and Planxty if anyone is curious).

My music preferences are very varied—anything from classical to techno, indie rock to jazz, and everything in between. In my early teens, I was a big fan of bands like The Cure and The Smiths (still am all these years later). I was bitten by the dance music bug in the early 90s, becoming passionate about genres like techno, house, trance, and IDM. I amassed a huge collection of records and CDs, DJing at various parties and occasional pirate radio station slots. Although it remained a hobby, I still own thousands of records, and my trusty Technics 1210 turntables are still going strong 30 years later—a testament to Japanese engineering!

I am not a professional reviewer, just an enthusiast who loves music and the devices we use to listen to it. Over the last few years, I have become obsessed with IEMs and related gear. I've bought and sold many, and kept a select few—ranging from the $20 Moondrop Chu to kilobuck sets like the Aroma Jewel, Oriolus' infamous 'Traillii,' UM Mentor, and various beloved single DDs. Through this exploration, I like to share my thoughts with the Head-Fi community, hoping they might be useful to others. However, remember that this is a highly subjective hobby, and your mileage may vary.

While I've been fortunate to own and try a variety of the TOTL sets on the market, I honestly enjoy lower-priced sets as much - especially as the gap continues to close, many much cheaper sets now offering significant value and further driving diminishing returns.


Bellos X4 Specifications

3 Balanced Armature drivers
1 Dynamic Driver
Frequency Response: 20Hz – 20kHz
Impedance: 16Ω at 1kHz
Sensitivity: 116 dB/mW
Crossover: Integrated 4-Way Crossover
Isolation: -17dB (internal ATOM)

Unboxing & Accessories

A rather understated affair – the X4 arrives in a small, simple box and upon opening you are immediately greeted with a metal puck style case and Bellos sticker. Not at the level of parent company Fir Audio, nor indeed many other sets in this price region but I suppose to be fair, the target market here has been audio professionals who I assume are less fussy than me and many other audio enthusiasts about these things!




From an accessory perspective I’ve nothing to complain about – you get a nice metal case, a cleaning brush and selection of tips which are all stored in the bottom of the case as per Fir Audio sets.



The universal differs somewhat to the system used to connect to the customs in that they use a standard 2-pin as opposed to the RCX used for customs. The connection feels pretty secure, but they do disconnect with relative ease. The cable itself matches the IEM aesthetic beautifully with a matt-black finish and while not the slimmest, it is quite light and with good ergonomics. It has a rubberish feel and coils in a nice compact bundle when not in use. Mine came with a 4.4mm connection which I assume is standard.


Design & Fit

A subjective statement here but I think these look and feel absolutely fantastic. I typically prefer a more understated design, and really love a matt-black finish so these tick both boxes. They feel incredibly robust and I expect they can take a bit of a beating – not that I ever treat my equipment badly, but with a set like this I feel confident bringing out and about to work, commuting, etc where they can be thrown in and out of bags without even scuffing, let along being damaged… this of course important too for professional use while touring and on-stage. In addition, when ordering the X4 you have the option to personalise your set to include text on both the inside of the shells and top of the case - I went for quite simply my initials which you will see below... 'DC' :)


I suspect most will choose the custom fit, and at time of purchase for me there wasn’t an option to choose a universal, but I requested directly via Bellos. I had some trouble finding tips to get a good fit, and after rolling numerous in my collection, I ended up using my trusty Symbio F – a go-to for many IEMs with smaller nozzles. With the Symbio, I get a wonderful fit with good isolation and due to the light weight of the X4, they are incredibly comfortable with absolutely no pressure build due to the excellent ATOM venting system.


Listening Impressions

Important to emphasise again here that my set is the universal version of the X4, not the custom that I suspect many will go for – I have yet to get ear measurements and as such had to go universal.


What immediately struck me with the X4 was a full-bodied and natural sounding presentation, heavily underpinned by a solid foundation of really excellent bass – perhaps not ‘bass-head’, but they must only be a smidgen below that level as there is ample in both sub and mid bass. The next striking element is the sense of imaging – while very distinct and pinpoint, it falls short of being pristine and as such I get zero fatigue in longer sessions, the X4 goes in a much smoother direction. I can completely understand how these would be perfect for audio professionals who need to be able to clearly hear each component, but at the same time not suffer with fatigue during extended listening – likewise for audiophiles, where the benefit is also applicable. On the flipside, if seeking that absolute crystal-clear and pinpoint resolution, I would suggest looking elsewhere – the X4 are not the last word in resolution, but this has the benefit of the smoother tuning, so it really depends on what you are in the market for. What you get with the X4 is a set that will play any genre incredibly well, be it old or new recordings… I’ve often discovered how a more resolving set won’t handle lower-quality or older music too well, not an issue here with the X4.

The majority of my listening has been with the Sony NW-WM1AM2 and Aune M1p – the X4 are easy to drive and sound great regardless of source, not a fussy IEM by any means.



Hugely authoritative low-end with deep rumble and wonderful mid-bass slam that hits with a solid ‘large’ impact, plenty of quantity within all levels of the lower frequencies. The quality and again resolution takes a slight step back in favour of quantity, where impact definition for example has a softer edge to the slam – this being under somewhat focused scrutiny. Bass impact resonates in that sweet, central spot in my head and feels like it expands out to pretty much fill my entire skull, giving a nice visceral sensation.


Both male and female vocals sound authentic to my ears, and I wouldn’t say there’s a bias towards one or the other – they sit slightly forward, central and have ample weight that provides a realistic full-bodied presentation. Instruments in this region sound clear, natural and with a captivating warmth. There is a lushness in the delivery that I find can just bring a smile to my face, giving that warm and tingly feeling when the music calls for it. In spite of the warmth and lushness, we still have that clarity and as such never any sense of congestion in busier tracks.


The treble extends well and assists with an overall clear presentation. In my many hours of listening over the last month or so, I have had zero issues with any harshness. The ultra-high BA driver certainly captures the uppermost frequencies and delivers with ease, yet has a somewhat polite nature in that it never offends or overextends, even where tracks have more energy in this region... yet still crisp and sufficiently airy.


As noted, resolution is probably average or perhaps above at this price point, but I don’t see that as a negative – more a choice, as there are trade-offs both for lower and higher resolution in my experience, it really depends on what you are looking for. The soundstage is quite large, with a good sense of space expanding mostly in width, along with an airy overall presentation – within this, the imaging is clear and distinct along with very good layering.


Test Tracks

Joshua – Come On

This features on the truly wonderful Rae & Christian ‘AnotherLateNight’ from the early 00s, one of my favourites from this excellent series, and the further ‘Late Night Tales’ that came along after. This is a great example of how X4 presents across the FR – the bass is absolutely delicious when it makes an entry (impossible not to bring a smile to my face, and foot tapping!), vocals and instruments rendered with great accuracy and highly engaging. This is a relatively speaking older recording, yet sounds fantastic on the X4 – absolutely one of the selling points of this set.

Marine Eyes – Cocoon (modern classical)

While I can comfortably listen to, and very much enjoy modern classical on the X4, it is for genres like this that I would reach for a more resolving set as I do like the pristine detail – there are often subtle nuances that are best captured and as such more captivating with a more resolving set. That said, the lush and warm mids certainly provide an immersive experience and one could argue allows a more relaxing experience perhaps versus the type of focus that arises from those more detailed sets.

Aukai – Azure (modern classical)

Pretty much a rinse and repeat of my findings with the previous track, except for in this case the excellent low-end provides a really captivating sensation for the kick drums and occasional dips into the sub-bass region. Perhaps I’d ‘prefer’ a set such as Turii Ti here, but again there is nothing wrong and I could happily listen to this entire album and love every minute with the X4.

Keno – Flingair (downtempo)

This features on the excellent ‘Around the Corner’ from 2018 and is a real feel-good upbeat downtempo album… very reminiscent of the likes of Bonobo. A while since I’ve listened, and a pleasure to revisit for the purpose of this review. The X4 yet again demonstrates the ability to wrap me in a warm and engulfing embrace, a perfect match for this music – everything just sounds ‘right’ where there is ample bass; sub-bass is deep and visceral, mids are lush and captivating, and the highs sufficiently crisp to render a good sense of realism in percussion. It’s a mostly wide presentation in terms of soundstage.

Clark – Frau Wav (IDM)

Taken from the excellent ‘Body Double’ which is a recent reissue of the classic ‘Body Riddle’ from 2006 (I can’t believe how many years have passed since this was released…) on the legendary Warp label. Clark is a prolific producer of electronic music, and Body Riddle is one of my favourites – but they are all excellent. He is a master of producing complex, but captivating music, a hallmark typically being wonderful percussion. This sounds vast and at times even cavernous, especially how it evolves to a beautiful beatless segment around halfway through. For anyone that knows me, they will know IDM is one of my favourite genres and a key test for any IEM, X4 passes here with flying colours… 10/10.

FD – Top2Bottom (D&B)

Another important test genre, and one that quite a few IEMs can fail at for two reasons typically – not enough sub-bass, or too much upper energy. No such problem here… that DD digs deep and represents the lows perfectly – no issues up top either, but sufficient energy to ensure percussion is rendered well. X4 is a great choice for this genre.

The Beloved (indie rock)

Many will know The Beloved from their work of the early 90s, especially the wonderful ‘Sweet Harmony’. Possibly lesser known is their work from the 1980s, where the style was much more like The Smiths, Echo & The Bunnymen and others of that ilk. This features on the 1986 album ‘A Hundred Words’ and while the vocals certainly stand out as an obvious link to what they would become later on, they are otherwise unrecognisable being an indie rock band as opposed to the chilled electronic vibe they developed later on. Anyway, an interesting test of a completely different genre and a much older album. It does sound obviously ‘old’ where it sounds flatter and less dynamic but the X4 does as good a job as one could really expect and again being not ultra-resolving, this means also more forgiving of an older recording which I often find higher-end sets do a really bad job of due to how highly resolving they are. Leaving aside the flaws of an older recording, the X4 attributes are all immediately apparent, most obviously the excellent imaging.



An obvious set to compare is the FA19 that I recently reviewed, the new 10x BA flagship from FiiO which also retails for $999.

The FA19 is more resolving, and also leans neutral with more energy up top. The bass difference is apparent in terms of ‘BA’ versus ‘DD’ – while the FA19 perhaps digs a touch deeper in sub-bass, the obvious slam of the X4 DD is noticeable. You do get more detail with the FA19 due to the more resolving tuning across the 10x BAs, but this also means less forgiving for some genres. I find the FA19 better suited to modern and well-produced recordings for the most part, and a set I love to listen to ambient or modern classical music with – also excellent for female vocals.



I feel like the X4 is the sort of set that could accompany me on a mountain trek or some other outdoor excursion – knowing that they can comfortably take a bit of a beating, they are light and comfortable for hours of listening, and importantly, I know I can throw absolutely any genre at them and they will perform with ease, offering a warm and embracing experience… Speaking of which, I wrote a lot of this review while on holiday in the mediterranean, an area near where we were staying had beautiful clear water where an abundance of sea-life, rocks, seaweed etc was clearly visible, and with wonderful heat from the sun – it made me think of the analogy here with the X4 whereby you’ve got that embracing warmth, yet still excellent clarity to hear every nuance of the music... back in Ireland now sadly with pretty terrible weather!

The X4 is a solid all-rounder, adding a new element for me in as far as how incredibly robust they feel. The Fir DNA is evident in this offshoot brand and the only negative I can call out is the challenging fit with the universal – for this reason I knock off half a mark to conclude with a 4.5/5 review. Overall though an easy recommendation at this price point and my only regret is not getting impressions done so as to go custom… perhaps I still will at some stage.

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Another incredibly detailed over view you make me envious of your writing skills I always want to buy the sets you review as you draw me in with your enthusiasm.
Perhaps I should just buy them for the unboxing experience. Totally up my sleeve and great sound is just a bonus :)

But yeah, it's kinda weird that after reading whatever you review we just want to buy it and take a sabbatical!
Thanks for the comments guys - always appreciate the feedback!
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100+ Head-Fier
Something Different
Pros: 1. Top notch bass
2. Organic midrange with a mild warm tilt
3. Awesome comfort
4. Chock full of innovative tech
5. Extraordinary Imaging prowess
Bellos Audio is a new venture/ spin-off from the founders of Fir Audio, Mr. Vlad and Bogdan Belonozhko. The Belonozhko brothers are two of the most ingenious innovators in the IEM world currently. They were the visionaries when they were part of the original 64Audio founder team. With Fir Audio, they came up with revolutionary tech like Kinetic bass, among many others, which gives the term “Subwoofer in your head” actual meaning.


Bellos Audio’s offerings are relatively affordable compared to Fir Audio’s regular offerings. The X2 retails for $499, the X3 retails for $799, and the current Bellos flagship, X4, retails for $999. The Bellos X4, specifically, has garnered much attention lately in IEM enthusiast threads and received ubiquitous praise.


But there is a catch. Most people have experience with the Bellos X4 Custom version or CIEM. But the one I have in my hand is the universal version, not the custom one. This review will, therefore, highlight the slightly lesser-known Bellos X4 universal version.

Disclaimer: I am an audiophile and a reviewer who works with Mr. @Sajid Amit of Amplify Audio Reviews. Amplify generally covers high-end IEMs, Accessories, DAC Amps, and Headphones, with occasional reviews of some budget products. Check out our video reviews at:



  • 2 Balanced Armature Drivers for Low/Mids and Highs.
  • 1 6mm Dynamic Driver for Sub Lows.
  • 1 Balanced Armature Driver for Ultra-highs.
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz – 20kHz
  • Impedance: 16Ω at 1kHz
  • Sensitivity: 116 dB/mW
  • Crossover: Integrated 4-Way Crossover

Unboxing, build, and comfort

The unboxing experience is actually quite minimalistic and straightforward. Bellos X4 arrives in a simple white packaging, inside which is a heavy, hockey puck-style case milled entirely from solid metal, some OEM tips (foams and hypoallergenic latex tips), a cleaning tool, and the IEMs themselves. The case is very heavy and offers good protection. It is a screw-on lid type case, so closing it perfectly might take some time for people accustomed to magnetic/zipper-style cases.


The earpieces are made from a matte-finished polymer material with a Butterfly resembling insignia on the faceplates that feel great to touch and hold. It reminds me of soft-touch plastic used in high-end electronics and luxury car interiors. Bellos X4 offers fantastic comfort, especially when paired with the right ear tips. According to Bellos Audio, the earpieces are completely 3D printed while retaining nanometer precision. The matte finish is employed later, and the primary logic behind this coating is to ensure a constant, grippy seal. While a grippy seal is essential for custom IEMs, this also vastly improves the ergonomics of the universal version as a much-welcome byproduct.


The stock cable is functional and malleable. Although it could have been of higher quality, it is perfectly okay for day-to-day use.



Firstly, a small disclaimer: the Bellos X4 universal will sound different from the custom version, and I do not have firsthand experience with what the universal version sounds like. Therefore my experience with the universal version will not align one hundred percent with owners who got the custom version. This is true for all custom vs. universal scenarios, as we must consider factors like unique ear canal resonances and insertion depth varying from person to person while dealing with universal IEMs.

Tonality-wise, the universal X4 variant is a warm neutral IEM with some treble emphasis. Though I am not an artist or music producer, warm-neutral profiles seem to be standard for studio-related applications. Bellos Audio has implemented a plethora of new techs in this IEM. The In-Air-Canals technology is exclusive to the custom version only, and sadly, the universal variant does not benefit much from it. The proprietary RCX cable is another CIEM-only neat feature that boasts a certified 5000 detachments and re-attachments rating. The universal version comes with standard two-pin connectors. Bellos also employs the fabulous Atom venting technology tricked down from Fir Audio IEMs. Atom venting alleviates annoying air pressure build-up while simultaneously retaining the perfect seal. The CIEM version also features modular drivers, making driver replacement much more accessible for average users.


The bass is definitely the highlight for me on the Bellos X4. It has this quintessential good DD driver bass with some minor reminiscence of the incredible Fir Audio XE6, though not quite at the same level. It is not exclusively skewed towards the sub-bass but has a nice, even transition from mid-bass to the sub-bass region. A few sub $1000 IEMs have more bass quantity. Campfire Audio Cascara, for example, has more quantity, but I like the bass region's overall balance and natural decay on the Bellos X4. “Seven Nation Army” is a favorite track of mine which really pops with some proper bass decay. And the Bellos X4 universal does a swell job doing so.

The midrange is also quite lovely. It is a bit thick and warm-tilted rather than razor-sharp and crystalline, though it does not sacrifice clarity. The midrange resembles some of its Fir Audio cousins, especially the Fir E12’s midrange sounds very similar to the Bellos X4’s midrange. Guitars and vocals have brilliant heft and nuance. I think the Bellos X4 would generally satisfy mid-heads and considerably so.

I decided to do some tip rolling to see its effect on Bellos X4's treble region. I experimented with a few different tips alongside the stock foam and silicone ones. The Bellos X4 universal is quite spicy in the lower treble, accentuating cymbal crashes and percussions to be more energetic. I found my sweet spot with the Pentaconn Coreir brass and Final E type alongside the stock ear tips. Achieving a deep seal is crucial for the universal X4 variant. It will ensure a treble response closer to the CIEM version. The XE6 generally performs well with soft and sticky aftermarket ear tips, from my observation. Divinus velvet oddly took away some bass energy from the mix as I was having a hard time with the non-sticky, sandy texture of these tips. Tip rolling, in general, is a rewarding experience with the Bellos X4.


The Bellos X4 is a masterclass in imaging performance, and I think not many IEMs would really match its imaging prowess under $1000. The soundstage is perfectly decent for the price. Fir's higher-end ToTLs stages even better, but the X4 universal showcases a respectable staging prowess nonetheless. I found the soundstage height and depth of the Bellos X4 more impressive than the width. Detail retrieval is also very decent and comparable to similarly priced sets.


The Bellos X4 is extremely easy to drive and does not require a lot of juice or kick. However, being a sensitive IEM makes it susceptible to higher noise floors from non-quiet sources. Pairing it up with whisper-quiet sources like the Sony WM1ZM2 or the Aroma Audio A100TB provides the best synergy for this particular IEM.


FATfreq Scarlet Mini:

Scarlet Mini is a heavily colored set sporting a whooping 30dB sub-bass shelf. It is significantly bassier and mellower than the Bellos X4. Interestingly, the Scarlet Mini has a leaner midrange, which is less warm than the Bellos X4. The X4 universal sounds more balanced in its presentation thanks to a more "normal" sounding bass response. Scarlet Mini is significantly more subdued in the treble region than the X4.

Sony IER M9:

M9 is another "professional" IEM targeted towards musicians. It is kind of a legend on its own for its supreme timbre and imaging prowess. While the M9 BA Bass is commendable and very "dynamic" like, the sub-bass roll-off is quite apparent when A/B ing with the Bellos X4. The M9 is completely sealed; thus, air pressure build-up can become annoying. X4 has even more impressive imaging prowess, better detail retrieval, and a far superior bass response.

Campfire Audio Ponderosa:

Ponderosa is a newer all-BA offering from Campfire Audio. It is a part of their Chromatic series alongside the Campfire Cascara and Supermoon. The Ponderosa has a commendable, almost dynamic driver-like bass response, but it is still clearly BA Bass. It is also intimate, warm, and comparatively more subdued in the treble. Detail retrieval is about equal on both.

Symphonium Helios:

The Helios is an anomaly, given its technical prowess for a shockingly low price point. It is leaner and significantly more anemic-sounding than the Bellos X4 Universal. Helios is more refined in the treble, though the low end is a bit too sub-bass tilted for my taste and still has some "BA bass" limitations. Helios is also much harder to drive and requires higher-end sources for maximum performance.

Although the Bellos team's unique innovations might be mostly CIEM-focused, the universal variant still provides an excellent warm-neutral sound profile, fantastic dynamic driver bass, and commendable technical performance. I give the X4 universal an optimistic thumbs-up.

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Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Outstanding feature is the In-Air-Canals technology
Most comfortabe IEM I know
The seal does not come loose when the jaw moves
Very coherent tuning
Great timbre
Outstanding spatial imaging
Very good resolution
Cons: Bass is not the last word in speed and texture
Bellos Audio, founded by Vlad and Bogdan Belonozhko, known as the Bellos Brothers, stands out in the pro audio industry for its innovative approach and dedication. With more than two decades of combined expertise, Bellos Audio is more than just another player in the audio market. It is a response to the increasing demand for high-quality audio products.

The company was born out of a partnership with FIR Audio with the aim of overcoming the challenges in the pro audio sector. The Bellos brothers embarked on a journey to understand and address these challenges, drawing on their extensive experience. They chose to break with conventional wisdom and start afresh, which enabled them to develop unconventional solutions and carve a distinctive niche for themselves in the industry.

This resulted in the X series, a series consisting of 3 different custom IEMs, namely the X2, X3 and X4. The latter represents the top model from Bellos Audio and I will now take a closer look at it in this review. Incidentally, this is my very first custom IEM, so I was all the more excited about the findings, especially with regard to wearing comfort. I had my ear impressions taken by a hearing aid acoustician who used the 3D scanning method. Both of my ears were scanned completely in around 15 minutes using a scanner, resulting in what is known as an STL file (a standardized 3D format) for each ear. I sent these two STL files to Vlad Belonozhko by e-mail and the production of my Custom X4 began. The advantage of the 3D scanning process is that you have the data digitally and no longer have to send ear impressions by post. In addition, the filling material in the ears is somewhat uncomfortable with the conventional method.


According to Bellos Audio, the X4 is equally suitable for musicians and audiophiles and should offer an exceptional sound experience. With an additional ultra-high driver and the company's own in-air canal technology, the X4 is said to offer an unprecedented level of clarity, detail and realism. In the following, I will shed light on how well this model achieves this.

The 4 in the name of the X4 stands for the use of a total of 4 drivers. 1 DD driver in the 6mm size is responsible for the bass range. The remaining BA drivers cover the midrange to super high frequencies.

Now we come to the groundbreaking technology that only Bellos Audio IEMs offer. Called In-Air canal technology, it enables the most comfortable custom IEM listening experience in the world. So comfortable that you feel like you have nothing in your ears! A perfect seal is maintained even when the wearer's jaw moves. Comfort and optimum sound quality are guaranteed. I will write a few more sentences about how it actually wears later. First, I would like to talk about the other technologies.

ATOM VENTING: A pressure relief system that improves the soundstage and reduces listener fatigue by dissipating air pressure in the sealed ear canals for a more immersive listening experience.

3D PRINTING: Bellos Audio 3D-printed matte shells: Thanks to patented 3D printing technology with nanometer precision, these custom IEM shells offer a comfortable, grippy fit and a matte finish that enhances both aesthetics and functionality.

RCX CABLES: A proprietary cable connection designed specifically for custom IEMs, offering exceptional durability with 5,000 connections and a standard 2-year warranty.

REMOVEABLE FACEPLATES: A revolutionary design feature that allows for quick and efficient repair of IEMs without the need to cut open the device, as the faceplates are secured with alloy steel screws.

MODULAR DRIVERS: Customized IEM enclosures designed to accommodate pre-assembled driver packages. This facilitates easy installation and removal of drivers without damaging the enclosure and ensures versatility and durability.

I was very excited the day UPS rang my doorbell and I held the parcel from the USA in my hands. Accordingly, I unboxed it quickly. As Bellos Audio mainly serves the pro sector, the packaging and presentation of the X4 is relatively simple without a lot of fuss and glitter. The packaging contains a black aluminum box engraved with the Bellos Audio logo and the name of the owner for whom the custom IEM was manufactured. In addition to the X4, the round aluminum box contains the connection cable, silicone ear tips in three different sizes (the middle size is pre-assembled), a cleaning brush and a sticker with the Bellos Audio logo. The connection cable has a 3.5mm plug for unbalanced operation. It is very flexible and soft and does not produce any microphonic effects. I would have preferred a balanced 4.4 mm connector. According to Vlad, as the audiophile sector is now becoming increasingly aware of Bellos Audio's IEMs, the company intends to offer a more appealing presentation in the future and perhaps also offer differently assembled cables or a choice of connectors. Instead of the RCX connector, you can now opt for the popular 2-pin connector on request, which makes it easier to change aftermarket cables.


The IEMs are very well made and, thanks to their non-slip and scratch-resistant outer layer, offer long-lasting pleasure without the housing leaving traces of use after a short time. Here you can see that these IEMs were designed as workhorses for the Pro sector. The silver Bellos Audio logo is engraved on the outside. On the inside, the initials of the owner for whom the X4 was specially manufactured. The nozzle, which is not really a nozzle at all, is a world first. It is oval-shaped and has a very shallow depth at the end of which the BA driver for the ultra-high frequency range is mounted. The very shallow depth of the end piece (which is no ordinary nozzle) means that the silicone eartips supplied fit perfectly. All the other eartips I have here slip off. You need eartips whose round connecting piece protrudes slightly from the rest of the casing. I can imagine that the eartips from Ortofon could fit here, for example. However, I didn't experiment any further because the eartips supplied fit perfectly, are super comfortable and I'm absolutely delighted with the sound of the X4. But one thing at a time!


Now we come to the most important thing, namely the comfort of the X4. I first turned the right IEM from the back to the front in my ear canal and then applied a little pressure from the outside of the housing and voila it fits like a glove! Then I did the same with the left side and the result is perfectly fitting IEMs like I've never experienced in my life. At first you notice them a little in your ear but after a few days you get so used to them that you even forget you have an IEM in your ear. There is absolutely no pressure and it is so comfortable. This is truly one of the biggest wow effects since I started listening with IEMs. I haven't had any other custom IEMs made yet, but it is known that with other custom IEMs, a movement of the jaw, e.g. when chewing, briefly loosens the seal and this leads to sound impairment. But I also often have this with universal IEMs when I eat something while listening. With the X4, there is actually no such impairment! You can chew, eat and the part still sits bombproof without loosening the seal. Ingenious!


So the X4 has already mastered the most important criterion of a custom IEM with flying colors! Now we come to the second most important criterion (at least for me) for the X4, namely the sound quality. And here I can already anticipate that it has exceeded my expectations! With an IEM that is primarily intended for musicians with a neutral tuning, you might initially think of a dead boring presentation, but this is by no means the case here. After hearing the first notes of the X4 on my iBasso DX320 MAX Ti, it immediately reminded me of the Custom Art FIBAE 7U. Just like the latter, the X4 offers a neutral tuning with a slightly warmer basic tone with enough punch at the bottom and smooth but very high-resolution trebles. Incidentally, the X4 is very easy to drive even unbalanced on the DX320 MAX Ti and you don't need more than gain level 1.


The bass range sounds very balanced and easy to hear from low bass to mid-bass. It places a slightly higher presence on the mid-bass range, making the overall presentation appear somewhat fuller. By using a DD driver, it sounds crisp with sufficient slam at all times, despite having slightly less quantity than a FIBAE 7U. It may not be the fastest and most detailed DD bass in the IEM range, but it is one of the most balanced where you won't miss anything in the long term without a direct comparison.

From the bass, I would now like to move on to the most outstanding feature of the X4 and that is clearly the stage imaging. An IEM in the 1000 USD class with this brilliant spatial imaging, the ingenious left/right separation and razor-sharp instrument separation is second to none. The IEMs I recently tested from Oriveti, which are in the same price range, can't even begin to achieve what the X4 conjures up here. Is it because of this super-short nozzle? I suspect that it also has to do with the fact that the sound is not bundled in a tube before it reaches the ear canal. In any case, great cinema at this point!

The bass is perhaps the weakest attribute of the X4, but everything else is at a very high level. Just like the mids. No boring neutral tuning, but a slightly warmer basic tone involves the listener in a carpet of sound with a great timbre. Acoustic instruments sound fantastic, as does the vocal reproduction, which is also perfectly centered in terms of stage technology, neither too direct nor too far away.

For me, the X4 is an absolute hit when it comes to the comfort of an IEM. I can't think of a better IEM in this respect. I will be testing other conventional custom IEMs in the near future to see how they perform. But on paper, it's already clear that only the X4 is immune to sound restriction caused by jaw movement. And who likes to sit on the sofa for hours with an IEM without eating anything? In terms of sound, the X4 also impresses me with its very coherent tuning and, above all, this grandiose stage presentation, which I never expected. This makes it the most comfortable all-rounder IEM I know! My clear recommendation for the price of 999 USD, which I think is abs
Good review. short review on the sound.

"but it is known that with other custom IEMs, a movement of the jaw, e.g. when chewing, briefly loosens the seal and this leads to sound impairment." - That's not entirely true. It depends on the ear impressions and the CIEM maker. I've multiple CIEMs and have no problems in it losing its seal while moving the jaw.
I get an CraftEars Omnium Custom soon and can compare regarding the loosing of the seal.
Your description of the X4’s sound, fit and comfort comes off extremely similar to my experience with the Plunge Unity’s! Nice to see such awesome offerings at a more affordable price point.