Reviews by SethDove


New Head-Fier
Pros: None
Cons: Cheaply made, gaudy looking, terrible sounding
I got some of these based on their crazy-good reputation. Even for the $6 I paid I feel ripped off. Worst pair I can remember. What in the world is everyone talking about? These are so gaudy looking, and feel cheaply put together. I could overlook those things if they sounded like everyone says. But they don't. I can't remember disliking the sound quality of an IEM this much. These are just awful. I feel like I am in a Twlight Zone with these things. Their reputation can't be real. No amount of "breaking in" will fix this garbage. They were six dollars, and sound like one dollar. 
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Reactions: sounavaghosh
Harsh dude.
No product that costs $6 can possibly be deserving of a 1 star rating.
1 star and I didn't see one phrase trying to describe what makes them sound so bad to you. 'mainstream' people usually think = lots of bass = good sound quality. 
This is a clueless review. Nothing to describe the sound, only a rant about how he hates them. I recommend these all the time and have repeatedly given them away as gifts. If you get good insertion, these compete with many $100 headphones. The main problem with these is that they don't fit everyone's ears. Maybe our reviewer has unfortunately small ears. With a poor fit, these would probably sound pretty garbage.