Reviews by ianfann


New Head-Fier
Pros: +good vocals
+correct timbre and tonality
Cons: -comfort isnt very good
-lacking mid-bass quantity
The Dunu Titan S was sent to me by Dunu in exchange for an honest review. No monetary exchange took place. This is 100% my honest opinion.

The sub-bass is sufficient and not forward, with a decent rumble although lacking a bit of reverb. The extension is alright and the sub-bass is lacking a bit of volume. The decay is also a bit quick.

The mid-bass is also lacking the volume but is pretty tight and clean. It is a quick and fast punch, so drums will sound leaner and lighter. The bass also lacks a bit of texture.

The mids are pretty good as the timbre and tonality are pretty correct. The timbre sounds realistic and the tonality sounds natural. The female vocals sound natural, not shouty at all and sounding clean and detailed. The male vocals are also sound realistic, but does lack a bit of mellow feeling from the lack of quantity of the bass. Overall this IEM has a good midrange.

The treble does not sound harsh or sibilant. The cymbal crashes and electric guitars do not sound peaky or sharp. The treble sounds sparkly and airy. Although, it might be lacking a bit of treble extension.

The soundstage is pretty wide but the depth and height is average. Not the biggest soundstage out there. The imaging is good and the sound separation is excellent.

Detail retrieval:
The detail retrieval is pretty average and micro-details can somewhat be heard. The resolution of the music is alright, lacking a bit of texture, a tad bit on the leaner and lighter side.

This IEM is good for vocals, and if that is what you love, then go for this pair. But other than that, nothing really stands out about this IEM.

For reference, check out my video:

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Nice and honest review man, I love it. Thank you.


New Head-Fier
Hifiman Edition XS
Pros: +good clarity
+realistic timbre
+decent bass
+huge soundstage
+good imaging
Cons: -bass is a little too lean

The Hifiman Edition XS was sent to me by HIFIMAN in exchange for an honest review. No monetary exchange took place. This is 100% my honest opinion.

The sub-bass has a good rumble and reverb. The sub-bass extension is good.
And the sub-bass is done pretty well, as it provides good rumble, but not too much of it.

The mid-bass has a good punch and is well-detailed which i loved. The punch although got me wanting for more. The bass region possesses a good amount of warmth. The bass has good texture and is just overall good. The drums sounded punchy and had a good presence in tracks.

The mids are amazing on this headset, super detailed, spectacular clarity and resolution is just amazing. The female vocals sound realistic just angelic with good clarity. The male vocals are also good as it has a good timbre and warmth. The guitars are highly detailed, and all the microdetails of the strums can be heard.

The treble is a little bright and is forward. The treble gives the female vocals the energy to project itself. The treble does not sound harsh or sibilant. The treble has that sparkle which is always pleasant. The cymbal crashes and electric guitars sound detailed with a good decay. The treble region overall is good.

The soundstage is huge, and spacious. It has that layer of air which makes it feel realistic and the stealth magnets makes this sound even more realistic. The imaging is excellent, the instruments are accurately positioned. The sound separation is also excellent, due to the imaging and soundstage. The instruments can be accurately distinguished and don't sound crowded on busy tracks.

Detail retrieval and Resolution:
As I have been saying throughout my review, the detail retrieval of this headset is excellent and resolution is amazing, just like viewing a video at 4K.
The microdetails can be heard which is amazing. This headset has good clarity.

This headset has excellent details, resolution and imaging. vocals sound amazing on these, and the soundstage is spacious. I think that his headset is a good buy as it has most of the things you could ask for.

For reference, check out my video:


New Head-Fier
HeartMirror review
Pros: +sparkly treble
+decent soundstage
+detailed mids and treble
Cons: -lacking bass
-cant get a proper seal

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The sub-bass has a decent rumble and has a good extension. The mid-bass is relaxed, but its sufficient and is present when the track requires it. Definitely not for bassheads as you will not get the punch and slam. The overall bass region is controlled and does not bleed over to the other frequencies, also the bass does not sound bloated at all. The drums and bass guitars do not have much punch and vibration, but they do sound smooth and non-fatiguing.

The mids are detailed and have a good amount of clarity. The mids lack a bit of body but has a natural tone that makes up for it. The vocals sound clear and well-present in tracks, they do not sound harsh and have a decent timbre. The male vocals are not that "authoritative" due to the recessed mid-bass, but is still pretty decent. The instruments are the star of the show here as they sound clear and natural which is quite pleasing. The piano strikes and the strums of the guitar sound luscious but lack a bit of richness.


The treble has that clear sparkle and in my opinion but the treble region is surprisingly pleasant. The treble region has that pleasant sparkle and female vocals sound angelic and natural, not being sibilant nor harsh. The instruments such as the cymbals and electric guitars are not harsh nor peaky. The treble is detailed just like the mids which is a plus for me.

The soundstage is quite decent for this price range as it has decent width, depth and height, thus is not too intimate but not distant at the same time. The imaging is accurate, as the instruments are in their respective positions. The separation is good as instruments can be distinguished and heard clearly.


This IEM is good for its price range due to its soundstage, mids and treble region and its natural tonality. Its price is very competitive at $41usd which is honestly a steal. Would recommend this for those who like natural tonality with a decent soundstage, but although you cannot get a good seal on this IEM unless you change up the eartips.

For reference, you can check out my video:
No différence with pure copper cable ?


New Head-Fier
Tripowin Mele
Pros: +warm bass
Cons: -light noteweight
-not good seal
The Tripowin Mele was sent to me by Linsoul in exchange for an honest review. No monetary exchange took place. This is 100% my honest opinion.

Link to buy:


The bass possesses a good amount of warmth and is well-controlled, there is no bleeding over the other frequencies. The sub-bass has a decent extension, reaching pretty far. The sub-bass has that similar rumble as seen in the blon bl03. The mid-bass is ample-bodied with a decent punch. The bass region has a similar tuning as the blon bl03 which gives that clean, articulate bass. The drums are clean, bass guitars have that vibration and thunder. The bass region is overall warm and clean.

The mids are generally a tad laid back and relaxed. The listening experience is non-fatiguing and comforting to listen to. The mids are clean and rich, vocals don't sound harsh nor shouty. Instruments are detailed with the pianos and guitars sounding luscious, creating a mellow sound. The vocals have a decent timbre and male vocals have that "throaty" sounds to it. Overall the mids are a tad laid back, but it complements the bass region.

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The treble does not sound sibilant and is also a tad relaxed. The treble sounds clean with a decent extension. The highs is not very detailed, but it is still pretty decent, not the most resolute iem. The Cymbals and electric guitars are not peaky and overall the highs are not at all shouty or harsh. Similar to the mids, it is a very safe region, not elevated with it being relaxing and easy to listen to for long hours.

The soundstage is decent with a good width, about 180/190 degrees of width, about 4m of height and above average depth. The imaging is accurate, with instruments at their correct position. The separation is decent with instruments clearly able to be heard.


The tripowin mele has a U-shaped tuning similar to the blon bl03 which is very comforting to many and is a very likeable tuning due to its calming and relaxing mids and treble. It is far from fatiguing and can be listened to for long periods of time. For the accessories and the price point, the whole package is well worth it.

For reference, check out my video here:
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Reactions: GoneToPlaid


New Head-Fier
Best entry level planar headset
Pros: +good value
+neutral tonality
+balanced tuning
Cons: -Hard to drive
-earcups are not my preference
The HE400SE was sent to me by HIFIMAN in exchange for an honest review. No monetary exchange took place. This is 100% my honest opinion.

Link to buy:


The sub-bass is not overly emphasized and has a gentle rumble. The bass is overall well-detailed and well-controlled, not sounding bloated and no signs of bleeding over the other frequencies is seen. The mid-bass does not have hard punch or slam, but it is present when needed. The sub-bass extends pretty far, and it is slightly textured. The overall tonality of the bass region is pretty neutral.

The mids are airy and highly resolute. The mids sound clean and soothing. The vocals have a decent timbre and voices sound organic. The mids are also pretty neutral, not biasing any frequencies. The piano and guitars sound clean and resolute with clarity. vocals dont sound bright as the mids arent emphasized, overall most tracks can be rendered well by this headset due to its clarity of the stealth magnets and not any frequency range at all emphasized. Voices are not standing out of the crowd, but they are present when needed.


The higher region overall has a tad bit of emphasis to give that added energy to tracks but not to the point where it is bright or harsh. The treble has good detail retrieval and has high clarity. Though the decay is a bit fast and transients are quick with short decay. The female vocals are not bright and not shouty, though dont expect them to shine in tracks.

The stage is wide and airy, lacking depth. Though keep in mind that this is an entry level headset, the stage is more than we can ask for. The imaging is accurate with instruments being where they are supposed to be with decent separation and is not congested on busy tracks.


For a headset at this price point, it outshines the competition with its high resolution, clarity and overall neutral and balanced tuning. It is a very likeable tuning, being able to render most tracks and genres with ease. Would highly recommend for anyone wanting to try a planar headset at a cheap price.

For reference, check out my video:
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New Head-Fier
The most resolute bluetooth headset
Pros: +well-detailed
+neutral tonality
+natural vocals
+good bass extension
Cons: -a little bright
The HIFIMAN Deva Pro was sent to me by HIFIMAN in exchange for an honest review. No monetary exchange took place. This is 100% my honest opinion.

Link to buy:


The bass is textured, has a solid body and well-controlled. The speed is quite good and transients are quick with a short decay. The sub-bass is rumbly but the mid-bass is lacking some punch and the overall bass region is levelled and close to neutral. The bass is more rumbly than punchy, the sub-bass extension has a far reach and goes quite deep but it does not envelope you in bass. The bass has good detail and sounds clean.

The mids possess a decent amount of warmth which complements the bass. The mids are lively with a good amount of energy and clarity to produce soothing sounds that sound relaxing to the ears. Instruments such as the piano and the guitars sound rich and luscious, creating a relaxing ambience. Overall this tuning is very soothing and relaxing, and non-fatiging. The resolution and details on the mids are pretty good.

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The treble does sound a bit bright but somehow it is subtle to the point where it does not sound harsh and is not fatiging. the treble is very detailed due to the stealth magnets doing wonders with very miniscule details heard clearly. The treble extension goes quite far. Female vocals sound highly resolute and angelic. Cymbals and electric guitars might be a bit peaky for some.

The soundstage is impressive, with this open-back headphones you get an airy, resolute and detailed experience. The soundstage is wide, like being in a large room. You get the feeling of that layer of air between your ears and the instruments, but it is not to a point where the instruments are too distant. imaging is good, able to accurately pinpoint the various instruments and separation is good too with instruments not sounding congested on busy tracks.


The deva pro is an amazing open-back headphone with bluetooth connectivity. It is the most resolute bluetooth headset and costs $329usd.With an overall neutral tuning, with vocals sounding natural, this headset makes most tracks enjoyable. This is easily the best sounding bluetooth headset.

For reference, check out my video:
some words about soundstage depth/forward projection would have been nice, otherwise good review, as always, thank you!


New Head-Fier
A Sparkly Budget IEM By CCA
Pros: +strong sub-bass
+good treble extension
Cons: -intimate soundstage
-might be peaky for some
The CCA CRA was sent to me by KZ in exchange for an honest review. No monetary exchange took place. This is 100% my honest opinion.

Link to buy from Official website of KZ:


The low end is quite present on this iem. The sub-bass is emphasized with a pretty far extension. The sub-bass has a strong rumble that makes it feel physically present as if like you can feel it vibrating through your body. The mid-bass is a bit recessed in my opinion as it does not have that punch and slam that I am looking for, but it is still enough to present the bass guitars and drums. The bass is not overly warm, but still possessing a good amount of warmth.

The mids are not overly emphasized and in my opinion is slightly natural. The male vocals have ample weight and body to make it sound rich and deep while the female vocals sound angelic and comforting. The upper mids are forward thus making this pair sparkly and it may be a bit bright for some. The upper mids are energetic, giving the female vocals life and energy.

The treble sounds natural and it has no shortage of energy. The treble sounds sparkly and again the female vocals are well presented with it brimming with life and energy. The instruments such as the cymbals and the electric guitars have a bit of a peak and they are well-present in tracks, although might be a bit peaky to some. The extension is excellent.

Soundstage & Imaging:
The soundstage is pretty intimate. The stage is pretty wide with it being 180 degrees wide, but the stage lacks depth with it only being about 2m deep and the height is about 3m high. The imaging is decent, being able to hear all the different instruments and their locations. The detail retrieval is also average.

This IEM has a u-shaped curve which emphasizes the sub-bass and the upper-mids and treble. Overall the IEM sounds pretty natural due to the gradual gain in the upper-mids. In my opinion, this IEM is not for bass-heads as it is lacking that punch and slam which I do prefer. In conclusion, I feel that for $22usd this IEM has a good tuning and I am very surprised that they are even able to sell it this cheap. So if you prefer this type of u-shaped tuning, natural sounding vocals, then i do recommend this for you.

For reference, check out my video:
Intresting review. From the graph it looks from like a bass head set to me. Maybe try tips rolling and get better seal?
The sub bass depends on deep insertion
You're the only reviewer in all reviewers that I've seen giving it a 3 star rating. Remind you, these are budget IEM's with a "step-up" on new DD technology that plays well above its' price point. How can you fault these for such a low price? 4 or 5 out of 5 is more appropriate, IMHO.

PS. I also notice on "Youtube" you highly praise the CRA's???...What gives?


New Head-Fier
The First Tribrid Iem From KZ
Pros: +Comfortable fit with fin design
+Well-Extended and clean Sub-bass
+Solid and controlled mid-bass
+Good detailed retrieval
+Natural tonality
+Sparkly treble
Cons: -Treble may peak on certain tracks
-Average cable quality
The ZEX PRO was sent to me by linsoul in exchange for an honest review. No monetary exchange took place. This is 100% my honest opinion.

Link to buy:

Official website of KZ:

Technical Specification:

PLUG TYPE: 3.5mm



The sub-bass is clean-sounding and decently rumbly making it detailed but not aggressive. Sub-bass has a tint of warmth and has a decent reach in terms of extension.


The mid-bass is well-textured and clean thus giving a satisfactory thump and slam for the bassdrum.


The mids sound great and soothing. The piano is well-present and has a rich and lucsious ambience. Vocals sound natural and textured. Guitars are detailed and strums are soothing.


The treble sounds sparkly but not too bright. The treble is also peaky in some tracks and overall on the brighter side. Treble also decently detailed.

Sound-Stage and Imaging:

The sound-stage is pretty intimate which is like being in a smaller than average bedroom. Imaging is decent as the positions of the instruments can be located well. But due to the intimate stage, the instruments are congested and narrowly spaced. Seperation and imaging between instruments are ample and are able to distinguish between each instrument pretty well.


The zex pro is a well-valued IEM at this price range and it is honestly a solid pick. It has good detail retrieval, solid mids and rumbly and thumpy bass. Although the stage is pretty intimate and the treble might be a bit bright for some, the overall listening experience is relaxing and clean. I would definitely recommend this pair as you can't find anything like it at this price point. ($33.99usd)

For reference, you can check my Youtube video here:

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