Reviews by BananaOoyoo


1000+ Head-Fier
Pros: Mainstream sound, excellent battery life, portable. Easy choice for a recommendation.
Cons: Jack-of-all-trades, but does not particularly impress in any one regard, whether in terms of sound quality, accessories, or specifications.
This review was made possible by 셰에라자드, who set up a loaner tour for interested individuals. I was allowed to use the product freely for a week, and while I was requested to write a review, the subsequent opinions are my own, without any incentive for a positive review.


The Audio Technica ATH-M50x is a headphone that needs no introduction. Since its first release as the ATH-M50 in February 2007, Audio Technica has sold nearly 2 million of its flagship studio monitoring headphone to date. Befitting such a popular headphone, the M50, and later its detachable cable variant, the M50x, has been available in a number of forms to fit the needs and stylistic choices of the consumer, ranging from coiled and linear cable variants to limited edition blue, red, grey, silver, and white versions that contrast the classic all-black color scheme of the original. The October 2018 release of the ATH-M50xBT, a wireless, non-noise cancelling version priced at $199, is the latest iteration of the classic headphone line, one that attempts to keep the aging product in line with more recent technological trends.


Packaging & Accessories

The unboxing experience of the M50xBT is entirely average. The headphones themselves are held in place in fabric-covered plastic, and also included is a soft pouch, a USB charging cable, and a 1.2m cable with a 3.5mm plug for wired use. I would have preferred to see a hard case instead of a carrying pouch, and a USB-C charging cable would have been nice in place of the dated Micro USB one, but in my opinion, neither are deal breakers in the bigger scheme of things.


Specifications & Build

This version of the M50x supports Bluetooth 5.0, the most recent version of the Bluetooth standard at the time of its release. It boasts an excellent 40-hour battery life, beating most, if not all, of its competitors’, and in my case, easily lasting through the 1-week loaner period on a single charge. On the other hand, codec support is average, with SBC, AAC, and aptX, but no aptX HD or LDAC support.

The M50xBT is a closed back circumaural headphone, and it offers Siri and Google Assistant support via a touch panel on the left earcup, which is nice in a pinch, though personally not more convenient than going through my phone. The left side also has an easily accessible control and volume buttons, a power switch, and jacks for charging and wired use.

The build quality on the M50xBT remains the same as it was for its previous iterations. The headphone is mostly plastic with some metal parts on the slider and presumably the headband. The joints and headband feel sturdy, and while I would hesitate to put any of my headphones through avoidable stresses, it also should not break with normal wear and tear. Being collapsible, the M50xBT is also easy to store or transport.



The M50xBT is generally comfortable. The earpads and headband on the M50xBT come with a thin-ish but soft and plush foam material. They do get warm with extended use, but I would not say that it is any worse than what one would get with a comparable closed-back headphone. The M50xBT also sits fairly close to the head – on a scale from 1 to 10 on the Yoda index, with 1 being the Ultrasone Edition 8 and 10 the AKG K1000, it gets a solid 3. Moreover, both earcups can rotate 180 degrees vertically and horizontally, which can be convenient either when wearing the headphones around your neck or placing them on a flat surface.

Personally, I’d feel fine with these in public, whether walking in the streets, on public transportation, or even at the gym.



During the loaner period, listening was done wirelessly either through my iPhone XS Max (Spotify High Quality) or my computer (Spotify High Quality, Foobar2000).

Over the past twelve years, I have seen the ATH-M50 series first be underrated, then overrated, and most recently, perhaps become underrated once more. In the late 2000s, the original M50 was recommended to me as a better sounding alternative to Beats, which, while technically true, inherently painted them in a negative light by association. The M50 and later the M50x then became nearly ubiquitous as a budget headphone recommendation, and today, there seems to be some backlash in response to its fame, whether it is due to changes in commonly preferred sound signatures or the less favorable value proposition it offers with the release of newer and more affordable mid-tier headphones.

I would summarize the M50xBT sound as having a very mainstream tuning with good, but not exceptional sound quality, possibly indicative of the age of the product. Despite it being a part of Audio Technica’s professional lineup, it deviates significantly from neutral, and neutral-heads would be better off looking elsewhere, including even its lower-priced sibling, the M40x.

Bass – The lower frequencies on the M50xBT are clearly emphasized. There is a nice initial impact that lingers, though the bass does not seem particularly bloated. However, while not egregious, there does seem to be a slight bleeding into the mids, and focus is on the mid-bass rather than deep extension into the sub-bass, with a roll off in the lowest frequencies. This lends itself to a punchy bass that is more heard than felt.

Mids – The mids on the M50xBT do not seem intentionally recessed, but naturally takes a back seat due to the boosting of the other frequencies. This is particularly noticeable with the lower mids, especially in conjunction with the mid-bass emphasis. The upper mids feel comparatively up-front, leading into the lower treble region. For the most part, I would characterize the M50xBT as sounding “correct”.

Highs – Like the bass, the treble on the M50xBT is also emphasized. Sounds are clear and detailed, with a nice treble sparkle added in. However, while I am not personally very bothered by an upper frequency boost, the treble occasionally came across as a bit much, so those sensitive to sibilance might benefit from extra auditioning of the M50xBT to ensure that it is not a problem.

Miscellaneous – Beyond the frequency response of the M50xBT, I would say that the soundstage is slightly smaller than average, which makes sense given its closed-back nature. That said, the sound also does not come across as congested or particularly closed off.

Wireless performance of the M50xBT was great, with no cutting off throughout the entire 1-week loaner period even on the busy subway lines in Seoul. Because it does not offer active noise cancelling, I was able to clearly hear my surroundings, which, depending on the use case, could both be a positive and a negative. On the other hand, I did not notice any sound leakage from the M50xBT itself.

Final Thoughts

Perhaps the biggest knock I can give the ATH-M50xBT is that to me, it is incorrectly classified as a monitoring headphone. Rather, it should instead be marketed as a headphone for mainstream, not professional use. At the $199 price point, the M50xBT is a jack-of-all-trades headphone that successfully checks off most boxes, with an inoffensive sound signature, good sound, portability, and an excellent battery life. At this point, 12 years since the original’s release, most audiophiles will know whether they do or do not like the M50x, and the Bluetooth version will not change those existing opinions. However, the M50xBT is an easy recommendation for those who:

1. are just getting into the headphone hobby

2. need an all-purpose headphone not specialized for only home or portable use

3. enjoy the original M50(x).



1000+ Head-Fier
Pros: Great neutral-to-mid-forward sound, excellent build quality. Shows what can be accomplished with a single BA driver.
Cons: Bass and treble could both be better, and the IEM may be uncomfortable for those with smaller ears. With newer offerings from both Campfire Audio and other companies, the price/performance is not as great in 2018 as it was when first released.


As a IEM manufacturer, I don't think Campfire Audio needs any introduction. From relatively affordable offerings in the Comet to flagship IEMs in the Andromeda, Vega, and now the Atlas/Equinox, Campfire Audio has fantastic products at all different price points. This particular Orion is a limited edition model released exclusively in Korea back in 2016. When I was looking for my first nice IEM last year, it was recommended as an excellent option within my budget, and while I ended up throwing away any notion of a budget as I went for the Andromeda instead... I recently found these used locally for much cheaper than the 499,000KRW (~$450) price tag and decided to give them a chance.


The Orion shares the same angular shell as the other non-Comet Campfire Audio BA IEMs, which I am personally a fan of aesthetically. Fit can be a bit hit-or-miss, as the sharp edges can be uncomfortable for those with smaller ears. As this limited edition version was produced before the Orion CK, it is more prone to paint chipping around the edges. (The previous owner had carefully taped over the edges to protect the shells, and because of this, these are in better condition than most others I've seen.) This Orion also came with the older Tinsel cable, as well as assorted silicone/Comply tips. In my opinion, the Litz cable is better built than the Tinsel, with a sleeker profile around the 3.5mm plug. Overall, however, I don't have any complaints with the build, and the included canvas case is excellent. (I may even prefer it over the leather one for everyday use, as it seems less prone to scratching.)



In my earlier Andromeda review, I described the Orion as nice, but not exceptional. For the most part, I stand by my earlier impressions.

Bass extension is okay, but for the most part, I felt that it was just... there. It's clean and fast, but somewhat anemic. While all unfair comparisons, compared to the other IEMs I was listening to and auditioning in stores at the time (e.g. CA Andromeda/Polaris, Hyla CE-5, Empire Ears Bravado), the Orion simply lacks impact on the lower end.

The mids are where the Orion shines most. Vocals, both male and female, are excellent and sound natural, and instruments are detailed as well. The soundstage was noticeably smaller than the Andromeda's, but it did not feel particular small or large - pretty average for an IEM.

The Orion came across as slightly bright, but more due to an upper midrange emphasis than excessive highs. Treble extension is not particularly great, and overall, it is pretty polite and never sibilant.

As an aside, the Orion is both source and tip-dependent. When connected to my iPhone 6s Plus, there is a slight hissing in the background, which is usually unnoticeable when listening to music but can occasionally be distracting. There are no such issues when connected to the iFi Nano iDSD Black Label, though I believe a simpler solution like the iEMatch would suffice as well. With regards to tip rolling, after trying some CA silicone tips and some others (Final E-type, SymbioW), I felt that the wide-bore Azla Sedna tips were best, as they provided the best overall fit without negatively affecting the sound.


Final Thoughts

With the release of the <$200 Comet, enthusiasm for the more expensive, yet also single-BA, Orion seems to have cooled significantly. Indeed, I think the Orion's long time in the spotlight is coming to an end, and at the full $350 retail price (or the $450 in Korea!), it faces stiff competition from other IEMs, including Campfire Audio's own Polaris or Jupiter when found as B-stock or on Massdrop. However, at the current used prices ranging from ~$175-225, the Orion is a compelling IEM, especially for buyers looking for brilliantly executed vocals. It does not achieve the same resolution of the Andromeda or the excitement of the Vega, and bassheads in particular need not apply, but the Orion shows that quantity is not everything by performing admirably for a single balanced armature IEM.

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Why is this pair a different colour? Early production?


1000+ Head-Fier
Pros: Outstanding clarity and detail, natural sounding, and with an excellent soundstage. No obvious weaknesses in the lows, mids, or highs.
Cons: Source sensitive, and the fit might not be ideal for all users.


Last June, I was looking for my first proper IEM and started asking around for a ~$400 IEM recommendation. At that time, the recommendation was to look at the Campfire Audio lineup, specifically the Orion, which was just under my budget, or a used Nova/Jupiter. Up until that point, I had very little experience with IEMs, as I had always had difficulty with getting a proper fit in my left ear. Fortunately, living in Seoul, with its abundance of headphone stores, I was able to find a local dealer that carried the Campfire Audio lineup, and to my surprise, I was able to get a good fit with their oddly-shaped products.

But wait, these are a picture of Andromedas? Well, I did try the Orions, and while they were nice, they didn’t come across as exceptional. The Nova’s treble left a lot to be desired, and coincidentally, the display Jupiter wasn’t available for listening at the time. That left the Andromedas, with an outrageous 1,690,000KRW (~$1500) price tag. I never expected that I’d purchase a TOTL IEM, but one listen to the Andromeda convinced me otherwise. When they went on sale for $799 on Black Friday, I was pretty quick to jump on the deal – after all, at that price, they were cheaper than getting even a Lyra II locally.


Up until the newly released Comet IEM, all Campfire Audio IEMs shared the same angular shell. While in my opinion aesthetically pleasing, they do pose potential fit issues depending on the wearer’s ear shape and size. Personally, I found the Andromedas to be fairly tip-dependent for a good fit, but once secure, they are comfortable through extended listening sessions. The Litz cable is my first experience with a “custom” IEM cable, and I will simply say that it is light, feels sturdy, and is resistant to tangling. The leather case is compact and perfect for the IEMs, and the included Campfire Audio silicone/foam tips and Spinfit tips provides a good variety to try.

While these were purchased as B-stock, the only flaw I was actually able to find was a scratch on the leather case. No complaints there.


Put simply, I would describe the sound as clear, and natural with an impressive soundstage.

The bass extends well with good impact, but is not does not overpower the other frequencies in the slightest. (I originally thought that these were a bit bass heavy, having come from the HD595, but have since recalibrated a bit!) It doesn’t have the slam of the Vegas or other bass boosted IEMs, but I rarely find myself looking for a low end boost. The mids are detailed and feel realistic, with excellent positioning of instruments and vocal performance. Personally, I found the highs of the Andromeda particularly intriguing. Continuing with my initial bass-heavy perception of the Andromeda, I thought that these were a fairly warm headphone. I never felt that the treble was emphasized or recessed, providing outstanding clarity without being sibilant or painful to listen to. However, some I have spoken to have suggested that the Andromeda is a highs-centric IEM, so opinions may vary. Overall, I find the Andromeda to be an IEM without any glaring flaws, though individuals’ sonic preferences may lead them to favor different products.

On the topic of sound, there are a couple quick comments I would like to make about the Andromeda.
  • First, as has been often discussed, its low output impedance means that the Andromeda is quite picky about the source. When connected to my iPhone 6s Plus, there is a very audible and distracting hissing in the background, though it largely fades when listening to music. This hasn’t been an issue when connected to an external source, such as the iFi Nano iDSD Black Label pictured, though it is important to note that the Andromeda gets loud **quickly**, with the volume being sufficiently loud even with the knob at 8 o’clock.
  • A second is that tip rolling has personally been hugely influential on both the sound and comfort. I found the Campfire Audio marshmallow tips fairly good in terms of foam tips, and I love the red/blue eartips with the white shell, but personally, hybrid or silicone tip have generally been preferable. My current go-to eartip for the Andromeda is the MandarinEs SymbioW tip, though I also like the recently released Azla Sedna eartips as well as the provided Spinfits.
  • Finally, I have to say that I’m impressed by how good the IEMs sound without any crossovers or tools used in other well-regarded products. I believe there was an outcry in Korea and Japan because of how simple the interior of the Orion was, and as recently discovered by a member in a Naver café who wanted to fix his MMCX connector, the Andromeda interior is similarly minimalistic. Fairly off-topic, but something I found interesting.

Final Thoughts

While I was enamored with the Andromeda from the first time I tried them in store, I have since had the opportunity to try a wide range of IEMs at all price points. While I have been impressed by other models from various manufacturers, one fact that sticks out is the (high, but) comparatively low price of the Andromeda. And thus, for me, the Andromeda sets the bar for what a true TOTL IEM should accomplish.
