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  1. E

    Corda rock ff or jazz for lcd 2 classic

    Thanks for the reply so the non ff amps make them a bit brighter? I can afford the rock ff but just wanted to know if the jazz ff would be worth saving for and what the difference is between the two.
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    Corda rock ff or jazz for lcd 2 classic

    hi I’m looking st one of these amps for my lcd 2cs non Fazor but I am not to sure what the best one would be I like the warm sound of the classics and would to keep it but empathise it moe I wouldn’t get the jazz ff just the normal version as it’s out of my range . I listen to mainly classic...
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    Cheap Amp/dac for lcd2 classic

    Thanks for the help lools like a good option its about £378 but not sure how much shipping and charges would be
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    Cheap Amp/dac for lcd2 classic

    Is this the one you're talking about
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    Cheap Amp/dac for lcd2 classic

    + Quote Hi i had a look on the meirer website but couldnt see an option to purchase it
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    Cheap Amp/dac for lcd2 classic

    I was supposed to say £330
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    Cheap Amp/dac for lcd2 classic

    hi I think I have found my endgame headphones and I would like to buy a decent amp and dac for them I have a fiio e10k amp at the moment but would like to upgrade it. I think the max I would spend is around £330 Thanks for the help
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    Looking for a £800 set up.

    hi I still haven’t found the perfect headphones for myself and I have tried a few most recently the dt 1990s which I didn’t really like that much because of the treble but did like the detail and bass it gave. I have around £800 as my budget for the headphones and amp dac. I think id like...
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    Finding the clamp too much on DT 1990

    Hi I finally got the dt 1990 pro however after a week or so i have found the clamp force a bit too uncomfortable and starts to hurt my ears after 3 or so hours. Im kind of dissapointed as i like the sound signature but I was just wondering would i get used to this or should i just return them...
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    Dt 1990s, Amiron home or used hd 800

    Hi I am looking to upgrade from a pair of akg 712 pros and i think i have come to 3 possible options dt 1990 amiron home or a used pair of hd 800 which are going for around £580 ish. I will use them for music and gaming probably 50/50. I listen to rock classical jazz and osts. I like to have...
  11. E

    Which open back headphones have the best clarity and a soundstage?

    Thanks for all the advice. After doing a fair amount of research I’ve decided to go with the dt 1990s after thinking about getting the 660s instead.. In the reviews a lot of people were saying how good the detail and imaging is so that’s made me go for them also better for gaming as well. If I...
  12. E

    How bright are the dt 1990s?

    Hi, I am thinking about getting the dt 1990s but im still not sure i was just wondering if these are quite bright? As im quite sensitive to high frequencies and i know most beyers have that treble spike. And also is the detail/seperation good on them? Id be listening to Vocals, rock, classical...
  13. E

    Which open back headphones have the best clarity and a soundstage?

    hi I am looking for a set of headphones which have good detail and clarity but don’t have piercing highs as I am quite sensitive to that.i am looking to spend around £300-£400. I listen to Jazz,rock and classical plus a mixture of other genres. And a fair amount of female vocal stuff. I will...
  14. E

    Which iem tips for Sony n3s?

    Hi I was wondering what are the best tips to use for the n3s? I’m looking for something a bit more comfortable and also isolation, these do have good isolation but wondering if any tips would improve however without changing the sound of the iems drastically. Thanks for the help
  15. E

    Which iem for under £300?

    Have just received the Sony n3s and I’m extremely happy with them the bass is perfect with and the highs are good and the mids sound what I was looking for. Think I’ll be keeping these, thanks for all the help.
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    Upgrading to hd 660s from akg 712pro

    I think the hd 800s are just a fair bit over my budget ..I do listen to a lot of other genres but those 3 I listed are usually the main ones
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    Upgrading to hd 660s from akg 712pro

    Hi This is my motherboard don’t play a lot of FPS games on my pc usualIy rts games and open world/indie was thinking of getting a Jotunhiem in a couple of months for a dac amp. Or if not that’s how much...
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    Upgrading to hd 660s from akg 712pro

    Thanks for the reply I guess exciting was the wrong term to use. I also find the 712s too have to much bass for me sometimes and what you said about the mids sounds what I’m looking for, and I am sensitive to high frequencie, so this my be a better option.
  19. E

    Upgrading to hd 660s from akg 712pro

    Hi I was wondering is it worth upgrading to the hd 660s from 712 pro? I’m looking for a bit more ‘ fun” as the 712s don’t really have that wow factor that I’m looking for to me the only good thing I like from these is the sound stage. I listen to rock classical and jazz plus a lot of female...
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    Which iem for under £300?

    Hi, I have been looking into the er3xr and 4s and re interested in them however I am slightly worried about the fit as they are a deep insertion and I have fairly small ear canals do you think these would be psu go for me to wear ? As that’s the only thing holding me back .
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    Which iem for under £300?

    If i pushed my budget to around 500-600 would there be more/better options?
  22. E

    Which iem for under £300?

    Hi i was also looking at the Sonys but didnt know if the bass was too overpowering.