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  1. antsin3d

    Going fully Wireless IEMs. Too soon? Or are we there yet?

    I picked up the Jabra Sport and B&O E8 to test out. E8 is really nice, after a couple hours burn in they sounded great. However, I intend to use these while working out, and the Jabra's actually had a more exciting sound, if not quite as refined. Add the more secure fit, the fact I can swim with...
  2. antsin3d

    Going fully Wireless IEMs. Too soon? Or are we there yet?

    I'm on an iPhone8 - I tried my wife's iPhone 6+ but it did exactly the same thing. I think I'll try the Sport instead, maybe I'll have better luck. I do think it's just bad luck though. Perhaps this batch has an issue. Stinks!
  3. antsin3d

    Going fully Wireless IEMs. Too soon? Or are we there yet?

    I got a second pair from the same place (Best Buy) and it has the same issue, albeit with maybe a 10% improvement. I had my wife try them since her head is about an inch narrower and she had fewer complaints but said it was annoying just the same. Those who have functional pairs, where did you...
  4. antsin3d

    Going fully Wireless IEMs. Too soon? Or are we there yet?

    Thanks for the replies! I'll try an exchange first and see if it fixes the issue. Someone on Amazon was saying these both connect to the phone, but that doesn't seem right? I'd think it would show up as two devices if that were the case.
  5. antsin3d

    Going fully Wireless IEMs. Too soon? Or are we there yet?

    I got a pair of the Jabra 65Ts today, but unfortunately the left ear piece constantly cuts in/out. Sometimes if I position it right and keep my head very still facing forward it's fine, but as soon as I look to my right or move much it'll cut out. Not sure if it's defective or if my head's full...
  6. antsin3d

    Bowers&Wilkins new flagship the P9!

    Yeah, absolutely. I had the originals for about a year and these are a step up. A bit more bass, but it's better bass. The original was a little boomy, this is deeper and cleaner. Also lost the shrill highs. DM me if you have other questions, don't wanna crowd this thread with P7 talk ;)
  7. antsin3d

    Bowers&Wilkins new flagship the P9!

    I like your taste in music (Maiden, Vivaldi) - generally I don't think B&W's sound is tailored to metal very well, the heavy lows change the nature of the music. I am enjoying my P7s2 (wireless version, running wires) with Book of Souls especially, but it is a bit different than I'm used to.
  8. antsin3d

    Bowers & Wilkins P7 Wireless - Impressions Thread

    I don't hear it myself, only if I plug in my Cayin 5 to power when using cable connection. It may be that some bluetooth devices constantly output some background signal to keep the connection alive. I dunno the technicalities though so maybe I'm full of crap :P
  9. antsin3d

    Bowers & Wilkins P7 Wireless - Impressions Thread

    Hey there! I felt the same way about the original, but these seem to fit a bit larger and are more comfortable without stretching (which to me was a necessity on the original).
  10. antsin3d

    Bowers & Wilkins P7 Wireless - Impressions Thread

    I went as high as the Ether C's and ended up back with the P7 wireless (running in wired mode). Yes, Ethers were more clear and higher fidelity overall, but these were more fun, comfortable (weight probably), and so much cheaper through Verizon rewards. The separation is what really separates...
  11. antsin3d

    Bowers & Wilkins P7 Wireless - Impressions Thread

    The new Solange album sounds very nice on these run through a Cayin C5 (that amp boosts the lows a little just fyi)
  12. antsin3d

    MrSpeakers ETHER C Review / Announcement - A New Closed-Back Planar Magnetic Flagship from MrSpeakers

    When I had the Ether C I enjoyed the Cayin C5 with it because it gives the lows a bit more oomph.
  13. antsin3d

    Bowers & Wilkins P7 Wireless - Impressions Thread

    I got a pair and used them most of yesterday out of a Mac Pro and through a Cayin C5. Played a mix of flac and Amazon Prime and my usually wide variety of genres and artists. I'm coming off MrSpeakers Ether C's and then B&W P5 Wireless. I character of sound they're obviously tuned more like...
  14. antsin3d

    Bowers & Wilkins P7 Wireless - Impressions Thread

    Some reviews starting to filter in:  ...
  15. antsin3d

    Bowers & Wilkins P7 Wireless - Impressions Thread

    Thanks for the thoughts! I loved the wired version, hopefully these sound just as good. How is the clamp? That was about the only downside to them for me.
  16. antsin3d

    Bowers&Wilkins new flagship the P9!

    So was that someone jumping the gun on the reveal? Amazon page is gone
  17. antsin3d

    Bowers & Wilkins P7 vs - a comparison thread

    They use aptX, AAC, and SBC bluetooth, whatever that means :) You can see more info on their product page:   I had wired P7s and currently have wireless P5's, which I'll probably sell for these...
  18. antsin3d

    MrSpeakers ETHER C Review / Announcement - A New Closed-Back Planar Magnetic Flagship from MrSpeakers

    I'm in the minority here but I like the B&W P7 for a "cheap" alternative to the EtherC. It's not the same sound but I find neutral cheaper cans (like Oppo) to be lifeless. Just my ears of course!
  19. antsin3d

    MrSpeakers ETHER C Review / Announcement - A New Closed-Back Planar Magnetic Flagship from MrSpeakers

    I'm using the same pads you have, couldn't find the other ones for sale this side of the pond, and the overseas sites wouldn't ship here! Rotters. I've tried tightening the screws, but not super tight. They hold for awhile but seem to loosen over a few days. 
  20. antsin3d

    MrSpeakers ETHER C Review / Announcement - A New Closed-Back Planar Magnetic Flagship from MrSpeakers

    Day two using the new pads. Yesterday I used them about 8 hours, today so far about 4 hours. I've been playing a mix of vocal/acoustic, alt rock, synth alt, and a little classical. The lower bass holds to be true, it's not as impactful. I've EQ'd in a bit, which does help. Still not quite as...
  21. antsin3d

    MrSpeakers ETHER C Review / Announcement - A New Closed-Back Planar Magnetic Flagship from MrSpeakers

    Just wanted to assure you, after seeing these pics I messed some more - the pads are way more stretchy than they looked at first and I got them on without a problem once I manhandled them. :)  Initial impressions so far are that they're slightly less crisp and slightly less bass than before...
  22. antsin3d

    MrSpeakers ETHER C Review / Announcement - A New Closed-Back Planar Magnetic Flagship from MrSpeakers

    Wow, dunno how you wedged those on there! Duly impressed
  23. antsin3d

    MrSpeakers ETHER C Review / Announcement - A New Closed-Back Planar Magnetic Flagship from MrSpeakers

    Lol, the tp is over the drivers, this is separate from that :) and yeah, it's making the seal worse, but for those of us who are tormented by air pressure it's worth it IMO - personally it doesn't change all that much if I'm honest
  24. antsin3d

    MrSpeakers ETHER C Review / Announcement - A New Closed-Back Planar Magnetic Flagship from MrSpeakers

    It was just a test, but if I must this is what it looks like. Not elegant lol, but it proved to me that a different material can help.
  25. antsin3d

    MrSpeakers ETHER C Review / Announcement - A New Closed-Back Planar Magnetic Flagship from MrSpeakers

    I tested using both some folded napkins and also with some coffee stirrers. Both fixed the pressure issue for me. I'm gonna look into ways to put a felt or cloth pad over the lambskin, like a couch cover. Would be easy to stitch together I think. So now I've "fixed" my expensive headphones with...