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  1. Cerebrius

    Sennheiser HD 650 - Music Issue

    Ok so I am continuing to troubleshoot this and I think it's either the Fulla Schiit or iTunes. But because it is not just iTunes that is doing this I'm narrowing it down to the Schiit.  Oh I got Lionel Richie to sound right but had to unplug and replug it back in.
  2. Cerebrius

    Sennheiser HD 650 - Music Issue

    I must apologize first if this is the wrong forum but I'm at a loss.   I've had these headphones for over a month and no issues.  And the issue that just occurred is probably not related to the headphone per say.     I decided to load up some Lionel Richie because I am in a R&B mood...
  3. Cerebrius

    New Owner of Sennheiser HD 650 ... Now I need another recommendation

    Thanks for the replies and extremely helpful information. My reasoning for the cd's is for the highest quality audio and I will definitely use the lossless format. I just didn't want to buy more equipment then I need to. Just for Schiits and giggles, is there a CD player that has a headphone...
  4. Cerebrius

    New Owner of Sennheiser HD 650 ... Now I need another recommendation

    Got my 650's today but not using them until I have the right equipment.     So here is my dilemma.  I was going to buy a combo or set of headphone amp and DAC, but my naivety in the world of audiophile is really showing.     Now I'm considering the option to buy a CD player that includes a...
  5. Cerebrius

    Amp/DAC choice issues for the Sennheiser HD 650

    This audio hobby sure isn't an easy one is it. LOL   So I am fairly certain that I will be buying the Sennheiser HD 650.  Reading all the reviews and dozens of threads the need for an amp and DAC appear to be recommended.   I felt like the choice of getting a combo of Schiit Vali and Modi...
  6. Cerebrius

    Beginning the Journey - Listening Experience Wanted!

        Thanks for the reply.  This is slightly embarrassing my original reply was sent to moderators to review because I used a couple of links... oops.   Are there any recommendations for an amp for either the Sennheiser 600 or 650?  Those are a couple of headphones that I want to demo but I...
  7. Cerebrius

    Beginning the Journey - Listening Experience Wanted!

    Thank you for the reply.     I have picked out a couple of headphones that I would like to tryout.  I based these on the Useful link threads that I spent a great deal of time reading.     Here are my current ideas for headphones:   Sennheiser 650   Sennheiser 600   My goal is somehow...
  8. Cerebrius

    Beginning the Journey - Listening Experience Wanted!

    Good Evening Everyone,   I posted a small intro in the introduction thread.  So I will skip that, and move right along to my dilemma.   I've entered a stage in my life where once something's in my life were common place but are no longer and it's time to usher something new in.  The new...
  9. Cerebrius

    New Member Introductions thread

    Hello Everyone,   I'm new to this site and to the concept of being an audiophile.  I was called that this morning at work by one of my superiors who said that I definitely have the makings of becoming one.  I joined this site because I delved deeper into the concepts of audio and I realized...