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  1. BoyElroy

    What are the benefits of a 'stepped attenuator'?

    I've got both a DACT CT2 attenuator and the "KYC111" attenuator and I can say that while the KYC111 unit is a well built , quality unit, the DACT definitely has a more transparent sound. Plus, the switches used by the DACT result in very smooth and silent operation. The DACT may cost more than...
  2. BoyElroy

    Your favorite school reading

    Hey Braver-- I've really gotten into the singer, Fay Lovsky, recently. She's Dutch, isn't she? And if she is Dutch, is she pretty well known? I also love the illustrator who does her album art!
  3. BoyElroy

    Your favorite school reading

    Some Fav. Books from High School: "The Waves" Virginia Woolf "When I Whistle" Shusaku Endo "The Sun Also Rises" Hemingway "Siddhartha" Herman Hesse
  4. BoyElroy

    Worst Traffic/Car/Motorcycle Accident You've been In

    Quote: Then, I finally keeled over at the truck. When I woke up, I tried to drive to the main highway, but passed out again and ended up in a ditch. So, this one was a combination car/motorcycle accident. Anyway, I survived, but barely. --Demolition Must be a hockey player, eh...
  5. BoyElroy

    Worst Traffic/Car/Motorcycle Accident You've been In

    About five or six years ago, I was bringing my motorcycle into the gated courtyard behind my building at 4:00 am. I turned off the engine and was astride my bike when I heard a noise and noticed a couple lying no more than four feet away from me, in the middle of the alley, having sex. The lower...
  6. BoyElroy

    Worst Traffic/Car/Motorcycle Accident You've been In

    Quote: All together about 150 fet of combination flying and rolling i am laying there doing a "body check" ,going down the list of parts to see if they still work and after a bit get up stiffly ,no pain but still and walk back up the hill to where the bike was looking at it there was...
  7. BoyElroy

    Worst Traffic/Car/Motorcycle Accident You've been In

    Just wondering what sort of accidents my fellow hi-fi'ers have been in. Circumstances, blame, results, advice? My personal worst was on my motorcycle a few years back. I'd just rebuilt my fork suspension and some fluid had leaked onto my front disc brake. As luck would have it, later that...
  8. BoyElroy

    Anyone likes Sherlock Holmes ?!

    I downloaded most, if not all, of Doyle's Holmes stories into my PDA and whenever I'm stuck on a train or an airport, I'll pass the time away reading up on his latest adventures. He's a surprisingly dark character in the original stories; much more complex than he's shown to be on film and TV.
  9. BoyElroy

    It's peace!

    Quote: Reconciliation is one of the great things in life. Yes. Especially the sex part. Or so I hear.
  10. BoyElroy

    Apology to Jan Meier

    No offense to anyone here, but maybe it's time for a Moderator to bring this thread to a timely close. Everyone seems to have had their say and there's not much more to be gained in further open discussion.
  11. BoyElroy

    Apology to Jan Meier

    Quote: I'm agreeing with Philodox on this one. Frankly, I think both Jan and Pinkie handled this matter unprofessionally. I will say this however, I've not lost respect for either of you. We all have our bad days. I'm German btw, and have been called worse by Brits. Heck, I've been called...
  12. BoyElroy

    Apology to Jan Meier

    Quote: In this case, Jan did not offer a comparable product (i.e. a stand alone crossfeed) -- BoyElroy Yeah, he did. The Corda Cross-1. - Chris Oh. That does change things a bit, then.
  13. BoyElroy

    Apology to Jan Meier

    One crucial question to ask in any copyright violation case is, was any harm done to the holder of the copyright? In this case, Jan did not offer a comparable product (i.e. a stand alone crossfeed) and the economic damage he may have suffered through the actions of Pinky would be hard to...
  14. BoyElroy

    Lord of the Rings - Did the Elf and the Dwarf Ditch the Babe?

    Thanks guys, I think you've cleared up a few things for me. Alas, I would've still kept my options open, if I were her. Talk about bad risk management....
  15. BoyElroy

    Just got iHP-140, so far, _not_ impressed

    I just got an IHP140 today and had a similar prob. with a "non existent" device. I had to go into the WinXP device manager and manually install the IHP-140 as a USB mass storage device and then everything went hunky dory.
  16. BoyElroy

    Lord of the Rings - Did the Elf and the Dwarf Ditch the Babe?

    But if Legolas stayed for those 100+ years until until Aragorn died, why couldn't Arwen do the same thing and go with the damn elf and dwarf at the end? Why did she "give up" her immortality when it wasn't necessary? What a dopey thing to do!!! Also, with regard to Frodo, the book says that...
  17. BoyElroy

    Lord of the Rings - Did the Elf and the Dwarf Ditch the Babe?

    Hey there 00940 and Ticky, In the movie, at least, Elrond seems to make the point that Arwen will be left behind because all the ships will have left by the time Aragorn dies. Even the books seem to imply that's its a logistics issue. Arwen, having Elven blood, would have an automatic...
  18. BoyElroy

    Lord of the Rings - Did the Elf and the Dwarf Ditch the Babe?

    Born2bwire-- Quote: Yes, a life. Hehe...well, just to show you that I do have a life, I'm off to do my laundary, followed by an overdue apartment cleaning. And then watching my two cats fight for an hour or so. So there.
  19. BoyElroy

    Lord of the Rings - Did the Elf and the Dwarf Ditch the Babe?

    Here's a question for the "Rings" fans out there: Everyone who's read the books or seen the movie knows that Arwen resigns herself to a doomed mortal life on Middle Earth after the last of the Elven ships sails without her from the Grey Havens. She dies broken hearted after Aragorn dies and...
  20. BoyElroy

    Why Are There So few Headamps Based on 300B Tubes?

    Thanks for the fast response, everyone. So I guess there's no practical reason not to make my own dedicated 300B SET headamp, then. Maybe add a diy "impedanzer" and I should be "set"
  21. BoyElroy

    Why Are There So few Headamps Based on 300B Tubes?

    Pardon my ignorance if I'm way off on this, but I'm curious why there seem to be so few 300B SET tube amps designed for headphones. I'd imagine that a relatively low powered 7 or 10 watt 300B amp would be pretty ideal for driving 'phones. I know that Manley and Cary have a couple of models...
  22. BoyElroy

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    Hated "Lost in Translation". One of the most over rated movies in years. Saw "Eternal Sunshine" last weekend and loved it. Washed away all the grime and crap that builds up from seeing bad films like "Lost in Translation". Some thoughts on "Eternal Sunshine": -Reminded me alot of...
  23. BoyElroy

    One of the Best Essays I've Ever Read

    Quote: i disagree with some points boyelroy made. i talks very little, but that dont mean i'm socially dumb. some kids have less confidence because of being neglected so they just havent got the chance to train their socialzing skill. getting a girlfriend would boost their self esteem...
  24. BoyElroy

    One of the Best Essays I've Ever Read

    Thanks for the nice read. I'd like to throw out a couple of other ideas as well regarding peer group popularity, if I may. To begin with, perhaps academic achievement isn't the only expression of a person's intelligence. A great deal of research has been done recently on socialization skills...
  25. BoyElroy

    "Talk to the hand"

    Check out Mike Meyers in "Austin Powers" -- his Dr. Evil character does a drop dead funny "talk to the hand" routine while trying to extort money from the US government.