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  1. seanwookie

    Toshiba SL-3127

    I seen this at a local thrift store and can't find any info on it. Does anyone know any thing about the sound quality of this? It's a record player/cassette tape deck.
  2. seanwookie

    Fairy Tale of New York: The Mysterious Dylan Christmas Cover-album

    Quote: Originally Posted by BobMcN The funniest statement about this album that I heard was that it sounds like the local derelict street drunk walked into the church and started singing with the choir. I have to agree that left a smile on my face as I was listening to excerpts. You...
  3. seanwookie

    If you could choose a singing voice, who would you sound like?

    Quote: Originally Posted by mgrewe HAHAHA... Funny joke? Definately any of those Mongolian throat singers who sing chords No joke, just love his singing voice.
  4. seanwookie

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Bodysnatchers - Radiohead.
  5. seanwookie

    If you could choose a singing voice, who would you sound like?

    David Bowie, Trent Reznor, Bob Dylan.
  6. seanwookie

    What is your Birth Year Album

    Try to beat this.
  7. seanwookie

    Your Favorite Nine Inch Nails Song

    RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE! .......sorry But I'm really into Zero-Sum lately.
  8. seanwookie

    I'm kind of afriad to buy expensive IEMs

    What kind of cases do you recomend?
  9. seanwookie

    I'm kind of afriad to buy expensive IEMs

    I should definitely take better care of my earphones. I'm bound to take care of something if I pay a bit for it. If I get some I will buy a case.
  10. seanwookie

    I'm kind of afriad to buy expensive IEMs

    I wouldn't say I treat them badly but I'm kind of clumsy. I'm used to using $6 buds from the grocery store when my ibuds die. It seems Ibought a pair at least once a month. I just want something that I can just shove in my pocket and will still last.
  11. seanwookie

    I'm kind of afriad to buy expensive IEMs

    I'm kind of afriad to buy expensive IEMs because the ones i've had before broke within a month of getting them. Granted they were cheapos and ibuds. WIll Shure products last a long time? Because I want longevity and good sound. Also what are good IEMs under $100?
  12. seanwookie

    Do you find some of The Beatles' music dated?

    Some songs on their earlier albums don't stand up well. (Namely "Boys") But their later stuff seems quite undated to me.
  13. seanwookie

    Favorite Bob Dylan Album (Cast Your Vote)

    I've only really listened to Highway 61.
  14. seanwookie

    Bands which are far better than their most famous song allows you to believe...

    Nine Inch Nails - Closer. For the last time NIN is not sex music!
  15. seanwookie

    Just bought some Grado SR-80i's

    I just got interested in good sound and I have a few questions. 1. I just bought a pair of Grado SR-80i's what else do I need? 2. Could I use my computer to listen to music? I have a netbook. An Acer Aspire One 751h. Will that make good sound? 3. If I use a jailbroken app to play FLAC how...