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  1. Synthax

    IPhone : playing USB DAC and charging

    Is it possible to use IPhone as source to usb desktop dac (Moon 230HAD) and charge IPhone in the same time? I play DAC with Apple Lighting to USB cable.
  2. Synthax

    FAD Sonorous VI or AQ Nighhawk? Which and why :)

    Dear Headfiers, Which one is better all rounder. I have Phonitor 2 which was sounding very nice with Sonorous VI, i have had only once an opportunity to hear Nighthawks. Which offer better sound, more pleasant, and more spacious? Price tag does not matter.
  3. Synthax

    Phonitor vs Phonitor 2 different sounding or not?

    Hi, I'd like to ask people who have had possibility to compare them both, if the sound signature has changed. I know they both should sound neutral but full sounding. But wonder if the sound signature has changed during these years. Particularly in driving LCD2 or T1.   Thank you
  4. Synthax

    Mytek 192, Lavry DA10/11, Hegel HD20, Benchmark DAC1 a DAC for V200 + T1 V2 ?

    I will feed it mostly with SPDIF source. Which one do you recommend and why.  I like simplicity and organic touch to the sound. Mostly ripped 16/44 CDs   Thank you for help.
  5. Synthax

    Dac Amp combo for T1 V2 needed 1800$

    Any recommendations wil be appreciated. It could be also a set of 2 separated units. I look for bedt bang for bucks without sacrifing quality. Coaxial or toslink files transfer from Squeezbox Touch Many thanks
  6. Synthax

    Beyerdynamic T1 V2 succesor to be arrived in few months

    I have heard some rumours from people I trust, that Beyerdynamic is going to release new TOTL in 2016. If anybody got any news please write here in this thread.    I'm waiting for these cans!   Cheers!
  7. Synthax

    Stereo crosstalk of hi end audio DAC vs cheap DAC - surprised

    Hi Audio Fans, How is it possible that Squeezebox touch stereo crosstalk has value about 90dB while tube staged DAC is only 60 db? And also phono stages got only 35dB of crosstalk...   What is it all about?   The audio gear I know with 50-60dB sound pretty well, but measurements show it is...
  8. Synthax

    Closed audiophile headphones above 900$ in current market offer. The list

    Audeze LCD XC Fostex TH900 Ether Ultrasone Edition 8 Ultrasone Edition 5 Beyerdynamic T5p ...   Please copy, fill and paste, thanks!
  9. Synthax

    What do you think about HA-PRO-Single-ended-Class-A-MOSFET-IRF610-headphone-amplifiers

    I found this on EBay, friend od mine told me it could be a nice piece of gear. What are your thoughts? What level of sound quality could this offer?  ...
  10. Synthax

    Looking for audio streamer better than cdplayer as a source.

    Dear Collegues. I have Pioneer high class cd player PD9700 model. It is very solid machine and feeds very well my Lampizator dac (via spdif). But I have also many WAV files and would like to achieve same or even better quality than my CDP + DAC. PS3 as an audio streamer does not offer as good...
  11. Synthax

    Looking for a tube amplifier with incredible clarity

    Dear Headfiers, After many months of active research and auditioning, I still look for a tube headphone amplifier with very good detailing and clarity. Indeed these are adventages more focused with ss amps, but I look for a tube. Which amplifier could you please recommend me?   Let imagine...
  12. Synthax

    Lampizator L4 + USB + Mac Mini = any experience?

    Dear Collegues, The day has come. I decided to start audio files story in my life. Do you have any experience with Mac Mini as a source? Any suggestions for software, solutions. Is it better to use external converter usb->spdif or to use usb? And if it is really possible to have sound better...
  13. Synthax

    Best mid-price closed ones for classical music ?

    Dear Head-Fiers, Which headphones would suit classical music best? Most spacious but natural sounding and smooth.   Denon AH-D600 Mad Dog Mr.Speakers Ultrasone PRO900 AKD K550 ATH A900 DT 770    ?   I do have not well known OTL Amplifier and Lovely Cube SS Amp.
  14. Synthax

    Smoothest sounding but spacious closed headphones.

    Dear Headphone Lovers, After a period of use my HD650 and T70 I've noticed a need of closed headphones (due to my environment) similar in sound to HD650. Of course I did dig many threads but it is hard to find right recomendations. To me Denon D7000, D2000.. D7100 are not enough smooth. Thay...
  15. Synthax

    Graham Slee Ultra Linear Diamond vs Violectric V200

    Which one to choose and why?   Source is Pioneer PD9700 and headphones are T70 & HD650. I feel really amazed. Graham has such a nice detailing and soundstage, but V200 is so relaxing..   In the future I'd like to upgrade my phones to T5p and some Grado (500 or 325)   Price is nearly...
  16. Synthax

    HD-650 | | T70 -> how to fill the sonic gap between these two models.

    After buy of T70 I was very surprised by their brightness, airy timbre, number of details. And overall organic nature (as organic as Beyers can be). Still love to hear female vocals, jazz, and most acoustic genres (orchestra also). But.. Sometimes I feel they are not as forgiving as HD650. And...
  17. Synthax

    Hesitation before buy Violectric V200 (how much differentiates from CMoy)

    Dear Listeners   I know it could be very strange question for many of you. But as I'm very close to click 'buy' for V200, and have absolutely no possibility to hear this amp at my country. I'd like to ask you what are the main sonic differencec to JDS Cmoy (which I already have).   I...
  18. Synthax

    Will IPhone / IPod play ALAC connected to REGA DAC

    Will IPhone / IPod play ALAC connected to REGA DAC. If I only use a usb cable? Or I do need to have a special dock?  Rega DAC has a usb port.
  19. Synthax

    Home made LOD to RCA cable

    Hello, As the prices of new cables are very high, I decided to build my own. Could anyone please show me the scheme - photo how to solder audio paths/cables to LOD plug?   Best regards and thanks for help!
  20. Synthax

    Any idea why suddenly my JDS Cmo BBy started to play mono with reverb?

    Any idea why suddenly my JDS Cmo BBy started to play mono with reverb? Is it possible due to overcharge?
  21. Synthax

    400$ amp for Grado 325si and T70

    Hello Audiofans, I know it is strange marriage, but I like very much my T70, and lately also fall in love with Grado325si. Both seem to be easy to drive, but my speaker pre runs OK with T70 but has not enough current for Grados.. So I decided to look for a solution with some new headphone amp...
  22. Synthax

    What differentiates construction of T70 to T5p ?

    Dear Colleagues who have had opportunity to have a closer look to these models. Do you know what makes the differences (in construction) to them. At my not very much experienced knowledge (but I did hear both, and have T70):   1) Angled position of transducers. 2) Probably the quality of...
  23. Synthax

    Headphones similar to Rehdeko speakers

    Dear music Fans, it is my great pleasure to join to your community. Actually I'm an owner of rehdeko speakers, Crimson pre (which suits also as a headphone amp) and a modified player CD104 by philips. Due to my family situation I started to use headphones, and now I'm looking for smth that could...