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  • Users: dynasonic
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  1. dynasonic

    Help with my next upgrade.

    I am one of the few that really like the sound signature of the Beyer DT-990 600 ohm cans. That being said, I am definately keeping them. Right now I am using a LittleDot MKII retubed with Mullard and Sovtek tubes and a Hot Audio DACExtasy. These items are my first amp and my first DAC. That...
  2. dynasonic

    CMOY on a plane

    So I am flying here soon... and I want to take my cmoy with me to listen to on the plane. Anyone tried taking a homemade piece of electronics through airport security lately? Am I going to get fisted by some fat chick with a unibrow for attempting to fly with this thing? I mean.. it's wires...
  3. dynasonic

    Got my refurb IE6's today - Shipped for $55

    So I took a chance and purchased "Factory Refurbished" IE6's from an authorized seller on Amazon. They just arrived today. I have given them a very close inspection and they do not appear to be fakes. I have only had about 30 minutes to listen to them during my lunch break and I was using my...
  4. dynasonic

    Help me find some Classical please

    I am new to classical music and I would like some help in locating some more composers that may be of interest to me. I had a great time listening to Mozart this weekend. I don't know the names of the pieces that I liked, but I enjoyed all of the darker more brooding compositions the most. What...
  5. dynasonic

    The old, lowly, cheap, surprising MX400

    The other week Woot had a deal on 2 sets of MX400 headphones for 12 bucks shipped. I got them on Tuesday of this week. I wasn't expecting much when I fired them up but I was surprised! They didn't sound mediocre like I had expected. They sounded like absolute garbage. I immediately regretted...
  6. dynasonic

    Damn this hobby is making me all international and stuff.

    In the 2-3 months I have been engaged in this hobby I have had 2 things ship to me from Canada. 1 thing ship from England and I just now got some stuff from the Ukraine. This hobby has taken me to all parts of the globe. How cool!   PS - Cross your fingers, I hope the new tubes I got today...
  7. dynasonic

    ***Deal Alert*** Creative Aurvana/ AKA Denon D1000 - $50 shipped - Newegg   I know you can get it from Costco for $55 from time to time so this isn't earth shattering but it's still a solid deal from a VERY...
  8. dynasonic

    Flashed Sansa Clip integrated with CMoy

    This could technically go in the DIY forum as well but my target audience is the Portable Amp crowd so I wanted to start here.   I want to see if there would be any interest in something like this... I have purchased all the parts for my first DIY project. What I am going to attempt to do is...
  9. dynasonic

    I want to pop my DIY cherry

    So I very recently got into headphones and I am loving this hobby. I now have the itch to build my own amp. I don't have a need for a portable amp as I do all my listening at home. I would love to build a simple tube amp but most of the DIY "kits" I see are solid state or have solid state...
  10. dynasonic

    ***Deal Alert*** 16GB Sony Walkman NWZ-S545 - Red $88 Shipped!

    If you are in the US... here is a good deal on a decent MP3 player.
  11. dynasonic

    Littledot MKII Modification Suggestions

    I want to modify my Littledot MKII. I don't mean tuberolling, I want to replace caps at least but are there any other mods that may improve my sound with high impedance cans? What caps would you guys suggest. All suggestions welcome.
  12. dynasonic

    ***Deal Alert*** Ultimate Ears TripleFi 10 Earphones $200

    Logitech is selling the Ultimate Ears TripleFi 10 Earphones for $200. Looks like there is a slight catch. The box is dented....
  13. dynasonic

    LittleDot Hissing

    I have a LittleDot MKII tube amp that has started hissing and crackling very softly in the left channel. I think this is a heat related issue because this just started when I got my new Beyer DT-990/600ohm headphones. I opened the amp and changed the dip switch gain settings. They appeared to be...
  14. dynasonic

    Worst recorded/Mastered Albums

    I have seen a few threads with reccomendations for the best recorded and mastered albums... but I haven't seen one for the worst. If there is one and I missed it on the search, please post the link. I think it would be fun to list what albums drive you nuts with the recording quality. I will...
  15. dynasonic

    AUDIOGASM! DT-990/600 Ohm

    God I love this new hobby! I am still really new so I am having a lot of the "ah-ha" moments. (no not european 80's rock band ah-ha) The best thing about being a newbie is it is a lot cheaper to be impressed. I could imagine as the years progress, my ears become more refined and my musical...
  16. dynasonic

    Woot! My first REAL cans!

    Yesterday I took the nestea plunge and ordered my first set of real headphones. To my collection I have decided to add the DT-990Pro 600 Ohm. I will be powering them with a LittleDot MKII and I am still awaiting my Hot Audio DAC-Extasy as my source. Thanks to all you fellow head-fi'ers that have...
  17. dynasonic

    Grado SR80 VS DT-990 Premium 600Ohm

    I know these two headphones are in different leagues but here is my situation... I recently sidegraded from Senn HD-280 Pro to the Grado SR-80 (non i). I do feel the Grado's are much better all the way around but at times they are harsh in the upper register and I feel they lack a little bottom...
  18. dynasonic

    Just purchased the DAC-Extasy - Dumb move?

    I am now wating on my first DAC to arrive. I went with the DAC-Extasy from HotAudio and I am starting to question my decision mainly because it is USB only. I am starting to wish I had purchased something with a spdif connection but the only thing that was in my price range was the uDAC and I am...
  19. dynasonic

    I GOT BIT!

    The last 3 months or so I have been lurking on these boards. Trying to wrap my head around 1/100th of what you crazy people were talking about. It was like a car wreck. I knew I shouldn't look but I couldn't turn away. I have always been a music snob and I thought my Sennheiser 280Pro cans were...
  20. dynasonic

    DAC for a newbie

    I have a uDAC on order and I am planning on pairing it with my Little Dot MKII and Grado SR80 phones after which I will be listening to rock. I ordered the uDAC primarily based on the favorable initial review on this website and upon digging deeper, it appears the uDAC seems to have a love/hate...
  21. dynasonic

    A good headphone pairing for my Little Dot MKII?

    First and foremost, thanks for taking the time to read this. I am new to this hobby and have been lurking on these forums for some time. I am hoping you guys may shove me in the right direction as to what cans I should try as my head is just about to explode by taking in all this info I have...
  22. dynasonic

    Zune or PC as a source?

    I am new to these forums and an aspiring audiophile... I searched for this topic but was unable to find anything so I apologize if this has been covered before or if this is in the wrong section. It's sort of a multiple topic question but I thought the Computer Audio section was the best fit...